You are at the End of the Downfall

Their Circumstances (7.2)

Such excessive flattery was enough to make one’s ears rot. The Emperor liked to be seen a certain way.

He especially loved being praised as compassionate, benevolent and gentle. Not actually being so, he clung to those attributes instead. If people kept repeating it, he truly believed he possessed them.

Peon was similarly arrogant as the Emperor. He really thought he was a decent lord. So he trusted the people of Lusenford, trusted Beatrice, but gradually lost faith in Kaela. That arrogance was so severe, only defeat and death could break it.

So he turned his back on the light he craved, entering the shadowy darkness instead. The Emperor, quietly watching Kaela and Prince Elkanan from afar, had clearly come straight from the Empress’s side today too. Curtains and blinds surrounded him to block the blinding sunlight.

“Hyperion, is it?”


The Emperor gestured darkly for Peon to come closer. As Peon approached, the Emperor turned to study him carefully.

Peon immediately realized he was searching his face for traces of the woman he not just loved, but was obsessed with.

From a young age, Peon managed to avoid being killed largely due to his appearance closely resembling the Empress’s–his violet eyes, the delicate, gentle features hidden beneath his strong brow, and smooth skin.

Whether fortunate or repulsive, Peon gave no indication. Having died and survived, he should be able to brush off such things now. Peon immediately brought up something even more repulsive, and the Emperor reacted accordingly.

“About marrying the Duke Monde’s daughter.”


He nodded heavily, adding with a sense of guilt that this was something that should have happened originally.

“Not immediately, but I intended to after the Empress awakens.”

He brought up his mother’s story and casually said ‘that was the plan.’ He had to act before Beatrice could prevent this marriage from progressing further. He needed to quickly grab hold of her and set this hell ablaze.

A happy married life? Such a thing should have no place in his life. After starving his perfectly fine wife to death, what kind of happy married life did he dream of? His life should be filled solely with bitter agony and desolate torment.

“Hyperion, how old are you now? You’re past the age when marriage talks should have started long ago.”

“Twenty-eight, Your Majesty.”

Already well past the age when he should have been betrothed and married.

“I…should have paid more attention.”

“Just your mention of it is appreciated, Your Majesty.”

“No, no.”

The Emperor waved his hand dismissively.

“How could I have neglected you when you are the Empress’s son? The Empress’s son, is my son as well.”

Being called the Emperor’s son was revolting, yet Peon had learned to hide his feelings. If he could die miserably, skewered by arrows and spears beside his murdered wife, then he could handle this much.

There was little chance the Emperor would grant his request anyway. He may say such things, but he would merely confirm again that Peon could still be a valuable piece for Beatrice to use, and be satisfied with that.

But if the Emperor changed his mind and allowed a marriage to Beatrice? That wouldn’t be so bad either. After returning to this life, all that was left for him was revenge regardless. Either way suited him.

“…How is the Empress, Your Majesty?”

He could not call his mother ‘mother’ before the Emperor. Even that, the Emperor could not tolerate.

As a young boy, he was severely rebuked for not using the proper titles. The Emperor did not want to admit there was an issue with him that prevented the Empress from conceiving, and despised Peon’s existence as proof there was no problem with the Empress.

Yet if Peon did not attend to his mother, this same Emperor would accuse him of being an unfilial son.

“Still the same.”

The Emperor muttered, stroking his gaunt face.

“Still unconscious. The doctors are utterly useless. Or perhaps modern medicine simply has not advanced that far yet. They couldn’t even identify the cause.”

No, in fact, the renowned doctors listed in the Imperial Medical Academy speculated that the Empress had collapsed due to the Emperor’s constant berating and relentless torment of his illegitimate child. Or they questioned whether the room full of magic tools the Empress was found in malfunctioned–those magic tools that acted as the Emperor’s eyes and ears.

However, none of them could voice those thoughts before the Emperor.

“I see.” Peon lowered his eyes, feigning an appropriate sadness.

“Instead of the Empress, I should be the one looking after you.”

“My apologies for such words during your emotional turmoil, Your Majesty. After much contemplation, I felt properly fulfilling the role you entrusted me with is how I can repay you both.”

“Yes, yes, yes. You’re right.”

The Emperor nodded repeatedly, muttering that Peon was correct.

“I wish Gregory resembled you even a little. That boy has no sense at all.”

A child resembling the Empress–something the Emperor desperately wanted but ultimately could not obtain.

“He’s still young and hasn’t had the chance to demonstrate his talents, which you haven’t witnessed.”

But the Emperor did not respond. It was clear Gregory still fell short in his eyes, despite being the selected son among his illegitimate children.

“Have no worries about the north.”


The Emperor nodded and closed his eyes. Peon turned his gaze away. In the distance, Kaela was laughing at Prince Elkanan’s jokes.

For someone as lively as Prince Elkanan, he would surely bring out Kaela’s hidden vivacious side well, despite her elegant, demure lady-like persona.

Utterly incomparable to someone gloomy and brusque like Peon, who ended up killing his wife from solely watching other women.

Kaela, who had endured to the end in Lusenford, would fare even better in Keruzhan. The warm southern country would benefit her health, and she could somewhat distance herself from the coming war in the Crania Empire.

No, even if she could not avoid it, Peon had to make sure she did. This time, Kaela must live a long, peaceful life without experiencing war, instead of dying in vain in Lusenford again. That was the proper atonement for Peon.

However, while the Emperor could endure anything, Peon found it difficult to let go of his worries over Kaela’s illness. She kept catching his eye.



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