You Have to Repay Your Savior

Hunting Contest

After that, Jerald continued to go into the forest with Pristin. After seeing the stars in the night sky with Pristin, Jerald’s condition showed significant improvement, and he skillfully navigated the woods as if he were someone who was born there and had never been afraid of the forest.

Pristin was pleased by Jerald’s transformation and felt extremely proud that she had helped bring about this positive change.

And finally, the day of the hunting competition had dawned.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Luckily, the weather was very nice that day.


In the early morning, having woken up and prepared herself, Pristin received unexpected news.

“His Majesty is here.”


Pristin seemed a little surprised at first, but soon nodded. After a while, Jerald came inside.


Jerald called out to her tenderly, just as usual, except today he wore heavy iron armor over his large frame and muscular build, giving off a distinctly imposing and intimidating aura. Although it was only a hunting competition, Pristin couldn’t shake the feeling that he looked ready to march off to war.

“What brings you here early in the morning?”

“I have to leave soon.”

Jerald walked closer to Pristin.

“And because I miss you.”


Pristin could not find the words to respond, blushing at the affectionate expression. Since their last encounter, Jerald no longer hesitated when expressing his feelings toward her. At first, Pristin tried to stop him, but eventually gave up.

“Well, I’ll also be heading to the hunting grounds shortly anyway.”

“We should stay apart since you’ll be at the command post.”

As he narrowed his brow with regret, Jerald asked carefully,

“Won’t you be staying at the command post too?”

“Your Majesty, hasn’t it been a waste of your time with me over the past few days?”

Pristin laughed as if it was ridiculous.

“More than anything, I want His Majesty to catch the most prey in this contest.”

“Is that your wish?”

“If so, will you grant it?”

“I suppose I don’t really have a choice.”

Jerald sighed deeply as if he was disappointed.

“Actually, I wanted to remain at the command post to protect it.”

“Of course I wouldn’t allow that.”

“I know. I didn’t know you well enough.”

Chuckling, Jerald tapped Pristin’s shoulder and met her gaze.

“Unfortunately, I must take my leave now, Pristin. Until we meet again.”

Just as he was turning around to walk away.

“Your Majesty.”

Pristin grabbed Jerald, who turned around. Jerald turned around. Pristin briefly pursed her lips and uttered a few words.

“Don’t get hurt.”


“Don’t get hurt.”

Pristin added in a hesitant voice,

“Of course, even if you get injured, I’ll do my best to treat you, but… Oops!”

However, her voice trailed off unnaturally because Jerald suddenly stepped closer and embraced her tightly.

Surprised, Pristin couldn’t say anything. But soon, sweet whispers reached her ear.

“I love you.”


“I love you, Pristin.”

The sincere voice was somehow overcome with emotion, and Pristin unknowingly choked up for a moment. Jerald’s whispered confession continued,

“I won’t get hurt, so you must be safe too, okay?”

“But I won’t even participate in the hunt.”

“Still, always be careful.”

“…And Your Majesty too.”

When Jerald pulled away from Pristin, she was visibly flushed. And looking at her with pleasure, Jerald went outside with a lighter step than before.


Alone, Pristin absentmindedly touched her hot cheeks. Snapping back to reality, she stood up straight. It was already time for her to move too.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Pristin, who went to the herb garden, checked all the herbs she needed today with her colleagues.

They put numerous vials of assorted herbal juices into a box for potential patients arriving later.

Somebody mumbled, “I hope nothing happens today,” and everyone agreed silently.

The disappearance of the use of herbalists was a bit sad for them personally, but in the end it had a good meaning.

Pristin completed her final checks, hoping for peacefulness.

“Shall we get going? We should leave by now so we won’t be late.”

Today’s destination was the forest where the hunting contest was held. Many aristocrats had already gathered to participate in today’s hunting competition by the time they arrived at the command post in the forest. Jerald was included in that, of course. When Pristin discovered Jerald in the distance, she smiled without realizing it.

Surrounded by people and talking about something in a serious voice, he had a very contrasting atmosphere from when he was with her. Pristin stared at it as if he were unfamiliar, and then quickly came to her senses at the high voice heard from the side.

“Countess Rosewell!”

As she turned her head to the side, she noticed the face of one of the empress candidates who usually liked her.

“So you were here. I’ve been looking for you for a long time.”

“Ah, Lady Roam.”

Pristin looked at her smiling face as she called out to her. Like others, Roam wore armor, implying participation in today’s tournament.

