Why Are you Obsessed Even Though you're Dead ?



Chapter  18

The investigation team was quickly assembled,  There were objections to trusting the still untamed hunting dog and venturing into the nest of the mares, but since Laches took the lead, the dissatisfaction couldn’t last long.

I’ve been restraining the hunting dog from running wild by my side all this time.

Fortunately, perhaps because I was by its side, the hunting dog didn’t run wild, wagging its tail instead.

Instead, it whimpered intermittently while looking at the western entrance where it had been captured before.

“Don’t worry,  We’ll be safe.”

Seeing the hunting dog risking its life for its offspring, strangely, I thought of my father.

My father, Lord Nirel, who never once saved me even as I was dying countless times.

“…Make sure you save your offspring.”

“Perhaps that’s why I wanted to help the hunting dog even more. I hugged the big hunting dog tightly around the neck. The dog, not showing its teeth, nestled quietly, resting its chin heavily on my shoulder. I could feel its warmth.’’

I gently stroked the hunting dog.

“We’ll be leaving soon.”

Laches, dressed in conqueror’s attire, approached us. Seeing Laches all prepared like this was refreshing.

“…It’s amazing.”

Laches came closer and stroked the quiet hunting dog by my side.

“The Duke intended to save him, and thanks to Tom’s kindness, he didn’t distrust people.”

I scratched the dog’s chin, Its wide mouth yawned as if it could swallow my hand whole, then it calmly lowered its chin.

“If there had been cruel people around, it would have been more wary and probably wouldn’t have listened to me.”

“You express kind words in a beautiful manner.”

Laches chuckled lightly as he petted the hunting dog,  Although he seemed to flinch at the realization that he knew the person who saved him well, he didn’t avoid the touch.

“Still, it’s surprising to see how easily you’ve tamed him.”

“Actually, I’m surprised too,  I didn’t know he would follow me so well.”

“Well, it seems like you have a talent, How about I try taming him too?”

“That might be difficult… right?”

I casually replied, turning my head in surprise,  But Laches, as always, remained nonchalant.

What lies beyond that casualness disguised as mischief?

As our eyes met, Laches burst into laughter and stood up, straightening his crouched body.

“If I go out and there are no cubs, I’ll have to give up immediately and come back, tell that dog. …Of course, if animals and horses can communicate.”

“I probably already understood through the Duke’s words. …I don’t communicate with animals, either.”

As Laches left to check on the expedition, I relayed the message to the hunting dog, whose neck I held tightly, to find the cubs and come back, waiting.

The hunting dog simply nestled in my arms, whether it understood my words or not.

And shortly after, the expedition party led by Laches finished preparing to depart.

For the first time since the clearance of the wild horse’s nest, the western entrance opened. The hunting dog perked up, eager to rush out immediately.

But it didn’t go out, glancing at me and Laches.

“Smart though.”

Laches murmured softly as he held the hunting dog’s leash.

“I’m not sure if you, who haven’t been trained yet, can actually find the cubs well. But let’s trust you.”


“I’ve definitely made a safe living space, You’re the one who said you’ll go out again.”

It seemed like a warning to a hunting dog, but for some reason,  laches’ words felt directed at me.

“If you fall behind, I won’t revive you then.”

“Woof woof!”

The hunting dog replied loudly, as if reassuring, laches smiled satisfactorily and loosened the leash.

“Go and find,  Your pups.”

laches commanded, and the hunting dog turned to me, as if asking if it was time to go.

I nodded, and the hunting dog darted out so quickly that it seemed impossible to follow with the eyes.

Running away within the mansion until now felt like a joke.

“That, that speed… Is that the speed animals run at?”

“If it’s not halfway a horse, isn’t it just a horse?”

The knights murmured in surprise, laches hastily mounted his horse and shouted.

“Anyone who falls behind just to a single dog will increase their training intensity from now on! Let’s go!”

And he set off,  The reconnaissance team quickly followed behind.

All I could do was simply carry out my duties and wait for them.

… …

When the dim light of dawn that the reconnaissance team departed with dispersed and the darkness of night fell again, the reconnaissance team finally returned.

