You Have to Repay Your Savior


*TN: The chapter title was in written in English and i’m unsure if there was significance for that even after translating.

There were reasons for making this decision.

‘Maybe it’s better not to remember.’

Happiness doesn’t necessarily come from knowing the truth. Perhaps just living here as Iris could be better. Now that she knew Christine was here, she could come and see her often.

After she disappeared, their parents killed themselves, and the downfall of the family followed that, it would undoubtedly cause her immense pain.

“To be honest, even if you remember, it doesn’t mean things will be better than they are now.”

Pristin said with a serious look.

“I will respect your choice.”


And Christine, who listened to Pristin, seemed quite confused.

After a moment of contemplation, she spoke up,

“It seems that not only good things are waiting for me in the memories I have to remember.”

“Everyone probably feels that way, but we’re more like that.”


“Again, I will do as you please.”

“How long do I have to make a decision?”

“We leave tomorrow.”

Pristin replied in a slightly trembling voice.

“But you don’t have to decide within that time. Because a day is too short, and now I know that you’re here.”

“…It won’t take long.”

Christine requested cautiously,

“Please give me some time to think, until you leave.”

“Of course you need time to think.”

Pristin said with a smile.

“We’ve got plenty of time. We’re together now. So… take your time, Christine.”

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

After Christine returned to her place, Aruvina said in a voice of great relief,

“I’m so glad you found your sister, Your Excellency.”

“So am I.”

Pristin said with a faint smile.

“I’m genuinely happy, but… is it because she lost her memory? My joy doesn’t seem complete somehow.”

“Of course, I understand that feeling.”

Aruvina looked at Pristin with pitiful eyes.

“Are you going back to the imperial palace with your sister?”

“I gave her the choice.”

“What? Why…”

“Forcing her back to the palace without her consent, just because I want it, seems selfish.”

“But wouldn’t the situation change if she regains her memories?”

Aruvina said in a tone that she thought differently.

“I think you should find her memories together while staying together. She’s the only family you have left.”

Due to this sentiment, Pristin also hoped to avoid causing her more pain. However, she couldn’t share all the details, so Pristin just smiled.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Finally, it was the day when Pristin and Claret would leave for the imperial palace. Pristin got up early that morning and was ready to leave. Until then, Christine hadn’t come to find Pristin.

‘As expected, she’s not going to go.’

Pristin sighed briefly in front of the mirror.

‘I pretended I was okay with it, but as expected…’

She secretly hoped she would follow.

‘No, don’t be upset.’

In reality, even to her, this situation would be quite abrupt.

Even if Christine decided not to come right now, she might not be coming because she’s still thinking about it.

Pristin continued to reassure herself while finishing her preparations. She went outside to take luggage to the carriage, and Claret, who had already come out, was bidding a fond farewell to her maternal uncle.

“I’ll come back again, Uncle.”

“Anytime, the doors of Vaylern are always open, Your Highness.”

“Yes, take care, and please look after the borders… Oh, Pristin?”

At that moment, Claret noticed Pristin and warmly waved her hand. Smiling, Pristin approached Claret.

“Your Highness, you came out early.”

“I wanted to have a longer farewell with my uncle.”

“I’ll be waiting for you, so take your time to say farewell. It’s not like we have a tight schedule.”

“No, I’ve already said what I wanted to say.”

Claret asked as she glanced around Pristin,

“But your sister…”


“Is she not going?”

“I guess so.”

Pristin smiled awkwardly. Claret was somehow upset. The outcome she desired wasn’t like this. Finding Pristin’s sister was undoubtedly a good thing, but somehow, it left an uncomfortable feeling.

“I think it wouldn’t be bad for my sister to stay here, Your Highness. Everyone at Vaylern Castle seemed kind.”


Claret seemed to have much to say but ultimately didn’t. Instead, she sighed briefly and spoke with renewed energy.

“All right then. Since we know she’s in Vaylern Castle anyway, that’s fine. You can see her whenever you want. Her feelings might change!”

“Yes, so I’m trying not to feel too disappointed.”

“Okay, then. Let’s depart now.”

Claret boarded the carriage first, and just as Pristin was about to join her.

“Wait a minute!”

Pristin paused and turned her head at the distant cry. Claret asked with a puzzled look,

“What’s wrong, Pristin?”


“Wait a minute!”

There was another cry. It was Christine, unmistakably. Pristin’s heart began to beat fast.


After a while, Christine, out of breath, ran up and stopped in front of the carriage, carrying a small bundle.

Pristin’s heart started beating faster.


“Haa, are you about to leave now?”

“Yeah, I’m getting ready to leave.”

Pristin, trying to calm her rapidly pounding heart, asked,

“Did you come to see me off?”


Christine, still catching her breath, met Pristin’s eyes.

