I Raised My Husband Wrong


Leverticia immediately left her seat and headed for Baron Wilfred’s mansion.

The employees in the mansion were all contemplating, and they didn’t even pay attention to her as they were looking for the baron.

“How did the deal go?”

“who… Oh, Leverticia-sama!”

The investigator who came to investigate the disappearance found her and bowed politely.

Even on vacation, she was the commander of the Imperial Knights and a close aide to the emperor. He immediately began briefing the case to her.

“The first thing I was suspicious of was the maid in the mansion. Yesterday morning, even after dinner time had passed, the baron did not wake up, so he thought it was strange. They say that I am a person who always takes
care of my meal time.”

“So, I looked into the room late, and it was in this state?” Leverticia said slowly, scanning the room.

The room was very tidy. The duvet on the bed was slightly messy, and nothing else was messed up.

“Yep. It is said that no one saw the Baron leaving the room. However, just in case, I waited a day or so and reported it this morning.”

“okay? Hmm. Is there any sign of someone breaking in?”

“Not yet. Above all else, he was a baron who was very concerned about security, so if anyone tried to kidnap him, he would have been caught quickly.”

“So is it.”

Leverticia clicked her tongue and nodded.

It was because of her that the Baron recently took the security of the mansion seriously.

Not long ago, due to an incident at a gambling house, the anxiety that she would come in and try to kill him at any moment reached a peak.

In other words, this mansion meant that it would be difficult to break through the security and harm him unless someone as strong as her.

‘Then where the hell did this child disappear?’

It didn’t matter whether the child was kidnapped, disappeared, or
spontaneously ignited. I always thought that it would be better if it evaporated as it is in the world.

But not now.

Only now have I got a clue regarding the death of my parents, but I couldn’t miss it in vain again.

As she wandered through the baron’s room in agony, something gleamed in her eyes. She slowly walked towards the sparkling place.

At first I thought it was just an accessory or a jewel button, but when I got closer, it was a completely different thing.

“… This.”

“Leverticia? What’s going on, are you okay?”

As her face hardened in shock, an investigator approached and asked her. Leverticia walked towards another place without answering the guard.

What was in her hand was a cartridge case. Unlike others, she quickly grasped the identity of the cartridge case.

Because there was a small pattern magically engraved under the black casing.

‘Blue rose pattern….’

Goosebumps rose at the familiar patterns and textures. A memory she didn’t want to recall twice ran through her mind.

It felt like I was out of breath.

As far as she knew, there was only one organization in the entire continent that used the blue rose as a symbol.

Warlock organization. Leverticia clenched her fists. ‘They’re here.’


There are five types of black magic research.

Life Creation, Resurrection, Eternal Life, Annihilation, Time Transit.

Among them, the research that the warlocks first succeeded in was to create life.

That was the blue rose.

The blue roses that did not exist naturally were created by the warlocks. The first case of making the impossible possible.
The blue rose soon became the symbol of the warlock organization and the object they worshiped.

The challenging spirit of transcending human limits with magic was good, but their experiments were conducted in an extremely inhumane way.

They brought in the helpless, young and unprotected and subjected them to horrific experiments that were hard to put into words.

Leverticia, who was chasing the warlocks, had seen the cruel situation many times. Almost all subjects were caught and killed during the
experiment or while running away because they could not withstand the experiment.

As they continued to commit crimes that harm innocent people for research purposes, the Empire treated the Warlocks’ organization as a criminal organization.

Warlocks used magical weapons against knights to compensate for their weak firepower and numbers, most often using magic guns.

Guns that are generally used as gunpowder are heavy and difficult to handle, and there were many cases of misfire. On the other hand, the magic gun was quick and easy to load, and the power was also stronger than that of the existing gun.

In particular, this bullet with a black casing was a special bullet of the Warlocks that only Rebertisha knew.

‘The bullet of annihilation.’

Anyone hit by this bullet is instantly destroyed.

The person who knew that fact more than anyone else was Leverticia. Because I’ve seen people die right before their eyes.

This bullet makes no noise. It was a terrifying thing that devoured everything into nothing.

That the casing was rolling around in the baron’s room means…. ‘… It has been annihilated, uncle.’
she was sure

Warlocks had the ability to infiltrate through strict security and destroy their uncle without even a mouse or bird.

Without a sound, no one in the mansion would have known. It was destroyed, so there was no body or evidence left.

“But why?”

Leverticia muttered out of her mouth involuntarily.

It was very rare for warlocks to come to the heart of the capital like this and make a choice to harm someone, even inside a mansion.

‘Besides, I used annihilation bullets.’

As Leverticia knew, they succeeded in creating annihilation bullets, but the number of them was very small.

So, unless it’s a very, very important issue or something that must be destroyed, I don’t use it at all.

But you wrote it to your uncle? What the hell is your uncle?

He is a pathetic person who makes a contract to eat his young nephews and pays off debts with it, gambles on debt, and wastes his fortune.

I don’t have any connections, and I don’t even have a particularly outstanding business.

There has never been a single major incident that could have been associated with the Warlocks….

‘You, you, do you know how much you dare to touch? You will regret it! certainly!’

At that moment, the image of the baron, who was screaming with evil, flashed through Leverticia’s mind.

That’s what he said on the day she went to overthrow the gambling house not long ago.

‘Touch a huge thing, I regret it….’

Wasn’t it a bit strange to spit out in that situation?

