You are at the End of the Downfall

Miracle or Hell (4)

News that the battle had ended in five days reached Lusenford.

Kaela, who hadn’t slept properly for the past five days while frantically gathering supplies to send to Fort Fueten, unconsciously let out a sigh of relief. It ended quickly. That was truly fortunate.

Of course, Lusenford would continue to face large and small raids in difficult situations, and there wasn’t much she could do about it.

Kaela turned away from Lusenford Castle, which clearly needed expansion and reconstruction. With the barbarians now uniting and launching full-scale attacks, they needed to prepare and focus on defense.

“I heard the battle is over.”

“Yes. Fortunately.”

Isidore, who had been quietly polishing his sword every night despite knowing he should maintain his duties, sighed.

“I never thought you’d perform the role of Grand Duchess so properly. I knew you’d do well, but you’re doing much better than I expected.”

Well, that’s because I have four years of experience. Kaela responded only in her mind.

“But this place is too harsh an environment for you, Kaela.”

It was astounding that a delicately raised southern noble lady was checking how much oil was loaded onto carts and discussing nutritious, ready-to-eat military rations with the chef.

He couldn’t even blame Peon for making Kaela suffer, as this was strictly a political marriage arranged by the Emperor. That made it even more frustrating.

“If they’re going to attack like this from spring, we should at least expand the castle. If Fueten falls, we’ll be besieged right here.”

While Lusenford was a natural fortress gifted by nature, the hastily built castle was too flimsy in places to rely solely on the natural environment for a siege.

Anyone with common sense would feel the need for expansion. But Kaela had no intention of officially bringing up the word “expansion.”


She muttered with a face that had seen it all by now. Before her death, Kaela had tried her best to expand Lusenford somehow. She said survival was important, even if it meant scraping together non-existent funds.

As if such words would work. To the northerners, the Grand Duchess speaking with an Ostein accent mixed with Crania accent was just an ignorant, naive presence that angered people.

“Looking at the ledgers the butler was managing, it seems we can afford at least some repairs.”


With accusations that she only thought about spending money when they had none, and how dare she attempt expansion, she became an annoying woman who spoke about architecture and military science without knowing anything.

Moreover, because she touched on matters related to military secrets regarding the fortress, she was further suspected of potentially betraying important secrets of Lusenford when the Emperor invaded later.

Kaela vividly remembered that terrible situation spiraling out of control at a speed she could do nothing about. Along with a terrible sense of powerlessness, Kaela felt as if she had become nothing but trash.

“Doesn’t hyung-nim have plans as well?”

When such rumors first started circulating, Peon angrily told her not to say such strange things and tried to silence her, but it was already too late.

It was none other than the Grand Duke who first disregarded the Grand Duchess, providing fertile ground for baseless hatred and inferiority complex towards the seemingly vulnerable Grand Duchess to grow abundantly.

The people of Lusenford sowed and nurtured seeds of suspicion in that soil.

Naturally, all sorts of false accusations began pouring out against Kaela, and the moment even Peon turned his back, she was confined just like that. The decisive start was about improving and expanding facilities within the castle.

“Who knows. What do I know?”

It was surprising that she now had much better quarters, a chef, and a head maid than back then.

It was frustrating that she achieved much better results than when she woke up early, worked through the night, tried her best to find out information that wasn’t shared, and walked around the cold castle until her feet burned looking for Peon who wouldn’t meet her.

That’s why Kaela was even more determined to do nothing. As Beatrice said, she was stupid, and it was clear that the more she worked, the more she messed things up.

She had originally planned to change nothing, just go along like a tongue in the mouth and only try to get her maids out, but with the situation as it was, she lost any desire to do more. Yes. It was better for her to do nothing at all.

“I haven’t been married long, so I don’t know much, oppa.”

“I suppose that’s true.”

Even so, Kaela guessed that Peon would stay in Fueten for a few more days to observe the situation.

“When are you going back, oppa?”

“I can’t stay longer in this situation. I’ve already had all the meetings I needed to have, and I’m trying to wrap things up quietly. I’ll finish up as soon as hyung-nim returns. Don’t worry, Kaela. It’s clear that you’ve been wronged.”

“Will you also return quickly when you go back?”

“Yes. I need to return to Crania as quickly as possible to report.”

If that was the case, he would be making a forced march, changing horses constantly, so it would be difficult to ask him to take one of her maids with him.

