You Have to Repay Your Savior


Upon entering the room, Pristin felt a surge of emotions at the sight before her. She saw Christine sitting on the bed, staring blankly ahead. Approaching cautiously, Pristin called out her sister’s name with a trembling voice.


Pristin called her sister’s name in a trembling voice. Then Christine slowly turned her head and stared at Pristin. Pristin burst into tears at the sight of Christine who woke up safely.

“…Oh, my God, Christine.”


“You’re awake.”

Pristin, filled with emotion, sat down beside Christine. Despite hearing Pristin calling her name, Christine still had a vacant expression, lost in her thoughts.

However, Pristin, overwhelmed with joy at Christine being awake, didn’t notice her sister’s state of mind.

“I’m so glad you woke up safely. Are you hurt anywhere? Are you okay?”


In response to Pristin’s question, Christine, who had been silent until then, cautiously moved her lips. After a moment, her voice emerged from her mouth.


It was an unexpected call. Pristin’s expression quickly hardened. And she looked at Christine with a look of disbelief.



Christine lifted the trembling corners of her mouth and smiled.

“I, I remember everything.”

“…Oh, my God.”

In disbelief, Pristin’s eyes quickly grew in size. Pristin looked at Christine with trembling eyes, and soon embraced her with a short exclamation.

“It’s really… really you, Christine?”

“Yes, sister,”

Christine spoke in a warm voice.

“I think the head bump when I fell down the stairs brought me back my memories.”

“Oh, I guess so,”

Pristin murmured, her face wrapped in joy.

“It’s the second best thing that ever happened today.”

“The first was receiving shoes from His Majesty?”

“Oh, there was that, too.”

Christine stared at Pristin with a puzzled expression. Pristin, with a serious look as if to convey, ‘Don’t be surprised,’ but unable to hide her smile, spoke.

“I’m pregnant, Christine.”

“…Oh, my God.”

There was an exclamation from Christine’s mouth.


“Thank you, Christine. It’s because of you.”

“When did you find out? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“I told you. It’s because of you,”

Pristin said in a trembling voice, recalling the emotion of that time.

“I found out from the doctor’s check-up. A few hours ago.”


“You saved me and the child in my stomach, Christine. Thank you very much.”

“Really, I want to praise my past self. It could have been a big problem.”

“Yes, it could have been a disaster.”

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

“I’m fine, Christine. Thanks to you for pulling me and rolling down the stairs.”

Pristin held Christine’s hand tightly and spoke in a whisper,

“You truly are the life savior of our child.”

“It’s natural among family. The term ‘life savior’ feels a bit awkward.”

Christine giggled and laughed after saying that.

“Anyway, I’m glad you’re okay. I’m okay too. No injuries.”

“Yes. The doctor said you were fine.”

“But where are we…”

“We’re still at Jenkins Manor.”

“What time is it?”

“It’s ten o’clock soon,”

Pristin said with a smile around her mouth.

“I promised His Majesty to stay by your side until exactly ten o’clock and then go to sleep. How did you wake up right on time?”

“Yeah, it’s really remarkable timing.”

Christine chuckled and then asked hesitantly,

“If it’s 10 o’clock, should we go back to the palace?”

“Lady Jenkins said it was okay to stay here overnight. His Majesty said he would stay here, too.”

“Yeah, it’s a bit dangerous to move the carriage at this hour.”

Christine, who nodded, soon made friendly eye contact with Pristin.

“Oh, there are so many things I want to say with my sister now that I can remember.”

“So do I. Actually, I’ve been somewhat prepared since you said that you were reminded of your past memories… I didn’t expect it to come back like this.”

“Shall we talk all night long?”

“That sounds good…”

“…I don’t think so.”

Then a different voice came from the back. Both Pristin and Christine turned back with a surprised look.

Jerald was standing there. Christine habitually bowed her head and bowed to him, and Pristin stood up from her seat, still in amazement.

“Your Majesty.”

“Congratulations, Pristin. You have two pieces of good news today.”

“Thank you. Since when have you been listening?”

“It hasn’t been long.”

After a brief reply, Jerald’s eyes turned to Christine.

“Thank you, Lady Lamont. Thanks to you, Pristin, and the baby in the belly are safe.”

“I’m proud of my actions as well.”

“It’s quite late now. How about returning to the palace tomorrow morning?”

“I feel the same way, Your Majesty. It’s a bit dangerous to be on the move now.”

“There must be a lot to talk about between sisters.”

