You Have to Repay Your Savior

Unexpected Discovery

How long had they been riding? Claret, who was always looking at the scenery outside the window, burst into exclamations all of a sudden.

“Look at that, Pristin. Those are poinsettia flowers!”

At Claret’s words, Pristin also looked out the window. Indeed, there were poinsettia flowers as far as the eye could see. Pristin fixed her gaze outside with a curious expression, while Claret displayed her excitement openly.

“To see flowers that only bloom in winter. It feels like we’ve truly arrived in Vaylern!”

“It’s amazing. Poinsettias blooming. It must be cooler here than in Itidian, right?”

“Of course. Vaylern is the northernmost land in the empire.”

The two of them continued to marvel at the sights they could never see in the capital during summer, and before long, they spotted the Vaylern castle outside the window. Unable to contain her excitement, Claret turned to Pristin and said,

“We’ve finally arrived! It feels like the four days and nights of travel were worth it, really.”

A while later, as the carriage entered the castle grounds and came to a complete stop, Claret eagerly leaped out of the carriage. Having been cooped up in the carriage without moving for four whole days, Claret felt that this moment was even more special.


“Your Highness, the Princess!”

As soon as she got out of the carriage, Claret ran to the Marquis Vaylern, who came to meet her and hugged her with a loving touch.

“I hope your journey wasn’t too uncomfortable.”

“Not at all, Uncle. How have you been?”

“What could possibly happen in daily life here? Everything is peaceful as usual.”

“Oh, don’t forget to greet someone here.”

As if Claret had forgotten for a moment, she turned around and looked at Pristin.

“She is Countess Rosewell, my lifesaver.”


The Marquis of Vaylern approached Pristin and gave her a handshake.

“I’ve heard a lot about you, Countess Rosewell. They say you took good care of our princess in exile and even saved her life.”

Pristin held the marquis’s hand politely, ashamed of the story she had heard again after quite some time.

“It’s an honor to meet you, sir.”

“Please make yourself at home while you are here.”

Shortly after, Pristin was guided to the room where she would spend the next week. It was located near Claret’s room, and much like the one she had stayed in at the Summer Palace in Itidian, the room was spacious and adorned with splendor.

“I was worried, but the room is bigger than I thought.”

Pristin laughed softly at Aruvina’s words.

“Were you worried?”

“Actually, I get cold easily.”

Aruvina said bashfully.

“The fireplace is well-maintained, and it’s cozy here.”

“Let’s enjoy the week and make the most of it, shall we?”

“Of course.”

Aruvina’s voice carried a hint of excitement.

“Actually, I had a good dream last night. I have a feeling that something good will happen here.”

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

On the day of their arrival, to soothe their exhausted spirits from the long journey, both Claret and Pristin spent the entire day solely resting. The next morning, Claret, waking up early, knocked on the door of Pristin’s room.

“Pristin, did you sleep well?”

“Yes. Did Your Highness rest well?”

“I slept well, I hope Pristin has been comfortable.”

“The maids of the castle were all kind and caring.”

Pristin smiled and asked,

“What brings you here early in the morning?”

“Ah. Actually, I want to ask you something.”

“What’s that?”

“Would you like to accompany me to the city today, Pristin?”

“The city? Is there such a place in Vaylern?”

“Pristin, how do you see Vaylern?”

Claret said with a chuckle.

“Of course, it’s a military stronghold, but people live here. It may be vast outside the castle, but there are still plenty of interesting things inside.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Of course, it’s shabby compared to the capital, but it’s still better than staying in the castle all day, isn’t it?”

“Yes. I think it will be enjoyable. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Shall we then? When should we go? After lunch?”

“Anytime is fine for me.”

“Then let’s not have lunch and go! There’s plenty to eat in the city.”

“Do you mind eating street food?”

“Pristin, I’ve been through exile, and I’m not that picky.”

Claret said to Pristin with an excited look.

“Let’s get ready and come to my room, Pristin. Got it? I’m really excited!”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

After Pristin and Claret were quickly prepared, they left the castle. Riding a carriage for a short distance, as Claret had mentioned, the bustling streets of the city appeared. It was vibrant and lively, a stark contrast to the cold and barren northern lands, and Pristin felt her spirits lifting.

“What do you think? Doesn’t it sound fun?”

“Yes. The distance is much bigger than I thought.”

“There’s quite a large population here. Despite being the northernmost region, development is well-established.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Claret grabbed Pristin’s hand. Reflexively glancing to the side, Pristin found Claret with an excited expression.

“Well, let’s hold hands. We shouldn’t lose each other.”

