You are at the End of the Downfall

Something Unavoidable Even After Regression (7.2)

“And Your Highness’s explanation wasn’t satisfactory enough for the Duchess to understand?”

“Understanding…was impossible.”

Kaela looked up at the man who was taller than her even while sitting. What does that mean?

“The Duchess wouldn’t have wanted to hear that Lady Ravalley and I are no longer in any kind of relationship.”

Wait. What? Kaela doubted her own ears. What? Beatrice and Hyperion, the famous couple, are not in any kind of relationship? And the Grand Duke himself is saying this? He’s not the type of person who would ever say such a thing.

But outwardly, she didn’t even show a surprised expression.

“Is that so?”


Peon didn’t add any lengthy excuses to that. In any case, no matter what excuse he gave, the fact that he was a bastard who abandoned a woman who might have been a long-time lover or childhood friend to choose the Duke Ostein’s daughter wouldn’t change.

“I’ll make sure this never happens again in the future.”

Saying that, Peon observed Kaela, who looked visibly tired. Her gaunt cheeks were pale, and there were dark shadows under her eyes.

Her neck and shoulders, visible between her shawl and collar, looked even thinner. Peon knew well that he should leave at this point.

“I’m sorry for suddenly visiting and taking up your time when you must be tired. This is a small gift I prepared, I hope you’ll accept it.”

“You didn’t need to bring a gift, Your Highness.”

Kaela shook her head, but Peon didn’t withdraw his hand holding out the box.

“Please accept it, Princess. I prepared this for you anyway. It’s not meant to make up for hurt feelings, but I hope it can provide some comfort.”

Had she ever received anything from Peon before? Kaela hesitated, feeling very awkward about receiving something from him in this situation.

Would something terrible happen later if she accepted it? A vague anxiety began to creep up. A woman who had been severely hurt was afraid of everything.

“Think of it as a wedding gift. That’s what it was prepared for. It’s yours, Princess.”

Peon placed the box on Kaela’s lap. He hoped she would at least accept that.

“Open it. Please.”

She reluctantly opened the lid of the black velvet box. Then she stared at the twelve stones inside, wondering what they were.

Refined, transparent stones of different sizes and shapes lay inside.

However, even the smallest one was quite large, and above all, they were emitting a brilliant light. Could these be… diamonds? Her blue eyes widened as she looked at Peon.

“Your Highness?”

“It’s top secret, but a diamond mine was recently discovered in Lusenford.”

And despite it being top secret, he told Kaela without hesitation.

In fact, Kaela knew about this mine. How could she not know about the Kervan mine discovered in the year she died? It was also one of the reasons the Emperor decided to attack Lusenford.

The yield was so enormous that diamonds literally poured out, and Beatrice had wheedled some away. Of course, there were naturally none for Kaela.

The first rough diamond discovered in the Kervan mine was a whopping 4,300 carats, and the twelve diamonds cut from it were called the Kervan Diamonds.

At that time, the three largest diamonds were presented to the Emperor to delay the impending war a little, and the rest were all poured into the war fund. No, the two smallest ones went to Monde. Kaela never even got to see them.

Remembering all these trivial and unjust things clearly, she knew that these were ‘the’ Kervan Diamonds.

“These were cut from the largest rough stone.”

He hadn’t intended to offer this to Kaela because of the Duchess of Monde incident. He had wanted to present it in a more organized setting, just for Kaela. Peon looked earnestly at wide-eyed Kaela, pushing down his irritation about the Duchess of Monde.

“I know that marrying me is a terrible thing for you, Princess. As I promised Duke Ostein, if you wish, we can divorce after the situation becomes safe. Until then, I’ll do my best, so please accept this.”

Kaela gripped the box tightly. The knuckles of her pale hands stood out.

The Empress had collapsed, and her father had survived thanks to the man in front of her. And the mine that wouldn’t be discovered until much later had already been found, and all those diamonds were coming to Kaela instead of the war fund?

This was strange. This was extremely strange. It was so strange that it was frightening.

“Your Highness, this is too much for me…”

“No, nothing is too much for you, Princess.”

Peon cut her off firmly.

“There’s no such thing. Is there anything else you’d like as a gift?”


After doing the crazy thing of giving all the Kervan Diamonds to Kaela, he’s asking about more gifts? Has this man really gone mad?

“It’s a marriage you don’t want to do, so there shouldn’t be anything lacking. Is there anything you want from me?”

There was nothing she wanted. No, there was just one thing. If he was going to kill her later, she wished he would just do it at once instead of confining her in the northern tower. But she couldn’t voice that wish, could she? Kaela, stiff and frozen, shook her head.

“Nothing at the moment? Then please think about it carefully from now on and tell me later.”

“Your Highness, I appreciate your words, but wouldn’t it be better to add this to the treasury?”

“Lusenford’s finances are fine. We can certainly afford this much for Duke Ostein’s daughter.”

“But this is too much. His Majesty will be displeased, and it will cause more gossip.”

It would be a disaster if the greedy Emperor found out. What if Beatrice found out? What if the Duchess of Monde found out? What on earth was this man thinking? Peon didn’t seem like the Peon she knew.

He calmly looked at her, who was very anxious, and then nodded.

“I see.”

“Yes, so I’ll return this to you. I’ll accept your intention. Thank you.”

This wasn’t her property. She was supposed to die quietly without any problems, without receiving anything. Kaela quickly closed the box and handed it back to Peon.

“I was short-sighted. I apologize. I’m not refined in dealing with ladies. Of course you’d be flustered if I gave it all at once.”

“No, your intention alone is…”

“I’ll have each piece properly made and give them to you again.”


The Grand Duke of Lusenford stood up, taking back the box.

“That would be better. I was hasty in coming here, thinking you might be very upset, and I didn’t consider it properly. I’m sorry.”

He, who had said “I’m sorry” several times today, bowed his head.

“Then I’ll visit again next time. Don’t worry about the Duchess of Monde. As I said earlier, I’ll take care of it. Please think about the gift separately. Then, may you be at peace.”

“Ah, yes, what?”

For the first time, Kaela watched the Grand Duke’s retreating back with an expression of complete incomprehension.

Why on earth was that man acting like this? She had thought it would be easier since she knew everything, but her husband kept defying her expectations.

But before this surprise could even fade, news came that the Duchess of Monde had been banned from entering the royal palace.



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