You Have to Repay Your Savior

They Slept Together, Didn’t They?

Pristin made a somewhat flustered expression for a moment before opening her mouth.

“I don’t understand why you’re so conscious of Lord Bachell.”

“Why is that?”

“Because you are you, Your Majesty. You have no reason to be jealous of him.”

“It’s a premise I don’t even want to think about.”

Jerald stared at Pristin and spoke.

“Whoever it is, even a beggar on the street, if you were pouring your heart to them.”


“In front of that, whether I’m an emperor or whatever, it doesn’t mean anything. At least to me.”

The voice that said so sounded sincere, so Pristin flinched for a moment. And she quickly said something else to break the atmosphere.

“Anyway… Please refrain from drinking too much next time, Your Majesty. You don’t even like alcohol very much.”

“Yesterday I was so upset and miserable.”

He gave a somewhat pitiful smile and said.

“So pardon me for this once.”

“It sounds like you’re saying it’s all because of me.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Regardless, moderate your drinking for your health. It’s hard to fully recover damaged health, even with a hangover cure.”

“As expected, the only one who cares about me is Pristin.”

“That’s not the case. Everyone in the palace and all the subjects of the empire would be worried about you.”

Pristin murmured dryly.

“Even if it’s not me, there are many people by your side, Your Majesty.”

“What’s the point if you’re not among them, be it ten thousand or a hundred thousand?”


“It wouldn’t matter at all.”

“If I say I dislike you being emperor, would you willingly give up that position?”

That was quite an impulsive question. Jerald stared at Pristin. He knew. This question was quite rude.

“You can’t do that, such a…”

“Then, are you accepting me?”

Jerald interrupted Pristin’s words and asked. Pristin, taken aback, retorted.


“If you feel burdened by my position, if that’s the case…”

“Your Majesty, what are you saying now…”

“I’m serious.”

He stared at Pristin with a serious gaze. Pristin’s pupils quivered.

“Do you really want that?”

“… I committed a mortal sin.”

Pristin quickly opened her mouth.

“I misspoke.”

“I’m serious, Pristin.”

“No. No.”

Pristin said in a shaking voice, shaking her head.

“I dared to misspeak, Your Majesty. You can punish me.”

“That’s what you’re saying because you know I can’t dare punish you, right?”


“I’d better go.”

Jerald got up from his seat at an odd timing, and Pristin still looked up at him with a bewildered expression. Jerald met Pristin’s eyes and explained why he got up.

“I want to stay longer, but if I do, I really think I’ll be a hindrance.”


“I hope you have a wonderful day today, Countess Pristin Rosewell.”

Jerald, who spoke with feigned authority, gave a bright smile.

“Thank you for the hangover cure gift from this morning. What should I give you in return?”

“…There’s no need for such a thing.”

Pristin replied in an oddly drained voice.

“It’s part of my duties.”

“Yet, it is customary to reward loyalty that acts before receiving an order.”

“I didn’t do it in hopes of a reward.”

“In that case.”

Jerald asked, eyeing Pristin with a heavy gaze.

“Am I understanding that you did it thinking about me?”

“Your Majesty.”


Jerald gently placed his index finger on Pristin’s plump lips. Pristin, speechless as if her lips were sealed, stared fixedly at Jerald.

Her expression was wavering. For reasons unknown.

“I understand your sincerity enough. I really should go now.”


“See you again, Pristin.”

With those words, Jerald really left the room, leaving Pristin alone. After sitting on the bed for a while by herself, she let out a deep sigh.


A shadow was cast over a corner of Pristin’s face. For a while after, she continued to sit on the bed with a worried look. Encounters with him were always like this.

Even if she braced herself, after meeting him, she returned to her original state.

Her heart fluttered unstably, like a volcano about to erupt.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

“You came out earlier than expected.”

At Aruvina’s words, Jerald, who was heading to the central palace, stopped in his tracks. Jerald replied with a smile.

“Thank you for keeping the promise. I learned something I didn’t know.”

“Do you have any questions, Your Majesty?”

Aruvina bowed her head politely.

“You seem in a better mood than yesterday.”

“How was yesterday?”

