You Have to Repay Your Savior

Way to Vaylern

“Your Highness, Countess Rosewell is here.”

Soon after the maid’s voice was heard, the door opened and Pristin came inside. Pristin, with a gentle smile, approached Claret from the front and bowed deeply.

“I see Her Royal Highness, the star of the empire, the Princess.”

“Welcome, Pristin!”

Claret, who welcomed Pristin, took her seat across from her and sat her down. The table where Claret sat was filled with various desserts that looked sweet and delicious to look at.

“The chef made more desserts than I thought. I can’t possibly eat them all by myself.”

“They look so delicious. Thank you, Your Highness.”

Pristin smiled and picked up a fork then casually remarked,

“But you could have offered some to His Majesty as well.”


At Pristin’s words, Claret raised her head with a puzzled expression. Pristin was actually breaking a piece of cake in front of her with a fork, looking like she had no thoughts.

“Eating something sweet can relieve fatigue a bit.”


“Oh, right. But His Majesty doesn’t like sweets, does he? I shouldn’t have said that…”

“It’s the first time.”


“Pristin talking about Brother first.”

Claret looked at Pristin with a significant smile.

“Should I take this as a good sign?”


“You two must have gotten much closer after visiting the Summer Palace together?”

“No, Your Highness. That is, I mean…”

“Oh, don’t be shy.”

Claret laughed at Pristin’s face, which blushed as red as a strawberry.

“You don’t have to hide such things from me. You know I wish for the two of you to do well.”


“Let’s stop talking about this anyway.”

Claret, who tried to crack a laugh, asked Pristin,

“Do you know Vaylern?”

“If it’s Vaylern…”

Pristin frowned as if she had heard of it before.

“Isn’t it the northern part of the empire that lines the border?”

“That’s right.”

Claret nodded.

“And it’s also where my maternal family is from.”

“But why bring up Vaylern all of a sudden?”

“Would you like to go there?”

“To Vaylern?”

“Yes. I received a letter this morning. My uncle misses me very much, you see? But since he has to guard the border, it’s hard for him to come to the capital. So, I thought I’d go there.”

“The weather in Vaylern is cold, so it would be perfect to escape the remainder of the summer.”

“It’s almost too cool there, that’s the problem.”

Claret giggled and asked Pristin,

“What do you think? Want to come with?”

“I would be honored, but is it really okay?”

“Of course it is!”

Claret nodded excitedly.

“So, it’s decided then?”

“When were you thinking of going?”

At Pristin’s question, Claret opened her mouth after a meaningful smile.


───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

It seemed too sudden, but Pristin did not express any complaints and started packing for Vaylern. However, the maids of Camer Palace did not seem to welcome the idea.

“Vaylern is a very barren land. Are you sure you’ll be okay staying there?”

“It’s not like we’re going for a long time; it’s just for a week.”

Pristin added, just in case,

“If you really don’t want to go, it’s okay not to.”

“No, that’s not what I meant.”

Aruvina quickly shook her head, worried that Pristin might misunderstand.

“It’s safe to stay for a week or so. But I didn’t expect the lady to leave so soon.”

“I’ve heard that Her Highness has a very special relationship with the Marquis of Vaylern, her uncle. And given that the marquis is known to be quite taciturn, I understand why she would want to leave immediately upon receiving his letter.”

Pristin pondered upon hearing that. Having family you can visit anytime is a wonderful thing. She wished that she too would have such experiences if she could find Christine.

Suddenly feeling melancholic, Pristin briefly pursed her lips before changing the subject.

“So, there won’t be any problems with leaving tomorrow?”

“Yes. Although we had to pack in a hurry, it’s only for a week, so there should be no issues.”

“Thank you, Aruvina. As always.”

Pristin smiled briefly and picked up the shawl she had laid over the chair. Aruvina noticed and asked,

“Where are you off to?”

“I guess I ate too much dinner.”

Pristin draped the shawl over her shoulders and said,

“I’ll take a short walk.”

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

“Your Majesty.”

Before Pristin even left Camer Palace, she encountered Jerald. Surprised by the unexpected meeting, Pristin approached him with a slightly startled look.

