Who is your dad?

“Are you suggesting mobilizing the army to usurp the throne? Is that what you’re saying?”

Rodrigo, who had been quietly listening to the conversation between Edward and Franz all along, finally chimed in. It seemed like he was hinting at the need for the use of force.

“After all, all power comes from the side that controls the army. How could the emperor have had such great power? At the time when the empire was first established, the emperor was a weak figure who had to follow the opinions of the bureaucrats. It is known that the imperial authority became strong when the emperor became the commander of all the military forces. Isn’t that so?”

That’s right. The invincible power of the emperor actually relied on the military. In other words, the one who commands the army holds the power. The reason Franz first brought Rodrigo to his side was precisely because of that.

“Are you suggesting rebellion?” Edward wiped his sweat repeatedly.

His goal was to gain a suitable position behind the new emperor. However, somehow the conversation began to take a more serious turn.

Is this going to be okay? Edward anxiously chewed on his lower lip.


“It had been a long day. The workload seemed endless, and in the end, there was a moment of illusion as if swimming amidst a pile of documents.

After struggling all day with papers, my eyes felt itchy. I leaned my head back and pressed the sides of my nose hard to alleviate the fatigue a bit.

“We will go to the mansion.”


He usually didn’t show signs of exhaustion. Clovis looked worriedly at Karl’s tired face.

“No, let’s go to the viscount’s residence.”

“Are you talking about Viscount Louisette?”

Then who else could the Viscount I want to see right now be, if not Louisette? Karl opened his eyes that had been closed and stared calmly at Clovis.

Clovis sneakily examined Karl’s face. It would be surprising to go somewhere other than home with a face so worn out.

Fatigue settled on Karl’s face as he leaned back and closed his eyes. You seem uncomfortable today. Clovis quickly turned his head and called the servant.

“Are you still uneasy even with soldiers stationed?”

“I can’t put my mind at ease.”

Heading towards the viscount because your mind is unsettled? Watching Karl answer nonchalantly, Clovis realized he wasn’t very adept at lying.

Whichever army it was, led by Commander Kasell, it was. Karl stuck to principles and rigorously taught his soldiers responsibility in everything, repeatedly training them for the reason that one must have strength to protect someone.

Thanks to this, his army was praised as far superior to any other. Dozens of such soldiers surrounded the viscount. However, if one’s mind is not at ease, you must personally go and see the viscount, who would readily believe such a statement.

“Wouldn’t it be better to just speak frankly?”


“You’re going because you want to, aren’t you?”

Karl’s eyebrows twitched.”

Clovis’ voice was tinged with a hint of amusement. Karl slowly opened his eyes that had been closed.



He tightened his lips to suppress a laugh. Thanks to that, Clovis raised his head, looking comically ridiculous and nodded.

“What’s with that face?”

“Why, what’s wrong with my face?”

“It’s the kind of expression that makes me want to smack you.”

“Well, what are you talking about?”

“No, really. It’s a face that just makes me want to give a good punch.”

As he spoke, he even clenched his fist tightly. Clovis then coughed awkwardly, trying to suppress his laughter completely from his face.

“Messing with your superiors comes with severe consequences. Remember that.”

“Consequences, you say, Your Majesty, it’s absurd. How dare I dare to make fun of Your Highness.”

Despite his expression, there was still a mischievous tone in his voice. These two, who were both dedicated aides and superior-subordinate relations, as well as close friends, were a reliable pair to each other.

Seemingly exhausted, Karl closed his eyes again. Other than the sound of wheels rolling, there was no sound inside the carriage heading towards the Marquis’ estate.

Soon, the diligently driven carriage arrived at the Marquis’ estate. Karl, who seemed to be asleep, suddenly opened his eyes and got ready to disembark from the carriage.

Even though the Marquis’ servants saw the late arrival of the carriage, they did not seem surprised. Rather, they appeared welcoming.

Lady Hannah ran out a few steps ahead, welcoming Karl, Clovis, and the royal knights with a bright smile. The steward who met them for the third time greeted them politely as usual, but his demeanor seemed unusually gentle.

“I greet Your Highness.”

“I apologize for the late hour.”

“No need for apologies. I am grateful for your long journey.”

Warmth was palpable. Clovis rubbed Karl’ stiff neck and shoulders before following him. The steward took the lead, with Karl, Clovis, and the royal knights following behind.

Whenever he looked at it, Lord’s garden was truly vast. To manage this land entirely, it would require hiring several gardeners. Clovis thought to himself.


A maid hurriedly ran out towards the side road outside the mansion.

What business could there be outside the mansion at this hour? Curious, Clovis watched the maid’s retreating figure until Karl’s sarcastic remark snapped him back.

“Miss Valerie has fallen asleep, and Miss Celeste is still awake.”

Although he didn’t ask, informing him likely meant suggesting that since the ladies were awake, they should spend some private time together. Whether the parties involved were aware or not, everyone supported the passionate love between the Grand Duke and the Lady of the Manor.

“Your Highness, are you smiling too noticeably?”

Clovis’s teasing began again. When did I even smile? Despite Karl walking past without a flinch, Clovis persisted.

Seeing him walking bravely like this, it seems like he is tired but walking with determination for the sake of his family, like our father. His steps towards meeting his wife and children seem very joyful.

Despite my gestures to stop, he continued to grumble, and finally, Clovis found himself hit by Karl after all.


Despite it being an ordinary day as usual, feeling unusually tired was due to being with Valerie all day.

“Oh, I’m so tired.”

Taking care of a child truly seemed to drain all physical and mental strength. It wasn’t just a casual task to raise a child by sacrificing a mother’s physical and mental well-being.

Even though there were both a nanny and a maid dedicated to caring for Valerie, it was still so difficult. It made me profoundly respect all mothers in the world.

Though my body was exhausted, my mind was sharp. Lying still and staring at the ceiling pattern, I could hear the distant echo of footsteps walking in the corridor.

Knock, knock.


It was Leev. Wondering about the reason for his sudden visit, it turned out Karl had come looking for the Viscount. Suddenly? I sprung up from where I was lying down.

“Why the sudden visit?”

“Well, it was sudden, but perhaps the Viscount was worried about something?”

Trying to deduce the reason for Karl’s abrupt visit, I hurriedly changed my clothes.

Since I was wearing thin nightclothes that could almost see through, I had to change into a suitable indoor dress. Leev lamented that it was too late to dress me in a proper elegant dress.

“Welcome, Your Grace.”

The greeting was awkward beyond measure. Was it because of the late hour that made it awkward, or was it because he had come at such a late hour and felt like a true family member that made it embarrassing? Nevertheless, I offered a courteous greeting to Karl.

“You were still awake, Celeste.”

Perhaps thinking it was for our benefit, the maids left us with Karl and me and hurriedly escaped outside.

Although we exchanged greetings, I didn’t know what to say and just stared blankly at the wallpaper pattern. Awkward. I should have pretended to be asleep when Leev came up.

One flower, two flowers, three flowers… as I counted the wallpaper patterns for a while, Karl finally spoke up.

“Although I stationed the knights, somehow, my mind is still unsettled. I apologize if I startled you by coming suddenly, Celeste.

Come to think of it, Karl had been calling me by my name rather than the title of Count that he usually used.

Were the two of us really that close? The person he is now calling Celeste is most likely me, but the Celeste in his memories was not me. That fact suddenly made me feel a bit forlorn.

What kind of relationship did I have with Celeste? The curiosity that had been with me since the first time I saw him in Urentum was always lingering.

Lovers? Or just friends with benefits? Or perhaps a one-night mistake? Whichever it was, none of them felt particularly pleasant.”

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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