You Have to Repay Your Savior

I Truly Love Her

It was a sudden question.

Pristin was momentarily taken aback, unable to utter a single word, her lips trembling like a fool. After a while, she finally asked.

“With you…?”


Akkad nodded as if she didn’t hear it wrong.

“Would you like to go with me?”


Pristin didn’t expect Akkad to ask her this question, so she couldn’t answer it properly even though she’d heard the same question twice.

Welsh, who was next to her, laughed at the sight.

“Countess, are you flustered?”

“No… I didn’t expect him to ask me.”

“Go with Master. Since both of you don’t have partners, it’s nice for the members of the same herbal garden to stick together.”


However, even with those words, Pristin still couldn’t answer impulsively. Seeing her hesitation, Akkad smiled softly, as if trying to alleviate any burden.

“Of course you may refuse.”

“No, that… I hope you don’t misunderstand.”

Pristin hurried back in case Akkad misunderstood it as disliking him.

“It’s just that I was a bit taken aback.”

In fact, she seemed quite embarrassed by her actions. Pristin opened her mouth after hesitating at the unexpected.

“But I’m not a good dancer. I’m worried that I’m only going to humiliate Lord Bachell for nothing.”

“Don’t worry about that, Countess. His Grace is a good dancer. He will probably lead you well.”


“Then there’s no problem, right?”

While looking at Akkad, who still smiled, Pristin pondered for a moment.

‘…At least I can show His Majesty for sure.’

That she doesn’t have the slightest intention of starting again.

At the thought, Pristin nodded without further hesitation.

“Yes. Let’s go together.”

If she could dissuade him, she thought this much would be fine.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

And as time went by, it was two days before the ball.

“Your Excellency.”

Aruvina called Pristin in a slightly excited voice.

“A present has arrived.”



“Is there someone who would send me a present?”

Pristin narrowed her eyebrows as if she couldn’t quite grasp the situation.

“Who is it? I don’t know anyone who is very close to me in the imperial city…”

“It’s from His Majesty.”


“Would you like to open the present?”

In her heart, Pristin wanted to just return the gift without even opening it. But she soon changed her mind, realizing that if news of her refusal to accept it became known, her arrogance would spread beyond the palace to the entire empire. And it would truly be an incredibly rude act.

However, Pristin really wanted to return the gift, wondering if Jerald considered what kind of feelings she would have when he sent it. If she could make her intentions clearer by doing so.

“…I suppose I have to.”

But that was only her wish. Pristin looked at the massive gift box brought in by the maids, and in terms of timing, she had a rough idea of what was in it.

“Wow, it’s so beautiful!”

As soon as she untied the ribbon and opened the box, her eyes were immediately drawn to the sparkling and glamorous accessories. And underneath them was a golden dress.

Pristin was briefly lost for words at the sumptuous gift that no one would dare say was not expensive.

“Wow, to send such a gift.”

“His Majesty must truly cherish the countess.”

“He’s never given such a gift to a female noble before.”

And every admiring word, every word of the maids coming from the side, was enough to make Pristin speechless. This was the reaction she had feared the most. Being seen as special to him. Pristin rubbed her throbbing temple and said.


“Yes, Your Excellency.”

“Send it back.”

The eyes of Aruvina and the maids next to her became round.

Nevertheless, Pristin added as if she had no intention of breaking her will.

“It’s too burdensome. I have no reason to accept it.”

“You have more than enough reason.”

Aruvina hurriedly opened her mouth.

“After all, it’s your first ball since entering the palace, and we’ve made careful preparations. Not to mention the fact that you saved Princess’s life and received a noble title. It’s only natural for His Majesty to be concerned…”


Pristin said in a tired voice.

“Send it back.”


Aruvina had no other choice because of her firm will. Eventually, she had no choice but to visit the central palace again with Jerald’s gift with a sullen face.

“Your Majesty, she refused so adamantly…”


“I tried my best to persuade her, but… there was nothing I could do. I apologize, Your Majesty.”

“…No, it’s okay.”

Jerald answered in a low voice.

“There’s nothing we can do. Let’s leave it at that.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

After a while, Aruvina stepped away from the room. Soon, the sound of frustrated sighs could be heard.

“What on earth did you do to deserve such dislike from Pristin, Brother?”

It was Claret. She spoke in a tone that seemed to imply that she knew something.

“For Pristin to be so indifferent, you must have made a serious mistake.”


There was no room for excuses. In any case, the sudden disappearance was Jerald’s fault, so he couldn’t say a word to defend himself.

“Can you tell me what happened?”

“No, Claret.”


Claret pouted her lips.

