You Were My Slave

Antonio was overly proud and stubborn compared to his abilities. He intended to continue the war that he had no chance of winning. He did not think of surrendering early to save even one person, but to be king to the end.

There was no way he would survive anyway.

‘Our sins are too many to hope for a miracle.’

The once-powerful desert nation of Ashtara had been weakened by a civil war that had lasted for over 10 years. Naturally, numerous refugees arose, and Parcion, a neighboring country, captured the Ashtara people who crossed the border and made them all into sl*ves. Ashtaran people with their superior physical conditions and outstanding beauty were sold all over the world through the slave trade of the Parcion royal family.

So, now that the civil war was over, it was natural for the new king of Ashtara to invade Parcion. Because everyone in that country hated Parcion.

Elona got out of bed and walked to the window. The room she had been confined to for seven years was so small that it was only five steps from the bed to the window. Dressed in a shabby cotton dress, she looked down outside, shivering from the cold air that seeped through the cracks in the window.

The royal castle had already fallen. In the distance, the walls crumbled, and acrid smoke rose from every corner of the city. Ashtarian warriors in ivory robes roamed freely through the palace killing people. Elona closed her eyes as she listened to the screams and crumbling stone walls. Soon it would be her turn.

Bam, bam, bam!

There was a loud banging sound on the wooden door behind her, as if someone was trying to break it down. Elona jumped in surprise and turned away from the window. Judging from the fact someone was trying to break the door down without a key, it was definitely the Ashtarian warriors. What would happen to her if they broke in? Elona unlatched the window with trembling hands. She sat on the windowsill, ready to jump at any moment.

Finally, the door was completely destroyed. Elona was clutching the window frame with both hands when a large man kicked open the door and stared at her. He was a middle-aged Ashtarian man with one eye.

“Are you the Princess of Parcion?”

His voice was blunt, but there was no hostility in it. Elona nodded, slightly taken aback but still nervous.

“Yes, I am. I am Elona de Parcion, Princess of Parcion.”

The giant grunted and scratched his head. He took a step to the side and motioned for the warriors behind him to retreat.

“It’s dangerous, so get down from there. The warriors of Ashtara will not harm the princess.”

“Who are you?”

“I am Thortan, general of the Ashtarian army.”

A general was second only to the king and second in command to the Ashtarian army. Judging by his appearance and demeanor, it seemed he was not lying. As Elona cautiously stepped onto the floor, he led her away, clearing the rubble of the door.

“Follow me. His Majesty is waiting.”

The ‘Majesty’ he was referring to was not Antonio, but the king of Ashtara. Elona braced herself and walked out the door.

It was her first time going out in seven years, since Kazan died.


The beautiful Parcion Royal Palace had been reduced to ruins. Elona couldn’t bear to look at the bodies scattered all over the place, so she trotted on, looking only at Thortan’s back. She was afraid that she might find someone she knew dead.

‘What happened to my brother? Is he alive?’

If the purpose of this war was revenge against the royal family of Parcion for enslaving the Ashtara people, it was highly unlikely that King Antonio was still alive. The thought that he might already be dead gave Elona a strange feeling. The thought that her half-brother may be gone from the world seemed to let her breathe a little easier in the midst of this chaos. She would be next, after all.

Just then, Thortan stopped walking.

“Your Majesty. I have found the princess. She was in the west tower, as the King of Parcion said.”

As ever, polite honorifics were reserved for his king. There was no answer in return, but Thortan slowly rose to one knee. Her field of vision opened up, and Elona was mesmerized by the sight before her.

In the heart of Parcion’s palace, in the long corridors of the central gardens and the vast open spaces, Ashtara warriors lined up in tight formation. Their fierce eyes, like the messengers of hell, bore down on her. Only one man was not looking.

In front of the collapsed fountain in the middle of the garden, a tall and slender man stood with his back to her. All she could see was his back, but his large presence made Elona feel as if the surrounding scenery was fading away. His thick neck, broad shoulders, and arms wrapped in solid muscles made him look like a flawless copper statue. Maybe that was why she kept looking at his right arm.

