You Will Pay With Your Life For Deceiving Me


At those words, Alexia looked a little surprised.


Even now, Roderick has been pursuing the whereabouts of Ayla and Byron, using as much manpower as he can.


But he’s going to expand further here.




“… … “The fact that he doesn’t get his tail stepped on like this obviously means that there is someone helping him behind the scenes. So, let’s find that helper.”


In response to Alexia’s puzzled question, Roderick answered with a serious expression.


Of course, it’s not something that hasn’t been tried before.


It’s been over 10 years since Byron escaped. There was no way that wasn’t tried.


A long time ago, those who were even slightly related to Byron were rounded up and those who participated in the treason were found and punished.


However, Byron’s whereabouts were still unknown.


“… … dismissal.”


Alexia opened her mouth in a low voice.


“I know even if you don’t say it. It may be a meaningless action. But… … “I can’t sit still. I have to do something.”


Roderick clenched his fists.


He felt so sorry for him that he couldn’t bear it. He couldn’t believe he felt so helpless.


Even if it was useless, he still had to do something. That way, he could comfort himself that he was doing something.


“… … ..”


Alexia didn’t say anything more.


It was because she could understand a little bit what Roderick was feeling.


* * *


Around that time.


Byron’s group was hiding in a mountain hut deep in the mountains.


Even the bandits who were tired of living in the mountains took refuge in a warm place to avoid the cold of midwinter and found an empty cave.


Of course, it was a rough place where there were no carriages.


In the harsh cold, he had to climb up here on his own.


Living in a cave did not meet Byron’s high expectations, making him very uncomfortable.


But he couldn’t complain.


This was because government forces were spread throughout the empire, hell-bent on catching him.


He didn’t know how long he could stay here. He didn’t know when he would run away from here again.


‘… … Well, is this a good thing for me?’


Ayla warmed her hands at the bonfire lit in the middle of the cave and was lost in thought.


Of course, it wasn’t always good to spend all day with Byron, but it was definitely beneficial to be able to find out what Byron and Cloud were up to without having to make an effort to eavesdrop.


Ayla glanced at Byron through the bonfire.


Byron, who was wrapped in soft fur on a makeshift shabby bed, was holding a glass of warm liquor in his hand, saying it was cold.


And then.


“How did a rumor spread that they had seen me at the checkpoint? Didn’t they tell me to kill them all and silence them?”


Byron suddenly got angry.


It was one of the topics of repeated complaints for several days.


Ayla was worried that it might be revealed that she saved the soldiers.


If the rumor that Byron had been seen spread, wouldn’t it be possible that Ayla’s mercy to the soldiers would also spread and reach Byron’s ears?


But acting suspiciously here will only arouse more suspicion.


She tried to pretend that nothing was wrong and kept her eyes fixed on the rising flames.


“… … “It looks like there were survivors.”


“So why do you handle things like that!”


Byron got angry and hit the bed with his fist.


Even if it were, only his hand would hurt. Ayla clicked her tongue inwardly and took a quick look at Byron’s expression.


It was very nice to see her blushing, but he didn’t feel any dissatisfaction with her.


Fortunately, the rumor that Ayla intentionally saved them did not seem to spread.


He couldn’t tell if the soldiers were intentionally keeping it quiet to protect her, or if it was a rumor that wasn’t very interesting and didn’t spread.


It was a truly fortunate situation for Ayla.


“How long do we have to stay in a place like this?”


“It may be a little uncomfortable, but I think you will have to hold out for a while. Those who are trying to capture my lord… … .”


Cloud answered in a calm and honest voice as he always did, but Byron couldn’t hold back his anger and ended up throwing his glass on the floor.


“little? “Is this a little uncomfortable?”


It wasn’t pleasant to eat, and sleeping was uncomfortable.


It must be difficult for someone as sensitive as Byron to live together in a cave like this.


It was natural for it to explode like it did now.


The problem was that this situation would not end anytime soon. No, it could have gotten worse.


Cloud silently picked up the drinking glass that fell on the floor.


He quietly set down his drink on the narrow table next to the bed, looked at Byron, and quietly opened his mouth.


“I don’t know when I will have to leave this place, my lord. It would be better to hide underground like 11 years ago… … .”


Byron, who was already very angry, took off the fur he had wrapped around his body as if Cloud’s remarks were causing him heat.


But he didn’t shout loudly or throw anything.


He just held the thick blanket on his lap with his hand, looking nervous.


The expression on his face was closer to fear than anger.


Fear. What on earth makes him so afraid?