Jerald gently embraced Pristin’s shoulders. Pristin was momentarily surprised by the sudden physical contact in front of her sister but then awkwardly raised the corners of her mouth, as if accustomed to it. Christine also responded with a somewhat awkward expression.

“As you know, Pristin is now pregnant. Let’s save the conversation for tomorrow when it’s brighter.”

Pristin was about to say he might be overreacting a bit but stopped. There’s nothing wrong with being careful in the early stages of pregnancy. Pristin asked Christine carefully,

“Are you upset, Chris?”

“No way. What’s more important now is your health.”

Christine shook her head with a smile.

“It’s too late now, and we’ve both made sure we’re safe anyway, so let’s talk about the details later.”

“…All right.”

“Sleep well, sis. See you tomorrow.”

Christine lightly lifted her heel and kissed Pristin on the forehead, and Pristin responded in kind with a kiss on Christine’s forehead. After exchanging a simple goodnight, Pristin went outside with Jerald.

Pristin muttered in a dazed voice,

“I never expected Christine to regain her memory like this.”

“Same here. Today has been a day full of surprises.”

“Anyway, it turned out really well. I hoped she would regain them not too late…”

“It seems like a sign that only good things are ahead.”

Jerald looked at Pristin and made friendly eye contact. But at that moment, realistic concerns popped into Pristin’s head.

‘She doesn’t know anything about what I’ve been through yet.’

She had been putting off her thoughts until now, but now it was a matter to think about. Pristin’s mind quickly became heavy.

She felt like she had a rock on her heart when she thought she should tell her how their parents died right away. Jerald, unaware of the turmoil in Pristin’s mind, simply reassured her that her worries had lessened.

“Let’s go inside and get some rest. You’ve had a long day.”


Replying insignificantly, Pristin paused and asked,

“Are you going to sleep with me?”

“What’s the problem?”

“…We’re still unmarried, Your Majesty.”

“But we’re expecting a child together.”

“…That’s one thing, and this is another.”

Pristin chuckled awkwardly and moved away from Jerald. Jerald’s expression showed disappointment.

“What’s so improper about sharing a bed with your future husband?”

“Anyway, before the wedding, people’s eyes are on us. There’s also the law that can’t be ignored.”

“Seems like you’re more concerned about the law than I am.”

Pristin agreed that she was concerned about laws even more than Claret. But that didn’t change her mind. Pristin sent Jerald back with a smile.

“Good night, Your Majesty. See you tomorrow.”

“Are you really going to leave like this?”

“What’s the problem…?”

Pristin, wondering, soon realized why.


She strode up to Jerald. Then she lifted her heels slightly and kissed him on top of his lips. Jerald’s eyes quickly grew at the sudden kiss. But Pristin just smiled, showing no sign of panic.

“Is that enough?”


Jerald murmured softly. It was when Pristin, hearing Jerald’s answer, was about to ask what else he needed.


Suddenly, her body was pulled forward, and she felt a hot, sweet sensation on her lips. Pristin froze in place with widened eyes. Another’s moist lips had invaded hers.

A slender groan flowed through Pristin’s lips.


As Pristin stumbled slightly, Jerald held her tightly. Pristin looked at Jerald with a slightly dazed expression. His calm smile was quite different from before. Somehow, it seemed both cheeky and cool.

‘…He’s serious.’

She chuckled lightly and spoke.

“What will people think if they see us?”

“It doesn’t matter if anyone sees us.”

Jerald shrugged and soon cradled Pristin in his arms.

“Everyone’s gonna pretend they didn’t see it.”

“Ah… I guess I should go to bed now.”

Pristin shook her head as if unable to stop herself.

“At this rate, I won’t be able to sleep tonight.”

“Do you want me to take you to your room?”

“It’s right here,”

Priscilla replied, indicating the adjacent room where she would be staying tonight.

“Are you uncomfortable being apart from me? You didn’t seem to mind at the palace… Suddenly got separation anxiety?”

“You’ve been through something big today,”

Jerald explained with a reasonable tone.

“It’s natural to worry.”

That was true. Despite being somewhat overshadowed by two pieces of good news, what she went through today was quite a dangerous big deal. Pristin smiled and lightly kissed him again over his lips.

“Don’t worry too much. I’ll be more careful from now on.”

After saying this, Pristin took Jerald’s hand and placed it on her abdomen. She felt him flinch slightly at the touch.

“Now, say hello to the baby.”

At that, Jerald carefully knelt before Pristin.


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