Captain! Where is the Battlefield?

CWITB | Chapter 75: Dangerous Intrigue


  “…The Duchess’s overly cautious nature seems to cloud her judgment, preventing her from properly judging the stone bridge ahead.”


  “I wouldn’t do that.”


  Rosalie’s confident and firm reply caused Nine to unfurl her fan and cover her mouth. It was to hide her trembling lips, which were quivering with anger. 


  “I’ll need to reassess the Duchess. I thought you were a shrewd opportunist, but it seems I was mistaken.”


  “It seems I have disappointed you.”


  There was no hint of regret in Rosalie’s dry and emotionless voice. Nine raised her eyebrows, unable to hide her frustration even with the fan, and stood up from her seat.


  “You may leave now, Duchess. I’m tired, so I won’t be able to send you off.”


  “Yes. I hope you have a peaceful evening, Your Majesty.”


  “Duchess, I hope you have no regrets about your choice.”


  “I have no room for regrets in my dictionary.”


  Rosalie rose and gave a small nod before leaving the room. As she did, Nine’s cold gaze followed her.


  When Rosalie opened the door to Nine’s reception room and stepped out, Derivis, who had been waiting, approached her with quick strides. He gently cupped her cheeks and inspected her face with concern. 


  “I’m fine,” she assured him.


  Under his worried and affectionate touch, Rosalie found herself leaning into his hand. She didn’t think she was particularly nervous, but she only realized that she was tense when she saw his face and her body relaxed.


  ‘His touch is always warm.’


  Derivis twitched at Rosalie’s reaction but soon turned to look at the door with a cold expression as if he might break it down. Rosalie quickly shook her head.


  “I’m fine. I’m not the kind to be easily shaken.”


  “I’m not fine.”


  “Rather than that, do you want to return to the mansion with me?”


  Rosalie asked, clasping his hand on her cheek and looking up at him. After a moment of silence, Derivis let out a soft sigh and nodded.


  “Let’s go.”


  The reception room’s door closed, and Nine approached Rosalie’s vacated seat to push the untouched teacup with her finger.


  In the end, the cup spilled its contents, but Nine didn’t stop pushing it. The cup, pushed by her finger, eventually rolled off the table and shattered into pieces on the floor.


  “This is annoying.”


  Nine muttered as she stared at the broken cup. As she continued to stare at it, a bright light briefly emanated from her side, revealing a man in deep green robes.


  “Judging by the broken teacup, I’m guessing it didn’t end well?”


  The man chuckled, seemingly delighted. Nine looked at him with a sharp gaze.


  “Rondun, what’s so amusing?”


  “Oh, you seem to be in a bad mood. That confirms the conversation didn’t end well.”


  “…If you weren’t the magician who helped me, I would have dealt with you long ago.”


  “Oh, dear! I’ll be careful with my words.”


  Rondun exaggeratedly covered his mouth with his hand, and Nine glared at him before abruptly turning and walking away. Then, Rondun lowered his hand and chuckled again.


  “But, how was the much-talked-about Duchess of Judeheart?” 


  “The rumors were true. She has truly become a formidable figure. If I had known she would change like this, I would have gotten closer to her sooner. It’s annoying how she had elevated her family name and is sticking to the Crown Prince now.”


  Nine clicked her tongue. She really couldn’t stand him. Listening to Nine’s explanation, Rondun began to chuckle again.


  ‘So she had changed, huh?’


  “If it was so interesting, why didn’t you listen in hiding?”


  “Oh no, that’s scary.”


  Rondun vigorously shook his head. Nine didn’t pay him much attention since he usually behaved in such an unpredictable manner.


  ‘Considering how strong that black-haired Crown Prince is, I’d probably be cut by his sword if I went anywhere near them.’


  Rondun shivered at the thought. He thought about using magic to hide in the corner of the room as Nine had said, but he quickly discarded the idea when he saw Rosalie and Derivis together in the distance.


  He didn’t dare go near the room since Derivis was guarding the door, pouring all his attention to what was happening inside until Rosalie came out.


  “Your Majesty the Empress, I’ll be taking a short leave.”


  “…Lately, your experiments haven’t yielded any noteworthy results. I don’t think you should be taking some time off.” 


  In response to Nine’s warning tone, Rondun quickly bowed theatrically. Even this action irritated Nine, causing wrinkles to appear on her fair forehead.


  “This is also for the sake of my experiments. Please make sure to take good care of  Prince Radinis, Your Majesty.”


  Without waiting for Nine’s reply, Rondun vanished from his spot, radiating the same light as before. Nine sighed in frustration as he disappeared without a trace.


   ⊱⊱⊱────── {.⋅ ✧✧✧ ⋅.} ──────⊰⊰⊰


  When Rosalie and Derivis returned to the mansion, Nathan and Erudit were waiting for them in the lobby. Erudit and Nathan approached Rosalie.


  “Your Grace, is everything all right?”


  “I’m fine.”


  “Greetings to Your Highness the Crown Prince.”