“What brings you here…”

“You’re leaving for Vaylern tomorrow?”

“Oh, yes.”

“I didn’t expect you wouldn’t come to tell me such important news yourself.”


Pristin looked momentarily flustered at his words.

“I apologize. I thought Her Highness had sought Your Majesty’s permission and then inquired with me…”

“That’s true, but…”

Jerald took a step closer to Pristin.

“I was hoping that would be an excuse for you to come and see me.”

“…I failed to consider Your Majesty’s feelings.”

“That’s why I came myself. To be honest, this is easier for me.”

Then, soft fingers interlaced between Pristin’s, unexpectedly capturing her hand. Pristin looked up at Jerald as he met her gaze with a smile as beautiful as the moonlight.

“Shall we take a walk?”

Pristin nodded, and the two of them walked to the garden that lay between Camer Palace and the central palace. Under the faint moonlight, the chirping of crickets felt surprisingly romantic.

The two walked in silence until they stopped on a bridge over a pond. Jerald remained silent, and Pristin, glancing at him, broke the silence.

“Do you have something to say to me?”


After shaking his head, Jerald asked,


“Because you’ve been staring at me.”

Pristin answered in a quiet voice.

“I wondered if you had something to say.”

“I don’t have anything specific to say, just enjoying this moment.”

Jerald whispered, still locking eyes with Pristin.

“Coming here today wasn’t for any particular reason either.”


“I just wanted to spend this time with you. That’s all.”

“I was worried that you might be displeased with me leaving for Vaylern.”

“That’s not the case. Vaylern may be barren, but it has its charms. I was a bit surprised when you said you were leaving suddenly…”

“But that makes me even more excited.”

“I’m glad you’re looking forward to it.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I was worried that you might be forced to go because of Claret.”


Pristin burst into laughter without realizing it.

“No, that’s not it. And Vaylern holds significant meaning for you as well, doesn’t it?”

“For me?”

“During the times you were pursued by the former emperor, I know you gathered troops there and planned for the future.”


Jerald looked a bit surprised when he heard Pristin’s words.

“I never expected to hear that. Seems you’ve taken quite an interest in me, Pristin.”

“I learned about it later myself.”

“If you hadn’t been interested in me, you wouldn’t have thought to learn about it, even later on, right?”

Jerald chuckled softly and carefully tucked a strand of Pristin’s hair that had fallen onto her shoulder behind her ear. Pristin silently looked at him.

“Anyway, take care and return safely, Pristin.”

His tender voice enveloped Pristin.

“If there’s anything I want to say, it’s just that.”

“Please take care of yourself too, Your Majesty. And don’t stay up too late too often.”

“I like hearing that.”

Jerald didn’t hide his satisfaction, smiling broadly.

“I feel like a husband waiting for his wife to return from her family’s home.”

At his words, Pristin burst into a small laugh, and Jerald changed the subject.

“Speaking of family, we’re still diligently searching for your sister.”


“Please wait a little longer. I’m sure we’ll bring good news.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Pristin spoke with a slightly choked feeling.

“Thank you for your concern.”

“I wish for you to be happier than you are now, in any way possible.”

Jerald whispered softly as he hugged Pristin slowly. Pristin didn’t move and just stayed in his embrace. The warmth and his heart seemed to directly reach her own heart.

“I would do anything for that.”

The sweetness of his whisper was so overwhelming that Pristin closed her eyes with a smile.

“Just knowing that you care for me is already enough happiness for me.”

She wished he would understand that she was already happy just by his existence.

Pristin slowly wrapped her arms around Jerald’s waist, pulling him closer.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

The next day dawned, and Pristin headed to Vaylern early in the morning with Claret.

Given its location adjacent to the border in the northern region, it took about four days and nights of travel from the capital to arrive. Personally, if Pristin had gone to Vaylern on her own, it would have been quite a challenging journey, but since she was traveling with the princess, she considered it a relatively smooth trip. Of course, if it weren’t for Claret, Pristin would not have had any reason to go to Vaylern in the first place.

And after much travel.


Claret, who had been gazing out the window at the scenery all this time, suddenly exclaimed in admiration.


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thanks for the chapter!❤️‍🔥

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