Why Are you Obsessed Even Though you're Dead ?


Chapter 23

After comforting Delia, my pent-up frustration seemed to ease a bit.

I hadn’t originally intended to take such a risky action. Revenge had been a frequent companion throughout many lifetimes, but this time around, I had resolved to live for myself rather than for vengeance.

That’s not to say they hadn’t wronged me in this lifetime as well, but I truly didn’t care. As long as Delia didn’t annoy me to the point of breaking.

Of course, it was an action undertaken knowing Delia’s particular fears—her penchant for believing in ghosts, her habit of plugging her ears and tightly shutting her eyes when scared.

Just as you know me well, I also know you all well.

“Ah, ah-choo!”

However, venturing out to comfort Delia in thin clothing and bare feet seemed to have backfired as I caught a cold.

I kept it hidden, fearing suspicion if anyone found out how I had caught it.

Fortunately, there was no fever or body ache, just frequent sneezing, an itchy nose, and a scratchy throat—a typical cold.

“It’s the first time I’ve sneezed this much in my life…”

Whenever I was sick, I would always consult Persor, the court physician, for treatment and medicine.

After struggling to soothe my red, swollen nose with a handkerchief, I went in search of Laches.

“Actually, he was hoping for him to call me, or to naturally run into each other…’’

Strangely, I haven’t seen Laches since the last incident. He has been less considerate and hasn’t come looking for me as often, so eventually I had to seek him out myself.

“I named the big dog Cream, and the puppy Cheese.”

A large fireplace, much larger than mine, was roaring with fire. As my cold and stiff nose warmed up, I couldn’t help but feel better.

“I’m looking forward to the names.”

Laches, with his chin resting on his hand, looked as usual. He rubbed his tired eyes and stood up from his seat, moving to a couch for guests.

As he sat down, Laches gestured for me to take a seat opposite him.

After I sat down with a slight bow, the butler approached and served tea.

“What are their names?”

Was it just because he had been busy lately that he didn’t seem to look well? His skin seemed rough from lack of sleep.

Laches tilted his teacup, his features perfectly obscured by the small vessel.

I couldn’t hide my disappointment and opened my lips.

“Cream and Cheese.”


Soon, his face reappeared.

Putting down the teacup he had been about to drink from, Laches cleared his throat a few times.

The butler hurried over, but Laches signaled that it was okay with an open palm before asking.

“Did I hear correctly just now?”

“You heard right,  The big one’s name is Cream, and the little puppy’s name is Cheese.”

“You didn’t mishear.”

Laches tilted his head slightly and muttered to himself, “Cream… cheese…”

“Do you not like the names?” I asked.

“They’re pretty.”

But it was obvious that changing them now would only add to the confusion since even the puppies had already adapted to their names.

“Besides, the names are easy to remember, cute, and they suit them well,” I hurriedly persuaded Laches.

“Well… I never thought about giving cute names to animals that look halfway like mastiffs, so I guess there’s a kind of unexpected charm to it.”

“Unexpected charm? I just thought the names suited them well…”

“Is that so?”

Laches and I looked at each other as if surprised.

“Cream has overall white fluffy fur,  It’s long and quite big,  It’s like a big dollop of cream.”

Laches nodded as if urging me to continue.

“And Cheese is really small,  Have you seen cheese? It can fit in the palm of my hand.”

I showed my hands to emphasize how small and precious Cheese was.

“Its thin, flowing fur covers its small ears, making it even cuter. Its belly is white but its back and face are brown, which is adorable. Its eyes and nose are centered, making it look like pretty buttons. So, it’s like soft melting cheese… Oops!”


“…Do you think the name ‘Button’ would have suited better?”

Laches stopped me from serious contemplation and urged me to continue.

“It seems like Cream is teething lately,  It keeps itching and tries to bite my hand or chew on things around. Tom said we should train it firmly since if we let it bite now, it might mistake hands for toys and hurt them when it grows sharp teeth. So, I thought I should train it firmly if such a thing happens again.”

Laches responded lightly, “Hmm, okay.”

“But before I could train it, Cream scolded Cheese fiercely first. Surprisingly, Cheese hasn’t done it again. Cream is really smart and clever,  Cheese is clever too. Last time, when we were walking, I felt like people might be scared, so I told Cheese to stick close to me. But since then, it’s been staying close without me having to pull the leash…”

I described Cream and Cheese diligently with my hands, not stopping.

Laches calmly listened, occasionally sipping his tea or responding.

“…That’s why I think Cream and Cheese suit each other.”

I spoke so passionately that I was out of breath. I only wanted to convince him, but I accidentally ended up bragging about Cream and Cheese.

I picked up the teacup in front of me, feeling a sense of melancholy for no reason.


In that moment, I felt a pang of regret. For a mere servant, I held the teacup too naturally, following proper etiquette.

I quickly glanced around, worried that laches might find it strange, but fortunately, he seemed oblivious to any such thoughts.

I avoided his gaze and took a sip of the tea.

“Ah… It’s delicious.”

It had been a long time since I had brewed and drank tea like this. Since coming to the North, I hadn’t had any tea.

It dawned on me afresh that my entire routine had naturally changed.