“Uh, yes.”

“Here is the busiest part of Vaylern. We must hold hands. Understand?”

“Yes, Your Highness. Don’t worry.”

Pristin smiled and walked into the street with Claret. There were so many colorful trinkets and groceries that reminded her of the streets of the capital. The two began to look around the long, huge streets with curious eyes.


How long did they walk like that? Something caught Pristin’s attention, and Claret looked at her.

“What’s wrong with you, Pristin?”

“Would you like to go over there?”

Pristin pointed to a stand selling hair accessories. Pristin, who went to the stand with Claret, lifted the blue stone-shaped hairpin that caught her eye first, and then touched Claret’s hair. After a while, a satisfied expression hung around Pristin’s mouth.

“It looks so good on you.”


“Yes. If you don’t mind, I’d like to give you one. Is that okay?”

“I should be the one buying it.”

Claret asked, looking moved,

“Can I buy one for you too?”

“I didn’t expect such a gift.”

Pristin replied with a shy face.

“It would be an honor for me if you could give me a present.”

“Then Pristin, pick one. Gifts are more valuable when you get what you like.”

“Well, then I’ll take this one.”

Pristin’s pick was a mysterious stone with a peculiar color on the border between red and pink. Claret looked curiously at the accessories in Pristin’s hand.


“Yes. I like red.”

“Well, it does go well with Pristin’s eye color.”

“Thank you, Your Highness. Then, let me pay…”

Just then, something came into Pristin’s view, a very familiar thing, and one she hadn’t seen for too long.

At first, Pristin doubted her eyes, but now she didn’t even have time to think about it.

“…Your Highness.”

“Huh? What’s wrong, Pristin?”

“Would you stay here for a moment?”


Although Claret looked puzzled, Pristin had already run off. Perplexed, Claret called out to Pristin,

“Pristin! Pristin!”

However, it was as if Pristin couldn’t hear anything. Without pausing, she ran far away.

‘Obviously, it was Christine.’

She couldn’t have forgotten that beloved face after just two years. Pristin desperately searched for the face of her sister she had coincidentally seen.

“Ha, ah…”

But not long after, she entered a more complex part of the city than before, and eventually, Pristin lost the person she was looking for. Pristin stopped in her tracks, wearing a disappointed expression.


It was definitely Christine. Her pretty sister with red hair that resembled their mother and black eyes that resembled their father.

Pristin stood there with indescribable mixed emotions, burying her face in her palms. After a passing wave of emotions, belatedly, rationality took over.

‘…Was it really Christine?’

Many people have similar hair colors and eye colors. Perhaps it was just someone who resembled her.

However, the face Pristin saw in that brief moment was undoubtedly Christine’s, firmly engraved in her mind.

Standing there in confusion, Pristin felt a rush of disappointment.


Upon hearing Claret’s voice calling her name, Pristin turned around with a dazed expression. Claret, along with the maids, was rushing towards her. After a short while, Claret, panting heavily, stopped in front of Pristin.

“Huah, Pristin, heuk, what on earth… what’s happening?”

“Your Highness…”

“You suddenly left like that… did you see something?”

“I’m sorry, Your Highness. I, I…”

Pristin spoke with a trembling voice,

“I saw someone who resembled my sister.”

“What? Your sister who went missing before?”


“You saw her on this street?”

“Yes, when Your Highness and I were at the accessory stall.”

Pristin spoke with a fragile voice,

“It might just be someone who looks similar. I may have seen it wrong. But at that moment, I couldn’t possibly think otherwise… I’m sorry, Your Highness.”

“No, no. If I saw someone like that, I would have reacted the same way.”

Claret nodded as if understanding and then asked,

“So? Did you catch that person? Did you meet her?”

“No. Unfortunately, I lost sight of her when we entered a crowded area.”

“Ah, I see…”

Claret sighed with regret.

“But don’t worry too much, Pristin, if your sister lives in Vaylern, she won’t be too hard to find. All the information of the Vaylern people is held by my uncle.”

“If I’m not wrong about what I saw…”

Pristin asked, looking as if she was about to cry,

“Can we find my sister?”

“Of course!”

Claret nodded confidently.

“Let’s go back to the castle for now. I’ll tell my uncle about today. I’m sure he’ll find a way.”

“Thank you very much, Your Highness.”

“Thank you. Can’t I repay my lifesaver this much?”

Claret consoled Pristin, holding her hands tightly together,

“We’ll definitely receive good news, Pristin. Don’t worry too much.”


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you so much for the chapter!❤️‍🔥

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