Why Are you Obsessed Even Though you're Dead ?


Chapter 36

I swallowed the dry saliva and composed my expression calmly.

There was nothing unusual. After all, I was here on Persor’s recommendation.

It’s considerate to arrange meetings with acquaintances.

“It seems like you were in the middle of having fun,  I feel bad for interrupting.”

“Oh… I was just brushing off some fur.”

Feeling awkward, I brushed off my clothes and Creamy’s fur flew into the air unexpectedly. I didn’t expect fur to fly around like this…

“Persor, it’s been a while.”

I bowed to Persor like all the other maids would. Persor seemed bewildered by my greeting, not knowing how to respond.

“Um, um… Uh.”

Persor awkwardly replied, avoiding my gaze. He seemed almost guilty, as if he had committed some grave offense.

“It seems like we’re not as pleased to see each other after such a long time. Was something wrong between us? No. If something was wrong, I wouldn’t have personally written you a recommendation letter.”

“It seems like Persor was surprised to see me after such a long time. Isn’t that right, Persor?”

“Uh, yes. …I’m just flustered because it’s been so long, Your Grace.”

“Well, that’s a relief. I thought the surprise gift I prepared would be useless.”

It seemed like Persor was summoned here by Laches.

Why did he summon Persor? Was it truly an act of consideration, as it appeared to be? Or…

“I didn’t expect to receive such a gift. If you had told me beforehand, I wouldn’t have been so surprised.”

“If I had told you beforehand, it wouldn’t be a surprise gift anymore.”

“I’m grateful for your consideration. But your usual kindness is more than enough, so you don’t have to go out of your way like this next time.”

“Expressing gratitude suits you.”

“I’m just so touched, There aren’t many maids who receive this kind of consideration.”

Laches and I stared at each other without avoiding eye contact.

I also tried to gauge his intentions, and it seemed like he was observing my reaction as well.

‘Does he know that I am Reprentia Niriell?’

If by some chance he did, why didn’t Laches tell me and instead summoned Persor?

Does he want to push me off the cliff, or does he want to rescue me standing at the edge?

“…We shouldn’t interrupt the reunion of two people. Since I won’t be calling you today, you two can talk to your heart’s content.”

Laches lightly pushed Persor forward, sending him towards me as if he were sending off a loved one.

“Thank you, Your Grace.”

Letting go is the best option. As I hurriedly bowed, Persor followed suit.

We quickly left the waiting room together.

“Hey, Lepe…”

“There are too many eyes watching.”

I firmly cut off Persor’s words. He glanced around and tightly sealed his lips.

“Wait. Since you’re the superior, I should follow behind you.”

Walking naturally in front of Persor, I realized something was wrong and stopped. Then, I occasionally turned towards Persor’s back.

“Ah, baby… No. No matter what, this is…”

“Look ahead,  Let’s talk in my room. Walk.”

Pesol, who seemed hesitant to walk in front of me, soon realized there was no other way and moved his steps.

“…It’s cold in the north.”

“Where’s the doctor who speaks politely to a maid? Do it properly.”

“…Then wouldn’t it seem strange to address every maid politely? I’ll do that from now on. It seems more comfortable than speaking in front of people.”

Pesol couldn’t bring himself to act even in front of people, so he shook his head.

Then, looking straight ahead, he asked me as I followed him.

“It’s so cold, are you doing well?”

Though his expression couldn’t be seen, his tone revealed genuine concern. I looked outside for a moment before responding to Fesol with an indifferent tone.

“It was colder when I first came,  The weather has warmed up a lot.”

“You must have had a hard time. …I worried a lot after you left for the north.”

In my previous life, Fesol had never worried about me, even once… So I expected the same this time.

It felt strange.

“I didn’t go through the trouble of exploiting and escaping someone just to use them.”

“I never thought of it that way. I did threaten you, but you never intended to report me.”

I didn’t bother responding to Fesol’s firm words.

We arrived at the room without saying anything further. As soon as we arrived, Pesol checked the room first.

“Not much sunlight comes in.”

“I wake up in the morning to work and come back in the evening just to sleep, so there’s no need for sunlight in the room anyway.”

Once we were alone, we started talking right away. Only then did Pesol smile comfortably and look around the small room.

“The bed is too hard.”

“The previous one was even harder. This one’s at least changed.”

“The pillow seems too high.”

“I’ve been so tired lately that I just fall asleep as soon as I lie down, so it’s okay.”

“Goodness. Are you really adjusting the temperature of the fireplace yourself?”

“Then you do it if you’re here.”

Before I finished speaking, Persor adjusted the temperature of the fireplace. Seeing his familiarity with it, it seemed like he did various jobs in the slums.

“Isn’t the temperature in the room too high? It’ll dry out your skin.”


“Ah… So, I heard there was a cold epidemic recently.”


As Persor put down the tray, he suddenly got up and went out of the room. After a while, he returned with clean hands, holding them up in the air with a solemn expression.

“I’m sorry for being late,  I should have checked on your condition as soon as I arrived.”

“How about closing the door when you leave?”

Persor turned around and roughly pushed the door closed with his foot. Then, after wiping the moisture off his hands with a clean handkerchief, he helped me sit on the bed.

