Who is your dad?

Karl burst into laughter when Lady Pulcheria approached with Valerie, holding her close to Karl’s face, saying, “Look, aren’t they so similar?” She repeated these words about ten times.

“Does Valerie resemble me a lot?”

“Are you trying to say that? If you have eyes, you should be able to see it, right?”

“Well, I’m not sure, Aunt.”

“Oh, I see. You probably can’t tell because you didn’t know your face when you were a child. Valerie looks exactly like you did as a baby. If your father or brothers were alive, they would probably say the same thing as me.”

Karl had never thought that Valerie resembled him until Lady Pulcheria pointed it out. Before realizing that Valerie was his child, he briefly doubted Franz when he looked into the child’s blue eyes, causing Karl to chuckle.

Although Clovis explained that the resemblance in the blue eyes was inherited from ancestors, Karl only considered the possibility in his mind but did not fully accept the idea that they were alike.

Yet, as Aunt Pulcheria, who had watched all of Valerie’s growth process, pointed out that Valerie greatly resembled him, Karl began to feel increasingly strange.

How should he describe this feeling? Should he say it feels ticklish deep in his chest, or that something is stirring in his stomach? However, one thing was certain, an indescribable emotion was emerging within him.

“Aunt, you took it too easily, didn’t you?”

“Look at this child’s face. How can you deny that she’s your child by looking at this face?”

“But Aunt, you always make things certain.”

“I’ve heard enough. We have already confirmed a father through a paternity test.”

He glanced at Celeste again. She pouted her lips and blinked rapidly, showing that this situation was extremely uncomfortable.

It was understandable. Being bombarded with overwhelming love from the highest adults in the palace since morning, how could it not be uncomfortable?

Yet amidst all this, Aunt Pulcheria seemed curious about something else, given that she already heard about Valerie’s paternity test.

“So, when do you plan to have the wedding, Karl?”

Acknowledging the child’s existence naturally led to accepting the child’s mother and discussing marriage next. Pulcheria, who casually asked about the wedding date, still managed to make Karl feel flustered.

“Well, after the end of the official duties, I plan to check the timing and pick a suitable day.”

“There’s no harm in delaying. How about having the wedding right after the official duties are over?”

This was a matter that needed to be discussed with Celeste. Looking at her again, Celeste still stood a step back with an awkward expression.

“No, it’s better to just do it right away.”


“After all, there’s no reason to delay when there’s a child involved, right? For Valerie’s sake, it’s better for the parents to be together a little sooner.”

This was an opinion that didn’t fit into any of the scenarios Karl had considered beforehand. Amidst the unexpected storm, Karl busied himself trying to sort out his confused thoughts.

The storm that completely shook his mind. It was none other than the love storm crafted by his aunt.


Mrs. Pulcheria, who had acted as if she would spend her lifetime with Valerie right there, reluctantly left after lavishing attention on Valerie for a whopping two hours. It was partly because it was time for Valerie’s nap, but more so because her duties were piling up like mountains as the official duties had not yet ended.

If Laila, worried that Pulcheria might have forgotten her tasks, hadn’t continued to persuade her to leave, Pulcheria might have spent the whole day with Valerie really.

“Baby, Grandma will come back tomorrow.”

As she handed the sleeping Valerie to Leev, Pulcheria’s face looked like she was about to cry. Her face overflowed with love to the extent that anyone could mistake it as a farewell forever.

Even though our Valerie is lovely, isn’t that reaction a bit too exaggerated? I found it really difficult to fully understand Mrs. Pulcheria’s behavior.

They may have a close relationship like a parent and child, but even so, falling in love with your niece like that…


As they stepped out of the mansion to see off Mrs. Pulcheria, someone cautiously approached them. It was Laila, who had quietly watched over them from Pulcheria’s side while she held Valerie.

She was dressed differently from yesterday’s black dress, and her appearance was so dazzlingly beautiful that I decided not to look directly at Laila.

“Yesterday, I was really grateful. Your Grace.”


Seems like she was referring to the squabble with Tecla yesterday.

“Oh, that? Don’t mention it.”

“No, really. Thank you so much. It was actually a very embarrassing situation, but Your Grace appeared… I’m really thankful.”

She said so, blushing shyly even to the cheeks. No, isn’t it a bit unfair to be this pretty, innocent, and kind like this?

“But does that woman usually act like that?”

“That woman? Ah, Te, Tecla”

Laila stumbled over my blunt reference to ‘that woman.’

“We don’t usually come across each other often, but whenever we do, she always…”

So, she feels harassed whenever they meet. Laila seemed to catch herself mid-sentence.

“Anyway, I really appreciate it. I wanted to express my gratitude, but I couldn’t do it yesterday due to circumstances. It’s so fortunate to see you today.”

Continuing to express gratitude like this without acknowledging it would be impolite. With a wry smile, Laila accepted the thanks.

“By the way, about today… I seek the Count’s forgiveness.”

“Today’s matter?”

“Didn’t the lady hold onto Valerie too long? You must have been surprised.”


Of course, she was a little surprised. Well, not just a little.

“Please understand. The lady adores children so much.”

She makes such a terrifying face and adores children? One of the most surprising stories I’ve heard recently.

“And also… since the lady loves children but doesn’t have any of her own, she must have been delighted with Viscount’s child.”

Come to think of it, I don’t remember hearing about Lady Pulcheria having a child. It wasn’t mentioned in the novel either.

“She tragically lost a child she had so dearly struggled to have due to an unfortunate accident… I heard that she couldn’t have children since then. Moreover, as Lady Pulcheria holds the Viscount in such special regard due to their blood ties, imagine how delighted and loving she must have been towards Valerie. In that state of mind, she must have held onto the child for a long time. So, please understand and forgive the sudden actions of the lady.”

There must have been some backstory. It seemed that Lady Pulcheria’s excessive affection towards Valerie struck a chord. Wasn’t there a saying that there are no graves without excuses, no lives without stories? It felt like everyone had their own circumstances to live with. Even for the ultimate villain, Franz, there existed plausible narratives and backstories.

The disdain and contempt rooted in a humble half-bloodline, the sense of inferiority and victimhood stemming from neglect, all of these became the reasons behind his misdeeds.

“Well then, I will take my leave. I hope to see you again soon. Until then, goodbye.”

Laila flashed a bright smile and hopped onto Lady Pulcheria’s carriage. The dazzling smile, as if bathed in sunlight, lingered like a faint imprint long after she had vanished.


“The funeral of the unfortunate Emperor Maximilian has come to an end. Of course, even after the state mourning ends, all ceremonies and events cannot be held for a while. While the period designated by law to mourn and honor the empire’s supreme ruler is just a month, in terms of propriety, it often extends to two months or even longer.

Depending on the achievements and popularity garnered by the Emperor during his lifetime, there weren’t many who continued to honor the young Emperor Maximilian, who had only reigned for a mere two years.

Perhaps to not disrupt the atmosphere of mourning, Duke Albrecht’s side remained silent amid the interest and speculation surrounding his marriage.

However, there was no one in the capital who remained unaware of his impending marriage. Though an official announcement of the wedding had not been made, judging by the actions of Lady Pulcheria, anyone could tell that Duke Albrecht was indeed getting married.”

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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