As I had been waiting at the western entrance where they had left all day, I could welcome them first.

Since they had gone a long way at my command, naturally, they couldn’t rest easily.

“Woof woof!”

The door opened, and the fierce barking of animals was the first thing heard. Covered in dirt and dust from everywhere, the hunting dog returned with its small puppies.

They were the puppies I had seen in the hunting dog’s memories.

“I’m alive!”

Thank goodness,  I was worried that you might have died out there alone for a few days… I’m relieved.

Then, unlike when she led the way when other teams came in and left safely, Laches entered last.

Laches looked surprised, then frowned, upon seeing me waiting for her.

“Your nose is red.”

“You’re back?”

“Did you wait out here in the cold the whole time?”

As Laches asked her question, she looked around.

Fortunately, there were no signs of combat, as it seemed they had already cleared the area.

“How could I have waited out here the whole time? I’ve been working all day. There’s so much to do.”

Maybe it was because the hunting dog had rescued the puppy, or maybe it was because Laches had returned safely, but strangely, I felt good.

I stroked the head of the hunting dog, asking for praise, and muttered with a smile.

At the same time, memories of the hunting dog that had gone out with the expedition came flooding back.

“Oh, really? Thank goodness. I was worried you might have been slacking off.”

Laches retorted teasingly to my muttering, then dismounted from her horse and approached.

“Look at this guy.”

Laches tilted her head slightly as she looked at the hunting dog.

“Bringing him back, he seems to like and follow you more than me.  Quite disappointing, isn’t it?”

“Thank you.”

I expressed my sincere gratitude to Laches, who was grumbling.

Laches suddenly seemed taken aback to hear the word ‘thank you,’ and stared at me blankly.

“…You believed my words without any evidence and acted upon them. If you hadn’t moved, we wouldn’t have been able to save this little puppy. Perhaps even the mother dog, who had been peeking out for an escape the whole time, might have ended up in trouble. So, thank you.”

As I expressed my gratitude in a long-winded manner, Laches continued to gaze at me.

Does this man have no sense of embarrassment?

Feeling embarrassed, I rolled my eyes around for no reason.

“It’s nice to hear words of thanks.”

Only then did Laches smirk and lift the corners of his mouth,  His expression was as beautiful as a sparkling galaxy in the night sky, catching my attention.

“I was going to ask how you knew if the puppy was outside when you returned, and also how you knew what this dog wanted, but it doesn’t matter now.”

“Uh… I’ve seen a pregnant dog before, so I could tell by her belly… um…”

“Never mind.”

The words I had rehearsed in my head countless times in case he asked were cut short by his brief response, rendering them meaningless.

“You noticed with your sharp eyes, and since you empathize well with others’ emotions, you could understand the dog’s feelings, right?”

As if he had read my mind, Laches brought up the words I had been preparing for hours in advance.

“If you keep trusting and acting as you wish, will you continue to live like a person who’s truly alive?”


“Until now, you’ve seemed almost dead inside.”

Was I like that? No, I wasn’t. I wanted to live more than anyone else. Of course, I was tired at times, but…

Feeling awkward under Laches’s intense gaze, I simply smiled.

“It’s nice to see emotions expressed and desires spoken first, overflowing with vitality.”

“I’ve always been like that, I think.”

“I like it because it seems like you’re striving to live.”

Approaching, Laches gently stroked the hunting dog’s head. Coincidentally, I was also petting it, and my fingers lightly brushed through the soft fur.

“Just grazing my fingertips, it felt like the fire had spread as if it were contagious.”

“That dog, give it a name.”


“I’ve tamed it, so we’ll be living together at the Violetus Manor from now on. Judging by today, it seems it can handle the role of a hunting dog well enough and could also serve as a guard dog when needed. Quite reliable.”

“But the owner is the Marquis…”

“Just because I’m here at the manor doesn’t mean everything is mine. By that logic, are you mine too?”

This man really has no sense of boundaries. He doesn’t even realize that his words might be misconstrued by others.

“You name it. Since you’ll be in charge of that dog from now on.”