“If it’s not too late, may I… come with you?”

Oh, my God. Pristin almost screamed at that moment.

“… Of course.”

Pristin stretched her trembling lips into a broad smile.

“Is it okay like this?”

“Yes, I packed my belongings in a hurry this morning.”

Christine, with a slightly flushed face, nodded.

“Sorry for making you wait so long.”

“No, there’s no need to apologize… at all.”

Pristin couldn’t hold back and pulled Christine into a tight embrace.

“Thank you, Christine. Thank you for saying you’ll come with me.”

“No, thank you for respecting my decision.”

Christine also carefully raised her hand and gave Pristin a big hug.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Due to the addition of one more person at the end, Pristin ended up riding in the same carriage as Christine, not Claret. It was the consideration of Claret, who judged that Pristin needed time to spend alone with her younger sister.

Thanks to this, Pristin was able to have a lot of back-to-back conversations with Christine during the long journey to the imperial palace.

“How was your stay in Vaylern Castle? Wasn’t it hard to work as a maid?”

“Yes, I was fine. They were all good people.”

“Fortunately. But why do you keep using honorifics?”

“Well… it still feels a bit awkward.”

“I feel awkward too. You’ve always used casual language with me.”

“Me, really?”

“Of course. Who uses honorifics between sisters?”

As Pristin looked sullen, Christine, startled, opened her mouth quickly.

“I,I’ll use casual language!”


“Well, but right now, it feels so awkward… Oh, what should I do?”

Christine, looking restless, glanced at Pristin, and eventually, Pristin burst into laughter.

“No, it’s okay. Do as you feel comfortable, Christine.”

“Is it really okay?”

“Yeah. I told you I wouldn’t force you.”

Pristin said with a gentle smile.

“Well, even if you use honorifics now, once you regain your memory, you’ll naturally switch to casual language, right?”

“Would I…?”

“Yeah. But I’ll never expect you to use honorifics with me even after you find your memory.”


Christine asked carefully,

“What if I can’t find my memory?”

“Then, well, there’s nothing we can do about it.”

Pristin shrugged as if she was okay.

“It’s all right. I’ll be by your side until you find it.”

“But if I can’t find it…”

“Then let’s just make a new connection. Wouldn’t it be okay to stay like that?”

Pristin smiled as she made quick eye contact with Christine.

“The fact that you are my sister, at least to me, remains the same.”

“…But still.”

Christine spoke in a slightly choked voice.

“I’ll try my best to find it.”

“Don’t be in such a hurry. I don’t think you need to stress about this.”

“Thank you for saying so.”

Christine asked with a faint smile,

“What will I do if I go to the palace?”

“I’m going to ask His Majesty to let you be my maid.”

“Will His Majesty allow it?”

“Maybe? Why? If it doesn’t work, will you go back?”

“I guess…”

With a dejected expression, when Christine lowered her head, Pristin, surprised, quickly spoke.

“I’m just kidding, I’m sure he’ll say yes. Don’t worry too much.”

“Really? Thank God…”

Christine smiled bashfully then.

“But how did you get to know His Majesty? And our parents…”


Pristin pondered for a moment before speaking.

“I’ll tell you that story after you regain your memory.”

“After I regain my memory?”

“Yes. There’s a good chance you won’t understand even if I tell you now.”

Above all, she didn’t have the courage to tell her younger sister how their parents passed away. The fact that she has an older sister would be shocking enough for Christine, and at least for now, it wasn’t the right time to share that.

“So, tell me when you find your memory.”

However, Pristin thought it would be okay if she continued to not find memories like this.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

After a few days and nights, the carriage arrived at the imperial palace. It was around the time when the evening twilight descended.

“You’ve worked hard, Pristin.”

“Your Highness, too. You must be tired, so get in there and rest.”

“Yes, Pristin. See you next time. Bye!”

After breaking up with Claret, Pristin and Christine returned to Camer Palace. Before she knew, it was night after she first took a bath and then finished dinner. Pristin, who was looking out the window, said with a voice of regret.

“I only took a bath and had dinner, but the day has already passed.”

“You should go to sleep now. You must be tired.”

“Oh, wait a minute.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I forgot something.”

“What do you mean you forgot?”

“Well… since I went out, I should report to His Majesty that I’ve returned.”

After saying so, Pristin asked, glancing at Aruvina’s countenance,

“Would it be too impolite to go now?”

“Oh, no. No, not at all.”

He’d rather like it. Aruvina smiled inwardly and swallowed what she wanted to say.

“Hurry and go. Before it gets any later.”

“It’s better to see him now, right?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Then I’ll go now.”

Pristin went outside with a strangely excited expression. Aruvina smiled as she looked at her back happily.

“Is it that good?”


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you for the chapter!❤️‍🔥

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