After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Baby (part 1)

Feng Xuan’s primordial spirit plunged in, and the first sensation was cold.

Qi Zhuoyu’s spiritual root attribute was lightning.

He had even prepared for wild storms inside the big devil’s sea of consciousness before entering.

But there was nothing.

Qi Zhuoyu’s sea of consciousness was just an endless ice field and wilderness river.

Feng Xuan’s primordial spirit floated in mid-air, with almost nowhere to land.

What’s going on?

Was the big devil’s sea of consciousness this cold?

No wonder he had always felt Qi Zhuoyu’s body was icy and cool lately.

He thought it was his imagination, but it turned out to be a reaction from his sea of consciousness.

Feng Xuan drifted forward for an unknown time.

Finally, in the center of the sea of consciousness, he found a primordial spirit emitting blue light.

Something like debris was constantly floating upwards from the primordial spirit.

At first, Feng Xuan thought maybe this big devil was unique, and his primordial spirit might have some special effects compared to ordinary people.

But upon closer inspection, he discovered Qi Zhuoyu’s primordial spirit was burning bit by bit, consumed by something unknown.

Feng Xuan: ???

What’s happening?!

He circled around Qi Zhuoyu’s primordial spirit and realized he wasn’t mistaken.

Qi Zhuoyu’s primordial spirit was indeed burning, and it hadn’t been just a day or two. Using some unknown method, the flames were ice-cold, burning unnoticed by everyone.

Feng Xuan was about to look closer.

Qi Zhuoyu’s sea of consciousness had already noticed him.

The next second, he was isolated outside the sea of consciousness.

Feng Xuan retreated from the Shenjiao.

Qi Zhuoyu had already dressed but was still lying on the beauty couch holding him.

Feng Xuan saw his composed and nonchalant face, then recalled the scene he had just witnessed in his sea of consciousness.

He really wanted to bite this dog man.

“Why won’t you let me into your sea of consciousness to help repair your primordial spirit!” Feng Xuan said fiercely.

Qi Zhuoyu pinched his waist. “You’d get too close, and your primordial spirit would be ignited too.”

Ugh. This dog man.

He actually admitted it to his face.

Feng Xuan hesitated, then finally spoke. “I think you should explain this to me.”

Qi Zhuoyu acted like it was nothing. “It’s a small matter. It’ll be fine in a while.”

You call your primordial spirit self-immolating a small matter?!

Feng Xuan deeply suspected that the big devil had been burning for more than just a day or two.

It felt like he must have been burning for quite some time already.

So Feng Xuan really didn’t understand this confusing behavior.

Although he knew Qi Zhuoyu was a literal psycho.

Sometimes the things he did were completely incomprehensible to normal people.

Given his level of insanity, he seemed capable of doing something as crazy as burning his own primordial spirit.

But what kind of self-destructive problem did he have? Did he feel like he had lived too long and was getting impatient, so he started burning his own primordial spirit for fun?

“Are you scared?” Qi Zhuoyu asked him.

“What do I have to be afraid of?” Feng Xuan was nearly angered to death by this person. “It’s your primordial spirit that’s burning, I’m not in pain!”

“Hmm. That’s true.” Qi Zhuoyu said carelessly. “Senior brother thought Xiao Qi would comfort him with words like ‘the burn on my body pains your heart’.”


Comfort my ass.

After raging helplessly for a while, Feng Xuan realized he truly had no way to deal with Qi Zhuoyu.

He placed his hand on Qi Zhuoyu’s chest, saying worriedly, “Senior brother. Didn’t you promise me before that you wouldn’t burn your own primordial spirit?”

Although saying this really made him feel like a melodramatic female lead.

But Feng Xuan couldn’t help saying it. He finally realized that melodramatic female leads weren’t really being melodramatic, but rather expressing a helpless struggle for their loved ones after such things happened.

Feng Xuan vowed to never mock melodramatic female leads again.

He wasn’t even as strong as them. The big devil casually burning his primordial spirit made him so sad he almost wanted to cry.

Feng Xuan still remembered worrying about Qi Zhuoyu going crazy and burning his primordial spirit.

He had specifically checked the Divine Soul Lamp every day to see if his soul was in there.

He felt relieved when he didn’t see it.

But now it seemed.

Feng Xuan had been relieved too soon.

He indeed wasn’t burning his primordial spirit in the Divine Soul Lamp.

This dog man’s methods were getting more and more advanced.

After learning Shenjiao, he started burning his own primordial spirit directly inside his body.

Then through spiritual connection, he used Feng Xuan’s primordial spirit to repair his own.

In other words.

He had substituted his own body for the lamp that originally did the work of the Divine Soul Lamp.

It was so infuriating.

And now Qi Zhuoyu was playing dead, acting like he didn’t care after being discovered, not saying anything.

After a while, Qi Zhuoyu said, “Because you would die.”

Feng Xuan’s tears finally couldn’t be held back, falling in a string of drops.

Qi Zhuoyu caught them, then kissed away the rest. Feng Xuan said in a muffled voice. “That’s my own business. Besides, the divine race lives for a very long time, there’s no point in me living that long. If it’s with you, I think living just ten years is enough.”

“Senior brother doesn’t want that.” Qi Zhuoyu’s heart ached slightly as he held him: “Senior brother wants you to live for ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years.”

Feng Xuan shouldn’t have had to bear the pain of a shattered primordial spirit in the first place.

