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IBMMLLWAM Chapter 022

IBMMLLWAM Chapter 22

Had he ever loved someone?

It was a vague question.

Cian loved Dolorosa more than he loved anyone else in the world. But he wasn’t sure if that was what Graham meant when he’d asked. He’d never loved anyone of the opposite sex.

After thinking for a moment, Cian answered honestly.

“Have I ever loved anyone? I love my daughter Dolorosa. Why are you suddenly asking this?”

“Because I love my mom. So, I want to protect my mother. I was just wondering if Master could understand this feeling.”

“If that’s the case, I can understand. I also became one of the best swordsmen in the empire to protect Dolorosa.”

Graham’s expression brightened. It seemed that Cian’s answer was the correct one.

“Actually, when I first met you, I hated you, Master. But now I’ve decided that I don’t mind you. I think Master understands my feelings better than Mom or Dad.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes! Dad doesn’t protect my mom or me, and I don’t think he even wants to. He just hurts us all the time.”

It was a cruel thing for a four-year-old to say.

Graham realized too quickly that his father, who was supposed to be more reliable than anyone else, was not protecting either him or his mother.

“But you want to protect others, Master, and you have to be strong to protect them. I’m sure you’ve been practicing your swordsmanship diligently, haven’t you?”

“I’m glad you realize that.”

“Then, please make me strong like you, Master. I’ll work really hard!”

“Alright. I’ll do my best.”

Cian looked down at the top of Graham’s golden head and smiled faintly.


* * *


After finishing the training, Graham slept soundly. He wasn’t usually one to take a nap, but the training must have been exhausting.

After dismissing Cian and returning to the parlor, Rachel scanned the mail that had arrived. It wasn’t just one or two letters.

“I expected this, but there are still so many.”

There were many different types of letters as well, including a notice from the tax administration announcing news of Carl, a notice from the Council of Nobles about revoking the title of the Elrosa family, and a declaration of marriage annulment with the seals of the emperor and the great saint.

Among them was also a letter from Cian.


[Do you like the results?

Cian Aisa Dicarsignac]


As expected, it appeared everything was taken care of so swiftly due to Cian’s skills.

She felt burdened by all of the favors she owed him and smiled bitterly.

Cian said she’d be able to help him later, but Rachel couldn’t imagine what she could do to help an Archduke.

“… You’re not planning on selling me and Graham to some terrible place, are you?”

She narrowed her eyes and glared at the letter, but nothing changed.

She put down Cian’s letter and picked up the last letter. Rachel was shocked when she checked the sender’s name. It was a letter from someone she didn’t expect.


[Bishop Lylus Van, faithful servant of Goddess Yenis]


Lylus Van was a friend of Rachel’s father, Count James Fram, and the second-highest person in the church after Great Saint Tityenis.

Why did someone like that suddenly contact her?

Not long ago, Rachel looked through all of her past correspondence to find out if there was anyone she could turn to, however, there was no letter from Lylus among them. That meant she’d never contacted him after getting married.

She quickly opened the letter, wondering if something big had happened. What was written inside was unexpected.


[Dear Rachel,

I heard about Count Elrosa. You applied for an annulment of your marriage.

You can’t imagine how much my heart ached while reviewing the documents.

I didn’t know you were suffering this much. I’m so sorry. Forgive your father’s friend for being ignorant.

I prayed to Goddess Yenis every day for your happiness, but it seems she got lazy.

I’ll come see you soon. In the name of the goddess, I’ll kick Count Elrosa’s ass…

… Anyway, I’ll come visit you soon.]


There were traces of the contents of the letter having been crossed out with a pen in the middle of the letter.

“… Usually, if you make a mistake while writing a letter, don’t you rewrite it?”

He was a bishop as well. There should be no shortage of availible paper and ink.

Rachel stared intently at the part that said [kick Count Elrosa’s ass].

Whether it was a mistake or not, she felt good since it was about scolding someone her father’s friend, a bishop, disliked. It felt like she’d gained a trustworthy ally.


* * *


The next day, Cian visited the imperial palace for the first time in a long time. After the affair incident, he consciously avoided it, but since Theodore’s disposition was decided, there was no need to delay further.

The door to the throne room opened. Emperor Sigar was sitting on an extraordinarily splendid throne, looking down at Cian.

Cian calmly approached, knelt down, and bowed politely.

“Greetings to Your Majesty the Emperor.”

“Cian, my younger brother. It’s been a really long time.”

It was a friendly tone, but Cian was not fooled. His crafty and greedy older brother was always ready to pick out his younger brother’s mistakes and hang them over his head.

“Indeed, it has been. How have you been?”

“As you know, it hasn’t been peaceful. Wasn’t the crown prince’s birthday banquet a mess? It was all Count Elrosa’s doing.”

“That’s right.”

“I was waiting for you to come and report. The old people in the Council of Nobles are needlessly long-winded.”

It meant he knew all about the situation already. It was a blatant demand that he bows his head to and tell him what he’d done for him.