  Erudit bowed to Derivis, who gestured for him to raise his head. Unable to stay in the lobby any longer, they followed Martin’s suggestion to have a simple brunch with tea in the dining room.


  “But I was surprised that the Empress called you earlier than expected.”


  Nathan mused in a sing-song voice while tearing bread. When Rosalie glanced at Erudit, thinking he might not understand the whole situation, Erudit just shrugged nonchalantly.


  “I can make a rough guess. I guess being close to His Highness the Crown Prince would draw the Empress’s attention.”


  Erudit finished his sentence and glanced at Derivis. Forking a piece of fruit, Derivis calmly spoke.


  “Junior, just speak freely. Anyone with the slightest interest in the palace knows I’m opposed to the Empress.”


  “Then I’ll speak frankly.”


  “But~ Erudit, you knew all along and didn’t say anything, did you?”


  “I follow Her Grace’s choices. She’s not someone who acts without a purpose.”


  “I’m touched that you trust me so much, Erudit.”


  Rosalie chuckled and Erudit adjusted his glasses, deliberately focusing his gaze on the food on his plate. Derivis’s eyebrows twitched slightly at the sight.


  “Rosalie isn’t one to just sit and listen to what the Empress says. I’m sure you’ve noticed that.” 


  “That’s correct.”


  Rosalie picked up an apple slice with a smirk. Nathan observed Rosalie with interest. Next to him, Derivis lifted his teacup and took a sip.


  Rosalie glanced at him briefly, then bit into the apple slice.


  Afterward, the four of them sat at a table and played cards. Nathan complained about being bored, which was why they started the game. However, contrary to Nathan’s confident expectations of victory, Derivis emerged as the winner.


  “Ah~ I can’t beat Devi.”


  “Your mistake was trying to defeat me in the first place.”


  Derivis chuckled with a smirk. In contrast, Rosalie, who had a stronger competitive streak, looked dissatisfied as she stared down at her hand of cards.


  Erudit also set his cards with a look of discontent.


  “Anyways, His Highness was always top of his class at the academy.”


  As the game’s winner, Derivis casually laid his cards down.


  “I’ll gladly accept your praise, junior.”


  “I guess you’re more diligent in the academy than I thought, Devi?”


  Erudit thought back to the one liberal arts class he’d taken with Derivis. He hadn’t seen Derivis in that class very often, and he had been secretly annoyed when he found out that they had received the same grade.


  “…Even though he was in the swordsmanship department, which was different from mine, he still managed to be the valedictorian despite regularly skipping classes and receiving warnings.” 


  Nathan looked at Derivis with an ‘as expected’ expression after hearing Erudit’s words. Meanwhile, Derivis remained relaxed and nonchalant as he crossed his legs.


  “But the Academy’s Principal thought you were smart too, junior.”


  “Well, I got lucky.”


  Erudit reached out to tidy up the cards. At that moment, Rosalie’s hand stopped him.


  “Your Grace?”


  “One more round.”


  Rosalie’s eyes were now filled with an unquenchable thirst for victory.


  In the end, Rosalie’s competitive spirit kept the four of them playing cards into the night. Ignoring Nathan, who suggested having some alcohol, Rosalie left the lobby with Derivis to see him off.


  Derivis supressed a smile as he looked at Rosalie’s slightly displeased face.


  “Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever beaten you before.”


  “You just did.”


  “…It was pretty obvious that you let me win on purpose.”


  When Rosalie spoke somewhat sulkingly, Derivis chuckled and leaned down to lock eyes with her. Rosalie tilted her head, looking at him as he drew closer.


  “Are you upset because I’m good at everything?”


  “Not at all. But you’re doing it so effortlessly, and it’s a bit irritating.”


  Whether she was really annoyed or not, Rosalie’s voice carried a hint of annoyance, which was quite rare from her.


  “But you’ve beaten me long ago.”


  Rosalie fell into thought at Derivis’s words, which were spoken with a faint smile. She couldn’t recall ever winning against him.


  “Don’t come outside. It’s cold.”


  While she felt confused, Derivis urged her to go back inside the mansion.




  There were only the two of them in the lobby, and the atmosphere wasn’t bad at all. Rosalie called Derivis back, thinking that it might be the opportunity she was waiting for.


  ‘Now might be the time…’


  She thought she might be able to slowly reveal her secret now. Rosalie gathered her courage and was about to speak. However, her attempt was thwarted by Nathan and Erudit, who was exiting the lobby.


  “You haven’t left yet, Devi?”


  Although Nathan called him, Derivis didn’t turn his head and instead continued looking at Rosalie, who shook her head.


  “…It’s nothing.”


  In the end, Rosalie couldn’t say it. When Derivis asked what it was about, she just waved it away and saw him off.



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  1. Astarria says:

    Ahhhh you guys are doing it on purpose aren’t you? Especially Nathan with his super hearing! He probably wants that secret all to himself which is why he keeps interrupting right at the worst moments!

    1. NashiraLibrae says:

      I felt it too.

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