You are at the End of the Downfall

Something Unavoidable Even After Regression (5.2)

Kaela was a person who held light within her. Even if ignored or buried in darkness, she shone beautifully, inevitably drawing one’s gaze.

“…Honestly, when His Majesty decided on the marriage, as a father with a daughter, I worried about you. But now I’m the one who’s embarrassed.”

Adeo, who never imagined Kaela would attempt to run away, sighed deeply.

“Your Grace and the princess had sufficient reasons. I’m sorry.”

“They say it’s natural for a woman to follow an accomplished man.”

Peon detected a subtle hint of discomfort in Adeo’s words. It seemed that while others might say such things, Adeo didn’t think that way.

Indeed, Adeo was famous for marrying his first love and not remarrying even after his wife’s death. How must he feel, sending his precious only daughter to a man who had long been rumored to be involved with another woman?

Peon thought Adeo was an extremely polite and courteous person. If he were Kaela’s father, he would have already drawn his sword.

“I’m not that accomplished, Your Grace. And there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Today, His Majesty said he would personally announce the wedding tomorrow.”

Peon wanted to squeeze his eyes shut, but he dared not do so in front of Adeo. A marriage announced by royal decree cannot be undone unless the Emperor’s head is cut off.

“Now we and you are one. We should cover each other’s past and move forward harmoniously together.”

It meant covering up Kaela’s attempt to run away, Peon’s relationship with Beatrice Ravalley, and focusing only on the future. Given how things had turned out, there was no choice but to say this.

“Your Grace,” Peon said, struggling to maintain his vision clearly. His sight was blurry. No, it was pitch black.

“I don’t dare qualify to be Your Grace’s son-in-law.”

He had no face to show this father and daughter, having allowed his once own father’s death in his desperate attempt to survive, and having coldly treated his daughter, leading to her tragic death. He was not just unqualified, but a sinner who dared not even sit face to face with them.

“I couldn’t dare to go through with this undeserved marriage. It wasn’t just the princess who tried to avoid the marriage.”

Peon barely moved his dry lips, implying that they shouldn’t think he had been caught off guard.

“But if it’s a marriage that must happen, I will do my best to protect Ostein, and as a husband to the princess..”

The words wouldn’t come out. They got stuck in his throat. The word ‘husband’ was extremely difficult. How could he say such things again, being a husband who had killed his wife? But he had to say it. In front of the anxious father of the daughter, he had to speak.

“I will do my best. The Ostein duke’s daughter will receive the treatment she deserves.”

That should have been the case no matter whom Kaela married. If Kaela wasn’t happily married to another man, Peon was more than willing to wield his sword as a knight serving a lady. So he willingly laid out his cards.

“I can divorce her if the lady wishes.”

Adeo, who had been listening without much hope, thinking these were just formalities, opened his eyes wide.

Divorce? In Crania, getting a divorce was an enormous blow to one’s honor. It would be better to have an affair than to divorce.

The Emperor, who was persistently clinging to the Empress, had such a reason too. So it was surprising to hear the word ‘divorce’ come first from the Grand Duke of Lusenford’s mouth.

“When time has passed and His Majesty has lost interest.”

Or when he had gained enough power to behead the Emperor.

“If the princess wishes for a divorce, I will make it so. The conditions will be as the princess wishes. I will include this promise in the prenuptial agreement.”

He said this even though if it leaked out, he would immediately be ridiculed as a man controlled by a woman, son-in-law of Ostein.

“That’s quite an unexpected but irrefusable offer.”

Adeo, as the lord of the prosperous commercial duchy of Ostein, knew how beneficial this was.

No matter how much his daughter might be pointed at by society for getting a divorce, he would warmly welcome her back and put her forward as the next Duchess of Ostein. Whatever she lacked, her father could make up for it.

“Thank you. I have only one daughter, so I worry a lot, but for you to go this far, I’m truly grateful.”

So he eagerly accepted the promise of divorce if his daughter wished it, without hesitation.

“I’m sorry that Lusenford is cold and harsh, and that’s all I can offer.”

“No, you’ve done something tremendous. Don’t worry about the wedding preparations. I’ll take care of everything.”

“Lusenford will also do its best.”

Peon shook his head, saying that wasn’t possible. He didn’t want to think about what would happen if this marriage, which the Emperor was pushing for, fell apart. He knew well how Adeo, Kaela, and he himself had ended up, so what more was there to consider?

However, not long after, Peon would once again witness firsthand how the Emperor dealt with those who interfered with this marriage.


A marriage announcement, sealed with the Emperor’s name, was posted at the main gate of the Crania Imperial Palace. Everyone was greatly surprised by this sudden marriage at a time when the Empress was in a coma.

But the surprise was short-lived, and various reactions poured out. Some were shocked, some were intrigued, and others were outraged.

“The Grand Duke of Lusenford before His Highness the Crown Prince?”

“Isn’t this a good marriage only for Lusenford? My goodness, it seems all of Ostein’s gold will go to the north.”

“No, Ostein will also strengthen its forces in its own way. After all, Lusenford is where the elite soldiers fighting on the front lines are gathered, isn’t it?”

“The Duchess of Monde will be disappointed. We thought the Grand Duke of Lusenford would marry Lady Ravalley.”

“Ha, let’s be clear. Isn’t the Duke of Ostein’s daughter of higher status and a much better match than Lady Ravalley? Moreover, the Grand Duke of Lusenford is still a Grand Duke. He can’t marry just anyone. Of course not.”

The social circles, which had been quiet due to the Empress’s health, reacted enthusiastically to this rare interesting event. And the Duchess of Monde’s reaction was not just enthusiastic, but explosive.

“How could he do this after touching our daughter!”

The Grand Duke of Lusenford had an obsessive part about maintaining his integrity, so he hadn’t actually ‘touched’ Beatrice, but to the Duchess of Monde, it was all the same.

The position of Grand Duchess of Lusenford should have been Beatrice’s! It was the highest status after the Empress and the Crown Princess, and they’re giving it to that Duke Ostein’s daughter who already had everything? This was unforgivable.

So the Duchess of Monde rushed to the townhouse where the Grand Duke of Lusenford was staying, with the same speed she used to avoid creditors. She was a mother who could do anything for her children.



  1. niki1da1 says:

    she should go to the emperor instead, but she is too much of a coward, who just pretends she can do anything for her children

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