She had been forcing herself to do what needed to be done until now, hoping to send the youngest, Marie, when Isidore returned to Crania, but now she felt completely deflated.

‘I’ll have to make up all sorts of excuses to send her alone separately.’

“Why do you ask?”

“Oh, you came here like that too, so I thought you’d have a hard time if you go back the same way…”

“You’re the only one here who worries about such things.”

“Are you taking sister Beatrice with you too?”

“Am I crazy? Her trunks would fill at least two carts.”

Isidore grimaced as if the thought alone was horrifying. She couldn’t send a maid, and she didn’t know when Beatrice would leave. As expected, nothing had gone as Kaela had hoped this time either.

However, her predictions, which had always been perfectly accurate, missed the mark just once this time. Peon returned to Lusenford that very evening.


The Grand Duke returned with only a few knights, reeking of gunpowder, filth, and the acrid smell of blood.

The army that the victorious Grand Duke brought back looked so shabby and worn out with fatigue that the people who had rushed out in surprise all felt their hearts sink, thinking the news of victory must have been wrong.

“What’s this? Did we lose?”

Beatrice, who had come out upon hearing news of Peon’s arrival, stepped back in shock at the sight of the returning knights.

A fit of coughing followed. Still not recovered from her cold because she refused to stay in her room despite the doctor’s orders, she instinctively covered her nose and retreated back inside the door.

“Send stonemasons and carpenters to Fueten. Continue the repairs.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

As Peon dismounted while giving orders, his eyes met Kaela’s at the bottom of the stairs.

Though he must have been tired from fighting for five days straight without proper sleep or food, he recognized his wife first with clear eyes. His young wife, whose eyes seemed to have grown even bigger, stood looking at him, not daring to approach.

She had been standing in that same spot before his regression too.

He had thought that, being a neat and proper lady, she didn’t want to come close because she was appalled by his appearance covered in blood and ashes. But that was more like Beatrice, who had started to rush towards him but stopped.

Now he could see it. Kaela couldn’t approach him even if she wanted to.

Just as it was very difficult for him to approach her, just as he had barely managed to call her name once without permission after enduring and persisting, Kaela found him too difficult to approach.

Even with a strong family backing her, she had suffered all sorts of humiliation since coming to Lusenford. How miserable must she have felt then?

Peon wanted to greet her warmly. He wanted to ask if she had been well, if Beatrice hadn’t given her a hard time, and if the butler hadn’t said anything nasty.

But he couldn’t approach her closely in such a filthy state. He didn’t dare. So he just nodded once with a smile.

–I’m back. Were you well? I won and came back. You don’t need to worry anymore.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her, even though he knew he shouldn’t, filling his gaze with all the things he wanted to say.

It was a miracle when Kaela suddenly widened her eyes and started walking towards him. People naturally stepped back, as it was only proper for the Grand Duchess to greet the Grand Duke.

“Welcome back, Your Highness?”

“Yes. I have returned.”

Peon nodded.

“Are you injured anywhere?”

“I’m not injured at all.”

The man who had kept his promise not to get hurt and returned instead scrutinized his wife thoroughly. His wife, who moved on to the next topic immediately after hearing he wasn’t injured, maintained only a businesslike attitude disguised as concern.

“I was able to endure thanks to Your Highness’s excellent rear support. It’s all thanks to you.”

He was finally saying what he should have said long ago.

“Not at all. What did I do from the safe rear? I’m truly glad you’re not hurt. You should rest quickly. I’ve ordered bath water to be prepared. Please go inside, Your Highness.”

Kaela was a very convenient wife, not detaining the Grand Duke long after greeting him and immediately trying to send him inside. A presence that was neither bothersome nor annoying, competent and flawless even in her first battle – ‘convenient’.

Peon only realized after losing her that it was natural to be inexperienced at first, that one learns through mistakes, and that sincerity and devotion within imperfection are most precious. He dared to feel regret after turning his back on her. He would forever regret, feel sorry, and hurt.

“Yes. You should rest too. You must have been tired these past five days.”

The Grand Duke walked up the stairs alongside his wife. The butler, who had many concerns and needed to somehow impress the Grand Duke, quickly followed.

“Your Highness.”

But before he could properly speak to the Grand Duke, the Grand Duke asked first.

“Rolf, where is the Emperor’s inspector?”

Before the butler could answer, Isidore, who had rushed out, shouted loudly.

