Who is your dad?

“Your Grace, we have arrived at the intersection of the Kellever Square.”

The carriage, which had run for quite a while, arrived at the bustling Kellever Square, known as the most lively area of the capital.

In the bright daylight, there seemed to be no immediate danger, but being in the position of ‘Heir to the Grand Duke,’ one could not simply move about alone as they pleased.

Under Karl’s stringent orders that everyone must be prepared for any kind of danger, our procession was accompanied by ten knights. In addition to two of the Earl’s personal guards, the remaining eight were knights summoned by Karl.

Their large stature was quite imposing. Even though it was unlikely that anyone would cause harm to us on such a sudden outing, if by chance someone with ill intentions approached us, just the sight of their size would likely make them tremble and flee.

As sturdy as they were, I couldn’t help but feel thankful for Karl’s consideration, although it was somewhat intimidating. The way the rough-looking men were swarming around us made it seem like we were attracting unnecessary attention.

“What a lively place. There’s so much to see.”

Once the mourning period was over, the streets were bustling with life. Every shop along the long, straight road had set up their displays and enthusiastically engaged in hawking their goods.

Pick and choose. We have everything except what you don’t need. Come have a look, come! The sales pitches of the merchants from every country were all quite similar.

Feeling a mix of familiarity and novelty, I eagerly explored my surroundings. There was an abundance of food and sights to behold.

And so, the entourage of the so-called Count Louisette and his 15 attendants began their march on the streets of Kellever.

The sudden appearance of the noble procession on the square had people so busy gawking that their eyes were occupied. Count Louisette’s face had been featured countless times in third-rate newspapers, making even the common folk well-acquainted with Celestia’s appearance.

“Look at that! It looks delicious.”

“No, Your Grace, you cannot eat street food.”

“Why not? Can’t I just taste it?”

“Do you remember what happened when you bought street food at the train station last time?”

The flowers on the street stalls are immediately food. When Hannah showed interest in all sorts of exotic foods, she blocked my view right away. Her muscular body blocked my vision, so even if I wanted to look away, I couldn’t.

“It’s different from back then. Let’s take a closer look.”

“You can’t get closer. Just stay at this distance and observe with your eyes from afar.”

Hannah was visibly tense. Knowing that she blamed herself for not accompanying me on my solitary outings when the incident occurred on our return from Urentum to the capital, I couldn’t blame her anymore.

If anything were to happen to me, these people would hold themselves accountable. I couldn’t burden those who were working hard for me and Valeriya. So, I swallowed my regret, followed the guide’s lead, and tried to ignore my disappointment.

Leev, who was all excited, seemed to be trying to alleviate my disappointment by enthusiastically explaining things without asking.

She described desserts from that house, fruits from another, her efforts to vividly describe them somewhat filled the void of disappointment.

“Milord, what do you think? This is the latest product from Anna’s dressing room.”

While pushing the stroller, Leev whispered. The latest product she mentioned was none other than the stroller.

Though incomparable to modern ones, the childcare products here were much better designed than expected. The stroller was one of them.

What was unique was that the stroller was made in the dressing room. Since common folk struggled to make ends meet and couldn’t afford luxury items like strollers, these childcare products were generally made and sold targeting noblewomen.

Therefore, research on how to make them more luxurious and sell them at a higher price was ongoing, Leev explained.

“Yeah, it looks really expensive.”

It was sincere. The stroller was truly luxurious, exuding an air of sophistication that made you wonder, ‘how much would that be?’ at a glance.

The child may not have much time to ride in the stroller, so I wondered if it was necessary to buy such a luxurious and expensive one. However, that thought was fleeting. As I said before, the Viscount Louisette is truly overflowing with money.

At the front of the procession, there were two knights serving as scouts and guides, followed by Hannah and Kendrick scanning the surroundings. Between them was Leev, pushing me and the stroller.

Behind me was Lady Cecilia, followed by eight knights sent by Karl, keeping watch all around. It was truly a grand procession.

With the stroller, we walked from the Kelébère Square to the end of the road. It was a pity we couldn’t visit every shop, but just being able to walk outside was pleasant.

Then, Lady Margaret stopped at a tailor shop to discuss outfit options, and she and the tailor matched Valerie and my couple look. How much joy Valerie had trying on all sorts of jewelry on her face at that shop, I do not know.

The image of the hedgehog aunts’ noses wiggling in unison when they wore lace-trimmed hats… perhaps that memory will bring a smile before sleep. They made quite amusing faces.

It was a delightful time. After dressing up, we headed to a tea house.

I didn’t plan to drink tea for long as Valerie might find it tiresome. We intended to browse and shop a bit. Until we unexpectedly encountered an unwelcome guest in the tea house, I was in high spirits.

“Oh my, who is this?”

Why do I always run into unpleasant people in such places?

“Long time no see, Viscount Louisette.”

Tecla and her friends, two or was it three of them. One after another, three dazzling noblewomen decked out in grand attire greeted me.

“It’s surprising to see you here.”

I didn’t want to engage in lengthy conversations. I politely greeted her and tried to move on, but as in Tecla’s Villains’ Rule Number 1, she wouldn’t just let me leave.

“Oh my, goodness. Who is this baby?”

Clearly knowing who you are, she pretends to be indifferent, throwing friendly questions at you.

Why, again. What do you want to pick a fight about today? Are you going to pick a fight pretending not to know your father once more?

But now, it wouldn’t be right to pick a fight with Tecla in that manner. I confronted her with all my might.

“Yes, the concerns you had, Tecla.”

“The child looks exactly like the count. Where…”

As if trying to scrutinize Valerie’s face, she bowed her waist and raised her head with the stroller.

Everyone who sees Valerie says the first thing, ‘He takes after his father,’ but this woman, pointing out her resemblance to her mother, seemed to have impure intentions. If one is hateful, does everything they see seem hateful?

Unable to intervene clearly, I watched as Valerie pushed her unfamiliar face closer to mine, and I burst into tears.

“I’m sorry, but could you please step back a bit?”

Glaring, Leev pulled the stroller back. Valerie must only see good things, what should I do! I could almost hear Leev’s inner voice.

“The child seems to be a bit shy to strangers. Doesn’t seem like a gentle child.”

Feeling embarrassed after the child burst into tears upon seeing her face, Tecla cleared her throat.

What is this woman talking about? She pushes her face into the child without thinking about her own face and then blames the child for it. Not gentle? Our Valerie is so gentle!

“Oh, looks like our lady was surprised to see a face other than her mother and father’s. It’s not surprising. Miss, there are not only faces like your mother and father’s in the world.”

This time, Cecilia chimed in. While it sounds like comforting Valerie, looking closely at the content reveals that it’s a teasing remark towards Tecla. Surprised to see a strange aunt’s face after seeing perfect mom and dad faces. Tecla’s face quickly turned red.

Last time, too, I felt that this woman, Tecla, quickly pales her face at any little comment from someone nearby.

Isn’t one of the abilities noblewomen should possess hiding their emotions and inner thoughts like this, revealing nothing but the surface?

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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