Who is your dad?

Fortunately, Lady Margaret comforted the startled heart.

“Is, is the Viscount going to be okay now?”

“He should be fine for the time being. But rather than that, since we have taken some measures, it would be better to quickly move to a safe location.”

“Yes, yes. Let’s do that. We should return to the mansion quickly.”

“The distance from Kellever Square to the Viscount’s residence is quite far. It would be better to head towards the Duke’s residence.”

Karl had instructed Celeste and Valerie to move immediately to the safest way if anything changed.

The knight decided it was better for them to seek refuge at the Duke’s residence nearby rather than taking the long walk to the Viscount’s house. Even though troops were stationed at the Viscount’s house, they believed going to where Karl was would be a better option for Celeste and her people.

“Yes. Um, please help our Viscount somehow…”

Karl’s knight confirmed Celeste’s condition once more and then embraced her. They couldn’t leave her lying in the street for too long before the Grand Duke arrived.

“Get up, Cecilia.”

Until then, Cecilia had been embracing Valerie tightly, almost sitting on the ground. Even though the situation had calmed down somewhat, she remained on high alert.

If it hadn’t been for Kendrick, Cecilia’s complacency could have caused her to lose Valerie. Although she had done nothing wrong, Cecilia felt like all this had happened because of her.

“Waaah, mama, mama.”

Valerie continued to cry bitterly. It was a situation that would surprise even adults, so how much worse would it be for a one-year-old baby?

Shaking her body to soothe Valerie did little to improve her state.

“Get up, quickly. Let’s accompany the Viscount to the Duke’s residence.”

At Lady Margaret’s words to go to the Duke’s residence, Cecilia slowly raised her head. Her face, now a mess of tears, made her wonder if it was she who had been crying and screaming, not Valerie.


The palace located in the center of the capital of LaHart is comprised of a total of seven castles.

Inside the walls are the Queen’s Palace, the Princess’ Palace, next to them is the Emperor’s Palace where the emperor resides, and on the right side is the Prince’s Palace.

In front of the walls lies the Arghuman Palace, where officials overseeing the royal affairs reside, and on the outskirts, barracks, outposts, and a training ground for the imperial knights have been built to guard the entire royal palace.

Princes who have come of age without ascending to the position of Crown Prince leave the palace to live elsewhere. Five years ago, Karl, who had celebrated his coming of age ceremony, left the capital to become the leader under the mandate of the Grand Duke Otto.

While carrying out his duties as the Grand Duke, Karl was appointed to oversee the royal investigations and returned to LaHart. However, there was no place for him within the palace.

In a gesture of affection, the former emperor arranged for Karl’s residence not far from the palace. Karl’s mansion was so close that from the top floor, he could see the imperial knights’ outposts and the training ground.

Effectively, it was still connected to the palace. Despite being sent away from the palace according to imperial law, Karl’s grandfather’s love for his grandson was evident in the choice of residence.

Regardless, Karl’s mansion, situated close to both the imperial knights and the palace borders, became a secure place for Celeste and her companions.

Upon the arrival of the carriage led by Liv, the knight who chose to take Celeste to Karl’s mansion instead of the Count’s mansion ensured a certain level of security for the Count’s safety. Shortly after, a message was relayed urgently to the Grand Duke about an attack on Count Louisette’s on the Kellever Square.

The knights of the capital were mobilized to protect the viscount, but since it was uncertain how long that measure would be effective, I decided to quickly raise the engagement ceremony and have Celeste and Valerie by my side. That seemed to be the most reassuring option.

Having stayed at the mansion for over a month, I regretted sympathizing with the desire to go outside.

No matter how fortified the mansion was made to be, what was the point. There was no longer anyone I wanted to protect inside, and once I step outside, I become an immediate target.

I couldn’t believe I could be so foolish; Karl seemed to want to shake some sense into me. Even though I had assigned knights as her guards, I had not anticipated someone targeting her.

“Where is Celeste?”

“The Viscount is still in a state of disarray.”

Bernabo came running out. He was the steward in charge of all administrative tasks for the Duke.

While the Duke was busy preparing for the sudden engagement announcement, lightning struck the mansion.

The Viscount, who is the Duke’s intended bride, suddenly appeared before the Duke. Moreover, she arrived in a daze and was embraced by a knight!

Bernabo thought he was dreaming. He had witnessed all sorts of events within the royal family for a long time, but this was a first.

Between the two unmarried individuals, it turned out there was a child, prompting them to hastily plan a wedding.

“And Valerie?”

“Oh, you mean the young lady, Your Highness? She is with the Viscount’s governess, resting.”

Bernabo decided to address Valerie as the young lady after brief consideration.

“Have the members of the Bureau of Magic departed?”

“Yes. They are currently monitoring the Viscount’s condition.”

Listening to Bernabo’s calm explanation, Karl seemed to calm down slightly.

The Duke, who never outwardly displayed his emotions, came rushing pale-faced upon hearing that his fiancée had been attacked. It was a rare sight.

Rather than being lovers, there is a child between the two men and women who you might have thought would never mix their words.

Bernabo, who could not imagine the sight of Count Louisette and the Grand Duke together, vaguely thought like many noble gentlemen that even the Grand Duke might have been swept away by a fit of passion for a night.

Of course, our flawless Grand Duke is on a different level from those rascals who, despite not loving the woman they spent a night in passion with, view beautiful women in their twenties like a drug.

Although not usually, he thought that in a moment of passion, things could happen unexpectedly.

Regarding extramarital affairs that the royal family enjoyed as a hobby, he was somewhat in favor of it. They didn’t marry for love as nobles typically do.

For the merger of families, for gaining power. Each had their reasons for strategic marriages, but once the wedding was over, the nobles of the royal family enthusiastically looked for love.

Having fulfilled their duties for the family, they now began to listen to the voice of their hearts. Anyway, it was quite common for married nobles to have children with someone other than their spouse.

However, seeing a child before marriage, well, even after observing the nobles for decades, this was the first time.

“And Minister Linke has something important to discuss,” he said.
Karl nodded.

As dark magic, long prohibited by imperial law, began to resurface, Celeste’s affairs were no longer just a matter for the counts to handle.

With the magical department and security forces now involved, finding the culprit had become a critical issue.

“I have prepared the guest bedroom for the Count. This way….”

Despite preparing the room for the expected guest, it was not entirely ready. Unable to offer an incomplete room to Celeste, Bernabo, after much deliberation, opened the door to the guest bedroom.


Celeste with a pale face was lying quietly on the bed. Those surrounding the bed with her in the middle were officials from the magical department.

“I greet Your Grace.”

“Please, sit.”

To ensure they could focus solely on Celeste’s treatment, Karl dragged a chair away from the bed and sat down.

While the magical officials performed healing spells, they closely examined Celeste’s condition and chanted spells. Various waves emanated from their hands according to the spells.

As the overlapping waves spread out into the distance, Celeste’s complexion noticeably improved. Even from afar, it was visible to the naked eye. Karl breathed a sigh of relief inwardly.

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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