11 years ago, Ayla was two years old.


It was 11 years ago at this point, but for her who came from 6 years in the future, it was a whopping 17 years ago.


It meant that there was no way he could remember it.


“that… … no.”


Byron spoke clearly as if there was no room for negotiation.


“My lord. If things continue like this, it’s dangerous. We don’t know when we’ll be discovered here, too.”


But Cloud did not give up and persuaded him.


Because it was such a dangerous situation.


“… … There may be another way. Let me think about it.”


Byron was still stubborn. As if he didn’t want to talk anymore, he gestured to chase Cloud away, then covered himself in fur again and shouted.


“Here, bring me some more alcohol.”


He couldn’t hold back his anger and poured it all out.


Ayla turned her head back to the bonfire after seeing that pitiful appearance.


Cloud sighed and took a step back, walked towards the bonfire where Ayla was, and flopped down on the floor.


He looked as if his energy had all been sucked.


‘… … ‘Let’s dig up some information.’


What the hell happened all those years ago? Why is Byron so freaked out by the word ‘underground’?


It was an opportunity to find out more information.


Ayla feigned pure childish curiosity and pulled the hem of Cloud’s clothes.


She got used to pretending to be cute after doing it so many times, so it was worth it.


“Why are you doing this, lady?”


“Um, Cloud. Where is ‘underground’?”


Ayla lowered her voice and asked in a low voice.


This was because there was no telling what kind of spark would fall into the ears of Byron, who was very uncomfortable.


“Oh, that’s… … .”


Cloud was lost in thought.


He was wondering how much he should tell her in order to satisfy Ayla’s curiosity without revealing important information.


“Eleven years ago, like now, there were people everywhere trying to catch my master. So back then… “I hid in an underground waterway somewhere.”


He also lowered his voice and answered.


Dark, humid. They say it was a place full of mold where no sunlight shines.


“… … Of course, it is a difficult place to endure, but it is still the perfect place to avoid being chased.”


Cloud, who had spoken up to this point, kept his mouth shut. It seemed like he wasn’t planning on giving any more information.


‘I didn’t get much nutritious information.’


Sheesh. Ayla clicked her tongue inwardly.


Certainly, if it were a place like that, Byron would never want to go there.


To be honest, Ayla didn’t want to go to that place either.


She promised herself that she would do anything to get revenge on Byron.


Still, there was no way she was willing to go to a moldy den full of musty smells.


And, after a while,.


“… … Okay! “That will do.”


Byron, who seemed lost in thought for a moment, opened his mouth as if thinking of something.


“Go to Inselkov. The Count will provide you with at least a hiding place.”


“Yes? Lord, Lord. Are you saying we should smuggle people out of the country now?”


At Byron’s sudden suggestion, Cloud, who was sitting on the floor, jumped up from his seat.


Because it was such an amazing story that it made him jump.


“Okay. No matter how hard they try to find me, I will still be confined within the territory of the Peles Empire. Shouldn’t I just stay abroad until things calm down?”


Byron seemed proud of his brilliant idea and expressed his thoughts with a grin.


“… … “But it won’t be easy to cross the border.”


Cloud expressed his opinion in a cautious voice.


Especially now, crossing the border when the imperial army is desperate to catch Byron.


“Well, there must be a way. Oh yeah. “How about looking into shipping routes?”


Since the Kingdom of Inselkov was a country adjacent to the sea, Byron muttered that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to smuggle it into the country by boat.


And Ayla pretended not to be interested but was listening intently to their story.


Going abroad. It was something that had never happened before in her past life.


There have already been a lot of changes, so she wonders once again, ‘Why is it different from my last life?’ She didn’t have any doubts about it.


She guessed she could just say it felt a little interesting.


‘Can I go on a boat? And… … . ‘You can also see the sea.’


Even though it was absurd for her to expect something like that in a situation like this.


As her body got younger, her mind also got younger. Ayla felt her heart pounding pleasantly.


It was natural. She had never been abroad in her past life or this life.


And so was the sea.


While wandering around the empire with Byron, she saw rivers and small lakes a few times but she never saw the sea.


“… … “Let’s find out.”


Byron’s opinion made quite a bit of sense, so Cloud nodded, saying he would follow orders.


Hi! I'm Mahach, a Korean novel translator. I love bringing Korean stories to life in English, and I'd love to share them with you! Come explore exciting worlds and characters, one page at a time. Please support and give me tips through my Buy Me A Coffee. PLEASE CLICK ON ➤ Buy Me A Coffee


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