You Have to Repay Your Savior

Let’s Meet Again

“Are you okay?”

Jerald questioned Pristin, who nodded.

“…It suits you.”

“Then let’s go with this. About the payment…”

“I already took care of it.”

Pristin spoke quickly.

“You didn’t have to.”

“Well, I couldn’t let my benefactor leave without a shirt. It’s fine.”

Pristin asked calmly.

“Shall we go out?”

Jerald nodded his head, and the two of them went outside.

“Are you hungry? Should we go back to the restaurant?”

“Let’s go somewhere else.”

“That sounds good. I don’t really want to go back there either.”

Jerald reminisced about the moment earlier and burst out laughing uncontrollably.

“So many things happen in life.”

“I was surprised too.”

“At least it was water.”

That was true. It would have been worse if it was food or sticky juice that the woman had thrown.

“Do I really resemble that man from earlier?”

“Well… by looking at it, she seemed pretty confident about it. So even a slight resemblance could be mistaken.”

“Just ruining the meal for no reason. It’s our first meeting.”

Jerald then looked at Pristin gently. Pristin’s eyes shook without realizing it at the sudden glance.


“…We can go to the restaurant later. It’s okay.”

Pristin, who swallowed a gulp, quickly looked around. Then, after a while, she found a nice-looking restaurant and asked Jerald.

“What about there? It looks good.”

“Yeah, it looks good. Shall we go there?”

That way, the two of them were able to enter a restaurant again. Since they came in at a slightly late time during regular dining hours, they didn’t have to wait for a vacant table.

Fortunately, they were seated by the window, and they ordered dishes similar to what they had ordered before.

“Oh, I have something to give you.”

While waiting for the food to arrive, Pristin smiled and spoke. Jerald blinked in curiosity. Pristin’s smile became even brighter. She took out the watch she had bought from the men’s clothing store and handed it to Jerald.

Seeing Jerald’s surprise at the sudden watch gift, Pristin said with a hint of regret.

“I was going to ask them to wrap it up, but you suddenly came out.”


Jerald asked as if he finally understood the situation.

“Did you buy it from there earlier?”

“Yes. It seemed to fit well.”

“Did you buy it for me?”

“Yes, who else would I have bought it for?”

Pristin asked carefully.

“Do you not like it?”

“No. No way.”

Jerald shook his head quickly.

“I like it. Very much. I will cherish it.”


“Thank you, Pristin.”

Jerald smiled brightly at the same time. Pristin once again felt her heart beating dangerously as she watched it.

Oh, why did this man smile so beautifully?

Pristin answered calmly, trying to calm her trembling eyes without even realizing it.

“…I’m glad you liked it.”

“Well, and I will wash the handkerchief you gave me earlier and return it to you.”

“Yes. Please send it to Gremlyn Mansion.”

Pristin responded in a casual way, but Jerald stared at Pristin with a meaningful look. After a while, his lips opened again and spat out the words.

“No, not that.”

Pristin raised her head and looked at Jerald. Jerald was smiling.

“I want to see you again.”


“Can’t I do that?”

When she heard the words, Pristin’s heart beat more intensely than at any moment of the day. Pristin quickly steadied her wavering gaze and stared at Jerald. She could feel no hint of falsehood in the eyes that were gazing intently at her.

“Wanting to see me again… Are you serious?”


Jerald replied with a smile.

“I mean it, seriously.”


“Do you not like me?”

…That’s impossible. Pristin shook her head. Jerald’s smile became brighter.

“Then let’s meet again. Let’s meet tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. If it’s okay with you.”

“…That’s okay.”

“I’m glad.”

Jerald said in a relieved voice.

“I asked as if it was nothing, but I was actually very nervous. I was afraid of being rejected.”


“Thank you for not refusing.”

Then Jerald smiled again. Thinking the smile was too charming for a man, Pristin muttered to herself.

I’m even more so grateful, thank you for asking me to meet again.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Fortunately, this meal ended safely without any incident. After the meal, Pristin left the table and went to the cashier first, but her return was met with a disappointing response.

“The gentleman has already paid.”

But when? Pristin looked back at Jerald, who was following her with a bewildered expression. Jerald asked with a big smile.

“Shall we go?”

“When did you pay…”

“When you went to the restroom earlier.”

Jerald quickly added.

“I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable. But I wanted to pay.”

“Today was supposed to be my treat.”

“With the shirt and watch, I’m content.”

“But I think it’s not enough as compensation for everything that’s happened.”

“Do you not want compensation in another way?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like spending more time together.”

