Who is your dad?

“Is it true that Franz is the one using black magic?”

Is there any possibility of a misunderstanding? Karl nodded as I looked at him.

“I have apprehended the seller of the pie you ate at the train station. We are investigating who ordered him to sell it to you. They may not easily mention Franz’s name, but if we continue the investigation, evidence will eventually surface.”

When did they investigate all of that? He seemed to really be an efficient investigator, trusted by the Emperor. I felt awe for Karl, who effortlessly answered my questions.

“For now, the army will be stationed here, so stay with the Duke. I will arrange for you to be moved to the Grand Duke’s residence as soon as possible.”

“Pardon? Who?”

“Who else but you. Celly.”

It was such an obvious question. I was so surprised that my eyes widened.

“To come to the Grand Duke’s residence.”

“While it may take time to prepare for the ceremony, for your safety and for Valerie, it’s better to spend time together sooner rather than later.”

Better to Leev together as soon as possible? Really, it was a proposal devoid of any romance.

“Did the Grand Duke really say that?”


“Wow, that’s the most indifferent proposal line I’ve ever heard.”

“Is that so?”

Leev’s reaction mirrored mine. See, all women think like this. If a once-in-a-lifetime proposal moment is filled with such words, there probably isn’t a woman who wouldn’t feel aggrieved.

As Leev climbed onto the bed to comfort me, the conversation, initially about proposals as women’s nature would have it, veered off uncontrollably into an unexpected direction.

As Leev speculated about the Duke’s charms and where the Duke might have found our Baron charming, both distinguished individuals, it was hard to imagine they wouldn’t have fallen for each other upon seeing each other. I burst into laughter, thanks to Leev’s excessive compliments.

“But really, when did the Grand Duke investigate all of this? Today was my first time meeting Viscount Linke. And then he immediately called for Captain Kasell… It seems like His Highness anticipated that something like this might happen.”

I agreed, feeling amazed at his swift actions.

“Having confirmed the kinship with Lady Valerie and feeling upset that there were no signals, I now understand that you were genuinely busy. I see why people praise His Grace so much. When we saw the fallen viscount and were just bewildered and at a loss, His Grace quickly resolved the situation for us.

“Oh, really?”

“Yes, I was truly grateful for your presence. Oh, Viscount. Did you know? His Grace actually rode a horse to come here today. He couldn’t even wait for the carriage and rode straight here. It just shows how willing he’s to endure discomfort for the safety of his beloved Fiancé. I should take back what I said about the proposal not being romantic. He’s deeply in love, after all!”

Lost in thought for a moment, Leev couldn’t help but talk continuously once she started.

“Oh, Leev. I have a question.”

“Yes, ask me anything, Viscount.”

Fearful of sitting through a night of Leev’s praise, the Viscount interrupted her, “About, um, my father.”

“The late Viscount, you mean?”


“What about him, Viscount?”

“What was he like?”

Thinking quickly to change the subject, the Viscount wanted to know if the man with purple hair he saw in a vision could be Celeste’s father. Intrigued, Leev described the late Viscount as stern and meticulous.

“As for being affectionate and kind?”

“Not really, I never saw him show affection, but he might have been gentle with his daughter! Does that jog any memories?”

“Not really, but I feel like I dreamt of him.”

“Oh? Perhaps your memories are starting to return.”

Leev’s eyes gleamed with hope, wishing for the Viscount’s full recovery so they could learn more about Lady Valerie’s birthday and how they became closer to His Grace.”

“Okay, Leev. Now that the cleaning is done, can I take a rest?”

“Oh my, my lord. You must be tired. I kept talking without realizing it.”

I wondered why they bothered with tidying up the bedding when they would sleep well anyway, but that’s just how nobles are.

“My lord, are you sure you’ll be okay by yourself? If you start feeling even slightly unwell, uncomfortable, or scared, please let me know right away.”

“Got it.”

Even so, Leev repeated the same words several times, saying she had arranged it so that the bells outside would ring when the ropes by the bed were pulled. Seeing her finally tidy up the bed and leave, I could only heave a sigh of relief.

As Leev left, the bedroom fell silent. My stomach still felt uneasy, making it impossible for me to get up even though I wanted to. Only by lying straight and looking at the ceiling could I feel less dizzy.

〈Didn’t you hold my hand while sleep-talking, saying not to leave, even very forcefully?〉

Somehow, the hand that had held Karl felt warm. Was it because it was the first time holding hands with a man, or was it just because it was Karl? The warmth from the hand gradually spread throughout my body.

When I met Franz and lost consciousness, I was enveloped in overwhelming fear. Why was I so scared that I couldn’t even breathe properly?

Even as I drifted through unconsciousness, my body was weighed down by fear and anxiety. If Karl hadn’t come, if he hadn’t stayed by my side, I might still be groaning in pain, unable to open my eyes.

The man in his well-dressed uniform seemed so impeccably put together that it was hard to approach him. Yet, his relaxed attire today somehow made him more approachable.

I felt strange. The fact that someone had watched over me as I slept felt oddly comforting. It felt as though somewhere in my stomach, there was a fluttering sensation, as if my toes were tickling.

“…Am I really getting married?”

Worries and expectations rushed in at once. I was concerned about whether it would be okay to just pretend not to notice and go along with everyone pushing for the marriage with Karl.

It wasn’t a concern about whether it was okay for me to change Celeste’s life ‘originally.’ What worried me was more of a vague fear about the unknown future.

Having been able to adapt to living as a completely different person to some extent was partly due to my belief that, even as things changed little by little, I still knew some of the future of this world.

Marrying the male lead, Karl, would shatter all the worldviews and settings of the work. But then again, wouldn’t things have gotten so twisted because Celeste and Karl had the accident two years ago?

Even before I became Celeste and altered the original content, the original work had already changed. It was at the level of slightly tipping the scales that had begun to tilt.

But what if the very slight weight I added completely destroys the balance of the scales?

“Sigh…” Worries and self-comfort, concerns and self-consolation kept alternating endlessly. There was no answer.

I looked at the hand I had held Karl’s with raised arm. Even though there was no trace of him left, my gaze kept involuntarily drifting towards it. The warmth he had given still lingered here.

At that moment, memories of the moments I wanted to escape from during sex education classes came to mind.

Just by holding hands, my face heated up like this. What about the other things? No, they had already gone that far, but…

Suddenly, a strange discomfort swept over me.

“Why do I feel bad?”

The thought that Celeste and Karl had been together two years ago made me feel uneasy. Why?

“Sigh. I don’t know. I should just go to sleep.”

There is nothing good that can come from excessive thinking. Continuously asking questions with no answer makes me sensitive even to trivial things. I pulled the blanket up to my chin, covered myself, and closed my eyes.

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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