You Will Pay With Your Life For Deceiving Me

Episode 45



Roderick, who had been laughing happily for the first time in a long time, looked back at Alexia’s words. His expression was heavy.


It seemed like what he had to say was quite important.


‘Maybe it’s because of that.’


The thing that was widely rumored. This is the incident where Byron was arrested and escaped dramatically.


There was no mention of Ayla in the rumors, but Ayla might be involved.


“Roderick, where are you going?”


As Roderick stood up from his seat, Ophelia asked curiously.


“I’ll be back soon, Ophelia.”


Roderick didn’t mention Ayla for no reason.


It’s not like he’s sure. It would have been better to speak carefully after listening to Alexia’s story, rather than being disappointed for no reason.


“is it so? Come back safely.”


Since it was not uncommon for Alexia and Roderick to talk separately, Ophelia nodded without much doubt.


As they moved to Roderick’s study, Alexia looked around nervously.


She seemed worried that someone might overhear.


“Don’t worry. There’s no one around.”


Only then did Alexia sit down with a relieved expression.


Roderick had very good senses. When he said there was no one, it meant there was no one.


“… … “Is it about Ayla?”


As soon as she could sit down, Roderick spoke first.


“Oh, yes. That’s right. A survivor of the checkpoint incident testified that he saw a girl who looked similar to the princess.”


It was what he expected. From the moment Alexia said she had something to say.


However, when he heard that his daughter had been seen, Roderick felt his composure greatly shaken.


He buried his face in his palms and sighed loudly.


“Tell me in detail.”


“that is… …. “It’s complicated.”


Alexia started talking while scratching the back of her head with an embarrassed expression.


It could have been seen as simple as just collecting and translating testimonies from survivors, but that was not the case.


This was because it was such a rambling story that it was difficult even for Alexia to understand what was going on.


Oh, of course, it was difficult to directly translate the survivors’ testimonies.


All kinds of rhetoric were used as if praising a great figure in a myth or legend.


If it was copied as is, it was clear that credibility would be lost.


“So, that child fought on Byron’s side?”


After Alexia finished her story, Roderick, who had been quietly listening to the story, asked with an expression as if he did not understand.


“Yes. “They say she uses a dagger. It seems she studied swordsmanship from Cloud Air.”


It was a story he could never understand.


Why would his daughter side with Byron and harm the government army?


And why does Byron teach swordsmanship to his enemy’s daughter?


“but… …. The girl said she somehow tried to keep the soldiers alive.”


Alexia continued.


This was the part that made it even more difficult to understand.


Although she fought on Byron’s side, she tried his best to save at least one person.


“He tried to silence them by killing all the soldiers.”


It was truly paradoxical.


“Oh, and… … . There were many testimonies that they heard Byron’s subordinates calling the girl ‘young lady.’ One of them also said that she heard the girl call Byron her father.”


Miss? father?


It became more and more unclear. He had never heard that Byron had a daughter around Ayla’s age.


“There may be a possibility that the silver-haired girl is not the princess. If she is his daughter… … .”


“No. “That won’t be it.”


Roderick knew Byron very well.


Before meeting Ophelia. It might have been back in the day when he didn’t shy away from women coming to him and was extremely debauched.


There was no way he could have had a child with another woman during the time he was crazy about Ophelia.


That child was Ayla.


There’s no way there could be two of those rare silver-haired girls around Byron.


It would be nice to say it was his father’s feeling.


“That child is probably Ayla.”


“If that girl is really a princess… … . dismissal… … .”


In response to Roderick’s confident words, Alexia opened her mouth with a puzzled expression.


It was because he realized what the story about the girl calling Byron her father meant.


And it was the same for Roderick.


Ayla’s father was none other than Roderick.


But his daughter calls Byron, who kidnapped her, her father.


He felt like his blood was rushing backward.


But he had to endure it.


Because she said she would come back.


Because Ayla promised Ophelia that she would return to her side.


“therefore… …. To sum up, Byron kidnapped Ayla, raised her as his daughter, and even taught her swordsmanship.”


“Yes. “It seems so.”


What the hell is Byron planning?


Although his head was spinning, there was something he could clearly understand from this.