As he said that, Jerald suddenly bowed to Pristin. While Pristin, embarrassed by the sudden action, hardened and couldn’t do anything, Jerald wiped what was on Pristin’s mouth with a slow touch.

Pristin became more stiff due to his unexpected touch, unable to even blink as she looked at Jerald.

“I want to meet more often.”


“Have meals more often, take walks more often.”

The whispering voice was sweet and ticklish, as if melting Pristin’s heart. Pristin carefully controlled her breath, not daring to swallow even her dry saliva.

“I prefer that as compensation.”


“What do you think?”

Pristin was almost swept away by the atmosphere and almost replied, “I’ll meet you as often as you want,” but barely regained her senses and nodded emphatically. In no time, her expression turned as red as a ripe tomato, but luckily, the restaurant was dimly lit and it wasn’t very noticeable.


Jerald thought to himself.

Of course, it was noticeable to Jerald’s eyes, but he chuckled inwardly and naturally linked his arm with Pristin’s. Though Pristin was startled once again and stiffened, she didn’t pull her arm away. Jerald leaned slightly towards Pristin and asked in a gentle voice.

“Shall we go eat dessert?”

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Eventually, the two separated after eating red velvet cake at a nearby cafe for dessert.

“Your Highness!”

Seeing Jerald back at the palace of Perk, the servant ran toward him from far away. Jerald, who held the watch Pristin gave him in his hand without putting it in his pocket, turned his gaze towards the servant.

“What’s wrong?”

“That’s my question. Why did you change your clothes?”

“I was mistaken for a cheating fiancé, so I was splashed by water.”

“What? Who would dare to do that to Prince Jerald…!”

“It was just a misunderstanding.”

But Jerald smiled slightly as if it wasn’t bad and said.

“I’m tired, let’s call it a day. You have a lot of energy.”

“What’s that watch?”

“I received it as a gift. Doesn’t it suit me?”

“…Yes, it does.”

The servant asked, unable to shake his head.

“Did that woman give it to you?”


“She has a good sense.”

In response to the servant’s answer, Jerald chuckled softly and walked into his room. He laid down on the bed, reaching his hand upward. The pocket watch hung on Jerald’s finger, swinging gently.

Jerald, who looked at the sight with happy eyes, muttered unconsciously.

“I already miss her.”

He lightly turned the pocket watch and held it tightly in his hand. Then he raised his wrist to his forehead and slowly closed his eyes. The events that had just happened replayed in his mind like watching a play. A gentle smile appeared on his lips.

He was going to meet her again tomorrow.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

“How was it today?”

As soon as Pristin returned to the Gremlyns’ mansion, Christine asked, looking full of anticipation. Pristin, with a slightly shy look, told Christine everything that had happened today.

Christine burst into laughter, especially when he was hit by the water.

“What, what happened?”

“I was surprised, too.”

“So? You just had a meal, ate dessert, and broke up?”


Pristin replied with a slight smile.

“We agreed to meet again tomorrow. I lied that I only had morning duty tomorrow. Turns out, that person has a day off tomorrow.”

“Wow, how fortunate.”

“Right? I’m completely thrilled. I’ve never felt this way before.”

“How is he? Is he a nice person?”

“In my opinion, he seems like a really good person. Is it because he works at the palace? I can feel his noble grace.”

“Is it that good? Wow.”

“It seems like he’s not completely disinterested in me either.”

“Then you wouldn’t have met today.”

Christine reassured Pristin as if not to worry.

“Now, if you want to see him again tomorrow, hurry up and take a bath and go to bed. You must be tired.”

“Thank you, Christine.”

Pristin kissed Christine on her forehead and then laughed. Then she immediately went to the bathroom, finished bathing, and got into bed early. As she lay on the bed in a clean white dress, her face filled with excitement, she murmured.

“I can’t wait for tomorrow to come…”

And as she slowly reminisced about the events that had happened earlier, Pristin fell into a deep sleep.





When she opened her eyes, Pristin quickly noticed that her cheeks had become wet. She looked at the ceiling with a gloomy expression, then slowly turned her head to check her surroundings. Camer Palace, it was her room. It was only then that Pristin finally realized that she had been dreaming all along. And her eyes quickly became moist again.

“…It was a dream.”

That happy and exhilarating moment, the emotions from that time were still vividly lingering in her chest. The aftermath of the dream seemed to throb in her chest, causing a slight ache. Pristin looked at the ceiling with a mournful expression, then covered her face with both hands and let the tears flow.

She wanted to go back to that time.

To be able to be excited and love him without any worries or thoughts, just like back then.


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