You Have to Repay Your Savior

Visitor of the Night

“If I want to sober up, it would be better for me to go to bed early. It’s better than staying here and showing an unfavorable appearance.”

“But, Your Majesty…”

“Let’s go back to the central palace.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Unsettled by things not going as planned, Duke Gennant hurriedly grabbed onto Jerald.

“You seem to be having a hard time handling yourself.”

“And that’s even more reason why dancing is out of the question.”

“If it’s all right with you, my daughter can accompany you back to the palace…”

“Duke Gennant.”

Unable to stop his persistent insistence, Jerald finally opened his mouth in annoyance.

“Were you always this talkative?”


“There are no meetings tomorrow. Let’s meet the day after.”

With a cynical expression, Jerald lightly tapped Duke Gennant’s shoulder. If he insisted any further, it would cause him to get angry, so Duke Gennant couldn’t say any more.

Eventually, Jerald left the ballroom in a staggered motion, supported by his servants.


Meanwhile, Pristin, who had been glancing at Jerald from time to time, felt uneasy witnessing him leave in such a precarious state.

He must have consumed a lot of alcohol to the point where he couldn’t handle himself. The alcohol at the ballroom wasn’t that strong either.

Pristin’s mind went dizzy. Naturally, her expression also became dark, and Akkad, who noticed her change, quickly asked.

“Are you tired?”

The two of them were already in the middle of their third dance. Pristin had lived as an herbalist for a year, so this level of physical exertion wasn’t too much for her. Pristin knew that if she was tired, it was not because of her physical strength, but because of other problems.

But unable to tell the truth, Pristin tried to shake her head as if nothing were wrong.

“No, my lord.”

It wasn’t a lie. She wasn’t tired. But Akkad seemed to think she was trying to pretend to be okay. When the third song ended, Akkad slowly stopped his feet.

Pristin stared at Akkad, lifting her head that had been busy reminding herself of the steps.

“It might be a good idea to stop here for today. You said you’re okay, but you look a bit tired.”


“It’s your first ball, so it’s better not to push yourself too hard.”

Touched by his warm consideration, Pristin couldn’t say anything and simply awkwardly lifted the corners of her mouth into a smile. After parting ways with Akkad like that, Pristin stood still for a moment with a blank expression.

The maid of Camer Palace approached her and asked.

“Countess, would you like to go back to Camer Palace if you’re feeling tired?”

Pristin pondered for a moment and then nodded. Her mind was unexpectedly dizzy, and it didn’t seem suitable to enjoy the rest of the ball in this state. She had also parted ways with her partner, Akkad, so it would be fine to leave now.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

“You came early.”

As Pristin arrived at Camer Palace, Aruvina said with a slightly surprised look. Aruvina had stayed behind to guard the palace as she wasn’t feeling well.

Pristin replied with a faint smile.

“I managed to do everything I needed to.”

“She danced three songs with Lord Bachell.”

The maid next to Pristin whispered to Aruvina.

“Oh, is that so?”

Aruvina responded, mirroring the same faint smile that Pristin had.

“You did a good job at your first ball. You’ve held on for a long time.”

“Thank you, Aruvina.”

“Are you tired? Shall I prepare a bath for you?”

“Yes, please.”

Thanks to the notice that she was going back in advance, the bath preparation was almost complete enough for Pristin to enter the bath immediately.

She carefully stepped into the bath, where rose petals floated gently on the water. The warm steam quickly eased Pristin’s fatigue.


After settling into the bath, Pristin leaned against the wall with a tired expression. Although she had returned to her palace and was resting after completing all her tasks, Pristin’s mind wasn’t particularly at ease. Physical exhaustion could be tolerated, but there was something that continued to torment her mentally.


Pristin’s mind was haunted by the image of Jerald, stumbling and appearing dangerously close to collapsing while drunk. The fragile image lingered in her head like a lingering scar, tormenting her.

With her lips slightly pressed together, Pristin sighed deeply.

‘He must have made it home safely.’

After all, he had many attendants by his side. He would have safely made it to the central palace. Perhaps it was even foolish for her to worry about it.

Pristin decided to stop thinking about Jerald for now. The fact that she was so preoccupied with him was not something she was willing to admit. She didn’t like that he had the power to disturb her in this way.

Pristin slowly closed her eyes and shifted her body further back, lying down. As she stared at her for a while, one of the maids who had been watching her asked.

“Is something bothering you, Countess?”

“Huh? No, why suddenly?”

“Your expression hasn’t been good since earlier.”


She had been preoccupied after all. Unconsciously, Pristin pursed her lower lip.

“No, I’m not feeling uncomfortable. Just… it’s a bit hot, I guess.”

