You Have to Repay Your Savior

You’re Not Jealous?


A few seconds after Akkad’s question, Pristin replied, her expression flustered.

“What do you…”

“I thought you had a great interest in herbs.”

“Well, that’s true, but…”

“I’ve also noticed that you have a good knowledge of them. So, I was wondering if you would like to work together in the herbal garden.”

“That’s… unbelievable.”

Pristin answered, shaking her head.

“Thank you for your kind words. However, I will graciously decline your offer.”


Akkad asked, his voice sounding slightly taken aback by the unexpected response.

“I think you’ll do well.”

“No. I’m afraid I’ll cause you trouble for no reason. I am not such an exceptional person.”

“It’s not in my nature to overlook talented individuals.”

Akkad continued with a smile.

“I hope you know that Your Ladyship’s presence would never be a burden. Even if you underestimate yourself, I believe that if you were to join the herbal garden, you would achieve remarkable results.”

“I appreciate your kind words, but I…”

“I apologize for bringing it up so suddenly. I’m not urging you to give an immediate answer.”

Akkad persuaded Pristin in a soft voice.

“Could you at least consider it? Slowly pondering it might bring forth another answer.”


“I want to work with Your Ladyship.”

The sincerity was felt in the last words, making it difficult for Pristin to continue to reply, ‘I have no intention of doing it,’ as before. She hesitated with an embarrassed look on her face, and finally opened her mouth with a short sigh.

“…If it’s okay if I just think about it.”

“That alone is satisfactory to me.”

Akkad’s expression was brighter than before.

“It’s okay if you don’t plan to stay at the imperial palace for a long time, so don’t feel too pressured and think about it.”

He reassured her, knowing exactly what Pristin’s concern was. The biggest reason she hesitated about Akkad’s proposal was because she didn’t know when she would leave the palace.

If she were to leave the herbal garden after only a short period of time, it could potentially become awkward. However, hearing that it didn’t matter, Pristin’s mind subconsciously became more at ease than before.

“Yes. I’ll make a quick decision and contact you.”

Pristin nodded for now.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

It was certainly attractive to work as a herbalist in the herbal garden.

As she started to gather herbs, she occasionally felt the desire to study more about them.

Of course, it was an impossible dream to implement due to many realistic restrictions, but now that she had to stay in the palace anyway, she thought it might not be a bad idea.

‘Since there isn’t much to do here in the palace, and working in the herbal garden could help me spend my time more efficiently…’

At that moment, a long shadow appeared across the path she was walking on. Pristin slowly lifted her head, still immersed in her thoughts, and saw a familiar face looking at her with gentle eyes.

“What are you thinking about so deeply?”

“…Your Majesty.”

It was Jerald. He was walking without any haste or attendants, seemingly heading in the opposite direction.

Pristin unconsciously took a step back, then greeted him.

“I greet His Majesty, the Sun of the Empire.”

As the first act made it clear that she was keeping her distance, Jerald remained silent for a moment, unable to say anything.

But soon enough, he returned it with an unaffected expression and spoke to Pristin.

“You didn’t think of me.”


“Do you have any concerns?”

It was a question that hit the nail on the head, but Pristin could not answer for a moment.

‘I’ll need His Majesty’s permission to work in the herbal garden anyway.’

Pristin looked troubled for a moment and opened her mouth.

“I’m on my way back from the herbal garden.”

“The herbal garden?”

Jerald’s expression turned sour for the first time when he heard Pristin’s answer.

Pristin became puzzled at his reaction and asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

“What’s wrong with you?”


“Because your expression is getting worse.”


Jerald quickly composed his expression and then replied.

“It’s nothing. What brings you to the herbal garden?”

Pristin was about to tell him about the incident at the library earlier, but she instinctively kept her mouth shut. She didn’t want to worry him unnecessarily by telling the truth. Jerald was always the one who shuddered at every little wound she had. Maybe he would make a fuss to call a palace doctor right away.

“I happened to meet Young Lord Bachell in the library.”

In the end, Pristin omitted the part about her injury and how Akkad offered to treat her, choosing instead to leave those details out of her response.

But Jerald’s expression grew even more sour upon hearing her answer.

“…Are you originally acquainted with Young Lord Bachell?”

“What? Oh, no. We met for the first time today.”


Jerald’s expression worsened at her third response. Perplexed by his sudden change, Pristin furrowed her brows. She cautiously asked.

“Is there a problem?”

“…No, there isn’t.”

There wasn’t. Pristin had nothing to do with Jerald anymore. As Pristin said when she first entered the palace. So, he had no right to interfere in whomever she met.


