You Have to Repay Your Savior

My One and Only Empress

“I’m thinking of having the wedding in six months.”

“Your Majesty, six months from now is too soon.”

Well, Jerald didn’t think that even six months from now was soon. If anything, he thought it might be too late. In his heart, he wanted to hold the ceremony right away tomorrow. If it wasn’t for his position as an emperor, he might really have done that.

“Then when do you think it’s appropriate?”

“I still think we need about a year to prepare.”

“No, let’s compress it to six months. It’s perfectly feasible.”

If that’s the case, why did he bother asking? The nobles’ expressions changed oddly. But Jerald didn’t care and continued speaking.

“Is there anyone opposing the appointment of Countess Rosewell as the empress?”

No one spoke up. It was because Jerald’s expected answer was obvious. Asking the same question again after already asking once could only be interpreted as “I won’t let anyone who opposes this go unpunished.”

So, everyone silently awaited the emperor’s reaction. Only then did a satisfied smile appear on Jerald’s lips.

“I’m satisfied that you share my thoughts.”

“I congratulate you on Her Majesty’s welcome, Your Majesty.”

“We welcome Her Majesty as the empress.”

As the nobles one by one offered their congratulations on the decision that had already been made, Jerald looked around with the same smile on his lips. However, there was still a concern bothering him.

‘I won’t let anyone say a word against this matter until the end…’

It was strange that the person who was supposed to be against it was so quiet. Jerald stared at Duke Gennant, who remained silent, then spoke up.

“Let’s end the meeting here for today.”

After rising from his seat, Jerald left the conference room. Walking to the central palace, he quietly instructed the attendant who followed him,

“Watch the movements of Duke Gennant. Closely.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,”

If that was the only response, there was one thing he could guess. However, Jerald decided to move carefully for now because there was no confirmation yet.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

“Congratulations, Countess!”


After Jerald’s official wedding announcement, the empress candidates invited Pristin to a simple party. Pristin was both happy and sorry to receive such congratulations from none other than the empress candidates. With an embarrassed expression, she thanked everyone.

“Thank you so much for celebrating with me.”

“No problem. Congratulations in advance on your marriage, Countess.”

“Are you all leaving the palace now?”

“Since the empress has been decided, I suppose so? Perhaps the announcement will come soon.”

“Are you disappointed, Countess?”

“I feel bad thinking that you’re leaving.”

“Oh, you don’t have to think so. If anyone hears that, they’ll think we’re breaking up forever.”

“Yes, Countess, we can see you at tea gatherings, and often at parties.”

“Don’t be too disappointed; I’m rather afraid that you won’t have time to see us when you become empress.”

“That’s right. You’ll have your work to do when you become the empress.”

“Hearing that, I’m already worried if I can do well.”

“You will do well, for the Countess is a wise woman.”

“Oh, by the way, are you all going to attend Lady Jenkins’s charity bazaar?”

Then the subject changed. Pristin asked with a puzzled look,

“Lady Jenkins’s bazaar?”

“Yes. Lady Jenkins hosts a party each year, which serves as both a bazaar and a charity event for the poor. It’s quite interesting.”

“There’s an auction for donations, and everyone competes to offer the best items.”

“It’s a kind of display, isn’t it?”

“When is it happening?”

“Next month. Oh, I guess the invitations will be coming soon.”

“It’ll be even better if you attend, Countess. Since you’ll soon become empress.”

“Yes. Let’s meet there next month. What do you think?”

Encouraged by the noble ladies, Pristin thought for a moment and nodded.

“Unless there’s a special schedule, I’ll make sure to attend.”

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

“I have an invitation from the Jenkins mansion, Countess.”

Pristin got Lady Jenkins’s invitation to the bazaar as soon as she returned to Camer Palace after the tea party. Pristin accepted the invitation from Aruvina with an expression of wonder.

“Do you know about Lady Jenkins’s bazaar?”

“I just happened to talk about it at the tea party.”

Pristin handed the invitation back to Aruvina.

“If I don’t have a special schedule, I’ll attend.”

“Yes, Countess.”

Aruvina, who answered quietly, immediately brought up another topic.

“By the way, there is more news.”

“What? What is it?”

“You’ll find out if you go to the drawing room now.”

Pristin quickly realized what it was from Aruvina’s words. She went straight outside with a smile around her mouth. And when she reached the drawing room, Pristin opened the door with a rather puzzled expression and entered.

“…Your Majesty.”

The person she had expected to be there was indeed present. Jerald, who had been looking at documents while waiting, brightened up and stood up from his seat.


Jerald, as usual, took a step toward Pristin, calling her familiarly. And even faster than that, Pristin hurriedly walked toward Jerald and embraced him.

