You Will Pay With Your Life For Deceiving Me


How much did you see?


It was a short time, only a few hours or so, but she wondered if she had become attached to it.


It was so funny that she was missing Winfred, like she was missing her parents.


‘… … Still, I miss you.’


Will Winfred remember her? It’s not like he just forgot her because it was a passing relationship.


Thinking like that, a lonely wind passed through Ayla’s heart. She hoped that he would remember her too. She thought that it would be nice to bring up memories like this once in a while and miss him.


That lonely night.


She did not yet know that her reunion with Winfred was just around the corner.


* * *


“Are you still going to the annex these days? Could you please listen to your father? He said no! “I’ll find a prettier one, okay?”


Count Senospon, who doesn’t know how many times he’s had this same conversation, grabbed the hem of his son’s clothes and begged.


It was clear that they had forgotten that children of that age would become more upset if they kept saying no.


And actually, the Count didn’t have high expectations either. It was because his stubborn son wouldn’t suddenly change overnight and declare, ‘I won’t be stubborn from now on.’


However, contrary to the Count’s expectations, Gerald surprisingly responded obediently.


“Yes, I understand. I won’t go now.”


“So, she said no… … . “No, what did you just say?”


“… … “I’m not going, to the separate building.”


At Gerald’s words, the Count doubted his ears and licked them once. He suspected that he had heard incorrectly due to old earwax accumulating.




“yes. Instead, there are conditions.”


Gerald spoke back with a stubborn expression.


That’s right. There’s no way this guy can break his will so easily.


“What are the conditions? Let’s see first.”


The Count asked in a tired voice.


He was planning on agreeing to some conditions. It was because he was slowly getting tired of hearing disapproving comments from Byron every time he met him and having to keep watching him.


However, Gerald’s condition was not something that could be easily accepted.


“Please let me go out alone with him at this festival. Just once. After we go out together just once, I will never turn my head towards the outbuilding again.”


“What is that? “Are you saying you’re going to go to the festival commemorating the investiture of the crown prince?”


Knowing full well that his father had fallen into disfavor while supporting the Duke of Batches, he would go to the festival commemorating the crown prince’s investiture with a woman who was so opposed to him.


If this wasn’t an attempt to upset his father, what was it? He couldn’t figure out where the hell this burn came from.


“Ah, I told you about a condition. If it weren’t for this condition, I would never listen to my father.”


“It’s not a matter of my permission! We have to listen to the wishes of the guests in the villa.”


Considering how many times Byron stubbornly begged to take Gerald away from the child he didn’t know was his daughter or not, it was a condition that was close to impossible.


However, it was none of Gerald’s business. He intended to make it so that his father would have no choice but to agree to this condition unconditionally.


“I won’t eat until you give me permission!”


I was planning on going on a hunger strike like this.


“you? “You’re the one who shows off your bad temper even if you starve for just one meal? That’s so true.”


The Count snorted. Because he thought it was clear that he would give up after three days of determination.


“… … “We’ll see.”


Gerald glared at his father with evil eyes and stomped into his room. This was the moment when the war between father and son began.


And four days later,.


The Count couldn’t do his job properly because of his wife who kept raking him for money.


“Do something! “If you do that, my son will starve to death!”


Contrary to expectations that he would not be able to last even a day, Gerald was protesting properly by skipping meals for four days.


“Ha, really, I don’t know who that kid looks like like that.”


“It’s just one time, honey. “Your child is about to die, so what else is important right now? Go quickly and talk to the guest in the annex.”


The count put his hand on his head and groaned as if his bone was in pain, and the countess clung to him and repeated the same sound until her ears hurt.




“Try to be quiet. “My bone hurts.”


The Count just didn’t listen, pressing his temples and ignoring the wife’s complaints. And the more he continued, the more the Countess’s anger grew.


He didn’t like it from the moment a guest he didn’t know who he was was brought into the annex. That’s why he made this sandal.


The Countess filled a glass with water and poured it on the face of her husband, Byeok Chang-ho, who did not even care to listen.


“Let’s get Gerald to eat right now!” Otherwise, it’s divorce!!”


“”Honey, Clara!”


The Count let out an embarrassed groan as his wife, who had just run out of the Count’s office, locked herself in her room and would not come out.


He felt like he couldn’t just wait and see any longer.