Cian took a calming breath and spoke the words he’d been preparing.

“As you’ve seen, Theodore Elrosa had an affair. For the past three years, he’s been tracked by the Council of Nobles and the Guild, but there has been no evidence of him preparing for a rebellion, nothing other than an affair.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

“I don’t believe you.”

He already knew that was the case.

Sigar, who was timid despite his imposing appearance, did not believe the reports of the Council of Nobles and Cian.

If Sigar suspected that someone was plotting a rebellion, Sigar would not be able to dispel his suspicions until he beheaded that person.

Theodore was no different.

Even though they knew that Theodore had not tried to rebel, the Council had no choice but to accuse him of rebellion because Emperor Sigar refused to believe in Theodore’s affair.

The nobles of the Council knew well what would happen if they disobeyed the Emperor. They trembled with fear and followed the emperor’s baseless orders.

He felt a small amount of pity for Theodore, who had to take responsibility for a crime he didn’t commit.

Sigar looked down at his silent younger brother and spoke wearily.

“I have ordered the Council to strip Theodore Elrosa of his title.”

“… I heard. I’m on my way to deliver the results of the imperial decree myself.”

“Oh, did you still report that Theodore only committed adultery, knowing that I’d already given the order?”

“I must report only what I know, even when I know I am wrong.”

“Yes. That’s how it is, since you’re afraid of me.”

He was half right and half wrong.

Cian was not afraid of Sigar, however, he was afraid that Sigar might harm Dolorosa.

Sigar was a heartless man who poisoned his own father to take over the throne. Even though everyone knew that it was Sigar who killed the former emperor, they couldn’t protest, they didn’t know what else he might do.

Empress Belwinder cried and pleaded with Cian. She asked that he not fight for the position of emperor.

She said that Sigar was a man who would do anything to become emperor.

Cian, who was favored as the next emperor, had to give up the throne to protect the imperial family and the empire. He wasn’t afraid of his own death, but he was afraid that Sigar might threaten his mother Belwinder or his friend Stefan.

At first, he was angry, not because he failed to become emperor, but because he didn’t want to have to submit to the pervert who killed his father, and not be able to hold him accountable. He wanted to stand up to his brother, even if the result was his death

But he soon gave up on the idea. Cian now had a daughter.

His own life had become more precious. To protect Dolorosa, Cian Dicarsignac had to live.

Doing chores at the guild meant nothing to him.

Fearing that Sigar might find an opportunity that gave him an excuse to harm Dolorosa, Cian was polite to everyone and quietly honed his skills.

Sigar looked at Cian, who politely bowed his head, and smiled sinisterly.

“Acknowledge your incompetence.”

“… I’m sorry for causing trouble due to my lack of knowledge.”

“He may have been stripped of his title, but there may be comrades who were plotting the rebellion with him. Continue to monitor this in the future.”

“I will follow the emperor’s orders.”

When Cian admitted his incompetence, Sigar felt a surge of joy.

The younger brother was better than his elder brother. The competent younger brother. The one who should have been emperor. These were all statements that were used to described Cian.

Sigar hated being compared to his younger brother.

The most satisfying thing about becoming emperor was being able to stand above Cian without having to kill him.

It was also nice to be able to order his younger brother around at will.

He’d placed a burden on his younger brother and blocked his path.

He was intoxicated by the feeling of superiority that he’d conquered those who were better than him by force.

Sigar, who was now feeling extremely generous, thought for a moment about how he could show his generosity.

“Reward the previous Countess Elrosa abundantly. From what I heard, she realized that her husband had done something suspicious and reported him.”

Cian didn’t answer.

He hated hearing Rachel’s name spoken from Sigar’s lips.

“Yes, that sounds good. If one’s close associate rebels and they join in, what good does it do? Reward her generously and warn the other nobles not to join the rebellion.”

Even though he knew that no one would participate in a rebellion that did not exist, Cian had to follow Sigar’s orders.

“Leave it to me.”

“Very well. Then, my brother, let’s talk about something else.”

“Yes. What would you like to talk about?”

The disgusting voice spoke again, this time carrying his daughter’s name.

“How is my daughter, Dolorosa?”

At the words “my daughter,” Cian almost lost her temper. He lowered his eyes and took a deep breath.

He’d abandoned her.

Mercilessly abandoned a newborn baby, not even ten days old.

He couldn’t comprehend why Sigar always referred to Dolorosa his daughter.


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  1. prettysnowball10 says:

    Ohhhh, Dolorosa is the Emperor’s daughter! I was wondering how Cian became her father, since they made it clear that she wasn’t his actual child. That makes sense. Thanks for the translation!! I love this novel so much 🙂

  2. Rona says:

    The emperor is such a bi*ch
    I am really looking forward to the continuation of the novel
    Thank you for the translation

  3. Its-MachiavellianCheese says:

    When an incelasorus gains a position of power:

    Like, what a loser and he clearly takes pleasure in harming others. I would’ve just taken him out and then passed the throne to the nephew.

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