At that time, I thought that he would spit out a word in surprise at her
sudden change. However, when I recalled it again, my uncle seemed to be trembling with some kind of fear even though he was angry.

‘… It’s an absurd idea, but I hope.’ no way.

no way.

she bit her lip.

In my mind, I was repeating ‘maybe’, but in my heart, I had some certainty.

‘Maybe there are warlocks behind the accident when my parents died… or whatever.’


It was a pretty plausible guess that a warlock might be behind the death of his parents, but in the end it was just a heart attack.

There is no reason or evidence, only her heart.

In the end, in order to be sure of anything, it was necessary to catch and bite the warlocks.

Not long after Leverticia had made such a conclusion, a call came from the Imperial Palace. The emperor said to her below, Joarin.

“We have found traces of the warlocks.” “I will go out.”
As soon as the Emperor’s words fell, Leverticia stood up.

The emperor rubbed his forehead.

“No, sir. Calm down a bit and sit down. You haven’t heard the real story yet.”

“Then I will go out immediately after hearing everything.” “Anyway….”
The emperor sighed.

When she was engrossed in one thought, she tended to run without questioning the other.

However, until recently, there was someone who controlled her, but now even that has disappeared.

He sighed and held out the papers.

“Remember the lake I talked about a while ago? Warlocks began to gather there one by one.”

“You guys? Another experiment?”

“Perhaps it is. The important thing is that there were quite a few niggas gathered. Whether it’s an experiment or an operation, it looks like you’re trying to carry out a fairly large-scale project. Could it be that another taboo magic succeeded after extinction?”

“It doesn’t matter. This time I’m going to catch them all. Or kill it.”

“Honestly, I’m more afraid of the uncontrolled Lord Leverticia than the Warlock, so why is the day like this today?”


Leverticia shut her mouth.

Whether the death of his parents had anything to do with the warlock was still unclear. I couldn’t put it in my mouth.

She was very sensitive and careful about family matters.

“Then we will prepare for the departure from tomorrow. Then come on.” “Ugh.”
The emperor reacted shaky, but Leverticia hurriedly got up from her seat. As she was leaving the Emperor’s office, someone called her.
“Sir Leverticia! Wait.” “Evelyn?”
“Come this way.”

Evelyn pulled her to one side of the hallway, as if telling a secret.

“why? Do you have any urgent business? Is there anything I need to deal with?”

“no. I just have a few personal things I want to tell you.” “… story?”
At her words, Leverticia gave her a slightly startled expression. Evelyn had known the Emperor from the first time he met him.
In other words, it means that she was on the side of the current emperor for much longer than Leverticia.

Leverticia often jokes with her and talks nonsense to her, but that’s all.

Evelyn seldom spoke of personal stories about herself, of the Emperor, or of things that were not related to work.

It was the first time Ivelin, who was playing such a role as the emperor’s shadow, had summoned Leverticia separately.

Evelyn whispered in a low voice.

“priority… Don’t worry about debt for a while. I will defer repayment until the Baron’s disappearance is dealt with.”

“What does it mean that the missing case is dealt with?”

“It’s about tracking the missing person without questioning whether they are alive or not. I don’t want his son to pass the baron and the debt right
away. Of course, after 10 years, it is automatically recognized as death, so the bonds will be inherited to the heirs at that time….”

“10 years is enough.”

Leverticia nodded her head.

That amount of time was enough to deal with matters related to the death of my parents.

In the meantime, if they found evidence of a connection to the deaths of her uncle and her parents, they could open a trial and challenge the debt.

Even if not, 10 years was enough time to revive Celsior and take care of Rudel.

It would be impossible to find one that would have already disappeared within 10 years.

“thanks. I hadn’t even thought about it… It’s no one else, and Evelyn will take care of it herself. Actually, Evelyn likes me too, right?”

“Oh, that can’t be! There are so many things you forget about everything, so there’s no choice but to do it! I took care of it. So, I’m only smirking
around here….”

Evelyn narrowed her eyes and muttered. But he couldn’t hide his red cheeks and ears.

Leverticia smiled slightly and greeted her.

“Anyway, thank you very much. Please take good care of His Majesty while I am away. Then, I’m busy preparing for the trip.

“Oh, wait a minute.”

Evelyn once again grabbed Leverticia’s arm as she was about to leave.

She spoke to Leverticia in a very resolute voice. “After this battle, I will take a vacation.”

“Long-term. One year or so? I don’t know, take a little break anyway. If your Majesty says no, just bring me a vacation plan. I will stamp your approval.”

“Why don’t you take a picture like that, no, it’s more sudden than that?” Leverticia tilted her head with her eyes wide open.
It was a fact that you knew, I knew, and the Emperor knew that Evelyn was a strict aide. She herself was quite a workaholic, so she hadn’t taken a vacation in several years, so it was very awkward for her to suddenly bring this up.

After reading the deepest thoughts in her eyes, Evelyn put her hand on her waist and glared at her.

“Are you like me? Sir is always on a risky mission that puts his life on the line. Like someone who can die quickly. See you again Just before the
warlocks killed my boss, I’m afraid to go out to catch them again.” “that….”
“Now there is a grace period for repaying debt, and there is no reason to act like a moth like before. Take a break and do other things, and above all-”

After a long nagging, Evelyn let out a long sigh and added.

“Because you are no longer alone, you have a new family.”


  1. Archont says:

    A typo:
    there were quite a few niggas gathered
    Should be:
    there were quite a few black mages gathered

    Thank you for translating this story!

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