Who is your dad?

The dazzling sunshine pouring through the window in the morning. As always, I woke up to the chirping of birds. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the splendid bedroom, and looking out the window, I saw a beautiful garden filled with flowers sparkling in the sunlight…

Up to this point, it may sound like a peaceful and beautiful morning, but in reality, it was not.

These days, I was spending busy days without a moment to spare, most of which were filled with tasks related to marriage preparations.

Many might think that as a Viscount, there shouldn’t be much I need to personally take care of regarding preparations, but my issue was not being the complete noble Viscount Louisette, but rather, being ‘Celeste,’ the one with no memory. It wasn’t that I lost my memories, but rather that there was nobody who knew I never had them in the first place.

As a noble lady, most of the knowledge Celeste possessed had been lost to me, so the Viscount and his advisers started a special education program. It was called the Special Education to Become an Impeccable Grand Duchess.

Trying to escape, saying “What is this? Isn’t the name too cheesy?” proved futile as I was captured by the determination to make our lord a remarkable Grand Duchess.

Held captive, I found myself in a routine of constant studying from the moment I woke up until bedtime, skipping meal times and minimal rest.

Before becoming Celeste, I had never been so immersed in studies. From etiquette lessons by Lady Margaret, history lessons by Cecilia, all-encompassing social education by Hannah, basic physical training by Kendrick to discreet sexual education by inviting external tutors – every day was incredibly busy. Especially, the sexual education sessions were the most challenging for me.

Perhaps it was because I had never taken much interest in the sensual matters between men and women. The idea of needing all this knowledge to have a happy time with one’s husband felt cumbersome.

Amidst the chaos of it all, I had forgotten that getting married naturally involved sharing those intimate moments between a man and a woman. Realizing this during the first sexual education session, I started contemplating fleeing the mansion once again.

However, the situation was vastly different from when I first became Celeste six months ago. Surveillance had become stricter, and there seemed to be too few alternatives for a hasty escape.

Half a year ago, there was no child to take care of and no impending marriage, so I could have left for a short convalescence anywhere as an excuse, but now all of that has become impossible.

If I run away, what will happen to Valerie, and what about Lady Pulcheria, who is assisting wholeheartedly for her nephew’s wedding?

After much deliberation, I had to abandon my escape plan within an hour.

“How could I even think of doing this?”

As I struggled to understand verbal explanations, the instructor resorted to showing diagrams and continued with the sex education. My impression upon seeing the diagrams can be summed up in one word, ‘Oh my God.’ To do such things… with a man I’ve only seen a few times before?

“But Your Highness already has a child with Albrecht, don’t you?”

Margaret, Cecilia, Hannah, Kendrick, and Liv all reacted incredulously towards me. With a child already born, why be shy or surprised? Since you can’t remember, maybe you should have called the sex education teacher.

They emphasized the importance of producing royal offspring once you become part of the aristocracy, considering it one of the most crucial duties. It felt as if my head would explode just by imagining it. Do I really have to do this if I get married? Especially with Karl? When there is neither love nor anything else between us? Or maybe, Valerie sees Celeste and Karl as a solid couple, but that’s not me.

Once again, I have never had any romantic experiences, not even a typical male friend, living a solitary life. But now, I have to marry and share a bed with a husband? Isn’t this like teaching calculus to a child learning addition and subtraction?

“It’s alright, Your Grace. It’s understandable if you’re confused due to memory loss. If you don’t know, you can learn, and if you forgot, you can remember it again.”

Cecilia’s comforting words did not help at all. Not even one percent! As the sessions repeated, the sex education became more intense and daunting, only instilling fear in me.

Today’s class was particularly horrifying. It must have been when I thought about escaping at least a hundred times. Just when I truly wanted to avoid the moment, my savior appeared.

“Your Grace, Lady Pulcheria has sent another gift.”

“Really? We must go check it out quickly!”

Laila, who comes every three days carrying Pulcheria’s gifts, has just arrived at the Viscount’s residence.

I headed downstairs quickly after momentarily delaying the lesson with regret, asking the tutor how to handle the unexpected guest.

Ignoring the admonitions of Lady Margaret not to run so ungracefully through the Imperial mansion, I was too preoccupied to heed her words.


Seeing that lovely face again filled me with joy. I wanted to hug her and even give her a kiss. Suppressing my slightly agitated feelings, I faced Laila.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Your Grace.”

“Laila, you really shine like the sun today.”

“Oh, Your Grace, you are truly the dazzling sun.”

Ha-ha-ha, with kind-hearted Laila around, my face blooms with smiles. Particularly today, a genuine smile blossomed on my face. Please continue to visit at this hour, every day…

Laila, unaware of the silent cries in my heart, started to explain the gift sent by Lady Pulcheria.

“Did Lady send another gift today?”

“Yes. The wardrobe for today requires at least a year’s reservation to receive a dress from there. It’s currently the most popular place in the LaHart social circle. Lady exerted special efforts.”

Laila pointed to the dresses brought in by the seamstresses one after another.

The various dresses exuded elegance at first sight. They were beautiful yet not overly flamboyant, sophisticated yet not too plain. In short, they appeared modern yet classic.

“Well then, I shall be on my way.”

“Oh, are you leaving just like that? After coming all this way, are you going to leave just like that?”

“No, my task is to deliver the dress to Your Grace. Now that it’s done, I intend to return.”

“No. Still, as a guest, I don’t feel comfortable just leaving like this every time.”

“No, really it’s okay, Viscount. Since I am running errands, I am a guest here. I am content with happily delivering the lady’s gift to you.”

“Then should I send a letter asking if I can have tea time with the lady in order to get closer to her? Please come in without saying that.”

I didn’t want to go back to the tedious scene of etiquette education. The kind-hearted Laila ultimately couldn’t refuse my invitation and stepped inside the mansion.


A faint fragrance filled the room. This place, where even a handful of sunlight was not allowed in, always remained dark even in the bright daylight.

Thunk, thunk. Franz’s wooden clogs echoed on the stone floor.

As Franz reached his destination after turning down the corridor, he blew out the candle he was holding. With even the faint light that barely illuminated the surroundings extinguished, everything in front of his eyes plunged into darkness as if locked in obscurity.


Squeak. The sound of the door opening felt eerie in the stillness and darkness-enveloped space. Franz called out to his mother.

“Mother, I have come.”

It had been two months since they last met.

“Is it Franz?”

“Yes, Mother.”

Despite knowing there was only one person who would call her mother, Marina asked several times if he was Franz. After repeating it three times, Marina slowly moved, as if confirming that the one who had come was indeed her son.

“Why have you come after such a long time? How long your mother has waited.”

Now, almost unable to see, Marina repeatedly walked off in the wrong direction only to return. When the bewildered Franz reached out to her first, she flinched, surprised, and then almost toppled onto the bed, sitting back down.

“Now even walking seems exhausting.”

Even with a brief movement, Marina gasped for air. Just breathing caused a raspy sound, as if scraping metal. Franz’s brow furrowed.

“I heard the news. The mission ended safely, right?”

“Yes, Mother.”

“Aren’t there rumors circulating about Maximilian’s death?”

“Yes, so far it seems not.”

“Well, it’s better that way. Without any evidence. Franz, come closer here.”

Whether she wanted to hold her son’s hand, Marina fumbled to grab Franz’s arm and pull him closer.

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


  1. GibeHug says:

    Sorry guys, I forgot to unlock Ch 44 but unlocked Ch 45. Ch 44 is now unlocked as well.

    Thank u for reading and do let me know in comments if something like this happens again ❤️

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