His strong-looking right arm was covered with what looked like dark red tattoos. Geometric patterns whose meaning was difficult to guess, combined with his dignified appearance, created a mysterious and threatening atmosphere. Even though there seemed to be no connection, Elona suddenly remembered Kazan’s words.

“Ashtara is blessed by the gods. We hope that they are kind and merciful. But….”

The man silently raised his right hand. Then the warriors near her grabbed her arms and dragged her towards him. In front of the man, a captive was kneeling helplessly. Up close, Elona gasped as she realized its identity.


The captive with disheveled golden hair was none other than King Antonio. Elona’s figure was reflected in his dull green eyes.

“Elona…? You’re finally here!”

Elona flinched at the sight of Antonio’s wide-eyed grin. It was a strange reaction considering the situation was not at all joyful.
When she hesitated, the warriors dragged her and made her kneel next to Antonio. Elona’s face turned white when she saw someone’s blood stains scattered on the floor. Antonio shouted loudly at King Ashtara.

“Do you see? Elona is alive and well! Now, I have kept my promise and handed over this woman, so release me immediately!”

Elona doubted her ears. The kingdom had been destroyed, and yet Antonio was trying to trade his sister to a ruthless conqueror. Her face burned with disbelief.

“Did we have a promise?”

From high above my head, the soft voice of the Ashtaran King could be heard. His voice, which was heard for the first time, was a familiar bass.

No, it was not the first time she’d heard that voice…

“What are you talking about?! You promised me earlier that you would…”

“You still don’t know what’s important, do you? Antonio de Parcion.”

The heavy footsteps grew closer. King Ashtara, standing within reach, spoke to Antonio.

“A promise is only made when you are on equal footing.”

“Yes! We are equal…”

“But Parcion has been destroyed.”

The man’s cynical voice spread like a spider web.

“Did you really think you were worthy of making a promise with me, Antonio? You are already ruined.”

Antonio’s body began to tremble as he realized his situation, and he spewed out an uncontrollable, evil-fueled rant.

“You, you lowly slave…! How dare you look down on me and insult me!”

“Is it just an insult?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of a sword being drawn was heard. Feeling an eerie premonition that her death was just around the corner, she hurriedly raised her head. Even if she died, she wanted to make sure of one thing.

Why the great king of Ashtara had the same voice as her first love, and why her brother called him a slave….

“…It can’t be.”

The moment she saw the man before her, Elona froze in shock. The sturdy body of the man wielding a black longsword, right arm covered in strange black and red symbols; broad shoulders, and ivory cloth armor stained with someone’s blood. All belonged to a man she did not recognize. But the face of the King of Ashtara that looked down upon her bore an unmistakable resemblance to Kazan’s face seven years ago.

“Elona de Parcion.”

He whispered, his voice so nostalgic that tears welled up in her eyes.

“Do you remember me?”

The man she had thought about every single day for seven years was standing before Elona’s eyes. Kazan is alive! Elona nodded toward him, hoping she wasn’t dreaming. A strange smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

“You bastard, what the hell did you do?!”

Suddenly, Antonio jumped to his feet and screamed. The warriors standing around him pointed their blades at the suddenly agitated man. He screamed at Kazan like a man gone mad.

“I’ve clearly killed you, so why are you still alive, you monster!”

“Bro-, brother, stop…”

Perhaps we can survive. Elona, whose two arms were free, grabbed Antonio’s collar and tried to stop him. The warriors’ hostility towards the two siblings was about to rush in like a blade.

“Prove it.”

Kazan’s raspy voice echoed between them like a gust of wind. He smiled thinly as he approached the bound Antonio. His red eyes sparkled with interest, but there was a hint of cruelty in them.

“Did you really kill me, Antonio? If so, prove it in front of everyone. If what you say is true, the God of Death will take me back.”

Prove it? But how? As Elona wondered, Kazan ordered the warriors around him.

“Release the King of Parcion. I will receive the ‘Choice of Sindar’ here and now.”


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