You Have to Repay Your Savior

Founding Day – Day

“Seems like you did.”

Jerald, who saw Pristin’s expression, quickly concluded. Pristin immediately opened her mouth.

“Don’t misunderstand, Your Majesty.”


“Because it’s not Lord Bachell.”

Jerald laughed low at Pristin’s words. Pristin looked at Jerald with her eyes wide open.

“I didn’t think it was Lord Bachell either.”


“You’re going with your sister, right?”

“How did you know?”

“Well, if you had decided to go with someone else leaving me behind, there’s no one else but your younger sister.”

“I apologize, Your Majesty. I didn’t consider…”

“It’s okay. Since you’ve met your younger sister whom you thought was dead again, I can understand.”

Though it would be a lie to say that he wasn’t a bit hurt, Jerald tried his best to understand Pristin’s situation. Jerald asked with a warm look, locking eyes with Pristin,

“We still have next year. Will you go with me next year?”

Pristin smiled faintly and nodded.

“If you still want to go with me then.”

“This feeling will remain the same next year as well.”

Jerald spoke with confidence, and Pristin also secretly thought that it would be the case. A gentle smile formed on her lips.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

At the same time, in Tanya’s Shrun Palace.

“Princess, there’s news that just came in.”

Just as she was about to eat, Brelin came into the room. Tanya slightly narrowed her brow and asked,

“What’s up, Brelin?”

“Countess Rosewell returned from Vaylern and brought a maid with her. She’s said to be the lost younger sister of Countess Rosewell.”

“Lost younger sister?”

Tanya’s frown deepened.

“So, she had a younger sister. But she was brought in as a maid?”

“That’s what they say.”

“Ha, she even brought in a maid as she pleases. Someone would think she’s really the empress.”

“Just in case, should we assign someone to watch over this so-called younger sister?”

“Yes, keep an eye on her. It won’t hurt to be cautious.”

Tanya nodded with a cold smile.

“You never know. That so-called younger sister might act recklessly and cause trouble for her sister. We should keep an eye on her actions.”

“I’ll inform you if there’s any other news, Princess.”

“Yes, Brelin, you’re doing well.”

Tanya nodded with a wicked smile.

“If His Majesty won’t change his mind, I’ll create a stir and drive her away myself.”

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Time flew by, and the week passed, and the entire empire was busy shaking during the founding period.

People in the palace also walked around with smiles around their mouths as if they were enjoying the atmosphere.

“Finally, today has come, Christine.”

Of course, Pristin was one of them.

“To think we’d go out together again. You probably don’t know how eagerly I’ve been waiting for this day.”

To which Christine replied, “Honestly, my heart has been pounding for the past few days.”

“Okay. Let’s get out of here. Today’s schedule is quite busy.”

“Do we need to come back early today?”

“Well… I think we should return before sunset. It might be risky at night.”

“I see. Then let’s enjoy our day to the fullest during the daytime.”

“Sure, sounds good.”

Pristin smiled and grabbed Christine’s hand first. Christine smiled shyly and turned her head to look at her sister. It had been a few days since Christine, with no memories of the past, arrived as Pristin’s younger sister.

Accepting the fact of being Pristin’s sister was the only thing she could firmly grasp during this time.

While it was still challenging for her to use informal language, being around Pristin felt more comfortable and less intimidating now than when they first met.

The two of them took a carriage and headed out to the town. Even before entering the city, they could see people roaming the streets, getting ready to enjoy the Founding Festival. As Pristin happily observed the people outside, Christine looked on as if observing those who were walking by.

“Is it interesting?”

“Yes, there are so many people.”

“Haven’t you ever walked around outside in Vaylern?”

“Most of the time, I stayed inside the castle, and Vaylern doesn’t have as many people as this.”

“If you’re already amazed at this, it might be tough.”

As Pristin suggested, when the carriage moved closer to the city center, an incredible number of people came into view.

When the carriage finally stopped and Christine stepped outside, she couldn’t help but exclaim in amazement,

“Wow, there are so many people!”

Not only were there many people, but there were also numerous street vendors. The scale seemed to be double the usual, surprising even Pristin. It was also her first time attending the Founding Festival in the capital.

“Let’s go there first, Countess!”

Christine, with an excited expression, grabbed Pristin’s hand first. Although Pristin was taken aback, she didn’t show it and explored various places with Christine. Christine seemed excited, as if experiencing such a place for the first time.

“Wow, Countess, look over there. They’re selling a lot of food!”

“Should I buy something for you, Christine?”

“What? Oh, I’m fine…”

“No, I want to treat you.”

“But still…”


Christine tried to refuse further, but at that moment, her stomach growled unexpectedly. Blushing, she quickly covered her stomach.

“Oh, I’m sorry!”

“No, it’s okay.”

Pristin smiled slightly as if finding her adorable.

