Who is your dad?

When asked where they were, Leev responded that even she didn’t know well.

“I don’t know much about this place, Viscount, as I couldn’t come here alone. But likely, only those who have inherited the bloodline of the viscount can enter there. I’ve heard that for generations, only the head of the Louisette family has managed that place.”

“Only those who have inherited the bloodline of the viscount can enter? And it’s not even being monitored? Can’t we just go in?”

“Viscount… It’s not just any family managing magical gemstones. Passing through that entrance is impossible without being a part of the Louisette bloodline. Would you believe that the entire stone wall at the entrance is made of magical gemstones? If someone not part of Louisette tries to pass, the magic will activate and burn their skin.”

“Like sensors and electric fences. Terrifying.”

“Huh? Sen… what?”

“No, it’s something like that. Wait. I am the one who has inherited the bloodline of the Louisette family.”

“That’s right, Viscount…”

“So, can I go inside?”

“Of course, Viscount. That’s why I brought you here. Only you can enter there. Inside, you may find many things that help revive your old memories, Viscount.”

In other words, this hidden secret space of mine, being encased in magical gemstones, can only be entered by the owner, which is me.

Fear and curiosity were triggered simultaneously. If I were to enter, as Leev said, perhaps Celeste’s subconscious might resurface to me.

“I’ll go then, Leev.”

“Yes, Viscount. Don’t overexert yourself, and if you feel unwell, please come out immediately.”

“Got it.”

Listening to the sound of knights marching confidently in the distance, I walked through the shrub-covered stone wall.


The imperial relatives, including those from the royal family and collateral relatives, had all gathered. They usually held two official banquets a year, but today they had come together even though it was not one of those designated days. The reason for the gathering was to discuss what should be done about the vacant throne.

Among the attendees were relatives of the current grand duke, the former empress, the late crown prince, and the siblings of the late empress.

In the history of the empire, there had been only two instances where a young emperor ascended the throne without a clear successor.

If the deceased emperor had even a sibling, they wouldn’t have had to gather like this to seriously deliberate on the matter.

With no siblings or clear successor, who should take over after the untimely death of the young emperor became the subject of heated debate.

In essence, the debate revolved around which of the two grand dukes should ascend the throne. As they were all descendants of past emperors, there was a consensus that Grand Duke Albrecht should take the throne.

So, what was the purpose of this debate? Naturally, it was about how to solidify Grand Duke Albrecht’s ascension to the throne.

“As you all know, our empire has long had the institution of the Five Electors.”

Serville, cousin of Emperor Alexander, opened the discussion.

“It’s one of the oldest institutions in the empire.”

The Five Electors, representing the people, decide important matters of the country through a vote.

The last time the Electors were used in the empire was over 700 years ago. Rediscovering this ancient tradition in a time of such a serious vacuum of power was significant.

“But isn’t the situation too different now to revive the Electors?” Edward, the viscount with a thoughtful demeanor, chimed in. While 700 years ago, the nobles could elect an emperor representing the people, now the imperial power had grown much stronger than the combined power of the officials. His argument raised a valid point amidst varied opinions on whether to revive the Electors or avoid excessive aristocratic influence in choosing the next emperor.

The situation quickly turned heated as those in favor of the preemptive resurrection began to defensively ask if there were any other alternatives, a slightly aggressive tone creeping into the discussion.

There was no answer. The debate grew increasingly intense. Just as the heated debate was escalating, a sudden interruption came in the form of the unexpected appearance of Monica, the mother of the deceased Emperor.

“Monica, you didn’t have to attend,” Pulcheria quickly approached her with words of comfort.

Having recently lost her precious late-born son at an age past forty, Monica’s appearance had visibly deteriorated in just a few months, appearing noticeably frail compared to a month ago. She seemed to have lost half her body weight, and struggling to walk, Pulcheria supported Monica back to her seat.

“No, I must be present,” Monica insisted.

With the imperial throne vacant, Monica was temporarily serving as regent. Many matters that required the Emperor’s approval were currently being handled by her. Still reeling from the loss of her son, Monica was becoming increasingly worn out by the overwhelming responsibilities before she could even fully grieve.

“Let’s hear the opinion of regent Monica.”

“I believe that I must continue the empire’s legacy.”

“Does that mean you support the preemptive resurrection?”


Monica’s response cast a solemn tone. How could they possibly refute the intentions of the one acting as the Emperor’s regent? Despite the few words spoken, a deep shadow fell upon Monica’s fatigued face.


Pulcheria, understanding the pain of a mother who had lost a child, felt that Monica’s appearance was hauntingly familiar. It seemed she was enduring a heartbreaking agony.

Monica, the wife of Pulcheria’s brother, shared a complicated relationship – not quite sisters-in-law, yet not distant either.

Sitting back in her chair, Monica raised her hand to cover her trembling lips. As Maximilian Emperor passed away, Pulcheria lost her nephew, and Monica lost her son. Both women, overcome with emotion, covered their mouths with their fans, struggling to contain their grief.

After barely suppressing her escalating emotions, Pulcheria inquired about Monica’s well-being once again. Monica forced a smile with dried lips.

“Which families belong to the preemptive resurrection?”

Edward asked aloud, “If the pre-post system is resurrected, the most important question would be who becomes the pre-post, as it would change the line of succession to the throne.”

“Schwaben, Loam, Duke, Folker. These are the four noble families.”

Among the six noble families of the empire, four were eligible for the pre-post, excluding the Tooper and Breton noble families.

“If the emperor dies without an heir, on the 100th day thereafter, a vote among the pre-posts will elect the next emperor.”

“But isn’t the Schwaben family currently without a head? How will the voting proceed then?”

“As per the records….”

Serville adjusted his glasses and delved into the empire’s records regarding the pre-post.

“If the head of a voting family is unable to participate, that family is excluded, and the remaining individuals proceed with the voting.”

“Does that make sense?”

“Given the age of this system, flaws are unavoidable.”

The murmurs among the people grew louder.

Pulcheria began to calculate in her mind. Considering that the Folker family had ties with Karl’s relatives, they likely had gained a vote. Then, what about the Schwaben family?

Come to think of it, the Schwaben family had died around the same time as Maximilian. With just a month’s difference in their deaths, when Maximilian was alive, he had instructed Karl to investigate the death of the count.

These events might not be related after all.

Various thoughts continued to intertwine. Speculation bred doubt, and doubt gave rise to a headache. Pulcheria clasped her head in her hands.

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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