“Fortunately, it seems the medicine I gave you is working well.”

Persor stared deeply into my eyes.

“Thanks to you.”

“I was worried that you might run out of medicine, so I brought some more just in case.”

“You’re very meticulous. Thank you.”

“Then let me check your condition this time.”

“…You don’t have to go this far.”

“I have to. Have you forgotten that this is my job?”

Persor’s hand lightly brushed against my fingertips. At the same time, many memories he had seen and heard from the slums flowed into him.

He was still helping those who couldn’t afford to cure their pain due to poverty.

“It seems like you have a nutritional imbalance. Your body has weakened a lot.”

“But I’m just someone unrelated to the Nirel family now. You could ignore me… Your sense of duty is quite strong, Persor.”

“Don’t forget, miss.”

Persor willingly kneeled in front of me and checked my condition.

It had been so long since someone kneeled before me that I was momentarily surprised.

As if Persor noticed my reaction, he spoke even more politely to me.

“Even though you are currently serving as a maid here due to unknown circumstances, you are a precious existence as the only daughter of the Nirel family. Reprentia Nirel… I will not forget your name.”

“A precious existence, huh? Wouldn’t my father prefer it if I disappeared?”

“Have you not heard the rumors? The Viscount is busy searching for the young lady’s body. He particularly blames the Deberti and Pallo families for this incident.”

Even hearing Pesol’s words, I remained aloof.

“What good is it to protest after someone’s death?”

“But because of that public opinion, the Viscount Deberti and the Pallo heir have been driven out of the capital. Have you heard about it?”

“Vaguely. Because those two are here right now.”

“Oh, is that so… What?”

Persor looked startled, as if he had heard something he shouldn’t have.

“Détor and Delia. They are here at Villa Ventus. They’re staying until their carriage is repaired during their travels.”

“How could that… Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. They haven’t been discovered yet. There have been a few close calls, but we’ve managed.”

“No, I mean… What those two did to you. Is it alright for you to be in the same space as them?”

“It’s fine. It’s all in the past. Besides, why are you here?”

“The Duke of Violentus summoned me…”

“You know I’m here. Why bother coming if he’s calling for me?”

“I was worried since you were here. I thought maybe the Duke of Violentus called me because something happened to you. Otherwise, there would be no reason for the Duke of the North to summon me separately… He hasn’t sent me a letter all this time.”

I felt stunned for a moment, as if I had been hit on the head with a hammer. Was someone waiting for my letters? I thought I had no one to contact, that I had left everyone behind. It felt strange to think that someone had been worried and waiting for me.

“Don’t be absurd. You helped me fake my death because you found my weakness. You should be glad I left. Why would anyone wait for me to contact them?”

“I am the physician of the Nirell family. That’s my pride.”

“I blackmailed you.”

“That’s different from sincerity. How could I not worry when the young lady who hasn’t properly gone out before has left? And as I mentioned earlier, I never thought that way.”

“What about your job?”

“I got an extended vacation. Lord Nirell has also suspended all external activities and allowed me to rest as much as I want. … Are you still not planning to tell Lord Nirell?”

“Of course not.”

“He worries a lot, He’s also regretting a lot.”

As the physician of the Nirell family, Pesol conveyed the situation of my father, who was his master.

“…What if I really died?”


“If I didn’t fake my death and instead died in some accident, what would be the meaning of Father worrying and regretting afterward?”

Pesor remained silent, and suddenly the atmosphere became as heavy as soaked cotton.

“Forget about Father’s current state. Then, I guess he didn’t receive the letter I sent?”

I brushed off the melancholy and changed the subject.

“A letter? Did you write a letter to me?”

“Don’t act pleased,  It was a request that I sent.”

“A request from Miss? That’s intriguing. What kind of request?”

“There’s a sick child. Born with an illness, it seems they can’t afford proper treatment due to the expensive medication. I was hoping you could take a look at the child. I was planning to send the letter by messenger, but since you’re here, you can see for yourself. Can you do it?”

“It’s Miss’s command, so of course. If I had seen the letter earlier, it would have been better. Then, I could have prepared the necessary herbs. …What symptoms does the child have?”

Recalling Celly’s memories I had read, it was complex to describe just by sight.

“It might be better to ask directly. She’s the younger sister of a maid we’re close to. Her name is Selie…”


As I finished speaking, a sound of something falling from beyond the door of the room interrupted.

Startled, both Persor and I stopped talking, turning our heads simultaneously.

The door Persor had tried to close showed a slight gap, as if it hadn’t fully shut.


I brushed my head and glared at Persor. In an instant, Pesror seemed guilty, tightly pressing her lips. I moved silently, stepping without making a sound, to ensure whoever had eavesdropped on our conversation didn’t get away.

And suddenly, I swiftly opened the door.

“Ah, ah…”

A pretty ball of fur rolled into the room.


Standing at the door, Celly  her white face streaked with tears, addressed me as “Miss.”

And from wherever she had been listening, Celly  had somehow caught wind of our conversation and called me “Miss.”




  1. niki1da1 says:

    oh dang

    1. Serena says:


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