“Anyway, don’t worry too much, Brother. I anticipated something like this happening, so I prepared a gift for Pristin in advance.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes. She won’t be able to refuse even mine.”

“Impressive, Claret.”

“Did I do well?”

“Yes, I am proud of you.”

“Rather than that, if she reacts so sensitively even to a gift, maybe it’s time for you to give up on her as a partner.”

“I should, right?”

“But don’t worry too much! If you show sincerity from now on, Pristin will surely open her heart again.”

“Do you really think so?”

“Of course! Sincerity works wonders.”

Claret encouraged Jerald with her cheerful voice.

“And besides, you truly love Pristin, don’t you?”

Claret’s words were right. Jerald sincerely loved Pristin.

But even so, whether that sincerity would be accepted was a separate issue.

Jerald, now an adult, was well aware of that fact, and yet, he had no option to give up. Not yet.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

“Did you give it back?”

Pristin asked when she saw Aruvina returning to Camer Palace. Aruvina nodded.

“Yes. His Majesty was very disappointed.”

“…What is that?”

Pristin turned her words quickly to change the subject. When asked by Pristin, Aruvina lifted the box she was holding quickly as if she had forgotten.

“Oh, this?”

“You didn’t bring it from the central palace either, did you?”

“Oh, no. This is from the court ladies.”

“At the Imperial Palace?”

“I met them on the way back. The princess, Her Highness, personally picked out these items for you. Why don’t you open it?”


Was it because siblings are siblings?

With a perplexed expression, Pristin unwrapped the gift. Just like the gift Jerald had given her, it was filled with luxurious dresses and fancy accessories.

The difference was that the color of the dress had changed to pink? While Pristin was at a loss because of the expensive gift at a glance, Aruvina, who was next to her, said.

“You’re not going to turn down the present of Her Highness, are you?”


“There is a good reason to receive the gift of Her Highness the Princess. You have a good bond, and I don’t think there will be any strange rumors about receiving a gift from Her Highness. Unlike His Majesty.”

Aruvina accurately pointed out the concern that Pristin had. Pristin, feeling a pang of guilt, cast a fleeting glance at Aruvina, trying not to resent her. Meanwhile, Aruvina smiled brightly and added a few more words.

“You didn’t even fit the dress that you were supposed to wear. Above all, if you don’t answer, Her Highness may be disappointed.”

“Phew, fine, I got it.”

Pristin was much weaker to the young princess than Jerald.

Pristin nodded as if she could not help it.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Then, two days later, it was finally the day of the ball.

“I think the ends of my hair are too loosely curled.”

“Oh, no, my lady. If we curl it any further, it might look ridiculous.”

“Shouldn’t I wear more voluminous earrings?”

Starting from the evening, the maids at Camer Palace had been bustling around feverishly, preparing for the ball. For Pristin, this ball felt like a belated debutante’s coming-out party. Therefore, the hands that adorned Pristin had to be filled with utmost care and attention.

After all, the reputation of the palace maids was dependent on the favorable treatment Pristin received at the ball.

“Isn’t this all too much?”

Pristin, who was being groomed, asked carefully, but the others didn’t seem to think so at all.

“What do you mean too much? It’s still not enough, Countess.”

“That’s right, Your Excellency. You have to shine even more brightly.”

“You must look more beautiful than anyone else today!”

“Yes, yes. It’s your first ball since entering the palace!”

Pristin felt a bit overwhelmed by the excessive adornment, as she had rarely ever been so extravagantly dressed before, but she decided to go with it.

After all, she had to consider the reputation of the Camer Palace maids. So, time passed by in a whirlwind…

“We’re done!”

At last all the make-up was done. Pristin heard that and asked Aruvina with a slightly anticipating face.

“Did it go well?”


Aruvina responded to Pristin’s question with an indescribable expression on her face.

“I think you should see for yourself in the mirror.”

With a puzzled expression, Pristin stood up from her seat. The voluminous dress rustled as it moved, creating a pleasant sound. Pristin carefully adjusted the hem of her dress and stood in front of a full-length mirror.


Only now did she understand why Aruvina had said that. Pristin looked truly beautiful. She had rarely ever considered her own appearance in such a way, but today, she truly shone to the point where it was dazzling.

Pristin muttered with a look of surprise.

“I’m pretty.”

“Do you like it?”

“Of course. Thank you all so much for your hard work.”

Everyone’s expressions showed that their efforts were worthwhile. They had worried that she might not be pleased, but it was a relief that she was. At that moment, Aruvina gently grabbed Pristin’s hand and said,

“Your Excellency, you will undoubtedly be the center of attention at the ball tonight.”


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