Became The Adopted Daughter Of A Family Of Assassins


Chapter 40:

It’s a lie.

“No, it’s not. Your eyes are redder, and you look even more dog-like than usual. “Hey, who’s there?”


“It’s… Ai-lai-ga (not really).”


Because his cheeks were being held, he couldn’t pronounce it properly. But Deon still understood and responded.


“He looks like Dad.”


As Riche observed the face in front of her, she noticed the slightly raised eyes that gave off a fierce impression she hadn’t noticed before.


With those serious eyes, he seemed to resemble Blake, who had a solemn air about him. Riche pulled Deon’s hand away from her cheek.




“Tell me quickly. Who is it?”


Riche turned around and buried herself in Deon’s embrace.


With an incredulous look in his eyes, Deon stared at the back of Riche’s head.


“What are you doing? Do you think I’ll just let this go?”


Even though he was urging her, his lips curled slightly downwards.


“Brother, I miss Dad.”


Ian said he had met Blake, and that made Riche burst with longing.


The only family photo they had was left in the Lordwick Duke’s mansion, and she couldn’t bring it with her.


Even when she looked in the mirror, she and Blake didn’t share any resemblance, which sometimes made her feel a strange loneliness.


It had been three weeks since she entered the academy.


Blake usually returned home after three weeks of being away for hunting expeditions. She had never been separated for so long.


The homesickness that the people of the Lordwick mansion talked about seemed to arise only when Blake was away.


“Why did you cry then?”


“Huh? Oh.”


It wasn’t really because of that, but saying so would be fine. Whatever.


As Riche nodded, Deon shook her hair.


“Are you stupid?”


Why was he picking a fight all of a sudden?


Riche raised her head. Deon looked at her with a puzzled expression.


“Put on a mask.”


“Where to?”


“To see Dad.”




“On the weekend.”


“…Really?! Can we go out?!”


“…Are you trapped somewhere?”


Of course, they could go out. They just needed to request permission.


Deon grabbed Riche’s hand, who had started asking all sorts of questions, and dragged her away.


“Anyway, let’s eat something. I’m hungry.”



“Riche seems to be in a very good mood today.”


Robenhaf said as he sat down at the table where the food was laid out.


He was a little late, but since the table opposite Deon and Riche was always empty, it was as if it was Robenhaf’s designated seat.


“She cried.”


“Huh? Why?”


Robenhaf looked surprised at Riche after Deon’s words.


Dab, dab.


Unable to speak because she was chewing on bread, Riche hurriedly nodded her head.


Giving her a curious look, Robenhaf chuckled.


“What did you tell Robenhaf?”


Riche sent a glare to Deon, who was ignoring her and continued to speak.


“She said she misses Dad.”


“Lordwick Duke?”


Was that why she cried? …How cute.


Robenhaf took a sip of water and quietly settled his pounding heart.


Meanwhile, after swallowing the bread, Riche whispered to Deon.


“Why did you tell Robenhaf? It’s embarrassing.”


“Riche, what are you talking about behind my back? Can’t you tell me?”


Deon whispered back, and then he opened his mouth, facing the smiling Robenhaf.




“Yeah, Deerkedion.”


“My sister won’t be here this weekend, so don’t expect her to come.”


“When did I-?”


Before Riche could explain, a grape flew into her mouth. It was Deon’s doing.


Why is he doing this? Seriously.


“Tell me after you chew and swallow.”


“… ”


“It’s okay, Riche. You’re used to Deerkedion’s nonsense.”


As if to affirm that, Robenhaf continued to smile as if he hadn’t been hit.


‘Deerkedion’s restraint is nothing.’


How did he even rise to the position of Riche’s beloved older brother?


He didn’t even seem funny at that point.



Instead, there was something to tell Riche.


“Riche, want to hear some good news?”


Good news? Riche nodded as she swallowed a grape.


Before coming to the cafeteria, Robenhaf had informed the professor of the news he had heard. That’s why they were a bit late for dinner.


“The Dessert Research Club has been officially approved.”


“Really? That’s great.”


Riche’s face brightened. Good news came all at once.


With Ian’s worry about his Montyphobia and Deon’s concern about joining a club, both issues were lessened.


“When will the club activities start?”


“Well, I think it would be good to gather around the day after tomorrow. We’ll need to discuss how we’re going to operate then.”


Riche nodded.


“Yeah. Then where will we meet? The empty classroom we used last time?”




Robenhaf’s smile deepened. He had expected to receive approval for the club’s establishment as a matter of course. His real contribution came next.


With excited anticipation to show off his skills to Riche, Robenhaf spoke.


“In our club room.”



“Is the club room special?”


As they walked down the corridor together, Riche asked Ian. On Riche’s other side, Zigbert walked yawning.


“Yeah. Usually, for newly established clubs, three clubs share one vacant room. You need to accumulate club activities to get your own room.”


“……So shouldn’t we be disqualified? We’re a club for fun and games.”




Behind the scenes, Robenhaf’s flashy connections in the student council were at play, but Riche and Ian were unaware of that.


Zigbert, who had witnessed their conversation in his bird form by chance, had no interest in joining their conversation due to the uninteresting topic.