From the beginning, it should have been him who died, so it should be him now too.

Although Feng Xuan was somewhat moved.

The big devil still refused to give up burning his own primordial spirit no matter what he said.

So while feeling touched, he was also a bit angry.

What was all this about, couldn’t they both just live?

He pushed Qi Zhuoyu away and said with feigned seriousness. “This won’t do. Senior brother, I’ll really get angry.”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him curiously. “How does Xiao Qi plan to get angry?”

To be honest, although Feng Xuan’s personality was sometimes a bit irritating.

Most of the time he was quite soft, maybe the type who wouldn’t bother others if others didn’t bother him.

Qi Zhuoyu had never seen Feng Xuan angry at him before.

Then Feng Xuan immediately demonstrated what it meant to be truly angry.

When Qi Zhuoyu called him, he was no longer willing to respond.

He also coldly and ruthlessly extracted himself from the big devil’s embrace, and wouldn’t allow him to casually hug or hold him anymore.

Until bedtime, Feng Xuan didn’t look at him once.

As if using this method to make Qi Zhuoyu realize how excessive his actions were.

And trying to make him change his mind, abandoning the idea of using his primordial spirit to extend Feng Xuan’s life.

The next day, Feng Xuan prepared to return to the White Jade Capital.

He was packing in the room when the demon generals saw him and hurried to report to the Demon Venerable.

Qi Zhuoyu leaned against the doorway, arms crossed, watching him. “Xiao Qi?”

Feng Xuan treated him like air.

Qi Zhuoyu came over and pressed on his small bag. “Really planning to run away from home?”

Feng Xuan pushed him away. “Stay away from me, I’m giving you the cold shoulder right now. And I’m not running away from home, I’m going! home!”

It seemed discovering his life extension plan really made him angry.

Qi Zhuoyu said, “That’s true.”

He said calmly. “Your maiden home is home too.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Stay calm, stay calm, cold war in progress.

Qi Zhuoyu followed for as long as Feng Xuan packed.

At the main gate of Yingxu Palace, Qi Zhuoyu was still following.

Feng Xuan looked at him. “Why are you following me?”

Qi Zhuoyu smiled ambiguously. “Just want to remind you, did you forget to bring something?”

Reminded by him, Feng Xuan really thought about it.

But he came to the Chaotic Sea empty-handed, what could he have forgotten?

Qi Zhuoyu pointed at himself. “For example, Xiao Qi’s favorite senior brother.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

At a time like this, he was still shamelessly joking with him.

Feng Xuan didn’t want to bother with him.

He wanted to leave directly, but after glancing at the endless Chaotic Sea, he felt a bit hesitant inside.

Although he had been doing Shenjiao with Qi Zhuoyu frequently lately, and his spiritual power was fairly abundant.

But to fly so far back to the White Jade Capital, thinking carefully, in this snowy hellish weather, even running away from home required some courage.

Having come this far, if he didn’t return to the White Jade Capital now.

Later Qi Zhuoyu would again not take his anger seriously, treating it as if he was just acting up.

Qi Zhuoyu watched him for a while, seeing that Feng Xuan was really about to take off.

He sighed imperceptibly, then changed his expression and reached out to grab at the air.

A deep black rift, similar to a space-time crack, immediately appeared where his right hand was.

Then he grabbed a bewildered man from the rift and threw him to the ground. It was Li Chaofeng.

Li Chaofeng looked as if he’d just been snatched from his bed by Qi Zhuoyu.

The moment he was thrown to the ground, he turned into a large white dog.

Li Chaofeng: ? Woof.

Cousin, you’d better have some extremely urgent matter like the White Jade Capital attacking Yingxu Palace’s gates, otherwise I won’t forgive you for disturbing my sweet dreams by grabbing me out of bed so early!

Qi Zhuoyu said coldly, “Go. Take him back to the White Jade Capital.”

Li Chaofeng raised his dog head and saw Feng Xuan who didn’t know how to get home.

Damn it!

I knew you love-brained fool had nothing better to do than dating!

So while Feng Xuan was worrying, he suddenly felt Qi Zhuoyu’s arms around his waist.

Then the next second, he was lifted up and placed on the back of a large white dog.

Feng Xuan looked down to identify it – wasn’t this the big devil’s “dog son”?

This was great.

Leaving the Chaotic Sea already seemed like running away from home.

Now he was leaving with Qi Zhuoyu’s “son” too.

Apparently this was the tyrannical Demon Venerable’s little demon consort running away with the ball.

Sitting on the dog’s back, Feng Xuan hesitated, then said, “Don’t think I’ve forgiven you just because you’re sending me back to the White Jade Capital.”

Qi Zhuoyu checked his small bag to see if he’d packed everything, and slipped in some pastries in case he got hungry on the way. “You haven’t. It’s all Senior brother’s own wishful thinking, I deserve it.”

… Well, it wasn’t that serious.

Feng Xuan’s return to the White Jade Capital this time.

Wanting Qi Zhuoyu to understand the severity of burning his own soul was one thing.

If he didn’t go back soon, his father emperor would break his legs – that was another matter.

When it was really time to leave, he felt a bit reluctant to part with Qi Zhuoyu.

Even if Feng Xuan was still upset, at this moment his anger had dissipated.

He could only pretend to be very angry and continued. “Although I’m angry at you, and so angry that I’m returning to the White Jade Capital. But I don’t mean to break up with you, don’t misunderstand.”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him. “Not breaking up?”



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