I Became The Male Leads’ Target

IBMLT | Episode 74


But doesn’t Dante seem to quite dislike Benedict?

Sensing my confusion, Benedict immediately provided an explanation.

“Although the Marquis is extremely capricious, his secretary is quite a rational person.”

Ah, so Liam was there.

I understood.

Benedict added lightly.

“I receive an invitation for every auction that is held.”

Well, Benedict is one of the wealthiest men in the empire.

In fact, Benedict’s mere presence at the auction was a significant advantage.

Just having the head of the Schmaikel Trading Company at the auction increased its credibility and reputation.

And who knows, he might spend an enormous sum at the auction?

Even if Dante wanted to refuse Benedict’s entry because he didn’t like him.

‘Marquis, this isn’t right!’

Liam would risk his life to oppose it.

Moreover, Dante was generally not the type to mix personal feelings with business.

Of course, considering Dante’s sensitive reaction towards Benedict at the Diorlance Club or his heightened attention towards Lucian.

I’m not entirely sure he doesn’t mix personal feelings at all…

‘Or maybe? Judging by this, he might be mixing personal feelings?’

I became a bit confused.

“So, Lady, what you want to request from me this time is.”

At that moment, Benedict asked me a question.

“To enter the auction house?”

“That’s right. I heard that if a person with an invitation vouches for your identity, their partner and guards can enter without identity verification.”

Honestly, I was quite troubled.

Whether it was the right choice to enter the auction house myself, risking being caught by Dante.

I could ask Benedict to buy the ‘Heart of Winter’ for me instead.

Yet, the reason I decided to move personally was.

‘How could I trust Benedict?’

The Heart of Winter.

It was essential for Lucian’s awakening.

Which meant.

If I couldn’t get my hands on the Heart of Winter, I wouldn’t be able to escape the boarding school.

If Benedict obtained the Heart of Winter and then used it to manipulate me, it would be a disaster.

Of course, the Heart of Winter is a magical artifact that only reacts to the bloodline and abilities of Kalleid.

The chances of recognizing it as a magical artifact just by looking at it are slim…

‘Rather than entrusting the Heart of Winter to the male protagonists, I’d rather leave a fish shop to a cat.’

I thought cynically.

“In that case, I would have to take you as my partner to enter the auction house… hmm, I’ll have to charge you a hefty fee for this request.”

Benedict bantered loudly, making sure I could hear.

“My time is quite expensive. I’m one of the busiest men in the empire, after all.”

“Of course.”

I willingly nodded.

Benedict’s time was worth purchasing, even for a large sum.

The fact that he was one of the few people who could get me into the auction house was enough.

At the same time, Benedict subtly added.

“However, if you answer one question of mine, I might consider giving you a discount on the fee…”

“What is it?”

“When you requested the Palasso deal last time, there was something you particularly wanted. Is that item being auctioned this time?”

…How perceptive, as expected of a male protagonist.

His insight was extraordinary.

But well, it wasn’t something I needed to keep secret.

I readily confirmed.


I see. Understood.

Benedict’s voice noticeably brightened.

‘What is it?’

I became a bit puzzled.

I couldn’t quite grasp which part of my answer made Benedict so pleased…

However, since there was no reason to probe into that part specifically.

“Oh, there’s one more favor I’d like to ask.”

I decided to say what I had to say.

“A favor?”

“Yes. Just in case, I want to take out some insurance related to this auction.”

I smiled brightly.

“Could you help me with that?”

* * *

A carriage bearing the crest of the Count of Luneburg smoothly stopped in front of the main branch of the Schmaikel Trading Company.

And then.

A handsome young man stepped out of the carriage.

Well-groomed and neatly tied chestnut brown hair, a top-quality suit tailored to fit his body perfectly.

And even his intelligent, shining violet eyes.

He had an appearance that stood out wherever he went.

There was no trace of the plain look he had when he met Elze a while ago.

“Welcome, sir.”

The employees, who were working hard at the main branch, each greeted Benedict with respect.

“Good job, everyone.”

Benedict nodded and went up to the top floor of the main branch.

As he entered the head’s office, the employee who had been closely following him respectfully took his jacket.

“Sir, there is an Imperial economic meeting this evening. The meeting location is the Torres Hotel…”

The employee, who had been listing the schedule, tilted his head.

If it were the usual Benedict, he would have already asked various questions about the meeting.

But now, he remained silent throughout.


‘You’ve been smiling from ear to ear since earlier?’

What could possibly be making him so happy?

The employee inadvertently asked a question.

“Sir, you seem to be in a particularly good mood today.”


A surprised Benedict touched his mouth.

A bright smile had somehow found its way to his lips.


When did I start smiling?

With a puzzled expression, Benedict’s employee asked again.

“Did something good happen?”

“Hmm, well.”

After pondering for a moment, Benedict subtly lowered his eyes.


Elze’s attempts to purchase items without the help of the Marquis Offenheir, the secret account she opened unknown to Dante, and even her request to Benedict for the Palasso deal—all these actions had a clear purpose.

To break free from the Marquis.

‘Moreover, she asked for my help to enter the auction house.’

This very act indicated that she trusted Benedict a bit more than Dante.

At the same time, Benedict stiffened his shoulders.

‘Why am I so pleased about this?’

Whether Elze cut ties with Dante or not, there was no reason for Benedict to be happy about it.

They were merely business partners.

There was no emotional or physical relationship between them.

Yet, Benedict found himself pleased with the situation.

This was almost as if…

‘Could it be that I have romantic feelings for Lady Lepherian?’

At that moment, Benedict gritted his teeth.

‘That can’t be.’

Elze, the worst villainess of the empire.

She was surrounded by all sorts of infamy and scandal.

There was no way Benedict could have romantic feelings for someone like her.

After a moment of intense thought, Benedict managed to squeeze out a reason.

‘Yes, if Lady Lepherian cuts ties with the Marquis… it would greatly stabilize the Palasso business.’

If Elze could rid herself of her intense obsession with the Marquis Offenheir, the risk factors in the Palasso business would disappear completely.

While she was quite rational, if that ‘rationality’ was mixed with ‘romantic feelings,’ the results could be different.

‘Yes, that’s why.’

Benedict forced himself to calm down.

One year.

That was the time Benedict and Elze had been doing business.

During that time, Benedict observed that Elze was extremely rational and exhibited exceptional judgment.

She was far too cold-headed to be considered blinded by love.

And that might be why.

The subtle affection he felt for her.

That was probably…

‘A fondness for a trustworthy business partner.’

Benedict thus deliberately turned a blind eye to the strange feelings he was experiencing.

Otherwise, there was no way to explain this peculiar fluttering.

‘Moreover, there are many important matters besides Lady Lepherian.’

With that, Benedict dismissed his thoughts about Elze and asked in a lively voice.

“So, who will be attending the economic meeting this time?”

* * *

A few days later.

A maid asked me a somewhat puzzled question.

“Lady Elze, did you by any chance adopt a bird?”

“A bird?”

What on earth?

I looked at the maid with a bewildered expression.

But… there really was a bird.

Inside a large birdcage, a snow-white pigeon was perched.

“Coo, coo.”

The pigeon cooed and stared at me with its round, black eyes and glossy feathers, looking quite cute.

But I never adopted a bird…?

“Oh, here. There’s also a card.”

Just in time, the maid handed me a card.

I took out the card in confusion.

<Thank you for adopting a pigeon from our bakery shop.

We hope this little one brings you joy.

Please take good care of it.

― R. B>



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