You Have to Repay Your Savior

You Look Much More Beautiful Without It

Jerald slowly wrapped his arms around Pristin’s waist.

It had been a long time since they had been so physically close, and Pristin flinched momentarily but soon placed her hands on Jerald’s shoulders as if nothing had happened. Despite it being just a social dance, she felt more excited and nervous than any other situation they had encountered so far.

These strange emotions stirred up a mix of feelings in Pristin, making it impossible for her to grasp her own emotions.


Noticing that she was thinking about something else, Jerald whispered in a low voice. His voice and warm breath in her ear sent shivers down her spine.

Pristin unconsciously nodded her head. Only then did a faint smile appear on Jerald’s lips.

After a moment, Jerald slowly started moving his feet, and Pristin followed suit.

‘…He dances well.’

It was expected, but Jerald was very skilled in social dancing. While Pristin wasn’t completely terrible at dancing, she was still a step below Jerald’s level. However, Jerald considerately led her, making sure she didn’t feel inferior.

“We might have to hold more masquerade balls in the future.”

Pristin asked, slightly narrowing her eyebrows at the sudden out-of-the-box remark.


“If you don’t wear a mask, won’t you refuse to dance with me?”


It was a response that left her speechless. When Pristin didn’t retort on purpose, Jerald smirked as if he had expected it and added.

“If it’s not the case, then there’s no need to hold such events.”

“Even if you wear a mask, I can still recognize Your Majesty.”

Pristin said in a calm voice.

“So you won’t get the effect you want.”

“That’s kind of nice to hear.”

Jerald’s mouth crept up.

“So no matter what I look like, you can recognize me.”

“…It’s just that Your Majesty’s physical characteristics are familiar.”

“The same goes for me.”

Pristin stared at Jerald intently.

“Regardless of what mask you wear or how you look.”


“I can recognize you. Believe in me.”

As Jerald said those words, he looked at Pristin and gracefully smiled. In his gaze, she felt an infinite affection and trust. Unconsciously, Pristin gently bit her lip.

At that moment, a thought suddenly crossed her mind.

This man wouldn’t abandon her, no matter how much she hurt him. Even if he knew all the truths and felt deeply guilty toward her, he wouldn’t dare to give up on the emotion of love.

That thought made Pristin’s breath catch.

In conclusion, he didn’t plan to stop loving her. That’s how Jerald looked at Pristin.


After that, Pristin remained silent, focusing only on the dance. Instead of engaging in conversation with her, Jerald also focused solely on the dance. Despite not exchanging a single word, Pristin couldn’t shake the feeling that they were communicating deeply through their dance alone.

As Jerald moved his body, his scent penetrated deeply into Pristin’s lungs, and she felt as if she was being “colored” by him.

Unbeknownst to either of them, it happened subtly, like being caught in a drizzle.

And as much as she was “colored,” she felt herself trembling.

Is it really wrong to just love him and forget everything?

When this thought fleetingly crossed Pristin’s mind, she was both taken aback and, at the same time, the music ended. Pristin looked at Jerald, who had stopped dancing, with wide eyes, unsure of how her own thoughts had startled her. He simply smiled brightly, as if he couldn’t guess the thoughts in her mind. Her heart began to beat faster at his smile, as if it wasn’t merely because of the movement of his body.

Pristin felt a dizzying sensation. It felt as if the long-awaited moment had unexpectedly arrived.

“You danced very well.”


Pristin spoke to Jerald in a slightly hardened voice.

“I think I’ll be heading back now.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, it’s not that… It’s just that…”

If she stayed any longer, her heart wouldn’t be able to bear it.

But she couldn’t give such an answer, so Pristin struggled to come up with something else.

“…I’m just feeling a bit tired. My body hasn’t been well since yesterday.”

“I’ll walk you home.”

Worry immediately crept into Jerald’s voice, causing Pristin to unknowingly bite her lip.

“No, Your Majesty. It’s not necessary.”

Pristin quickly shook her head.

“I can go home by myself. I don’t want to waste your time because of me.”

“Anyway, I came here to find you.”

How can he say such things so casually? Pristin looked at Jerald with a dazed expression. He seemed completely unbothered by his words. It was a thought.

“If you’re not here, then I don’t see any reason for me to stay either. It is a masquerade, after all.”