“What brings you here? You must be busy.”

“I wanted to see your face.”

Jerald whispered intimately, cradling Pristin in his arms.

“You heard the news.”

“Oh, yes. I’m on my way back after receiving congratulations.”

“Yeah. The empress candidates will likely leave the palace around next week.”

“It’s a shame, though. I’ve grown quite fond of them over the past few months.”

“But I’m just happy.”

Jerald whispered, patting Pristin gently.

“Princess Gennant will be gone from inside the palace. You’ll feel more at ease.”

“Oh, right.”

Pristin opened her mouth as if she had forgotten for a moment.

“Did Duke Gennant have anything to say about Your Majesty’s marriage announcement?”

“…No. He didn’t.”

“That’s strange.”

Pristin narrowed her eyebrows and expressed her thoughts.

“I was worried a lot. I thought the father and daughter would be the most opposed to the announcement.”


Jerald carefully opened his lips.

“I had a similar thought.”

“What were you thinking?”

“The idea that maybe the Gennant family is in contact with the former emperor.”


Pristin’s face turned blue when she listened to Jerald. Jerald quickly smiled at her reaction and reassured her.

“It’s just a suspicion for now.”

“No, maybe it’s really possible.”

“How come?”

Jerald asked, staring at Pristin.

“Do you think the former emperor is alive?”

“While walking through the streets during the Founding Festival with Christine, I saw a man who looked remarkably similar to Your Majesty.”

The words narrowed Jerald’s brow slightly.

“I don’t know the face of the former emperor, but the face I saw at first glance resembled Your Majesty in a remarkable way.”

“I do resemble him a little outwardly.”

Jerald muttered with an expression that he wasn’t too pleased.

“You didn’t go through anything then, did you?”

“No, it passed by in an instant. I was just surprised by how similar the atmosphere was to Your Majesty’s.”

Pristin mumbled with a worried look,

“Could the Gennant family really be harboring ill intentions?”

“Maybe so.”

“Why are you answering so casually? I’m really worried.”

“You don’t have to worry, Pristin.”

Jerald reassured Pristin in a gentle voice,

“I may not know what that man is hiding, but I’m not weak either.”


“You are my one and only empress and will be recorded in history as the mother of the next emperor.”

Jerald whispered, flexing his arm around Pristin.

“And together, we will peacefully close our eyes at the age of a hundred.”

“Your Majesty…”

“Don’t worry. I will definitely keep this promise.”

A low, sweet voice echoed above Pristin’s head.

“All you need to worry about is your safety. I’ll take care of the rest.”


Pristin buried her face deeper into Jerald’s embrace. Of course, she trusted Jerald. That he was strong. But the lingering anxiety in her heart couldn’t be helped.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

“Congratulations on your marriage, Your Majesty!”

“Oh, I’m not the empress yet.”

Of course, the news of Pristin’s marriage was also known to the Imperial Herbal Garden. All her colleagues at the herbal garden congratulated Pristin. Their reactions indicated that they had already anticipated this turn of events.

“I’m going to miss seeing you often.”

Among them, Lady Welsh, with whom Pristin was close, seemed most regretful about Pristin leaving her job as an herbalist. While Pristin also felt disappointed about not being able to continue her work as an herbalist, balancing both roles would have been physically exhausting.

“You must be very busy now to prepare for the wedding.”

“Yes. His Majesty scheduled it so urgently…”

Pristin suggested extending the period, feeling that six months was too short, but Jerald was adamant about getting married quickly. Pristin couldn’t help but smile.

“Still, I think we can manage it if we work hard for six months.”

“It seems His Majesty truly loves the Countess. I envy you very much, Countess.”

“Thank you, Lady Welsh.”

“You should say something, lord.”

Pristin’s eyes turned to Akkad at that. He was looking at Pristin with an unreadable expression.

Pristin looked at Akkad with an awkward expression. She was aware of his feelings to some extent, so she wasn’t comfortable at the moment.

“Congratulations, Your Excellency, but it’s indeed regrettable that you’re leaving the herbal garden. We’re losing a talented individual.”

Fortunately, Akkad didn’t show much of his true feelings outwardly, leaving Pristin uncertain about whether she should be relieved or concerned. Without dwelling on it, she responded without making a big deal out of it.

“I’ll come to visit often, lord. I’m also sorry to leave the herbal garden.”

“Yes. The doors of the herb garden are always open to Your Excellency.”

Akkad said with a gentle look in his eyes,

“If you ever change your mind, please feel free to come back anytime.”

The last words sounded somewhat meaningful. However, without reading too much into it, Pristin simply smiled faintly at Akkad.


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