“I’m not the one responsible for the two, It’s better for you to do as you please. From now on, let’s name the two Cream and Cheese.”

“Thank you, Your Grace.”

It was the first time I had accomplished something on my own.

The first names given to me by someone, And the names many people would call me in the future.

Somewhere in my chest, a small acorn seemed to be rolling around, making my heart beat.



“About that time.”

Laches spoke somewhat seriously.

“I felt I needed to apologize ,But I’ve been thinking for days and still don’t know how I should.”


“At that time, I asked you to tell me things, bringing back unpleasant memories.”

I was surprised by the unexpected apology, my eyes widening.

“I realize now that it might not have been good memories for you, and I was too thoughtless.”

I was taken aback.

I never expected to receive an apology from this man first,  I bowed my head and nervously fiddled with my fingers.

Betrayed friends, fiancée, and even my father.

No one had ever apologized to me.

“I’ve never apologized in my life,  Not even to His Imperial Majesty. So, it might feel awkward, but… it’s sincere.”

Lachess conveyed his sincerity, covering his mouth with his palm as if feeling awkward.

For the first time, hearing an apology from someone in the South made my heart swell, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“I, I also felt too overwhelmed at that time, It was nothing really… I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s okay,  You don’t need to apologize.”

The heartfelt apology felt like the warm spring sun,  No matter how icy the surrounding mountains were, it would melt away effortlessly.

I realized I always wanted to receive apologies like this from someone.

I chuckled for the first time in a long while.

And in that moment.




Lachess’s complexion changed as he looked at me,  Something dripped down his nose.

As I lowered my head, there it was, trickling down my chin—blood.

Startled, I hastily raised my hand to my nose, Lachess and the steward rushed to me in alarm.

My work uniform was already stained red from the dripping nosebleed. Despite my efforts to stop it with my hand, there was too much blood, and it continued to flow outward.

“Doctor! Get a doctor!”

Lachess shouted, clearly flustered by the unfamiliar situation.

Though the bleeding wouldn’t stop, there was no pain anywhere.

“You should have said if anything hurt!”

Lachess raised his voice without waiting for a response, his face filled with concern. Behind him, I saw the roaring flames of the fireplace.

“Oh, it’s probably because my nose is dry from the congestion….”

I had often experienced nosebleeds back at the old Nireal Mansion.  Feros had explained that my mucous membranes were weak, so even minor irritation could cause bleeding.

“I’m, fine.”

My pronunciation was muddled due to the blood trickling over my lips.

“We don’t need to call a doctor.”

It’s fine since it’ll stop soon anyway.

“What? You’re bleeding a lot right now,  Do you know?”

“I know, and… cough!”

Perhaps due to talking too much earlier, my throat had become dry, resulting in a cough. The blood that had been dribbling from my lips splattered onto Laches’s clothes.


Laches didn’t seem concerned about the blood staining his clothes; instead, he patted me on the back. After coughing several times, I continued speaking.

“And even if a doctor comes, it’s not a problem that can be solved immediately.”


I’m already almost recovered from the cold, and the nosebleed is just a result of the dryness accompanying the cold.

It’s just my natural constitution.

“I should have changed my clothes more quickly… I didn’t think I couldn’t handle it.”

Laches furrowed his brow deeply and muttered to himself, seemingly blaming himself for something related to what I said, although I wasn’t sure what he couldn’t handle.

“I’m sorry for dirtying your clothes.”

“Right now…!!”

Laches bit his lower lip tightly and took a deep breath.

Usually, by this time in the Nirel Mansion, the bleeding would have stopped, but it showed no signs of stopping this time.

Perhaps it was because the environment had changed.

Laches pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to me without hesitation.

“Thank you.”

Taking the handkerchief, I covered my nose and stood up from the sofa where I had been sitting. I didn’t want to soil the sofa any further; it would be hard to afford with my salary.

As soon as I stood up, my body swayed. I couldn’t grip the sofa with my blood-stained hands.

Just as I was about to fall, Laches caught me from behind and lifted me up.

“Miss Gong?”

“Even if a doctor isn’t needed right now, resting is necessary.”


It’s about to stop bleeding soon; there’s no need for him to hold me like this. I shook my head to indicate for him to let me down, but Laches didn’t budge.

“Do as I say,  Consider it an order.”

He was firm,  He wouldn’t listen to anything I said.

My body swayed lightly as Laches’s steps synchronized with mine.

The bleeding had decreased compared to when it first started, but it hadn’t completely stopped yet.

Simultaneously, the sounds from outside gradually faded into the distance.

“Feros mentioned that I have… anemia…”

Even in the Nireal Mansion, there were times when I collapsed after spilling nosebleeds. It always happened whenever I didn’t have a proper meal.

Each time, Feros would tell me that I needed to consume enough nutrients through my diet, but I would brush it off as bothersome.

“Come to think of it, recently… I’ve skipped meals a lot.”

I should tell him,  That there’s nothing to worry about.

The doctor has already checked, so there’s really nothing to worry about.

“…Ah, I’m… fine? …Lantia!”

Feeling my body floating, I gradually closed my eyes. Laches seemed to be saying something, but his words naturally didn’t reach my ears.




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