“But more importantly, how did you end up going to the herbal garden if you just met him for the first time today?”

…As expected, he didn’t like that at all.

In Jerald’s mind, the figure of Akkad Bachell naturally came to mind. The image of a young man entering the palace herbal garden at such a young age and quickly rising to become the head herbalist with his renowned good looks flashed through his head. Rumor had it that some of the maids had even been caught sneaking into the herbal garden just to catch a glimpse of his face, leading to strict regulations on who could enter other than authorized personnel. Jerald’s mood grew worse when he remembered the story he had heard before.

“Ah, well…”

Meanwhile, Pristin, unaware of these circumstances, was racking her brain, trying to figure out how she could hide the fact that she had been injured and navigate the current situation smoothly.

However, no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn’t find a natural connection. So, she opted for a safe and unenthusiastic response.

“I just ended up there just by chance.”

“…Just by chance.”

“Yes. We were just casually talking about herbs…”

Pristin nodded, impressed with the excuse she had come up with herself.

“Then we ended up going to the herb garden together. I even got to see the herbal greenhouse.”

“…Well, anyway. Did you have fun?”

“It was a very informative experience.”

“…Well, anyway.”

Jerald struggled to view the situation in a positive light.

“If you enjoyed it, then that’s all that matters. Well done.”

“Then, what is your concern?”

He continued, hoping to steer the conversation in a different direction.

“Young Lord Bachell asked me to work in the herbal garden.”

“…In the herbal garden?”


“Just the two of you?”


Pristin furrowed her brows in confusion.

“What do you mean? Are you implying something…?”


“Right now, that is to say…”

Pristin looked doubtful as she asked.

“You’re not jealous, are you?”

“…If I say yes, does that make me pathetic?”


Upon hearing the reply, Pristin was at a loss for words for a moment. Jealousy, really.

‘…Well, I suppose he did tend to get jealous when we were together.’

But she didn’t expect him to get jealous of the royal herbalist. And that too, someone Pristin had only crossed paths with in a professional setting. Pristin hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say, before finally speaking up.

“I’m not sure what misconception you have, but I assure you, Your Majesty, there is no reason for concern.”


“Young Lord Bachell is not interested in me in the first place. I haven’t seen him romantically either.”

Pristin said to Jerald, frowning.

“Your Majesty, you are being overly suspicious.”

Hearing her words, Jerald felt deeply wronged. The beauty and charm of Akkad was already well-known within the palace. Pristin seemed to be unaware of this fact.

However, Jerald decided not to point it out, as he didn’t want to cause any misunderstandings. Based on her response, it didn’t seem like she was lying. Considering this a small relief, Jerald spoke up.

“Fine. If you say there’s nothing there, then there’s nothing there. If you don’t like him then you don’t.”

“…Even if there is, it is none of your business.”

“Why is that?”

“As I mentioned before, we have no relationship anymore.”

“Of course.”

Jerald nodded as if to acknowledge that point.

“But that doesn’t mean I won’t pay attention.”


“Why? Because I still love you.”


The mere word from Jerald’s mouth slightly darkened Pristin’s expression. His words unintentionally brought up a painful memory that she had forgotten for a moment.

In that moment of silence, Jerald looked at Pristin’s expression and felt a bitter pang in his heart. But he tried to speak casually.

“Isn’t that all right? If there is a possible rival, I have to prepare for it.”

“…What do you mean by prepare?”

“Getting rid of any potential obstacles right in front of us.”

“Young Lord Bachell?”

Pristin asked, her face flabbergasted. When Jerald purposely didn’t answer, Pristin spoke with a bewildered expression.

“Your Majesty, I met Young Lord Bachell for the first time today? You surely won’t punish an innocent person because of me, right?”

“I haven’t said anything yet, Pristin. You’re jumping to conclusions.”


Finally realizing that he had fooled her, Pristin narrowed her eyes and glared at Jerald.

Jerald, who was strangely pleased at the sight, chuckled softly without realizing it.

“You’re the only one in this empire who can look at me with such eyes, Pristin.”

Only after hearing that did Pristin realize that she had treated him too casually.

Just like when they were dating two years ago.

As her sharp gaze quickly softened, Jerald, observing her reaction, spoke with a laughter-tinged voice.

“Suddenly, your gaze became polite.”

“I have been rude, Your Majesty. Forgive me.”

“It wasn’t really anything that needed forgiveness.”

Jerald replied, his smile faintly visible as he locked eyes with Pristin.

“I like it when you treat me carelessly.”


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