You Have to Repay Your Savior

First Moments with You

“There’s actually a place I want to show you.”

“Show me?”


Jerald smiled lightly and nodded.

“So, I’ve gathered the courage to run there once.”


“So hold on tight, Pristin.”

With only that being said, Jerald really began to speed up. Surprised, Pristin quickly grabbed Jerald by his waist.

Although the speed was much slower than when they first galloped across the plain, it couldn’t be considered slow now.

Pristin became curious. What could he want to show her? Why did he suddenly gather the courage to ride so fast?

The changed expression on Jerald’s face instilled anticipation in her.


And after a long ride, Pristin noticed what Jerald wanted to show her. Jerald slowed down, and Pristin looked forward with admiration.

Jerald, giving a faint smile, stopped talking and dismounted from the horse. Pristin also took Jerald’s hand and dismounted from the horse, still looking ahead with a face full of admiration.

“It’s pretty.”

At the end, there was a waterfall falling in a deep blue color. Pristin couldn’t tear her eyes away from the magnificent sight. Observing Pristin’s awe, Jerald, who watched her with satisfaction, asked,

“Do you like it?”


Pristin asked in a dazed voice,

“How did you know about this place?”

“It’s my first time here too.”


“I’ve only heard about it but couldn’t come. After all, I haven’t set foot in the forest since that day.”


“Still, I really wanted to come here with you.”

It was only then that Pristin looked at Jerald. He smiled at her and caught her eyes.

Somehow, ashamed but trying not to make it obvious, Pristin asked in a slightly trembling voice,

“Then… Is it also your first time here, Your Majesty?”*

*[EN: Yes. She did just ask that, despite him already saying this is his first time here.]

“Yes. The first time.”


“So, I’m glad. I’m happy to experience this for the first time with you.”

Jerald then grinned. His black eyes sparkled beautifully. Pristin was initially taken aback by the unexpected smile but managed to keep her expression calm.

Without realizing it, she swallowed dry saliva and then spoke,

“To bring me here…”

“I’ve tried. There’s no way I can share it unless it’s with you.”

Jerald asked Pristin, with his head tilted slightly to the side,

“Did I do well?”

“Yes. Good job.”

Pristin nodded with a hearty smile.

“Once you’ve overcome it, it will be a bit easier next time. I was worried, but I’m glad.”

“I did well, but is there no reward?”

“A reward?”


At that moment, Jerald suddenly brought his face close to Pristin’s. In the sudden proximity, Pristin’s eyes widened.

“A reward.”


Pristin was so embarrassed at the time that even breathing felt like too much. Her heart, which had momentarily quieted, started beating rapidly again. Pristin, after swallowing dry saliva, finally managed to ask,

“What… reward would you like?”

“What do you think I would want?”


In this situation, at this proximity, it was so blatantly obvious what he desired that even pretending not to know became difficult. Pristin’s heart began to beat uncontrollably.

Within the thickening tension of exchanged glances, an inexplicable and intense atmosphere began to develop. Pristin, feeling a sense of fear she had experienced before, was also inexplicably thrilled.

“… I’m afraid.”

After a while, Jerald, with a subtle smile on his lips, pulled away from Pristin. However, Pristin’s heart was still pounding wildly.

“Shall we go back now?”

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Before sunset, the two returned to the Summer Palace.

“Have you come back, Countess?”

Aruvina greeted Pristin with a sweet voice.

“Where have you been with His Majesty?”

“There’s a very nice waterfall in the Itidian forests.”

“Oh, that’s right. You’ve been there.”

“Is there anything else to see in the Itidian forests?”

“Something to see?”

“Yes. Well, a place that will remain a pleasant memory.”

“Hmm… I don’t know.”

Aruvina pondered for a moment, then her eyes twinkled as if she remembered something.

“I’ve never seen it in person, so I’ve only heard about it…”

“What is it?”

“I’ve never seen it myself, only heard stories, but they say that during the full moon, the Itidian forests is adorned with a beautiful moon. Not only that, but there are also a lot of twinkling stars. I’ve thought about wanting to see it at least once after hearing the stories…”

“At night?”

Pristin was taken aback at the unexpected time. Aruvina nodded.

“You have to go at night to see the stars.”

“Well… yes.”

It might be a good opportunity. After all, darkness is known to breed fear. If he could find unexpected joy in the darkness, it might yield double the effect.

“They say it’s so beautiful. Would you like to go?”

“Huh? No, it’s just…”

“By any chance, did you ask because you wanted to go with His Majesty?”

Aruvina asked with an insidious expression, and Pristin’s face quickly flushed. She opened her mouth quickly for clarification.

“It’s not like that. I just…”

“Sure, sure, I understand.”