“As you guessed, you looked distressed.”

Aruvina answered candidly, and Jerald nodded as if that was likely.

“If it’s because of Lord Bachell, I don’t think she has anything to do with him.”

Jerald looked embarrassed at the words.

“Is it too obvious?”

“Enough for everyone to know.”

“Oh dear. To that extent.”

Jerald laughed as if he couldn’t stop himself.

“If only Lord Bachell would notice my feelings and act with discretion.”

“Perhaps, Lord Bachell probably doesn’t have any ulterior motives toward Your Majesty.”


Drawing out his words and making an odd expression, Jerald soon laughed as if nothing was wrong.

“Hard to say. Anyway, please take good care of the Countess, Madame Korsol.”

“Of course, Your Majesty. I will serve with all my heart.”


He felt relieved. Madame Korsol was a strong-willed person, even within the royal palace.

‘So now, all I need to do is do my part.’

Whatever the reason she was pushing him away, at least one thing had to be resolved. The powerful royal power that can solve all her worries. The unassailable power that the nobles dare not dispute in determining his queen.

‘Especially, I have to solve Duke Gennant…’

Now that the first ball was over, it was somewhat predictable what he would insist on. Jerald narrowed his eyebrows with an unhappy expression. What was certain, anyway, was that he had no intention of moving the way they wanted.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

At that time, Duke Gennant’s private residence.

“My lord, my lord.”

At the sound of knocking on the door, Duke Gennant in the study opened his mouth with his eyes on the book.

“What’s going on?”

“The young lady asks to see you.”


Only then did the Duke of Gennant lift his head up.

“Bring her in.”

“Yes, Master.”

Immediately the door opened, and he heard someone walking up. The Duke of Gennant closed the book and welcomed his only daughter.

“Come in, Tanya.”


“You don’t look well.”

“Isn’t that obvious, Father?”

Showing herself before her father, Tanya looked a little defiant. She spoke without hiding her unpleasant expression.

“I naturally expected to dance with His Majesty at yesterday’s ball.”


“But His Majesty was drinking all the time at the ball and eventually left.”

Tanya’s lips started to tremble.

“Then it turns out the result is a night at Camer Palace?”

“Calm down, Tanya.”

“Father, how can I calm down in this situation!”

Eventually, Tanya yelled.

“His Majesty slept with her. What if she gets pregnant before I become the empress? It’s all over! It’s not the time to speak so calmly!”

“Calm down, Daughter. Calm down.”

Unlike Tanya, who was so riled up, the Duke of Gennant was frighteningly calm. And Tanya felt sad when she saw her father like that.

“Of course, I want nothing more than that for you, Tanya. I absolutely understand your feelings.”

Duke Gennant reassured his daughter with a benevolent gaze.

“But, there’s no need to get angry. I just received additional information.”


“They did not share a bed.”

At the unexpected news, Tanya’s eyes widened quickly. Seeing his daughter’s reaction, Duke Gennant smiled and opened his mouth.

“They used separate rooms. So, there won’t be such a situation that you’re worrying about. And, no matter how in their prime a man and a woman are, it’s not like a child can come along that quickly?”

“I’m anxious, Father.”

Tanya clenched her teeth and spoke.

“There are no signs that His Majesty likes me. No, actually, I don’t even need that. I just need to wear the crown of the empress. If I’m the empress, even if that woman becomes His Majesty’s consort, I can rightfully punish her.”

“That’s right. As expected, my daughter is smart.”

“Father, please. Instead of just complimenting me, quickly devise a plan.”

“There’s nothing much to devise or say about a plan. It’s pretty simple.”

Duke Gennant stroked his beard and spoke calmly.

“I plan to formally propose to His Majesty at a meeting in a few days. That he should establish an empress.”

“That’s a good thought.”

Tanya finally looked a bit relieved.

“In order to make the Gennant family the highest-ranking noble family in the empire, there can’t be any disruptions or delays in our plan. Please let me go to the selection court. I will do whatever it takes to become the empress.”

“All right. Don’t worry.”

Looking at his daughter, Duke Gennant’s eyes lit up dangerously.

“In the end, we will be the final winners.”


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