Who is your dad?

Throughout the clear sky, raindrops started to fall one by one. As they approached the Viscount’s residence, the raindrops grew thicker and beat fiercely against the carriage.

The sky, now obscured as if a storm was approaching, looked as complex as Franz’s troubled mind. He absentmindedly drew the curtains to shield the window from view.

He disliked the bright sunny days where the sunlight seemed to illuminate everything, perhaps giving the feeling of being exposed. Was it because of his status, hidden in the shadows despite being born to the Emperor’s sun, or was it just a personal preference? Nevertheless, Franz preferred cloudy weather over the blazing sun.

“We are almost there, Your Highness,” Stilikov said, glancing out the opposite window. They were about 10 minutes away from their arrival. Franz nodded in acknowledgment.

There would be much to discuss with Celeste once they met. It might lean more towards a warning than a conversation, but it would still fall under the guise of dialogue.

As the carriage arrived at the iron fence they had to pass before climbing the hill, the gatekeepers hurriedly opened the iron gate upon seeing the yellow flag waved by a servant on the carriage.

From this point to the mansion on top of the hill, all the vast land belonged to the Viscount’s estate.

Looking at the extensive grounds, Franz couldn’t help but feel a sense of resentment towards the Louisette family’s wealth and wondered who truly deserved this opulence.

As the carriage swiftly ascended the hill, it finally came to a stop in front of the mansion’s gate. The gatekeepers on either side of the entrance exchanged surprised glances as they inhaled sharply.

Normally, with the royal seal on his carriage, all doors should have been opened by the time they reached the vicinity of the fence below the hill.

When the doors didn’t open promptly, Stilikov, frustrated, called out to the gatekeepers. He questioned their delay in opening the gates, rebuking them for leaving a noble waiting outside.

Still, as the gates remained closed, Stilikov got down from the carriage and instructed the gatekeepers to open them and usher them in promptly, announcing the arrival of the Grand Duke.

“Why, has the Viscount issued a complete ban on my entry?”

As the carriage pulled up, Franz also spoke a word. A sturdy man with a robust physique rushed out through the gate of the mansion, swinging it wide open.

“I greet His Grace.”

He had a stern face. Franz sifted through his memory as he saw a man bowing with just the arm of a child and kneeling in greeting. Was his name Kendrick? One of Celeste’s advisors.

“If His Grace has arrived and the master of the mansion does not come out in person. What rudeness is this?”

Kendrick bowed his head awkwardly. It was quite the timing for Franz to appear while Laila and Celeste were busy conversing about Lady Pulcheria’s errand.

If Tooper saw this scene, he would soon hear that Count Toskur was interfering with Viscount Louisette’s residence. Just when precautions should be taken most carefully before the impending marriage with Prince Albrecht…

“I apologize, Your Grace. There are other guests who arrived at the mansion earlier…”

Kendrick’s words of not being able to greet due to the presence of guests further angered Stilikov.

“Who dares to disrespect His Grace by having guests early! Go fetch Viscount Louisette immediately. Now!”

“If you do not bring him, should I storm in,” Stilikov threatened. It was not just an empty threat; it was a warning about potential consequences. Kendrick’s temples started sweating.

Then, the entrance of the mansion grew noisy. The door opened, revealing people. Kendrick turned his head back to look. Franz slowly shifted his gaze towards where the commotion was.

The first thing that caught his eye was the dazzling golden hair. Even at a glance, the shimmering golden locks appeared luxurious in the wind. The scent carried by the breeze made it seem as if he was smelling a fragrance. Franz blinked his eyes.

“Laila, next time I will serve a different tea. The aroma is truly delightful.”

“Thank you, Viscount.”

Laila? Where had he heard that name before? As he pondered the woman’s name, another woman with familiar purple locks appeared beyond her. Finally, after much anticipation, Celeste appeared.

“I hope Madam won’t scold for being so late. However, it was truly enj… Oh my.”

The storm whirled, as if it would blow everything away, then snatched the wide-brimmed hat from the head of the blonde woman. The hat, swept away by the wind, tumbled through the air and landed at Franz’s feet.

With that wind, the gazes of the people coming out of the mansion all turned towards Franz. Celeste, her attendants, and the blonde woman too.

He remembered. Like a cicada clinging to an old tree, the petite woman who followed Pulcheria around, Laila Tooper. Why was that woman coming out here? Franz looked at Laila in silence.

“Why are you here…”

Celeste’s bewildered expression was not unbecoming. It must have been quite embarrassing to be seen with that woman.

Franz, thinking about how to embarrass Celeste even more, slowly picked up Laila’s fallen hat at his feet. Then he set off in search of the owner of the hat.

As he approached, Celeste and her attendant exchanged uncertain looks, while the blonde Laila just blinked her large eyes and watched him.

“Here, looks like you dropped your hat, lady.”

Franz smirked, curling up the corners of his mouth.


The world is wide, and there are many men, I thought, but still, it’s not like that. I glared disdainfully at the man in front of me.

It was the path where I had to send off Laila, who now had to go back, leaving behind her regrets. I had gone downstairs with the intention of watching her board the carriage, but I was taken aback by an unexpected guest.

“Long time no see, Celly.”

With a smile curling up on his lips and his eyes crinkling, Franz greeted me. He seemed to have brought his knights with him here. He stood there leisurely as if he knew she would come out.

It was not just her who was flustered. Laila, too, seemed quite taken aback upon noticing Franz. Even the coachman, who had gone to call the carriage for her, froze in place upon seeing Franz’s carriage with the royal crest engraved, parked in front of the mansion.

Of all times, why did the wind have to pick up at that moment?

The weather suddenly seemed to turn grim. Suddenly, a gust of wind swept Laila’s hat off into the air. Dramatically, the hat flew and landed at Franz’s feet.

Of all people, it had to be in front of Franz. Even though there were over a dozen men standing by his side, why did the hat have to fall precisely in front of Franz’s feet?

Franz picked up the hat and handed it to Laila. With a twinkle in his eyes, he handed her the hat, looking incredibly handsome to the point of being excessive.

That made me more suspicious. Even though he was known for not stopping women who come to him, for not catching women who try to leave him, and for leaving room for all the women in the world except for Laila, he should not have acted like that towards Laila.

Because in the original story, Franz truly loved Laila.

Isn’t this the typical plot of a romance novel? Handsome men competing for the love of the female lead, the fallen man turning into a villain… That kind of story.

As I watched Franz smiling while handing over the hat, I suddenly realized the fact that he had sincerely loved her in the original story. And when I saw Laila’s expression as she took the hat, blushing and smiling shyly, it dawned on me that the story in this world was beginning to deviate significantly from the original.

The blush on Laila’s cheeks and the shy smile on her face were just as described when she first fell in love with Karl in the original story.

(T/n: Celly is a nickname for Celeste. Before it was Cele but I think Celly is the right one. Sorry and thank u for reading ❤️)

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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