But Aruvina didn’t seem willing to believe her. With a teasing smile, she added,

“By the way, the full moon is tomorrow. Did you know?”

It was amazing timing.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

That evening.


Pristin mustered up the courage to find Jerald’s room.

“Are you here to see His Majesty?”

Jerald’s servant, whose face had become familiar to Pristin, greeted her. Pristin nodded hesitantly.

“Oh, yes.”

“Please wait a moment.”

Shortly afterward, Jerald himself appeared in the reception room where Pristin was waiting.


Jerald approached Pristin with an elegant step, calling her name in a voice mixed with wonder and delight.

He seemed to be getting ready for bed, and the sight made Pristin feel somewhat uneasy.

“What brings you here at this late hour?”

“…It’s not that late, Your Majesty.”

Eight o’clock in the evening was certainly not a late time. Suppressing a dry cough, Pristin spoke up.

“I was wondering if you might have some time tomorrow night.”

“…Tomorrow night?”

Jerald was taken aback by Pristin’s question.

“Pristin, we met again and haven’t kissed yet…”

“No, Your Majesty. No!”

A flustered Pristin quickly explained,

“I don’t know what you’re thinking, but it’s definitely not that.”

Jerald, amused by Pristin’s rare excitement, chuckled softly.

“Since you know what I’m thinking, are you saying it’s definitely not?”


It was only then that Pristin realized that Jerald had deliberately teased her, and she looked at him without harboring any resentment. Jerald continued to laugh.

“Okay. No more jokes.”


“But it would have been better if it was ‘something like that,’ I think.”

“Your Majesty.”

“I’m just kidding.”

Laughing with a look that didn’t seem to be joking, Jerald asked Pristin,

“What’s going on?”

“In return for what you showed me today.”

Pristin quickly calmed her excitement and spoke in a calm voice,

“I also want to show you something tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? Does it have to be at night?”

“Yes, because what I want to show you can only be revealed at night.”

“Hmm, it’s getting a bit mysterious.”

“It’s nothing strange.”

“Well, all right.”

Jerald nodded willingly.

“So, where should we go?”

“To the forest.”


It was an unexpected location, and Jerald’s expression quickly stiffened.

While Pristin anticipated this reaction to some extent, she felt a bit uneasy.

“I’m coming with you.”

“The night can be dangerous, Pristin.”

“But Your Majesty will be with me.”

Pristin smiled faintly, locking eyes with Jerald. It was a gesture of trust.

“Can you protect me?”


Looking at Pristin, Jerald finally sighed a long time later.

“You’ve tamed me too easily.”

“Are you going?”

“I have to go.”

Jerald said, looking at Pristin affectionately,

“If you want it, then let’s go.”

And unexpectedly, Pristin became flustered, feeling a flutter in her heart. Pristin, overwhelmed by the unexpected reaction, quickly opened her mouth.

“It’s tomorrow at nine o’clock, Your Majesty. Don’t forget.”

With that, she promptly left the audience chamber. Watching Pristin’s retreating figure, Jerald’s expression showed a satisfied look.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Finally, when the evening of the next day arrived, Pristin felt a bit nervous.

‘Nothing should go wrong.’

Regardless, one never knew what accidents might happen at night. However, Pristin was not overly worried, as she was well aware of Jerald’s swordsmanship skills.

‘But just in case…’

Pristin gathered a variety of medicines to prepare for any unforeseen circumstances involving wild animals, and then left her room.

As they stepped outside the palace, Jerald, ready to mount his horse, was waiting for Pristin.


“Did I keep you waiting?”

“A little. It’s okay.”

Jerald smoothly mounted his horse and approached Pristin, extending his hand. Unlike yesterday, Pristin, without hesitation, took his hand and mounted the horse.

“Shall we depart?”

“Just a moment.”

Turning his body around, Jerald suddenly handed something to Pristin. Looking at what Jerald offered with a puzzled expression, Pristin asked,

“What is this?”

“In case you catch a cold.”

It was a thick cape. With a slightly embarrassed expression, Pristin murmured,

“It’s okay…”

“If you catch a cold, I’ll have all the royal physicians summoned to treat you.”

“… I’ll wear it.”

Thinking about the chilling prospect, Pristin swiftly put on the offered cloak. Only then did Jerald look satisfied and turn his gaze forward.

“Hold on tight.”

The horse started running. It was the same speed as yesterday, yet Pristin strangely didn’t feel scared, even though it was night, when fear should be more palpable.

Holding onto Jerald’s waist, Pristin began to feel the cold night breeze. Riding through the dark night, which was even harder to see in than yesterday, gave a different kind of freshness.

And at last, the horse carrying the two entered the forest.


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you for the wonderful translation!❤️‍🔥

    1. Athanasia says:

      Thank you so much for reading!

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