Why Are you Obsessed Even Though you're Dead ?


Chapter  16

When a firm hand touched my shoulder, I was so startled that I almost bit my tongue.


If it weren’t for the fingers gently digging into my lips, that sound wouldn’t have occurred.

“Count Deverti, It doesn’t seem pleasant to have someone from my estate following you like a duckling.”

A familiar voice resonated strongly behind me, As I slightly tilted my head back, his chest met the back of my head.

As I looked up, Laches, who had grabbed my shoulder, appeared, covering me with his broad back as if shielding me from Dettore’s gaze.

‘How did we end up here…’

I blinked my eyes several times in disbelief. While keeping my head turned, Laches, who was looking at Dettore with only his head turned, sensed my gaze and turned his eyes towards me.

“He withdrew his index finger, which I had been biting instead of my tongue. There were clear bite marks on the finger. Despite committing such an absurd act, to the extent of putting his finger into my mouth, his expression remained calm.’’

If I find a sense of stability in that calmness, have I truly become strange?

“…Viscount Bivollentus.”

The sound of Dettor’s footsteps, which were rushing towards me, seemed to hesitate from a distance. I felt his determination not to encounter Laches.

“I came to ask you something.”

“Is that so?”

Perhaps it was because Laches perfectly concealed me within his gaze, hidden from Dettor’s view.

Strangely, the fear that I had felt just a moment ago disappeared as if it had never been there.

‘’While engaging in casual conversation with Dettor, Laches continued to stare at me. I, too, couldn’t turn my gaze away from his eyes, shining like obsidian.”


“However, the words of those working in my family are different,” Laches said, revealing his fierce nature with a somewhat aggressive tone.

“Due to Count Deverti’s insatiable lust, like a beast in heat, it’s difficult to focus on assigned tasks,” he continued unabashedly. His speech was devoid of pretense, as if he had discarded any semblance of formality. It was a crude expression, almost as if he had never learned proper manners.

But strangely, it felt more familiar than the odd honorifics he used before.

“Well, well, what did you say? Lust…beast? Sir, isn’t your language a bit too harsh?”

“It seems you haven’t heard it from your fiancée.”

“Fiancée? …Could it be Delia? Were you with Delia?! She’s my person!”

Seemingly oblivious to his earlier actions with the maids, he didn’t even consider the possibility…

Dettor reacted strongly to Laches’ words. “Last night, if I were to say that she came looking for me to have a conversation together, then that might be the case.”


Dettor mumbled in despair at the news that Delia had sought out Laches first.

They might indeed be a well-matched couple,  May they not part ways and hold onto each other tightly until marriage.

“So, if I’m a guest who wasn’t invited by the Count’s fiancée, I told him to behave properly and leave.”

“Viscount Violentus,  It seems you are misunderstanding something.”


Laches sneered, turning his head away with a face full of mockery. As the gaze that had been fixed on him all along finally disappeared, he could finally take a deep breath.

“All noble families, except for the deceased Reparentia, are the same,” he declared.

“Suddenly, my name came up, and I was startled, my body stiffening,  Still holding onto my shoulders, I worried about the awkward stiffness Laches must have felt due to the unexpected mention.’’

However, Laches continued to poke my cheek with his extended index finger, seemingly oblivious to everything.

“The territory managed by  Viscount Violentus, happened to be suitable for setting up a post due to frequent monster invasions,  We are all in the same boat.”

“Suitable for setting up a post, you say…”

A sardonic chuckle echoed,  Laches seemed somewhat upset by the malicious inferiority emanating from Dettor. A chill was felt in the air, like a cold wind blowing.

But the warmth of the constant touch on my cheek persisted.

“Are you trying to seek revenge for when I kneaded your face like bread dough?”

Of course, the touch was much gentler than what I had done back then.

This meaningless contact felt unfamiliar to me.

Afraid of being discovered by Dettor, I could not bring myself to tell Laches to stop, only lightly pushing away his hand that continued to stroke my cheek.

But Laches didn’t stop, unaware or uncaring of my feelings.

“Then you should have set up the post, Why did you get infatuated after seeing the monster and dirtied your pants?”


I couldn’t see Dettor’s face as I didn’t turn around, but the sound of him taking a deep breath suggested he felt shame.

“If you still want to talk, feel free. I was curious why the Count’s pants got dirty at that time. Maybe others are curious too?”

“…I’ll leave.”

Dettor, covered in wounds, was defeated in the end. Laches, still giggling, simply watched Dettor as he distanced himself.

The sound of footsteps gradually faded,  The danger that had been choking my throat gradually disappeared.

“Now, please let go.”

Only after Dettor’s footsteps completely disappeared did I push Laches away.

“He might still be hiding and watching, You never know.”

But Laches didn’t move away from me.

“Then at least stop touching my face.”

After Dettor’s footsteps had completely disappeared, I finally managed to push Laches away.

“Now,  Go away.”

“Does it hurt? I touched you gently.”

“If it hurts, I’ll stop touching you.”

Abruptly, laches pulled his hand away as if he were afraid of someone in pain.

His reaction was so quick that it startled me, making my eyes widen.