“It’s time for a little snack anyway. Let’s try that place.”

The two bought skewered grilled chicken wings and walked around, enjoying various street performances at the festival. When the wandering band finished their performance, Pristin’s pocket watch precisely pointed to noon.

Pristin looked at Christine with a smile as she put a few coins into the donation basket.

“It’s already noon. Shall we go for lunch?”

“Lunch? Sure!”

“I heard someone say earlier that there’s a very delicious pork fried rice restaurant over there. Let’s go there…”

At that time, Pristin’s vision was crossed by someone. A man wearing a pitch-black veil and dressed entirely in black attire, emanating an indescribable atmosphere.

He was exceptionally tall and had a good figure. While his face was handsome, that wasn’t the main reason Pristin hesitated.

‘He looks so much like…’

His facial features were strikingly similar to Jerald. It was as if they shared the same blood.

‘Wait. Shared blood?’

Pristin was taken aback for a moment. There was only one man in the entire empire who shared blood with Jerald.

‘His Majesty Albert.’

The problem was that the man was currently missing. If he were still alive, he would undoubtedly pose a significant threat to Jerald. Pristin frowned, contemplating the unlikely situation of him openly wandering around when he would be executed if caught.

“…That can’t be. It doesn’t make sense.”

In a situation where execution was the clear consequence if caught, it seemed absurd for someone to be openly wandering around. Pristin thought she must have seen it wrong. It hadn’t been that long.

“What’s wrong, Countess?”

Christine, standing beside her, asked with a puzzled expression. Pristin, coming to her senses, turned her head. She awkwardly smiled and shook her head.

“…It’s nothing. Maybe I mistook someone.”

Pristin then casually smiled again, taking Christine’s hand.

“It’s too crowded; we might lose each other. Let’s stick together.”

“Okay. Sounds good.”

“Now, let’s head in that direction.”

“But what should we do after lunch?”

“Hmm… Is there anything you want to do in particular?”

“We have to digest anyway, so how about deciding while we walk around?”

“Sure, sounds good.”

While chatting happily with Christine, the presence of the man she saw earlier was being erased from Pristin’s head.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Fortunately, the restaurant Pristin chose turned out to be a great place.

After a satisfying meal, the two of them left the restaurant to aid digestion by continuing their walk through the surrounding streets.

“Countess, shall we go over there?”

Christine’s words made Pristin’s head turn. She saw a stall selling accessories.

“You still like glitter.”

Pristin nodded with a smile.

“Okay. Let’s go.”

Christine approached the stall with an eager expression. After carefully looking around the display, she quickly picked one item.

“This would be nice. I’d like this one.”

“This is a little expensive.”

The owner, who confirmed Christine’s choice, said with a troubled expression.

“It’s ten dants for the crystal, miss.”

“It’s okay. Here’s the money.”

Christine had chosen a red crystal ring. While Pristin observed it closely, she finally spoke up.

“Do you like it? I’ll buy it for you, Christine.”

“No, Countess.”

Christine held out the ring she was holding to Pristin.

“This is for the Countess.”


“Yes. It’s a gift for you, to express my gratitude for accompanying me today and for bringing me here.”

“Oh, Christine. You don’t have to do such a thing.”

“I know. There are many more valuable accessories for you.”

Christine continued, looking a little shy.

“But I just wanted to express my sincere feelings. Thank you so much for coming with me today. And for finding me and bringing me all the way here.”

“Oh, Christine, I didn’t mean it that way.”

Pristin shook her head quickly to prevent any possible misunderstanding. If Christine gave it to her with that kind of intention, this red crystal was worth more than the rumored Red Diamond.

Pristin spoke to Christine in an impressed voice.

“If that’s your intention, I gratefully accept. It’s truly beautiful.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yes. The craftsmanship is really well done.”

Pristin took the ring that Christine had given her and put it on. The clear crystal jewel looked perfect on her slender and fair fingers. Pristin gazed at it for a moment before speaking.

“I want to give you a present, too. Pick one, Christine.”

“What? Oh, I’m fine.”

“I want to express my gratitude for accompanying me today.”

Pristin smiled and asked Christine,

“May I give you a gift?”

“Then, I’ll choose this one.”

Christine had picked a ring made of red stones.

“Something similar to yours.”

“Like a couple’s ring? Sure, that’s nice.”

“I thought it could be a commemoration.”

Christine shyly smiled, and Pristin paid for the chosen item. As they started walking the original path again, Pristin suddenly felt an odd sensation behind her.

‘Someone seems to be following us.’

Pristin struggled to shake off her uneasy feeling and held Christine’s hand.

“Let’s go, Christine.”

“Yes, Countess.”

‘It’s probably just my imagination.’

Pristin casually brushed off the discomfort and continued walking.


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you for the chapter!❤️‍🔥

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