“You’ve returned! Thank goodness! Are you injured anywhere?”

He forgot even his title as the Emperor’s inspector and ran out, feeling relieved over and over. He didn’t know how uncomfortable and difficult it had been as a knight for the past five days.

“Let’s talk. Even though I look like this.”

“Of course.”

There was no room for the butler or Beatrice to join the Grand Duke walking alongside his wife and the inspector.

Of all people, the inspector! Knowing that the inspector who had swept away all the ledgers had nothing to do for the past five days and had mobilized all his subordinate inspectors to pore over the ledgers and documents, the butler grew even more anxious.


Peon split his time efficiently. As soon as he arrived, he interviewed Isidore alone. For a very long time, Isidore remained in the room Peon had entered, with Secretary Regen and Sir Wilberk coming and going in between.

It was natural for the person in charge to meet with various people right after the battle ended. But if there was a line anywhere, one could slip in between.

“He just finished bathing. He’s alone.”

Thanks to the butler’s tip, Beatrice was able to secretly slip into the room. The room with a large bathtub was filled with steam, as if hot spring water had been drawn from nearby.

Beatrice went further inside, her pink eyes twinkling lovingly, or perhaps greedily. She tended to become more vivacious the more mischievous she acted.

“You’re here? You’ve worked hard.”

She murmured leisurely to the large man visible through the steam. Peon, who had barely caught his breath, stood wearing only a thin robe over his bare body, roughly wiped dry.

“How did you get in here again?”

He looked over Beatrice with a disgusted expression, then glanced at the door. He was clearly thinking about who had just left.

“If you won’t meet me, I’ll have to make an effort.”

Her luscious red lips smiled broadly.

“Get lost.”

“You can’t do that, Peon. You’ll never be able to shake me off. You know that. You, Her Majesty the Empress, and I are one. Your life is mortgaged to me.”

Poison dripped from her tongue. The formless venom seeped into Peon’s ears and skin. Beatrice reached out her hand.

“I understand that you’ve momentarily turned your attention elsewhere. You want to rest and escape. That’s possible. But you have to come back to me.”

It had to be that way. She unconsciously swallowed as she looked at the splendid body revealed between the folds of his robe. All of that belonged to Beatrice Ravalley.

“You must maintain your honor for life. As a noble knight…”

Beatrice took one step, then another, towards Peon, who was looking down at her expressionlessly. Her fingertips were about to touch him.

“Even if the beginning is sad, you must remain faithful to the end without betraying…”

She touched him. Beatrice looked up at him, running her hand up his body. The black poison seeped into him.

“That’s how you should go down in history. You can’t keep being called a bastard who acted like one. You must remain as a great son and my dear friend, Peon.”

But Peon took a step forward. Beatrice unconsciously backed away, pushed by him. Two steps, three steps, Peon drove her back relentlessly. Somehow, she couldn’t take her eyes off his purple ones.

“You’re in a hurry.”

“Hmm, you’re the one who’s in a hurry.”

Beatrice licked her lips provocatively and felt the door against her back. She shouldn’t be pushed back, but somehow she kept retreating from Peon with his cool eyes.

But even this was thrilling. Her nerves were on edge with excitement. She had clearly unleashed her poison. The good and gentle Peon should have swallowed it well, as he had done for 28 years. How delightful.

“Lady Ravalley, if you’re in such a hurry, just go quietly and die alone.”

Peon suddenly flung the door open without warning. Beatrice fell backwards with a yelp.

“If you come at me like this, you’re asking me to kill you.”

She gasped as she fell hard. Black poison swirled in the eyes of the man who had been seeing blood for five days. As the killing intent turned towards her, her pretty face turned pale.

The man who had been brainwashed to be a noble knight kicked Beatrice’s leg, which was caught in the doorway, with his slippered foot.

“I promise you, dying alone would be better. But if you don’t like that, come once more.”

Peon looked down at Beatrice as if she were a lower life form, then turned to the servant who had stopped on his way over.

“Call Sir Renard.”

“Yes, Yes, Your Highness!”

Peon closed the door again and took off his robe with a disgusted expression. He felt dirty all over again. He would need to wash once more. His purple eyes gradually turning black.



  1. Kittie says:

    He’s poisoned by her???

    1. fatinotfound says:

      i think she tried to bewitching him as she did in the past, but as he’s powerful bc of the dragon now, he can avoid it, “poisonous eyes” is just an expression tho

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