“Even though I touched you gently, it still hurts? I guess I’ll have to be more careful from now on. These things can be dangerous, who knows.”

laches muttered to himself in a small voice. His furrowed gaze was directed at the laundry basket I was holding.

It seemed like he might throw the laundry basket at any moment.

There was nothing wrong with the laundry basket, so I didn’t understand why he was acting like that.

“More importantly, Milord.”


“Why did you hide just now?”

laches finally tore his eyes away from the basket.

He doesn’t know who I am, He only knows me as a maid.

So why did he hide me when Dettor came chasing after me? I have no idea what he knows or why he’s acting this way.

“Count Deverti said that there is more than one person struggling because of the Marquis’s constant teasing. Knowing that, did you help me… Did I do something unnecessary?”

As if he knew what answer to expect, laches chuckled.

A man who always appears with a suitable reason at the right moment.

Is this a coincidence, or is it an intentional situation?

“…Thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me.”

laches drew a line again at the expression of gratitude.


“I’ve realized through this incident that I’m only safe when you’re safe.”


Is it a statement that people working in the castle must be safe for him to be safe? Of course, it’s a natural thing to say.

He’s a strange man who doesn’t seem to give in easily.

“That’s what I mean,  If you could change your duties, is there any other job you’d like to do?”

“Change of duties?”

“Yeah,  I heard that handling laundry is tough.”

Laches pointed to the laundry basket I was holding with his chin.

“If you tell me the job you want, I might be able to arrange it for you.”

“That’s possible.”

“Is that also the Duke’s idea?”

“No, This is my pure intention.”

Laches said with a nonchalant attitude, Although it was a casual tone, his dark pupils were as intense as deep shadows.

Laches, whose sincerity was uncertain, walked alongside me.

“Oh, the snow is melting.”

I turned my head at his brief comment. Beyond, the winter was melting in the bright sunlight.

As the snow began to melt in earnest, the maids had more work to do. Before the day completely thawed, a few male servants went to help finish the wine production.

To fill the empty spots, those left behind had to work harder, and I was among them.

“I might collapse from exhaustion at this rate.”

Still, the only fortunate thing was that unlike when I first came to the north to work, the maids didn’t ignore me.

After helping the maids who used to be scolded by Delia, I felt like everyone was taking a step closer to me.

In reality, it doesn’t matter to me, but that’s how it feels.

“…The capital will soon be lively.”

When spring comes, the social season returns. Until last year, I used to agonize over how to escape with some excuse, but it seemed like a distant story compared to who I am now.


A voice calling me as if reminding me not to forget who I am echoed. Turning my head, Celi wearing the same clothes as me, ran towards me with a smile.

I am not Reprentia Nirielle now, just a maid in the Northern Violentus Castle, remember that.

“Is work over now? You’re late.”

“Yeah, I had some finishing touches.”

“Did you have dinner?”

“I lost track of time.”

“I knew it, Leah seems like a lady when you look quietly. If no one takes care of her, she might miss mealtime!”

Celi laughed brightly and handed me a paper bag.

“I brought the dessert bread that came out for dinner since everyone thought Lea might want to eat something!”

Inside the bag was bread that had become damp for a long time, There was no smell of freshly baked bread, but strangely, it looked more delicious than any bread I had eaten before, making my mouth water.

“…Thank you.”

I thought I wasn’t hungry, but seeing the bread, my appetite suddenly surged. When I was at the Nirielle mansion, I didn’t feel hungry even if I skipped one or two meals, but now it was different.

“I’m always hungriest after work!”

I tightly held the bread bag to my chest and walked side by side with Celi towards the bedroom. At that moment, from the end of the corridor, a strange animal sound was heard.

“Woof woof!”

A kennel worker was struggling with a fierce hunting dog.



Celi approached, calling the name of the gamekeeper. A man of rough appearance stood there.

” Celi.”

The gamekeeper, Tom, sighed as he called Celi .  As Celi approached, I found myself unconsciously moving towards Tom.

“This is Leah, She’s new here. And this is Tom, the gamekeeper. …More importantly, is she still being tamed?”

After a brief introduction, Celi and Tom exchanged greetings. Celi then stepped back, pointing to a fierce hunting dog.

“Yeah, I brought her from the wild nest. It’s not easy to tame her. The Duke suggested trying to tame her somehow, as she survived in the wild nest… but…”

Tom, the gamekeeper, looked awkward as he spoke.

“I used to raise cute chicks before.”

Although it’s advised not to judge people based on external factors, Tom seemed truly different from what one might expect at first glance.

‘A hunting dog found in the wild nest…’

I looked at the hunting dog held in Tom’s hands, unable to escape. It was much larger than an ordinary hunting dog. Perhaps because it grew up in the wild nest, it even looked like a small wolf.

Its growling and baring teeth were reminiscent of a wild beast, not much different from a wolf. If it weren’t for the leash, it seemed like it would immediately rush and bite someone.


Suddenly, another hunting dog with pricked ears barked loudly. Tom, who was talking with Celi, lost control of the leash, and the hunting dog leaped towards where I was standing.

In an instant, something unexpected happened.


And an astonishing event occurred, completely unforeseen.




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