The Count found Byron along the way and met him. It seemed that peace would come to his life only if he somehow persuaded Byron to agree to the conditions Gerald wanted.


Of course, he didn’t go there with his bare hands. He went there, holding the most luxurious liquor in his liquor collection with both hands.


This was because there was a need to make Byron feel as good as possible before bringing up his son’s ridiculous demands.


And just as the Count had intended, Byron seemed to be in a good mood after drinking a few glasses of the precious liquor. With a slightly flushed face, he began handing out blank checks.


These were stories that had an extremely low possibility of being realized, such as saying that he would do this and that after he became emperor.


However, when the earl heard the promise, he did not look very happy.


It was natural. He was so distracted that he didn’t even know if the expensive liquor was going into his mouth or nose because he was constantly watching Byron know when and how to bring up the story.


And Byron, who had been talking alone for a while, finally realized that the Count was timing something to suit his wishes.


“Hmm, I guess you have something to say to me. Please don’t be difficult and say it. Is there anything you can’t hear between us?”


Byron, who was happy that the Count’s efforts had been rewarded so far, opened his mouth, deciding that he would gladly listen to whatever he asked.


It was a good sign for the Count.


“Oh, that’s…” “My son.”


He felt that this was the right time and revealed Gerald’s request. He expected that even Byron would not refuse outright at this point, and his prediction was correct.


Even though Byron was moaning in embarrassment, he didn’t immediately say no.


“He promised himself several times that if he went out to play with that child just once, he would never bother him again. Although he is stubborn, he is a man who strictly protects his promises.”


As the Count emphasized once again, as if driving a wedge, Byron took a sip of the fragrant liquor and fell into thought.


He thought the Count’s son was just a stupid guy who didn’t know anything and was looking for other people’s money, but he turned out to be quite intelligent.


‘That’s right. You have to take what you can take.’


“If you unilaterally accepted a request, you were bound to become a wealthy person. In every transaction, there had to be a come and go.”


That doesn’t mean he didn’t like Gerald. He still wasn’t happy with him for daring to covet what he had, and there were a lot of uncomfortable demands he made.


That child, who looks like Ophelia, is going out to see the festival in good company with another man. Just thinking about Ayla walking down the crowded streets with a bright smile made her feel sick to her stomach.


‘… … No, come to think of it, I told Ayla that I would give her permission to go out.’


Of course, he was planning to send Cloud and Laura along with him at that time. It was dangerous to send Cloud to the city at a time when the Empire’s envoys were here, and since I was planning to infiltrate Laura into the Duke’s house as soon as she returned to the Empire, it was better not to expose it to the outside world.


However, He can’t let Ayla go alone.


There was no way to keep the promise, but this opportunity presented itself.


So, this was an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, both by keeping the promise to Ayla and by getting rid of the annoying bugs that were bothering her.


Since the calculations were completed up to this point, it would have been easy to give permission, but Byron rubbed his chin and opened his mouth as if he were having a hard time.


“Hmm, wouldn’t it be a bit dangerous to be alone with her? Even though she is not my biological daughter, she is a precious hunting dog that has many uses.”


“Oh, don’t worry about that. I will attach the best knights from the count family as your guards.”


At that level, there are enough eyes to watch over the two children, Ayla and the untrustworthy Gerald.


Byron nodded with satisfaction.


“Good. There’s nothing that can’t be done in a day or so.”


“… … “Are you sure? Thank you, thank you so much, Gong!”


When Byron gave permission, the Count was truly happy and handed the remaining bottle of liquor to Byron. To him, Byron was a benefactor who saved him from the danger of his son starving to death and his wife getting divorced.


Having safely achieved the purpose of visiting the villa, the Count proudly squared his shoulders and returned to the main house to knock on Gerald’s door.


He wanted to quickly tell Gerald this news.


“Gerald, honey! “Let’s talk.”…


Hi! I'm Mahach, a Korean novel translator. I love bringing Korean stories to life in English, and I'd love to share them with you! Come explore exciting worlds and characters, one page at a time. Please support and give me tips through my Buy Me A Coffee. PLEASE CLICK ON ➤ Buy Me A Coffee


  1. Archont says:

    I’m a bit amused by the sheer incompetence of handling this situation by Byron and Senospon.

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