Byron is raising Ayla as his own daughter to use for some purpose, and Ayla knows her true identity.


And she even hides the fact that she knows the secret from Byron and his subordinates.


‘It’s dangerous.’


She may be hiding the secret well now, but if Byron finds out, what will he do with Ayla? … .


Since it had no use value, there was a high possibility that they would kill it to silence it.


If he had the ability to control soldiers at such a young age while not inflicting fatal injuries on them, wouldn’t it be better to run away now and come under his protection?


That’s what he thought.




Roderick shook his head.


At least, if Ayla remains by Byron’s side of her own will, there must be some reason.


Of course, Roderick may not be able to understand the reason right now.


It felt like tens of thousands of questions were floating in his head.


What the hell is Byron planning?


Why does Ayla, even after knowing all this truth, remain by Byron’s side, leaving only the words, ‘I will definitely go back someday?’


He couldn’t understand this whole situation, and he was so angry and frustrated that he felt like he was going crazy.


He wanted to grab Byron right away, grab him by the collar, take his daughter, and ask him what he was planning.


But that can’t be possible.


“Are you okay? dismissal.”


Alexia looked at his complexion and asked carefully.


It was as if she understood Roderick’s confused feelings.


This was because she was able to read Roderick’s emotions well because they had been together for a long time, learning swordsmanship together since childhood.


The only person who knew Roderick better than her was Ophelia.


“… … okay.”


It wasn’t okay. He was angry and frustrated, and his head was full of questions.


He had no one to share these complicated feelings with.


Ophelia was pregnant. Moreover, the reason why she fell unconscious not long ago has not yet been determined.


He felt like he shouldn’t let her know about such a complicated issue, as nothing had been clearly revealed.


When he thinks about how Ayla broke down when she first disappeared… ….


For Ophelia’s sake and the sake of the kid in her belly. He needed to react more composedly in situations like these.


‘Tricking Ophelia. Can I do it?’


Even though there is an excuse that it is for her sake.


How difficult it is to keep quiet and not tell Ophelia this important fact.


It’s not like he’s lying, he just keeps his mouth shut.


Roderick was constantly tormented by the fact that he had to deceive the one he loved.


“Would you like to spar with me after a long time?”


Roderick looked at Alexia and asked.


He needed to clear his thoughts, but the only way to do it when his mind was full was to strain himself physically and become sweaty.


And in this empire, there were not many opponents who could cross swords with Roderick.


One of them, Alexia, happened to be home. It was the perfect opportunity for Roderick.


“… … Yes? Ah, yes.”


Of course, it wasn’t a bad offer for Alexia.


Crossing swords with Roderick was an opportunity for great growth for her, and the opportunity to spar with him didn’t come around that often.


However, Alexia somehow felt a certain premonition.


He has a feeling that this sparring will not end until she is completely exhausted.


And, that premonition turned out to be amazingly true.


“Once more.”


As Alexia took a moment to catch her breath, Roderick seemed to have regained his strength and raised his sword again.


Since she had no idea why Roderick was so persistent in asking her to spar, Alexia groaned softly and stood up.


He had to save his energy to answer. Only then would he be able to lift the sword.


Roderick swung his sword with fierce force, and Alexia had to grit her teeth to block the sword.


After blocking the sword that was swirling like a storm several times, Roderick finally let go of Alexia in frustration.


“… … Phew.”


Roderick wiped the sweat dripping down his chin and looked deep in thought as if he was contemplating something.


“Please keep it a secret from Ophelia for the time being. At least… …. “At least until the child is safely born.”


“Yes. “I will.”


Alexia nodded at Roderick’s command when she finally opened her mouth.


It was fully expected. It was because it was too risky to deliver such disturbing news to Ophelia, who had a child.


“… … . “We need to expand the search,”


Roderick muttered as if he was talking to himself….


Hi! I'm Mahach, a Korean novel translator. I love bringing Korean stories to life in English, and I'd love to share them with you! Come explore exciting worlds and characters, one page at a time. Please support and give me tips through my Buy Me A Coffee. PLEASE CLICK ON ➤ Buy Me A Coffee


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