Became The Adopted Daughter Of A Family Of Assassins


Chapter 39:

“You’re here.”


Blake pretended to know the boy entering his study.


“Hello, Lordwick Duke.”


It was Ian Dwayne, the blond boy.


He had visited Lordwick Manor in Hwangdo after receiving permission to go out in response to Blake’s letter that had arrived yesterday.


After finishing the documents he was reading, Blake stood up from his desk and sat down on the sofa. On the opposite side, Ian, who had been offered a seat by Blake, sat down.


“We found the cause of narcolepsy.”




Ian’s face brightened at Blake’s words.


Blake continued to explain what he had found out.


“There was an ancient artifact that had a curse that made people sick. It doesn’t come off the body. It seals magic.”




There was a clue. Ian brought his hand to his chest. Under his shirt, his necklace was touched.


“There have been studies suggesting that the power of abilities is related to magic. Considering that you, as a Gerwer’s ability user, can’t use your power, it’s highly likely that the necklace is an ancient artifact.”


Given Duke Gerwer’s reported obsession with ancient artifacts and Ian’s timing of admission to the academy.


“A cunning lunatic. Duke Gerwer is really living up to his name.”


He must have forced his son into wearing the necklace to remove his ability.


“I expected it.”




Blake nodded at Ian’s words.


His character wasn’t suited for giving insincere comfort. Instead of warm words, he offered a solution to Ian.


“It turns out that it’s difficult to take off the necklace right away. Normally, only Duke Gerwer, who cast the curse, can remove it, so there’s no point in trying forcibly. You could end up losing your life.”




Blake handed Ian a small leather pouch. A necklace similar to Ian’s came out of the pouch.


“It’s a similar ancient artifact to what Duke Gerwer gave you. There’s no solution to unsealing the ability other than taking off the necklace. But it will prevent you from getting sicker.”


“Does that mean the narcolepsy will disappear?”




For now, that alone was enough. He wouldn’t have to worry about staying up all night fearing he might die immediately.


“I will definitely repay your kindness. Thank you, Duke.”


Ian bowed his head in gratitude.


“Repay it to my daughter.”




At Blake’s words, Ian’s eyes widened.


“She hopes that Riche will help you.”


It was what Philip, who had come to report on the incident on the day of the enrollment ceremony, had said.


“My lord. Miss Riche asked if you could help Duke Gerwer.”


It was a request from Riche to me after a long time. So there was nothing more to do but listen.


Although Paul, the housekeeper of the Rodwick family, smiled faintly and fainted when he received the information and the expenditure records used to obtain the ancient artifacts.


“Is it Tryche?”


Blake looked at Ian, who was shyly smiling at the mention of Riche’s name.


“What’s the relationship with Riche?”


He hadn’t intended to directly intervene in Riche’s social relationships. But looking at Ian Dwayne’s face, he didn’t seem like just a friend. As a father, he had to prevent his daughter from getting involved with strange guys.


Of course, Ian wasn’t a strange guy, but unexpected events always happened.


“She’s my friend.”


“Are you close?”




Ian nodded with a strangely swelling emotion.


They were close enough to confidently call each other friends. Because the girl beyond the mirror was Riche.


On the other hand, Blake took a vague breath. Close, as friends.


A moment later, Ian, who was thinking about Blake’s words, smiled and nodded.



As Ian returned to the academy, on his way to the faculty room, he noticed a crowd in the hallway.


‘Let’s just pass by.’


As Ian, trying to find a quiet path, heard a familiar name in his ear.





Ian turned his head. Riche was at the entrance of the magic and lecture hall, looking helpless as she was surrounded by students.


“Just a moment, please.”


Once the semester had progressed to a certain extent, unless there were specific orders, it was common for a guardian or escort to accompany students only during after-school hours.


Since Riche was no exception, Philip was nowhere to be seen.


“I, I’ll just pass by.”


She seemed to want to break through the students and leave, but she didn’t seem to know how to find a way out.


I have to help.


Ian pushed through the crowd and reached out to Riche, who was standing in front of the classroom door.






Riche, after confirming Ian’s face, hurriedly took his hand.


“Oh, Tryche. Just a moment!”


“I still have something to tell-!”


As Riche rushed away, the students poured out disappointed words.


Ian protected Riche’s body with his arms, and as soon as they were out of the crowd, he grabbed her hand and started running.


“Ian, you can stop running now.”


A little later, Riche called out to Ian, who was out of breath.


Ian stopped running at Riche’s words and looked around.


They had passed several buildings without realizing it. Thankfully, there were no students around, so it seemed that no one was following Riche.


“What happened?”


“A while ago, because of the accident at the training ground…”


Riche’s cheeks turned red. He didn’t know if it was because of running or because he was embarrassed about the accident.


The training ground accident. Ian was well aware of it. It had been a topic of conversation among the students for a while. He couldn’t help but know. Was she surrounded because of that?


“Did someone try to bother you like last time?”


