Who is your dad?

After that, tedious and mundane investigative processes continued. Alfonso’s knowledge about Celeste was much less than Karl had expected. Karl’s interest quickly waned.

The detective asked about what else was in the office besides the magic potion Alfonso had at the time of his arrest, checking if there was anything hidden at his house. They meticulously questioned and recorded the list of magic potions and their quantities. Once the records were organized, they would contact the members in Urentum to cross-reference and confirm the list.

“Come in.”

Clovis entered the interrogation room. His expression was grave.

“Your Majesty, a message has come from Count Louisette’s aide.”

Then, in a voice only audible to Karl, he quickly whispered the news. Celeste had collapsed. Upon hearing that she had lost consciousness, exhibiting symptoms similar to those on the previous train incident, Karl immediately sprang up from his seat and rushed outside.

“Yes, I will take care of the rest. Your Majesty.”

The detective’s hesitant reply lingered in the air as he was left alone.


Franz and Celeste, who suddenly ran into each other, made Leev curious about their conversation. Leev couldn’t wait for Franz to appear and paced outside the reception room. Unable to resist any longer, she leaned close to the door to eavesdrop, but the sound of it reached Lady Margaret’s ears, leading to a severe scolding.

The attendant who should have escorted the Duchess made a reckless and headstrong move, interfering in a conversation he shouldn’t have been interested in. He endured a long lecture about not interfering in the conversations of his superiors.

However, Lady Margaret soon regretted her scolding of Leev. This was because Celeste, who had just gone into the reception room with Franz for a conversation, came out in a faint.

The sight of Celeste being carried by Franz’s hands as he hastily opened the door almost made Lady Margaret faint. There was no need to mention Cecilia’s shock, and Leev nearly caused a scene.

Despite urgent inquiries about what happened, Franz remained remarkably calm.

“Does the Duke not feel well these days? He suddenly lost consciousness and collapsed by himself. Are the attendants lacking somewhere? Shouldn’t they take better care of their master’s health?”

His indifferent tone, as if discussing a matter unrelated to him, sent shivers down the spine. How could one speak so casually, like reading a book, after witnessing someone lose consciousness and collapse in front of their eyes?

Then, without looking back, Franz got into his carriage. It was clear that he had done something to Celeste, though it was not the attendants’ place to summon the Duke’s attendants.

Seeing Celeste’s pale face, Cecilia was on the verge of tears. She frantically attended to Celeste, wiping away her tears and mucus, fearing the aftermath of the carriage accident was still affecting her.

Kendrick embraced Celeste and laid her comfortably down before leaving to fetch a doctor. Cecilia and Margaret rushed in, loosening her tight lace ribbons, while Leev hurried to fetch lukewarm water. Upon hearing the news of Celeste’s collapse, Hannah rushed in with a serious expression, carefully examining her complexion.


“Why, what’s wrong?”

“Yes. The Duke showed the exact same symptoms a while back.”

“What? When, where?”

“On the train back to the capital. I need to step out for a minute.”

“Where to… Hannah? Hannah!”

Before long, the doctor Kendrick called out arrived and quickly began the examination. As the doctor examined Celeste, his face turned increasingly serious. Just as Hannah, who had gone outside, returned, some time passed.

Then, after a few more minutes, following Laila and Franz, the final guest of the day arrived at the Marquis’s door, bursting in.

“Your Highness!”

It was Karl.


Today’s tasks were relatively light. I stopped by the dressing room to find the items that were ordered and delivered them to Count Louisette. On my way back, I bought a few tea leaves for the lady.

When the lady asked if the errands were done well, Laila answered that Miss Valerie seemed to be doing well. Perhaps the only thing the lady was curious about was Valerie’s well-being, her niece and grandniece.

Sending gifts repeatedly to the mansion might be because Valerie truly missed seeing them. With many eyes watching, it was difficult to move around personally. Instead, through the maid, she sent gifts and heard news, trying to soothe her longing for the child in her heart.

Because Laila understood the lady’s feelings well, she never found the daily errands she was asked to do boring and did them with joy.

“How much has Valerie grown today?”

“She was practically bouncing around today.”

“Bouncing around? The little one?”

“Yes. Even though she wobbles a bit, she seems to walk well.”

“Just thinking about it is lovely. I must see that little one again soon.”

There was deep affection in her voice. Most people would think one couldn’t have much love for a niece who had been known for only a month, but Pulcheria was truly in love with Valerie. It was a very intense and deep love.

Valerie was an adorable baby, resembling Karl so much that one might think if Pulcheria had been born a girl or had sisters, they would look just like her. She resembled her father so much in some places, inheriting her mother’s beauty as well, already possessing perfect beauty despite being a baby.

Did she inherit such loveliness from the excellent blood of her parents? Was it because her mother was beautiful that her daughter could only be beautiful? Laila had to admit that Valerie was more adorable than any baby she had ever seen. Undoubtedly, the Albrecht lineage carried exceptional beauty in their genes.

People from the Albrecht family were all dazzlingly beautiful, even Franz, who only had the title as a middle name due to being a half-blood royal, wasn’t as beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful… Laila suddenly remembered when Franz picked up her fallen hat. It was truly an unexpected encounter.

She had had the opportunity to see Grand Duke Toskur several times while serving the Albrecht family, but it had always been brief glances or distant views. To be close like this, and even face to face, was something she had never imagined.

Knowing better than anyone the extent of Lady Pulcheria’s dislike for Archduke Toskur and his mother, Marina, Laila had always taken great care to avoid eye contact with Franz, or even close proximity.

But all her efforts have been for naught, for Franz’s face, unexpectedly and unexpectedly revealed to her, is that of a finely chiseled statue.

Laila stared at him, mesmerized by his handsome features, which must have been sculpted by a god.

He even smiled as he offered her his hat, and his face looked so good that an unknowing observer might mistake him for an angel. I wondered how he could have committed such evil deeds with such a face.

“Did something happen to make you happy?”

“What? Oh, no, ma’am, it’s just that the sun is out.”

Laila hummed to herself as she gathered up the lady’s clothes, and Mrs. Pulcheria immediately noticed the change in her demeanor.

“Nothing unusual happened?”

Laila’s hand stopped to brush the dust from the coat she wore over her dress.

“Anything special, my lady?”

“I’m asking if nothing happened at the Count’s estate that I should care about.”

Laila paused, thinking briefly about whether she should mention that she had met Archduke Toskur by chance. Certainly Franz’s visit to the Count’s residence was of great concern to Lady Pulcheria.

But something about the way Franz had announced that he had come to see the Count bothered Laila. Count Louisette and Archduke Toskur. There wasn’t a person in society who didn’t know what rumors had circulated about them from the past.

With Lady Pulcheria in her service, who was well versed in all the rumors, truths, and lies that surrounded the imperial court, she had the opportunity to hear the secrets of a relationship that ran deeper than the world knew, but most people would not.

“Yes. Nothing of concern to my lady, and the Count is even studying hard to become an archduchess.”

“Yes, I hope so.”

Pulcheria smiled contentedly. To her, Celeste had gone from being the fox who had enticed my sweet, innocent niece to being the proud niece-in-law who had given birth to my lovely Valerie.

“The wedding won’t be for another month, if not longer. How time flies.”

“It’s been two weeks since the state funeral, so the mourning period will be over in a full month from now, isn’t it, madam?”

“In terms of the law, that’s true. However, Maximilian was also my nephew, how can we wrap up his mourning so quickly? It is said that we must fill the mourning period as much as possible for the noble families. In order to do that, the royal family must set an example first. We can’t break the rules ourselves, can we?”

“I see.”

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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