Who is your dad?

When Pulcheria went to meet Count Louisette, she was anxious and prepared in her mind all along. She planned to burst into tears dramatically as soon as she met the Count at the mansion.

No matter how arrogant the nobility may be, could they endure being scolded by the highest royal adult? Pulcheria could not easily forgive the Count, who had caused more than a scratch on her noble niece, despite all the praise she received.

Her mind was filled with thoughts of questioning how Franz managed to embroil Karl in these scandals. She seemed so agitated that Laila, noticing the frustration, continually reassured her in the carriage, saying, “You might faint again. You shouldn’t be so worked up.”

She knew that visiting abruptly at such an early hour without prior contact was considered impolite. However, Pulcheria, with no intention of regarding Count Louisette kindly or gracefully, didn’t bother with the formalities.

Perhaps there was a slight curiosity to see how she would react to a sudden attack in such a vulnerable state. Yet, Pulcheria started the conversation with insincere formalities, “Sorry for coming unexpectedly this morning.”

Despite the abrupt visit, the staff at the Count’s estate handled the guest reception perfectly, and Count Louisette appeared unruffled. From the moment they met until they parted, Pulcheria scrutinized every detail of the woman in front of her, assessing each aspect.

“Apologies are unnecessary and inappropriate. If the lady had contacted me, I would have gladly come. I regret causing you to make such a long journey,” she stated with a tone that lacked sincerity. Count Louisette’s captivating violet hair caught Pulcheria’s attention first, exuding a sense of wonder every time she saw it, as it was a symbol of the Louisette family lineage.

With such thick and long hair shining like that, I thought how the noblewomen and noble maidens of the Capital must have envied her while also feeling intimidated by her presence.

“You didn’t ask why I have come.”

“I thought you would tell me at the right time.”

Look at this. The Viscount responded calmly unexpectedly. I had heard that he held himself in a haughty manner, looking down on people and exuding arrogance, but seeing him in person, it seemed different from the rumors.

However, the current facade could be a pretense. Isn’t it the case for most nobles? Acting tough towards those they perceive as weaker and bowing to those of higher status. I have encountered many of these types.

“I will not beat around the bush. I came to ask you something important. There should be no lies in front of me.”

“Yes, madam.”

“I have heard rumors related to the Viscount.”

Hence, referring to ‘rumors,’ I brazenly asked from the start. Surprisingly, the Viscount remained steady.

Pulcheria thought that there was no word more lethal to noblewomen than ‘rumors.’ Rumors, reputation. These were the foundations of their lives, mistaken beliefs that sustained their aristocratic lifestyle.

Thus, Pulcheria deliberately tried to shake Celeste with the words, ‘I have heard your rumors.’ Don’t you know? The many rumors about you.

Outwardly calm. No matter the conflicts and thoughts within, the external appearance must always be gentle. To prevent the other from reading the inner turmoil, leading them to reveal their true thoughts.

Pulcheria asked sharp questions with an endlessly relaxed voice, then casually lifted the teacup in front of her and sipped it. Throughout, she never stopped scrutinizing the count.

“I don’t think the nuances of your words are particularly kind,” she said.

“Gossip is like that by nature. Good stories don’t spread by word of mouth. People are more interested in others’ misfortunes than their happiness. I, too, didn’t view you favorably amidst the unpleasant talk surrounding the count.”

“I see.”

Despite hearing only negative rumors about you and supposedly not liking you because of them, the count’s response to her question was just a quiet “yes.”

What is this child thinking? It’s time to get to the point now.

“Basic actions and attitudes can vary depending on how you look at them, and the person spreading rumors may have had malicious intentions, so it’s not about labeling that. The reason I find the count unsuitable is because he is entangled with someone who shouldn’t be involved.”

I must explain the previous unpleasant rumors properly because they are related to my beloved niece. Pulcheria’s inner thoughts were like this. She was about to speak further, intending to press on no matter what response the count gave.


A cute voice that did not fit the situation at all interrupted Pulcheria’s words.

“Buu, bu, bu.”

The owner of the voice was a tiny, adorable baby who seemed no bigger than her knee.

Pulcheria was engulfed in a sensation as if she had traveled back 25 years in an instant.

“Why is Valerie out here alone?”

With big blue eyes and cute lips, the baby who resembled her niece so much appeared.

The baby’s bright red lips and cheeks like ripe peaches strongly captured Pulcheria’s gaze. Can there be such a cute and endearing creature in the world? Pulcheria fell in love with the child at first sight.

“Is this child named Valerie?”

If it were not for the purple hair that revealed she was the daughter of Viscount Louisette, Pulcheria would have almost shouted, holding onto the child, “No, Karl! Why have you gone back in time?”

“Oh, goodness. That explains it.”

No more words were needed. It was said that seeing something once was better than hearing it a hundred times, and it was indeed true. Pulcheria had come this far, hesitantly, upon hearing Laila’s words that the child of Viscount Louisette was actually Karl’s child, and that Karl was trying to marry to take responsibility.

Well, to be honest, she didn’t believe it even half-heartedly. Maybe around 10%. If there was any hint of doubt or if the Viscount couldn’t explain properly, she had been ready to angrily declare that this child could not possibly be of our royal bloodline. She was prepared to sharply attack whatever the Viscount might say.

But the moment she saw the child’s face, all explanations became unnecessary.

“It’s our Johann’s child. Oh, my goodness. Heaven help us.”

She wanted to hug the child. She wanted to feel if this squirming little creature before her was indeed a living, breathing child.

As she reached out her arms, the Viscount’s maid handed the child to her. Pulcheria, trembling, softly called the name.


“Ah, boo-ah, pooh, pooh-hoo-pooh.”

The child seemed to respond to her call, as if understanding her name. It may sound silly, but Pulcheria felt that Valeri recognized her in those baby sounds.

Yes, my dear. I am your great-aunt Pulcheria!

Her nose suddenly tingled. Was it because she inadvertently recalled a part of her past as memories mingled unexpectedly, or because she felt that the weakened bond of family somehow connected somewhere? An indescribable warm emotion surfaced in Pulcheria’s heart.

“How old is Valeri now? Seems like she’s about one year old…?”

“Yes, madam. She’s a little over one year old now.”

How fragile human emotions are. Pulcheria watched as a cunning fox, who seduced her innocent niece, transformed into a lovely granddaughter-in-law in a single moment by bringing forth a beautiful life form.

To conceive and produce such a lovely baby resembling Karl so closely. How admirable and remarkable. Pulcheria held the child in her arms with the intent to swallow it with affection.

The child was small, talkative, and warm.


It was not just Pulcheria who moved busily as soon as day broke.

“Where has my aunt gone?”

He was determined to formally inform his aunt about his marriage to Celeste. Yesterday, he thought it wasn’t a good day to talk about the wedding, so he briefly mentioned it and moved on. However, if they were really going to have a wedding ceremony, it was appropriate to inform his aunt first.

Moreover, he had rashly refrained from mentioning the marriage due to the behavior of some reckless noblewomen talking about Celeste. It was certain that the rumors would spread throughout the capital within a day. He needed to prevent the unfortunate event of his aunt hearing the news before he told her himself.

So, as soon as the day brightened, Karl dressed in formal attire and visited Pulcheria’s residence.

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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