You Will Pay With Your Life For Deceiving Me

 It was true that the former emperor had vaguely asked Roderick about an heir, but he ultimately kept silent. This was due to the belief that it was only the emperor’s authority to decide on the next emperor.


 He believed Byron would be less suited than Hirum to hold the office of emperor. But he never publicly expressed such an opinion, and the housemaster never took part in it.


 In the first place, Ophelia had no intention of accepting Byron’s feelings from the beginning, so even if it was a love triangle, it was one-sided.


 Although he was angry that he continued to cling to her despite her rejection, Roderick was a person who could clearly distinguish between public and private matters.


 Whatever the truth, he has been searching every corner of the empire, believing that Byron may have taken Ayla.


 He suddenly saw that child in a big city.


 Roderick thought it was strange, but suddenly remembered a story he heard from Alexia Dexen, a close friend and classmate who studied swordsmanship together.


 It was a story about a time when Winfred went out secretly in the Bahait and was almost assassinated by Cloud Air.


 “… … “Are you talking about that time when you said you met an assassin?”


 “Oh, that’s right. At that time, that girl named Ayla saved my life.”


 He didn’t know what happened, but it was a girl who went by the name of ‘Ayla Heiling’ who was present at Cloud Air.


 Even if it’s a girl with silver hair and blue eyes.


 It seemed very likely that the child was Roderick and Ophelia’s daughter, Ayla Heiling Weishafen.


 “Is that child the lost princess?”


 Winfred asked carefully. Roderick was deep in thought and rubbing his crying wife’s back, nodded at Winfred’s question.


 “I’m not sure, but my daughter… … “I think that’s right.”


 Roderick burst into laughter, saying, “Heh heh.”


 He had thought that the girl Winfred had met might be their daughter, but it only became true after he answered yes to Winfred’s question.


 He feels like Ayla is alive.


 And Winfred sighed at Roderick’s answer. Because he was finally able to do all of the homework Ayla gave him.


 “Well, actually, he asked me to do something.”


 Roderick gave Winfred his full attention as though he was listening when Winfred opened his mouth. With a handkerchief, Ophelia, who had been crying all along, dried her eyes and turned to face Winfred.


 “… … “I told him that if he found out who he was, he had to tell his parents. He told him to keep it a secret from everyone else.”


 The message his daughter asked him to deliver. Roderick and Ophelia held hands tightly and waited for Winfred to open his mouth.


 “That’s what Ayla said. I will return to my parents, mother, and father someday. Please tell me that.”


 Winfred said, recalling Ayla’s solemn expression at that moment. Somehow, he felt as if she had become as solemn as Ayla.


  After hearing his message, Roderick and Ophelia strengthened their joined hands. Ophelia’s tears, which had barely stopped, began to flow again.


  It was tears of joy. She was so happy. She was happy.


 “… … Shee said she would come back. That kid.”


 She had not heard from her daughter in ten years, but here was news from her. There was also news that she would make a comeback.


 Roderick and Ophelia looked at each other and shared a look.


 Ophelia’s eyes were shiny with tears, but the eyes they looked at each other were full of happiness.


 No words were needed.


* * *


 Returning to the imperial palace after completing his errands, Winfred sat leaning heavily on a soft carriage chair.


 No, rather than saying he was sitting, it might be more correct to say he was melting into the chair. He didn’t have that much energy.


 ‘… … I thought it would be a simple visit where I would just give a gift and come back.’


 He doesn’t know how it happened, but he lost all his energy in just one day.


 Of course, He was very happy to find out Ayla’s identity. It was sincere.


 He told Ayla’s parents the news as she requested, and he was overjoyed to see Roderick and Ophelia smiling. He was doing all right.


 However, He felt like all his energy had been sucked out during that series of processes.


 ‘What a strange relationship. Ayla is the daughter of the Duke of Weishafen.’


 A big smile appeared on Winfred’s face, as he was half-lying on the sofa with his body relaxed. He had never thought that the answer would be so close. The smile kept coming.


 ‘Wait a minute. Then the baby I said I would marry when I was young… … ?’


 Is it not true that it was Ayla who cried loudly that he would take her as his wife and that he was unable to remember her as a child?


 Who would have thought that her taste(?) would be so consistent? Winfred placed both hands on his blushing cheeks.


