You Have to Repay Your Savior

Becoming an Empress Candidate

“You should accept an empress, Your Majesty.”

This was the first suggestion that Jerald heard at the meeting held a few days later. As soon as he heard that, Jerald’s forehead immediately furrowed.

“Is that the only urgent matter now?”

“It is the most urgent matter, Your Majesty.”

“The most urgent matter?”

“It’s not anything else, but the future of the empire, the stability of the royal family, and…”


“Isn’t it a matter tied to the succession of the royal family? It is believed that there is no more important issue than this.”

Of course, it was a correct statement if you only look at it in principle.

‘The problem is that they don’t really mean it sincerely.’

If they were truly sincere, they would at least pretend to consider it. But due to their insincerity, he did not wish to do so.

“You’re right. It’s an important issue.”

Jerald smoothed the sharp tip of his chin with his brow slightly narrowed.

“But isn’t it still my early reign period?”

“That’s why it’s a more urgent matter, Your Majesty.”

“Most of the previous emperors had gotten married prior to their inauguration or established a selection court immediately after.”

“Even Emperor Ferdinand, who was your father, did the same.”

“Of course, even your grandfather Edwin the Great did.”


When his grandfather’s name was mentioned, Jerald unwittingly frowned. His memory of his grandfather, whose face was now faint, having married early was correct. But on closer look, that was a major factor causing him, his grandson Jerald, a lot of hardships.

“My apologies, but…”

Emperor Edwin had a noble woman he had loved even before his reign, and his great-grandmother, the mother of Jerald’s uncle, opposed their marriage.

Eventually, Emperor Alfred had to marry another woman arranged by his mother, and this woman was Jerald’s biological grandmother.

On the other hand, Emperor Alfred eventually welcomed his first love as the queen after his mother passed away, and the son born between them was the former Emperor Albert.

In a cruel twist of fate, Albert was born in the same year as Jerald’s father Ferdinand, and after growing up and learning about his mother’s marital background, Albert constantly complained about the fact that despite his mother being the first to be involved with his father, she still remained the queen.

And even though he was the same age as Ferdinand, he couldn’t be the emperor. That eventually became a spark and spread to the flames of a coup.

Jerald, who thought about the grim history for a while, opened his mouth.



“I have no intention of getting married yet.”

“Your Majesty.”

“I’m not that old yet, so is there not still time?”

“It is believed that you should establish a selection court and choose an empress according to tradition.”

“Your Majesty, or else…”

At that point, someone asked.

“Do you perhaps have someone in mind?”


It was a question that hit the mark. But he couldn’t answer it straightforwardly.


Even if Jerald had someone in mind, how could he when the other party had no intention of accepting his affection? Until Pristin changed her mind, Jerald had no plans to establish a selection court or marry.

“If you do not have anyone in mind, Your Majesty, please establish a selection court first.”

Jerald lifted his head and looked at the person who had spoken. It was Duke Bachell, the father of Akkad Bachell. He always showed a neutral attitude whether Albert or he himself took the throne, so Jerald trusted him quite a bit.

“You won’t be late to consider marriage after the establishment of a selection court. However, if you do not establish a selection court, the anxiety of the imperial citizens may increase.”


“For the peace of mind of the imperial citizens, establish a selection court and take your time deciding on the selection of the empress.”

It was a reasonable argument. Establishing a selection court and not doing so each had significantly different meanings. At least the former meant that the emperor planned to accept an empress to some extent.

Jerald looked thoughtful for a moment, then asked the others in the conference room.

“Do you all think the same?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“The selection court should absolutely be established.”

From the nobles’ point of view, it was only natural that they wanted this matter to proceed as quickly as possible. The nobles unanimously raised their voices. Jerald thought for a moment longer, then opened his mouth.

“All right. If you all wish so, I will establish a selection court. However, there’s a condition.”

“Please say it, Your Majesty.”

“Though I will establish a selection court, I will inaugurate the empress when and whom I want.”

That is to say, he wouldn’t accept any interference.

“If this isn’t promised, I have no plans to establish a selection court.”


“Since you all sincerely suggested inaugurating the empress, I hope you understand this much.”

“As long as it doesn’t take too long…”

“I will also determine that standard.”

Jerald replied in a voice that was even more relaxed than before.

“It’s not just any matter, but the selection of my lifetime companion and the empress of the empire. There’s no harm in being cautious. That’s why I agreed to establish the selection court from now on.”

