Who is your dad?

I dusted off the coat and placed it back in its original spot.

Pulcheria entrusted every single piece of clothing she wore to Laila alone. In the dressing rooms of most noble ladies, it would be impossible for one person to manage all the dresses due to the sheer quantity.

However, Pulcheria was quite frugal and had little interest in dressing up, so Laila could manage all her clothes alone, even if it was a bit difficult. Laila even suggested that Pulcheria should get new dresses made.

“Would you like some more tea, madam?”

“No, I’m fine.”

Instead of resting in her bedroom, Pulcheria always watched Laila organize her clothes while drinking tea. It was more of a hobby to fill her free time rather than a form of surveillance.

Pulcheria would often laugh, saying that watching Laila, who was always bustling about, reminded her of a squirrel. Laila was someone who was entertaining just to watch.

“Is it tiring for you?”

“Tiring, madam? Not at all.”

Pulcheria found it amusing to ask if Laila was tired when she was the one who gave her all the work. She chuckled softly.

Some people criticized Pulcheria for keeping Laila by her side and making her work so hard. Even though Laila was her husband’s blood relative and not hers, she was still a niece.

Pulcheria was aware of the rumors that she was making her poor niece, who had lost her parents and was alone, work too hard.

However, those people misunderstood. Pulcheria did not mistreat or overwork Laila. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Pulcheria relied entirely on Laila. She could not imagine her daily life without Laila.

Pulcheria had a reason for depending so much on Laila. She fundamentally did not trust people. No matter how lowly the servant was, she never revealed her private matters.

She had always been suspicious, but losing her child had heightened her distrust of others. At times, she was tormented by the fear that the whole world was out to get her.

Laila’s help was crucial in overcoming that difficult period. In a way, Laila was like a lifesaver to Pulcheria.

“You should find a good match.”

With each passing year, Laila blossomed like a fully bloomed flower. At any party or official gathering, she always became the center of attention. No man could pass by without turning to look at her.

However, her ambiguous social status hindered her marriage prospects. She had too little to offer for a nobleman’s proposal, yet her status was too high to marry a commoner. After all, she was a lady of the Tooper family.

Whether she was aware of it or not, Laila was too precious to be left to grow old alone.

“I’m happiest when I’m by my madam’s side, taking care of her.”

She smiles beautifully in reply. If only her words were as pretty as her face. Pulcheria smiles back at Laila.


Unable to wait even for the time it took to prepare the carriage, Karl mounted his horse. Without even checking if Clovis was following, he rode ahead and arrived at the Marquis’s estate after a month.


The mansion was bustling. All the doors were left open, indicating they were expecting him. Thanks to this, he was able to enter quickly without any delay. As he dismounted from his horse, Celeste’s aide Hannah greeted him.

“Have you arrived, Your Grace?”

“How is Celeste?”

“As I mentioned before, she is similar to how she was on the last train journey.”

He walked into the mansion without hesitation. Hannah swiftly guided him to where Celeste was. Karl scanned the room, searching for Celeste. His heart was anxious. Not knowing what had happened to Celeste in his absence made him even more uneasy.

“Her face and lips are pale. Her hands and feet are cold as ice, her breath shallow and very rapid. Her pulse is racing.”

When they changed trains in the central region, he remembered Celeste boarding the train with lots of delicious desserts.

“Thank you for coming so quickly.”

“It’s nothing. It’s my duty to assist.”

To investigate the events in Urentum, Celeste’s own testimony from being there was crucial.

Karl entrusted Hannah, Celeste’s aide, with this, and she promised full cooperation with the imperial investigation unit, given the explosion in Urentum was a mystery.

Karl instructed Clovis to communicate with Hannah via telegrams, avoiding frequent visits to the palace due to prying eyes.

Whenever there were questions to be asked or new information to be shared, Celeste communicated closely with Clovis and Hannah. This enabled them to promptly receive news of Celeste’s collapse.

“Your Grace.”

Leev was stunned by the sudden appearance of Karl in front of Celeste’s bedroom.

“Where is Celeste?”

“She’s asleep.”

Karl looked concerned. It seemed he rushed here worried about his fiancée’s collapse.

“Oh dear, look at you, sweating so much. How far have you run?” Leev covered her mouth with both hands.

“Was Duke Albrecht always this romantic? So consumed by love that he neglects everything else? Realizing this is not the time to be moved by such things, Leev guided Karl into the bedroom.

“Why are you suddenly like this… The specialist said it seems to be neurological. It seems like he may have recently experienced mental pressure or something.”

“No need to call a doctor.”


Karl turned around abruptly. He was trying to find Clovis, who was following him, breathing heavily.

“Clovis, is Linke still there?”

“Yes. Before leaving the palace, Linke requested to come over as a Viscount to Duke Linke. It seems it will take a little longer for him to arrive.”

Linke is the head of the Magic Department. Knowing from past experience that Celeste’s collapse was not just due to physical illness, Karl had called Linke to become a Viscount just before leaving.

The surroundings were too chaotic. Since the owner of the mansion had collapsed for unknown reasons, it was understandable. Karl continued his conversation with Hanna.

“When did Celeste start showing these symptoms?”


“Did she show any similar symptoms the day before?”

“No. None.”

“At what time did the symptoms appear today?”

As Cecilia wiped Celeste’s forehead with a wet towel and massaged her arms, he burst into tears upon seeing Duke Albrecht arrive.

Receiving a detailed account of everything that happened that day from Hanna, Karl speculated on his own reasons.

“But why today of all days? Was there a different schedule than usual?”

At that, Hanna remained silent.

A different schedule than usual. Unlike before, today was a day when guests visited twice. Including Karl, there were three people in total.

It wouldn’t be much of an issue if it was Miss Laila who visited, but if it was Duke Toskur… Should I mention it or not?

“The guests have left.”


“Laila Tooper came carrying Mrs. Pulcheria’s gift.”

I heard that Aunt was busy preparing gifts for her prospective nephew-in-law. To be precise, she must be preparing it for her daughter Valerie.



There was a sense of awkwardness in the tone. Karl had a hunch that something was up with the second guest.

“The Duke of Toskur has visited.”

This was unexpected news. Karl furrowed his brow.

“I don’t know what they talked about. However….”


“They say that Duke Toskur entered the drawing-room for some conversation and came out carrying the fallen Count. He must have been inside for less than fifteen minutes.”

Franz carried Celeste out in his arms. Karl’s temple pulsed intermittently.

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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