“It’s not too hot, is it?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

Pristin mumbled a vague response and closed her eyes again. It would be good if sleep came, but oddly enough, drowsiness did not come in proportion to her physical fatigue.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

After finishing her bath, Pristin realized that it was nearing ten o’clock. She changed into a clean night dress and dismissed all the maids in her room, including Aruvina.

After saying that she didn’t need anyone to prepare her bed, she sat down at the table and opened a book. She was tired, but sleep didn’t come, and her mind was still preoccupied.

Books were the best at times like this. Pristin began to read carefully from the first chapter. Reading proved to be quite effective. It was when Pristin concentrated and read about fifty pages from her seat.

“Your Excellency.”

Aruvina’s voice came from outside. Pristin answered with a more comfortable expression than before, keeping her eyes on the book.

“Yes, Aruvina.”


“What is it?”


Aruvina replied hesitantly.

“A guest has arrived.”

“At this hour?”

Pristin narrowed her brow.

“Is it the princess?”

She stood up from her seat and walked slowly towards the door. And when she opened it…


Someone completely unexpected was standing at the door. Pristin was so surprised that she froze in place and couldn’t move.

“What is happening here… Ah.”


At that moment, Jerald embraced Pristin. Unable to bear the weight of his much larger frame, she staggered and barely regained her balance. She looked at Jerald, who was hugging her with a bewildered expression.




At the end of the call, the door was closed.

Thud. Left completely alone in this situation, Pristin struggled to comprehend what had just happened.

The only thing she quickly noticed was that he had consumed a considerable amount of alcohol. The strong scent of liquor stimulating her senses, Pristin called out to him in a soft voice.

“Your Majesty…”

“Don’t call me that.”

He mumbled with an inaccurate pronunciation, swaying once again. Worried that he might fall, Pristin held onto him tightly, exerting more strength in her arms.

However, due to the significant difference in their stature, they couldn’t help but sway a little. Pristin called out to him in a startled voice.

“Your Majesty, please regain your composure…”

From his actions and the degree of his staggering, it seemed like he was even more intoxicated than before. It seemed that he had consumed more alcohol after returning to the central palace.

The realization hit Pristin’s heart sharply. Unconsciously, she bit her lip.

“…Please sober up.”


“Your Majesty.”

After a few calls, he barely raised his head. And when Pristin saw his gaze directly for the first time since he entered the room, she couldn’t help but be taken aback by Jerald’s eyes.

Drunk enough to keep his throat properly, he was looking at her with eyes that were about to cry.

He looked at her with eyes that seemed on the verge of bursting into tears, as if carrying all the sadness in the world. Pristin’s own eyes involuntarily shook in response.

“…Your Majesty.”

“Saying my name…”


“Is it that difficult for you?”

After finishing his sentence, tears welled up in his eyes. It seemed like at any moment, those large eyes would shed teardrops like drops of dew. In that situation, Pristin unconsciously loosened her grip on his arm.

Naturally, Jerald’s body swayed unsteadily, and Pristin quickly regained her composure and grabbed onto him again.

“Be careful…!”


“Your Majesty.”

Pristin asked him in a trembling voice.

“Why are you like this?”


“Why did you drink so much?”

“I drank a lot. A whole lot.”

Jerald slowly lifted his head and asked.

“If I drink like this, will you maybe look at me?”


“Not Lord Bachell, but me…”

“I already told you that I have no relationship with him.”

“You danced when you’re not in a relationship?”

“Not everyone who danced tonight has that kind of relationship.”

The shocked expression on his face when he saw her with Bachell was still vivid in her mind.

But surely, he didn’t drink this much because of that… right? Pristin asked in a voice filled with disbelief.

“Are you doing this because of Lord Bachell?”


“Your Majesty.”

“I’m upset.”

Looking at Pristin with a look of sadness, distress and sorrow, Jerald asked her in a voice full of vulnerability.

“I’m really upset. Is there truly… no chance for me at all?”


“Do you really hate me, Pristin?”

To his question of whether she disliked him, Pristin couldn’t provide an answer. And she was quietly astonished by the fact that he didn’t know the answer to that question.

If she truly hated him, she wouldn’t be holding him like this, making sure he didn’t fall. She would have abandoned him mercilessly at the door. No matter how caught up they were in the atmosphere or for whatever reason, she wouldn’t have let him into this room.

Taking a deep breath, Pristin responded briefly.

“I’ll call the doctor. You’re very drunk.”

“Answer me, Pristin.”


It was just when Pristin thought she couldn’t take it anymore and was about to call for Aruvina. Jerald suddenly stumbled toward the bed.

The problem was that because Pristin had been holding onto him, she was pulled along toward the bed as well.

“Your Majes—”

And even before Pristin could stop him, her body jerked and over the bed.


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