Who is your dad?

Celeste and Karl never thought of the possibility of getting married. Franz thought that not only himself, but everyone who knew them, would think the same.

It wasn’t a matter of whether the two of them would be a good match or not. Franz believed that all human relationships stem from mutual understanding, so he never considered the two of them together.

Count Louisette had treated Franz as if he were of their family due to some kind of agreement with Marina, and thanks to that, he had enjoyed the position of the highest sign until now.

However, now it seemed that he would turn his back on him. Franz smiled bitterly. It seemed that Celeste had found a way to break the family contract unilaterally without consequences. She had secretly given birth to Karl’s child, putting him in a situation where he had no choice but to be with her.

Karl couldn’t ignore a woman who bore his child. Despite his misfortune, he was a man with a strong sense of responsibility. Two years ago, he had the opportunity to ascend the throne, but he voluntarily stepped back to avoid threatening his young cousin’s position.

Could anyone ignore the chance to become an emperor right in front of their eyes? Reluctantly, Franz admitted that Karl was a man made up of responsibility, morals, and such things.

Being the highest-ranking duke and becoming a family with Marina, he wouldn’t be afraid of a mere contract. He would have felt the same even if he were Celeste. But that didn’t mean he could ignore the consequences of breaking the contract.

Stilikov glanced at Franz. Throughout the carriage ride, he had been restless, trying to observe Franz’s angry expression hidden under his silence. It was hard to even breathe in the chill emanating from Franz.

Whenever he met Marina, Franz would always end up in this state. He would become endlessly gloomy and be consumed by inexplicable anger, staying silent for days.

【In fact, two years ago, it was your place to ascend. You were just overshadowed by Maximilian. You can’t lose to your nephew again. This time… It might be our last chance, Franz.】

Marina’s voice kept echoing in Franz’s ears. He felt a sense of frustration and helplessness against his mother’s endless greed for power. Unable to convince his mother with anything, he was both irritated and angry at his own inability to refute her words.

Marina’s argument, that she sought power not for personal gain but to protect herself, carried its own persuasiveness.

The memories of being publicly humiliated and verbally attacked by everyone were still vivid. Perhaps, as Marina said, without his mother’s relentless struggle, he might not have survived until now.

He realized he could have easily lost his life to someone’s scheme or faced execution during a change in emperors.

Yes, his mother was right. If he didn’t strike first, he would be struck. The palace where he had endured so far was such a place. A world where everyone lives together, a beautiful and just imperial world – those were just different expressions of the word ‘impossible.’

“You think I can defeat him?”

“Why can’t you! Who is he? He might have been born the son of a lady-in-waiting to the former empress, but now he’s not. You are Alexander’s son. Maximilian’s position should have been rightfully yours!”

“Talking about the past won’t change anything. Two years ago, Maximilian succeeded to the throne, and I am just a half-blooded royal left behind.”

“What does that matter? Besides being the son of the previous emperor, what other explanation is needed?”

“Just lamenting won’t change things.”

“Well, suppose Maximilian, who was the son of a prince and couldn’t win, but isn’t Karl just the son of a prince as well? He has a fair chance, my dear. Why don’t you accept that?”

“How can I defeat him? Because he’s the son of a prince and not a crown prince? I had a mother who wasn’t a queen, not an empress?”

“Are you saying that this mother of yours is now becoming an obstacle in your path?”

Franz’s unintended outburst became a weapon in Marina’s hands. Her presence was undeniably an obstacle for Franz now.

If Marina had not been there, Franz would not have been able to exist in this position either. It was truly ironic. The mother who had made him a duke would turn into a decisive obstacle when he aimed for a position higher than a duke.

“Turn the carriage around.”

After pondering over his conversation with Marina, Franz finally made a decision.

“Aren’t we going to the mansion?”

“I have a place to stop by.”

To Stilikov’s question of where he intended to go, Franz simply replied, “The Count’s place.” If he was going out after seeing Marina, then the destination was clear. Stilikov nodded briefly and opened the window to call the coachman.

“If you unilaterally terminate the contract, wouldn’t you have to show the consequences that follow?”

It didn’t mean he would listen to everything Marina said. Especially, the idea of marrying Countess Louisette and aiming for the throne was something he definitely did not want to follow.

However, seeing the arrogant servant who forgot his place without understanding hierarchy made him think that someone needed to teach him who was superior and whose words he should listen to.

The fact that things in the world don’t always flow as easily as one desires. Franz’s eyes glinted ominously.


The tea time with Laila was enjoyable. It was a hastily arranged gathering to avoid the tedious sex education session, but surprisingly Laila was easy to talk to, so we ended up chatting away without noticing the time passing.

As we talked for a while, I realized that Laila was as clear and innocent as described in novels, yet surprisingly stubborn in her own way.

“It seems your father was truly a poet. His love for his wife and affection for his daughter are quite evident.”

The conversation gradually shifted to Laila’s family. It seemed she had inherited her mother’s beauty and her father’s rich sensibility.

The tearful, oppressed heroine scenario seemed to stem from hidden genetic secrets.

“Yes, my father really loved me a lot. Even now, thinking of him…,” Laila’s voice choked up, and she nervously bit her lip. I quickly handed her a handkerchief, and she smiled gratefully.

“Why do even your tears and smiles look so innocent?” I thought, feeling the world was suddenly unfair.

“How did the Lady Pulcheria come to assist you?”

I hurriedly changed the subject. I already knew from books how Laila ended up under Lady Pulcheria’s care, but I needed to find a way to comfort her saddened heart.

“Lady Pulcheria is my benefactor. When my father was struggling to make ends meet after my mother passed away, she reached out to help me. If she hadn’t taken me in back then, I can’t imagine where I would be now…”

To Laila, Pulcheria was her late husband’s youngest brother’s daughter. Despite inheritance rules favoring the eldest son, Laila’s father, burdened with caring for his stepchild alone, felt indebted to Pulcheria for her continuous support. Pulcheria did not turn away from this responsibility and, even after her husband’s death, went as far as to personally take in her husband’s nieces and nephews.

Pulcheria lost her child, while Laila gained parents. Perhaps that’s why the two of them regarded each other even more affectionately.

“Miss Tooper, do you not have any intention of marrying?”

Suddenly, that question popped up. Was it because I, who should have been her man, took over Karl, causing discomfort in her heart? I wondered which way the real protagonist Laila’s love story would unfold.

“I dare not even think about things like marriage. I only wish to stay by Mrs. Pulcheria’s side till the end. Actually, marriage… seems like a luxury to me, who has nothing.”

No. Laila will later enter the Tooper household as Mrs. Pulcheria’s stepdaughter and inherit the Tooper title. “You, will become a lord later,” the words almost slipped out, but I barely managed to hold them back.

Nevertheless, Laila Tooper will not lead as lonely a twilight years as she thinks. She may not end up with Karl, but the world is vast, and there are plenty of men out there.

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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