“Let’s go.”

With that, Jerald naturally took Pristin’s hand and led her out of the ballroom. During that time, Pristin couldn’t utter a single word.

As her heart raced, seemingly sticking her lips together, she walked alongside Jerald, being led to the carriage.

Jerald didn’t seem to sense anything off, or perhaps, he might have thought that she was truly unwell, as he didn’t initiate any conversation.

Was it because the surroundings were dark and quiet? Pristin felt like her own heartbeat was resounding quite loudly. She worried if it reached Jerald as well.


And after however long had passed, Jerald’s lips finally opened first.

“We’ve arrived.”

As Pristin raised her head, she realized they were already at Camer Palace. She vaguely remembered that the distance from the ballroom to the palace wasn’t that short, but it seemed quicker than she had thought.

Pristin hesitated for a moment before letting go of Jerald’s hand.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Go inside and rest.”


After exchanging brief greetings, Pristin turned around. It was when she walked toward Camer Palace with a restless heart.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her shoulder from behind and turned her around. Startled by the sudden change, Pristin looked at Jerald with wide eyes. And a sense of liberation washed over her anxious face.


Jerald had removed the mask that Pristin was wearing. Pristin blinked at him, unsure of what he was doing. Jerald had a gentle smile as he smoothed her slightly disheveled hair while taking off the mask.

“You’re much more beautiful without it.”

His low voice sweetly echoed in the darkness. Unbeknownst to him, she swallowed dryly.

“Sleep well, Pristin.”

A low voice reverberated sweetly in the dark. Pristin swallowed her dry saliva without realizing it.

“Good night, Pristin.”


“Sweet dreams.”

Instead of adding any further words, Jerald turned around without stopping. It was actually Pristin who stood there, watching him until he disappeared from her sight. And with a shadow cast over her face, she walked to her room.

“Have you arrived, Countess?”

Aruvina was not seen yet, she seemed to be enjoying the masquerade still. Pristin, with the help of the other maids, finished her bath and immediately lay on the bed.

From the moment she entered Camer Palace until now, Pristin’s mind had never been calm even for a moment. She was getting so confused that she could even feel a headache coming on.


Pristin silently placed her hand on her chest. She clearly remembered the moment when her heart had beaten rapidly a while ago. It was undoubtedly because of Jerald. Pristin recognized this fact and bit her lip.

“What should I do…”

She didn’t want to admit it, but it was unquestionably true. Her heart was pounding in front of Jerald just like it did when they were in love before. That fluttering sensation and the pounding in her chest, just like back then.

‘When did it start?’

When she stood by Jerald, who was suffering from nightmares? When Jerald came to her room drunk? When he showed up at the tea party himself and defended her? Or maybe… perhaps it started when they met again?

‘Maybe it’s been like that since we met again.’

She didn’t know exactly when it started, but what was certain was that it had become difficult for her to maintain the same cold and composed attitude she had vowed when they first met.

And Pristin knew better than anyone that it was dangerous. Once the outermost wall collapses, no matter how tightly stacked the walls inside are, it would crumble in an instant.

Now Pristin had to come up with a plan on how to proceed. However, she seemed to still be unaware that there was hardly anything more futile than trying to set a direction and plan for one’s own heart.

But because she had to try something, Pristin changed her thoughts. And suddenly, a significant thought passed through her mind.


Come to think of it, her mother’s memorial day was coming up soon.

‘I should go see my mother and father soon.’

After that, maybe this complicated feeling would be sorted out. Pristin sighed as if she had made up her mind and slowly closed her eyes. And quickly, she fell into a deep sleep.




Was it because she had been worrying too much about the issue earlier?


What happened two years ago when she was in the Perk Empire came to her dream again.

“Where were you last night?”

Although she had safely returned from the palace to the Gremlyn mansion, it was impossible for Christine to not know about her sister’s absence.

“I waited for you until eleven o’clock last night! But you didn’t show up. I even thoroughly searched the ballroom, but you were nowhere to be found. What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t stay out overnight, so I came back.”

“I’m sorry…”

“I’ve already informed the adults about it.”

“Huh? How…?”

“Well, that’s not important right now.”

Christine narrowed her eyes and asked.

“Were you with a man last night?”


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