By all accounts, it was a valid argument. Moving future plans too slowly was something that can be dealt with under the guise of caution.

Jerald looked around the conference room and asked.

“So everyone agrees then?”


A silence fell over the room. By now, they were probably racking their brains on how to make the situation most advantageous to themselves.

‘No matter how hard they think.’

Eventually, there was no reason not to accept his condition. A satisfied smile spread across Jerald’s lips.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

And a few days later, in the princess’s palace.

“Big brother eventually established the selection court.”

At the dinner with Pristin, Claret talked with a complex voice.

“Now I really feel that a new sister might come in.”

With her remark, Claret glanced at Pristin sitting across from her.

“Of course, from my point of view, I think big brother will marry late, only establishing the selection court.”

“Why do you think so?”


Because big brother already has someone he likes. You know better, Pristin, don’t you?

…She wanted to say that, but it was a no-go. Claret sighed inwardly and gave a predictable answer.

“Well, I don’t think there’s someone he likes.”

“If you spend time together in the palace, you won’t know.”

Once a court is established for the selection of the empress, the nobles recommend their daughters or marriageable relatives as candidates for the empress. If they pass the audition, the candidates will live in the imperial palace until the emperor selects the empress. This was to help the emperor examine the candidates more closely and make a smooth selection.

This process was a long-established practice of the Limburg royal family, so Pristin was somewhat aware of it.

“Hey, Pristin, you know. The imperial palace is so spacious. Most won’t even get to see big brother, right?”

That’s why he had her stay at Camer Palace, right next to the central palace. Nevertheless, Claret’s words were agreeable. Even while staying at Camer Palace, which is the closest distance to the central palace, it was not easy to see the emperor often. Therefore, the chance for the empress candidates staying farther away to catch the emperor’s eye was extremely low. Thus, the palace where the empress candidates resided was usually sold for money or determined according to the power of their family.

‘Even though I didn’t meet either of the two conditions…’

Still, she was given the best palace by the emperor’s will, so it wasn’t strange that the empress candidates were checking on her.

Pristin worried for a moment in case she might get into a tiring situation.

“Don’t you have any thoughts, Pristin?”

“What thoughts?”

“Thoughts of becoming an empress candidate.”

Claret asked her this question, Pristin’s answer was quite predictable.

“Not at all, Your Highness.”

At her firm answer, Claret asked with a disappointed tone.

“Why is that?”

“I’m already staying at Camer Palace as a royal herbalist.”

“What’s so important about that?”

“It is important.”

Pristin answered in a resolute voice.

“I just like the way things are now. I’ve never thought about or desired the position of an empress candidate.”

“Pristin is now a countess, too. I’m sure the selection office will approve you.”

In fact, the selection court mostly recommended individuals from families of the rank of count or above as candidates for the empress. Although examination for those of lower rank was somewhat stricter, Pristin was now a countess and had the merit of saving the princess, so it wouldn’t be too difficult for her to become a candidate. She was also already staying at Camer Palace.

“The problem is not that, I just like the way things are now.”

While she herself did not want that position.

“If I became an empress candidate, I would have to be even more careful than now. My situation is more special than others’. Perhaps, I wouldn’t be able to meet Your Highness the Princess as often as I do now. There might be unnecessary talk and it could become a problem for the princess.”

“That seems like a needless worry.”

“In the royal palace, such unnecessary gossip appears frequently. As you may know, if I became an empress candidate, the gaze and standards toward me would become stricter.”

Just thinking about it made her tired and gave her a headache. There might be a few more people like Tanya to bother her. She didn’t have a reason to put up with all of this as she didn’t have any plans to marry Jerald.

“I’d rather have a good time with Your Highness the Imperial Princess like I do now. It would be more comforting to my heart.”


Claret gave a sound of disappointment. But soon, she adjusted her thoughts positively.

‘Well, it was not a rule that the empress must be chosen from the empress candidates.’

Claret knew there were precedents where someone not among the candidates was accepted as the empress in her lineage.

‘Right. What’s important is Brother’s feelings.’

And Claret knew Jerald’s feelings better than anyone. She smiled slightly and nodded her head.

“It seems like Pristin is right. Let’s just have a fun time together.”

“Yes. All right, Your Highness.”

Pristin also made eye contact with Claret and smiled beautifully.

At least until then, Pristin was thinking she wouldn’t have much to do with the selection.

Pristin didn’t realize that it was a huge illusion, and in fact, from the moment she was staying in Camer Palace, she had already become a person that everyone watched closely.


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