Last time, there was an incident in the hallway where she was told to kneel to Philip.


He couldn’t just watch Riche become a victim like that again.


As Ian was about to turn to go protest, Riche quickly grabbed his arm.


“No. It wasn’t like that. Just…”




“I asked for one more.”


Riche couldn’t lift her face, so she bowed her head.


It was already an embarrassing situation. Pythos had suggested practicing controlling the power of the stars, but it seemed to have caused a similar problem. The incident occurred because she couldn’t control her magic well.


If Pythos had seen it, he would have clicked his tongue, saying she was still far from mastering it.


“Ugh. Embarrassing.”


But surprisingly, it was popular among the students.


There was a huge ice rink created in the training ground.


It was Robenhalf who froze it. Due to Robenhalf’s claims that it was Riche’s magic, Riche had become a hero among the academy students.


The upperclassmen thought it was childish, but the fourth years certainly did.


“So students kept coming to see me during break time, and today they gathered more than usual…”


Riche hesitated. She wanted to say that she usually managed to get away on her own, but today was unusually difficult.


“Thanks for helping, Ian.”


After letting out a short sigh, Riche greeted Ian with a refreshing face, having relieved her worries. Thanks to him, she had survived.


“I almost missed my promise to have dinner with my brother.”


“With Deon?”


“Yeah. At the student cafeteria. Do you want to come?”


They had agreed to meet near the student cafeteria. Robenhalf would also be coming to the cafeteria, so the atmosphere wouldn’t be too hostile even if Ian joined.


“But I have to go see the professor and return the permission slip. Will you wait? There’s still some time.”


“No. You shouldn’t. You never know how long it will take. Have a relaxed meal, Riche.”


It was a pity. He had secretly hoped that Ian would become friends with Deon.


But he couldn’t forcibly detain Ian when he had somewhere to go.


Riche nodded and asked.


“By the way, you went outside? Did you go somewhere?”


Riche asked as if she were curious.


Ian whispered to Riche.


“I went to see Lordwick Duke.”




Riche looked surprised and wide-eyed at Ian.


Goodness. Ian went to see our father.


“Why? Why? Our dad? Is he okay?”


Excitement mixed with surprise, and Riche, who was overwhelmed, bombarded Ian with questions, rolling on the ground to his feet.


It was the first time he had seen Riche so excited. His tongue itched when he saw her sparkling silver eyes.


I was going to tell her quietly later, but…


“I wanted to tell you quickly.”


Ian whispered to Riche again.


“Lordwick Duke found a way to stop narcolepsy.”



At the sound of that, Liche rejoiced loudly, almost as if it were her own triumph. She expressed relief, gratitude for her father’s assistance, and excitement. But her expression gradually turned sorrowful, and eventually, tears welled up, and she burst into tears.


“Thank goodness…”


How much had she worried? Ian almost died.


She was so worried that she had even considered asking Ian to be monitored at night, despite knowing that Deon would dislike it.


Yet, Blake had found a solution.


Liche wanted to rush out of the academy right away and thank Blake profusely.


“Thank you, Liche.”


“I… didn’t do anything…?”


Puzzled by Ian’s sudden gratitude, Liche asked.


The person who should receive thanks was Blake, not her.


Upon hearing Liche’s words that she hadn’t done anything, Ian’s eyes also welled up with tears.


“You don’t know…”


What you mean to me. What you’ve done for me.


“Thank you. Really.”


Ian knew full well that both Blake and Deon had ulterior motives inquiring about his relationship with Liche. Eleven was not as young as one might think. It was the age when feelings like liking someone or dating start to emerge.


But if what his peers felt was the feeling of liking someone, his feelings for Liche were not like that.


“Liche means more to me than that.”


Ian’s feelings were inexplicable.


He believed that the feelings he harbored for Liche were the largest and most profound emotions that couldn’t be found in any other type of relationship.




Ian handed Liche a handkerchief with a smile as tears stained her cheeks.


“I’m going to live on, for you.”




“For you.”





Liche, feeling sheepish, quickly ran up to Deon, who had been waiting near the cafeteria entrance, and intercepted him.


“Ah, did you wait long, big brother? Oh? I’m hungry! Let’s go eat quickly!”


Even though she held his hand, he didn’t move as if he were holding onto a rock. Normally, he would have followed along, grumbling.


Liche, with no other option, reluctantly stepped back a few paces and lifted Deon’s arms over her shoulders. Then, she took his hands and attempted to pull him forward.


“Let’s go!”


No way.


Liche stood behind him, asking hesitantly as Deon remained motionless.


“Aren’t you coming…?”


Deon’s hands lifted Liche’s cheeks.


Upon hearing Liche’s strange exclamation, she was met with Deon’s serious, reddened eyes.


“Did you cry?”


“……Uh, no.”


  1. Nishasingh says:

    Please update fast we all are waiting

    1. Rumi says:

      Thanks for showing your interest. New chapters are out now ❤️

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