Interestingly, there was something that caught Zigbert’s interest.


When Riche and Ian heard Zigbert’s question, Zigbert pointed to the two of them with his characteristic lethargic expression.


“Are you two close?”




“Yeah, we are.”


Riche grinned, and Ian replied quietly.


Zigbert asked again.






This time, Riche answered immediately, and Ian remained silent.


“I see.”


Zigbert walked silently for a moment, then suddenly transformed into a wolf and approached Riche’s side.


“Yeah? Want a ride?”




Zigbert nodded. It wasn’t the Ludwick Duchy, so he could talk, but to keep his promise with Blake, he didn’t converse with Riche when he was in wolf form.






‘Is there a reason I have to ride you?’


Fortunately, there was no one passing by in the corridor. If there were, someone would have screamed at the sudden appearance of a wolf.


Riche climbed onto Zigbert’s back hesitantly.


Now nearing adulthood, Zigbert’s wolf form was close to his adult form, allowing two adults to ride without any problems.


Riche and Zigbert had eye contact, and Ian smiled slightly.


“It’s the first time I’ve seen Zigbert transform into a wolf. Impressive.”


“Is it?”




Zigbert’s tail wagged.


Although Riche didn’t know why she was riding him, since he seemed to be in a good mood, it was fine.


After walking a little further, they reached a door with a nameplate, just as Robenhaf had said.


Dessert Research Club


Riche dismounted Zigbert’s back and said.


“Looks like this is it. It’s amazing that we already have a nameplate.”


Robenhaf had only talked about starting the club yesterday, so it was pretty quick.


He had also said that the interior was already finished, so they could just use it.


‘Besides that, what else did he say?’


Riche relayed to Ian and Zigbert what she had heard from Robenhaf.


“The third-years said we should go in ahead of them because their class will end late today.”




The door to the club room opened from the inside.


The appearance of someone coming out from inside caused tension to spread.



“Derkadian, did you hear about Duke Gerwer’s news?”


“What news?”


Robenhaf looked at Deon, who was staring at the blackboard.


If he couldn’t see the writing on the board well, he could sit closer.


Thanks to him, Robenhaf could sit comfortably in the back, but Deon’s eyes were still struggling today. He himself preferred the back row, but if there were people around, sensitive topics like this could still be discussed in a low voice.


“I heard from my father that he’s showing his face in the social circles again.”



Deon’s brow furrowed deeper at those words.


Gerwer Duke.


He hadn’t had to deal with him for a while, and hearing about him now didn’t sit well with him.


“He’s thirty-two this year, right? Ian Dwayne would be the heir, wouldn’t he? It’s about time to announce it officially.”


Serdia Duke had already declared Zeckbert as his successor.


The only one who hadn’t officially announced a successor this time around was Gerwer Duke.


Robenhaf calculated the ages of the dukes. Serdia Duke was thirty-seven, his father was thirty-four, and Lordwick Duke was thirty-five.


“Deerkedion. How is Lordwick Duke’s health? I heard my father’s been in a lot of pain lately.”




“Oh, sorry. You don’t like talking about this, do you?”


Robenhaf didn’t press Deon further upon seeing his silence and instead turned his gaze to the professor teaching the class.


‘Oh dear.’


Robenhaf briefly glanced at Deon’s face.


Seeing him still staring at the blackboard, it seemed he wasn’t putting much weight on his words.


Robenhaf felt relieved. Deon may have become more pensive, but…


‘Father’s condition…’


His father was exceptionally healthy. To the point where he didn’t worry about him anymore.


But around the same time, Riche had fallen seriously ill.


Now that something similar had happened again, it was easier for Deon to understand this time.


‘Father’s tumor has been cleansed.’


And Riche was somehow involved in that process.


Deon didn’t know exactly what kind of being Riche was, but he had a hunch.


In truth, no matter what kind of being Riche was, it wasn’t important to Deon.


Two years ago.


Deon was on his way home for the holidays.


He had been leisurely thinking about seeing the stupid expression on his face after a long time, riding in the carriage at a slow pace.


Then, upon hearing the news from Lordwick’s knight, he spurred his horse at full speed and arrived at the Duke’s mansion.


‘It’s a lie.’


Until he crossed the threshold of his nature, Deon kept repeating it to himself.


It’s a lie. It’s a lie.


“Pant, pant.”


…What if it’s not a lie?


He opened Riche’s door. In front of the open door, Deon took in the dreadful scene with his eyes, gasping for breath.


The pale Blake, the silent room, the darkened air, and Riche lying motionless on the bed with bandages wrapped around her.


Anna, with reddened eyes, approached Deon and spoke in a choked voice.


“Master… Miss… might… not make it back…”


That can’t be true.


Deon walked slowly towards Riche.


She’ll get up. She’ll definitely get up.


If I use my ability to regulate Riche’s breathing…


“Don’t do it.”


Blake’s cracked voice stopped the panicked Deon.


As Deon reached out to Riche lying on the bed, he looked at Blake.


But, Father.


“Riche is dying.”


Tears streamed down Deon’s red eyes.


Like Mother.


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