“You must be participating in today’s contest.”

“Not only me, but almost all the other empress candidates are participating. Is the countess at the command post?”

“Yes, I am waiting here in case someone needs assistance.”

Pristin worried about her opponent in a friendly voice.

“Be safe and try not to get hurt, Lady Roam.”

“Thanks, Countess. Just catching one rabbit will make me happy.”

Laughing innocently without greed, Lady Roam immediately changed the subject as if she had remembered it.

“But I didn’t see Princess Gennant. Have you seen her?”

“Oh, no. Didn’t she come with you?”

“You know, I haven’t had a good relationship with Princess Gennant since that day. We came separately.”

“Oh, I see.”

“I hope she’s not alone at the Summer Palace.”

“Who’s not coming?”

Then a sharp voice came from behind. As Pristin turned around with a look of bewilderment, Tanya stood there with a look of great displeasure.

Lady Roam also seemed embarrassed at first, but soon returned with a calm face and responded coyly,

“It’s nothing.”

“I thought someone just said I wasn’t here.”

“Why are you eavesdropping on other people’s conversations?”

Lady Roam glanced at Tanya as if she was funny. But Tanya’s expression was much more toxic, so she quickly turned her gaze to the momentum. Lady Roam, who coughed a bit, quickly settled the situation.

“Then I’ll get going, Countess Roswell. See you later.”

“What? Well, Lady Roam…”

Perplexed, Pristin tried to grab Lady Roam, but she had already turned away and left. After a moment, Pristin looked at her back with a somewhat awkward expression. No, leaving me like this…

‘It seems like I was the one who started the gossip.’

Pristin felt unjust as the content was entirely different from the truth. However, it probably wouldn’t matter much to Tanya.

‘There’s no point in explaining. She probably won’t believe it anyway.’

Feeling the need to escape from the situation quickly, Pristin sighed inwardly.

“Discussing behind others’ backs. Aren’t you ashamed?”

But it seemed to be too late. Pristin sighed inwardly and then replied,

“There is enough room for misunderstanding, but it wasn’t really gossip, and it wasn’t a story I initiated.”

“Oh, I knew you’d say that.”

Tanya spoke mockingly, and Pristin, even though she expected it, felt embarrassed.

What? If you’re going to believe whatever you want, why bother asking me such a question?

“Good for you. I heard you and His Majesty are doing well these days.”

“What do you want to say, Princess Gennant?”

“I wanted to tell you not to carry yourself so proudly.”

Tanya advised Pristin with a cold smile around her mouth.

“You don’t know what’s going to happen in the world, do you? His Majesty seems to care a little, but you don’t know when he’ll change his mind.”

“I don’t know what you mean by saying that to me.”

“Sometimes, I worry that the countess might not be aware of that, and it makes you pitiable.”

“Pitiable? Me?”

Were you introducing yourself? Frustrated, Pristin was about to retort, but she quickly changed her mind.

‘No. There’s no need to respond.’

After all, it would only lead to endless, fruitless arguments. Pristin took a deep breath inwardly, suppressing her excitement for a moment, and then smiled brightly.

“Thank you for your concern, Princess Gennant, but I’ll take care of my own affairs.”


“I heard you’re participating in the hunting contest today. I hope you have a safe and enjoyable time. Well then, I’m busy, so I’ll be on my way.”

Leaving a few quick words, Pristin immediately turned and walked away. It was better to stay away from a fight with a needlessly argumentative opponent.

While watching Pristin’s retreating figure, Tanya mumbled with a frowning face,

“Well, let’s see how long you can keep up that pretense.”

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


The emperor, leading the event, headed into the forest, marking the official beginning of the hunting competition.

Following closely, aristocrats rode fast horses, while Pristin watched Jerald grow distant ahead and prayed inwardly.

May yesterday’s practice bear fruit. May he stand firm, unafraid, remaining unharmed throughout the contest.

As the participants almost disappeared into the forest, the command post with at least a few people left was literally quiet. Medical professionals, including herbalists, faced minimal tasks initially, given the absence of the participants; however, soon enough, as injuries piled up, the site bustled with activity.

“I hurt my ankle.”

“I got grazed by an arrow!”

“I fell off a cliff!”

Why did so many end up wounded? All morning, Pristin and the other herbalists worked tirelessly providing treatment, barely pausing to rest. Only after lunchtime did they catch their breath.

And at that time, Pristin caught the eye of someone familiar walking to the command post.


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you for the chapter!❤️‍🔥

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