 Where did Winfred go, who said he would pretend that there were no stories from his childhood that he couldn’t even remember? It was to the point where he wanted to boast to anyone that he had fallen in love with that girl all over again.


 But Winfred kept his mouth shut.


 It was because of the words Roderick left to him before leaving the Duke’s residence.


 ‘Ayla, there must be a reason why that child kept it a secret from others. I hope we can keep this a secret between us for the time being.’


 He said so.


 Winfred let out a deep sigh as was his habit. His body sank further into the sofa.


* * *


 “Welcome. Director Epocher. Thank you for coming this far.”


 Roderick escorted the woman who got off the carriage and greeted him politely.


  A person as tall and slender as an adult man stepped out of the carriage.


 “It’s been so long! How are you, Roderick?”


  The man wearing round glasses smiled cheerfully, showing off her teeth.


 It was a hand extended to escort, but her hand had lost its original purpose and was being held by Candice and was shaking up and down vigorously.


 She looked somewhat distracted, with her gray hair roughly tied up and wearing a trouser suit that only men wore in the Empire.


 The mysterious black eyes were shining brightly.


 “Uh, yes. I’ve been doing well, but Director Epocher… … .”


 “You’re calling me director again. I just want you to call me by my first name like before.”


 Candice poked Rodrick’s side with her elbow and laughed mischievously.


 Roderick smiled humbly and swept his hand over the side where she had been hit. Because her body was made of steel, it didn’t hurt, but because she was so thin, her elbows felt sharper than others.


 “Ophelia is waiting desperately. Let’s go inside and finish unpacking.”


 Roderick had always found it strangely difficult to deal with Candice, smiled, and led her naturally into the room.


 It wasn’t that he felt uncomfortable or disliked her, but it was because he felt like he was constantly being dragged into her when dealing with her.


 Since He’s been friends with the playful Hiram all my life, he thought he could deal with a lot of mischief. But Candice seemed like a race that was out of the range.


 “Oh! Then go quickly! “You can’t keep Ophelia waiting!”


 Candice had already gone ahead of Roderick, was grabbing Roderick’s arm, and dragging him along.


 Candice walked faster so that the hem of the long white coat she was wearing fluttered. She missed her close friend whom she had not seen in years.






 The two best friends reunited after a long time and hugged each other with happy expressions on their faces.


 Is it really that good? Roderick looked at the two friends with warm eyes. If Ophelia was happy, Roderick was twice as happy.


 “It’s so good, honey. Really really really! “I missed you so much,”


 Candice said, holding Ophelia’s hands tightly and shaking them vigorously from side to side.


 Although Ophelia had entered a stable phase, it still seemed better to be careful, and Roderick was wondering whether he should stop her.


 “Oh, right. I said I was pregnant. Look at my mind. Sorry sorry!”


 Candice smiled brightly and scratched her head.


 “Ugh, no. “It’s okay now.”


 Ophelia smiled kindly and said.


 Candice’s smile disappeared from her laughing face, even though she insisted that everything was okay. She had a question she really wanted to ask, but was having trouble speaking.


  “Is that really true? Really… … ?”




 She couldn’t believe what was written in the letter she received before coming here. The change that occurred after Ophelia fell and woke up.


 “How can you do that?”


 Candice looked as if she had lost the world. Ophelia just remained silent. Because she also did not know the reason.


 “Stop talking about that. Have you seen the room you’ll be staying in while you’re here? I’ll show you around.”


 Ophelia said, clasping Candice’s hand.


 Even though the person in question said that Candice couldn’t keep looking sad, so she smiled and nodded.


 She didn’t think it was necessary for a friend with a child to make the move, but it seemed like Ophelia had something to say alone.


 “This is the room. how is it?”


 The guest room prepared for Candice included a small living room, bedroom, and bathroom, as well as a study so that she could conduct magic research while staying in the Pheles Empire.


 Due to the presence of a grand two-story building, it was assumed that the room was in fact a small house, which was further emphasized by the presence of a stair within the room.


Hi! I'm Mahach, a Korean novel translator. I love bringing Korean stories to life in English, and I'd love to share them with you! Come explore exciting worlds and characters, one page at a time. Please support and give me tips through my Buy Me A Coffee. PLEASE CLICK ON ➤ Buy Me A Coffee


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