What’s with this sudden request?

“Starting tomorrow, there’s a change in duties. Laundry duty is over. From tomorrow onwards, it’s that dog and the little pup. You’ll be in charge of both. That’s your job from tomorrow.”

“Just two of them?”

“Just two.”

Managing just two animals, not even all the hunting dogs, is my job now?

“But that… seems too easy?”

“Who said it’s easy? Did you not see how fast that dog was running yesterday? It’s half-wild. And that small, cute puppy might also turn out to be half-wild. Does managing a half-wild animal sound easy to you?”

“No, it’s not that but…”

“Moreover, on our way back, I noticed that the dog wasn’t followed by anyone. It didn’t growl, but it didn’t stick by anyone’s side either. I felt sorry for ordering Tom to forcibly tame a half-wild hunting dog, but it turned out well. From now on, it’s your responsibility.”

For me, it’s actually a good thing. The hunting dog followed me well, and surely, taking care of them is easier than what I’m doing now.

“Is that alright?”

“Why do you think there’s a preference for experienced candidates? It’s because if there’s someone who can do what others can’t, they should be preferred. Taking care of this dog is something others can’t do. You’re preferred.”

Laches spoke with a very satisfied expression.

“But I didn’t come here to do this kind of work…”

“At first, even if it meant rolling up my sleeves and working hard in the brewery to read Laches’s memories, I was determined.’’

Handling laundry was tough too, but since I couldn’t read Laches’s memories, I thought it was fine…

“So, what did you come here for?”

Laches trailed off, his words elongating. His eyes, shining brightly, seemed ready to challenge any reason I might give for coming for any other purpose.

“Oh nothing, I’ll take care of these two instead.”

I nodded, brushing aside my thoughts, and decided to entrust the task to myself.

“Alright,  Make sure they eat well three times a day, and take them for walks. Let me know when you decide on their names too.”


Laches nodded satisfactorily and turned away.

It was the first time in my life that I felt useful.

“Maybe just living here as a maid named Leia wouldn’t be so bad after all.”

I hugged the hunting dogs tightly and rehearsed the names to call out under my breath.

“Milord, His Highness the Crown Prince has arrived.”

Having lost his only daughter, Reperentia, and not even finding her body, Lord Nirel felt drained. Upon hearing the steward’s report, Nirel, with vacant eyes, rose from his bed.

“My daughter, What did my daughter look like?”

He wanted to remember, but he couldn’t recall. All that came to mind was the cold voice and the turning back every time.

There wasn’t a single portrait. Reperentia, who was shy, disliked such things, and her father, who should have cared, was indifferent.

Stiffly, Nirel,  like a wooden doll, greeted as he made his way from the bedroom to the reception room.

“…I greet His Highness the Crown Prince.”


Moreover, the fact that his daughter’s death was connected to his fiancé, Dethor Deberti, and his friend, Delia Pallo, made Lord Nirel even more distressed.

Thinking back to the days when he thought having a fiancé and a friend was fine, now that he realized they were hell for Reperentia, he found it unbearable.

“Your Majesty is worried. If things continue like this, it might cause trouble for the lord.”

Nirel, exhausted, slumped onto the sofa. Prince Velial approached him and gently caressed the back of his hand.

“Even Lady Nirel wouldn’t want to see Lord like this.”

“How could that…”

“…I loved Nirel dearly, truly dearly.”

Prince Bellial murmured softly, his gaze lowered.

“If I had known things would turn out like this, I wouldn’t have hesitated to give up for my friend, Dethor. If I could turn back time, I would confess my feelings to Nirielle without hesitation.”

“…My daughter…”

Prince Bellial, who had been consumed by sorrow, managed to force a strained smile.

“So please, take heart, Count. Strive to overcome your grief and focus more on finding Nirielle’s body. If you find her, please let me know as well. I will help you to the best of my ability.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

Prince Bellial continued to console Count Nirel  earnestly.



  1. niki1da1 says:

    ohh is it Prince Bellial?

    1. Serena says:

      Yes he is just to console the niriell

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