Who is your dad?

Pulcheria couldn’t distinguish whether she should cry or laugh now. She felt swept away by a sudden storm of overwhelming information.

In summary, here’s how it went. Her nephew, who seemed completely uninterested in women and worried her, suddenly announced his intention to get married.

But the person he chose happened to be the woman rumored to be Franz’s lover. Just that alone made Pulcheria extremely uncomfortable, but to make matters worse, that woman even had a child.

She thought there was nothing more to hear, but… this must be some kind of twisted fate. The father of that child is Karl.

Considering Karl’s declaration that he would marry to take responsibility for the child and create a strong family once the mourning period ended, it seemed his words were sincere. Karl was not someone to say things he didn’t mean.

It was impossible to tell what was real and what was false, her mind filled with fog to the point where it felt like lightning and thunder were striking. The dreadful headache made her whole body tense to the point of her back stiffening.

Seeing the swaying Pulcheria, Laila quickly got up and supported her.

“Madam, are you okay? Should I help you lie down?”

“I must meet that child. I have to meet that child.”

To confirm what is true from what is false, one must meet the people involved in the story.

“Yes, madam. I will make preparations so you can move as soon as it’s daylight.”

Though Laila hurriedly checked on her sleeping arrangements, Pulcheria couldn’t fall asleep all night.


After I became Celeste, the most chaotic moment began when Valerie suddenly appeared. The second was when Urentum’s cabin exploded. And the awaited third moment was…

“I’ve heard various rumors related to the Marquis.”

Right now.

“What rumors are you referring to?”

Having to deal with Karl’s aunt, who arrived as the Marquise without any prior notice, Celeste was sweating profusely from her seat.

If one were to pinpoint Celeste’s most bewildering moments since becoming her, it would be this very instant, with her body tensed to the point where her entire being could fit inside three fingers.

“Well, I suppose it is the kind of rumor that would reach my ears and that the Marquis would be well aware of.”

What do you imply? Despite appearing nonchalant and composed, there was a strong sense of intimidation emanating from the Marquise.

She felt as if her gaze could penetrate through the person sitting across from her. Rather than seeking to intimidate her counterpart, it was likely that these sharp eyes were a characteristic of the Marquise.

The ruthless and cold woman with eyes like a sharp blade, the Marquise. Being this close and facing her directly, one could understand why her nickname in novels was as such.

“The nuances of your words do not seem particularly favorable.”

“Rumors are often like that. Good stories don’t spread as rumors. People are usually more interested in others’ misfortunes than happiness.”

A philosophical discourse with uncertain intentions began. While one could vaguely speculate about the reason for the lady’s visit here, her true intentions were still a mystery.

Perhaps it was because of Karl, but it was difficult to distinguish whether she rushed here upon hearing about the marriage or due to rumors concerning Karl.

“I, too, have not viewed you favorably due to the unpleasant words surrounding the Marquis recently.”

To confess such feelings openly? I felt awkward and shifted uncomfortably.

Celeste couldn’t refute Lady Pulcheria’s words about the misdeeds she had committed in the past. She was a villainess who hadn’t even properly developed fundamental ethics.

“As for basic behaviors or attitudes, they can vary depending on the perspective. The one spreading rumors may have acted maliciously, so it’s not about labeling such things. The reason I don’t consider the Marquis acceptable is because he’s involved with someone who shouldn’t be tangled with.”


She understood to that extent. Lady Pulcheria was talking about Franz. While she could overlook a tainted personality and lack of basic ethics, she couldn’t tolerate the scandal involving Franz.

Especially as Karl’s partner, such conditions seemed like the worst of the worst. It was perfectly understandable.


As she pondered how to respond, Valerie’s cute babbling could be heard nearby.

“Poo, poo.”


Upon turning to the source of the sound, a cute baby with cheeks tinged red was unsteadily standing near the chair, grasping onto its legs. Lady Pulcheria’s eyes widened at the sight of Valerie.

“Why is Valerie alone here?”

She should be under Leev’s care.

Looking around, Leev emerged from the slightly ajar parlor door, apologizing for any disturbance caused by Valerie’s playful escapade from practicing her toddling. It seemed Valerie sneaked out unnoticed to have fun, avoiding Leev’s watchful eyes.

Finally finding Valerie and expressing relief, Leev belatedly realized Lady Pulcheria’s presence and deeply apologized, bowing as an apology for daring to disturb the conversation of esteemed individuals.

“Phew, Phoo, Poo-hoo.”

As Valerie reached out her hand while being held in Leev’s arms, her gesture of turning her face this way and extending her arms to shake hands seemed as though she had something to say to me.

“I am truly sorry.”

“Just a moment.”

However, I, unable to care for the child in front of Mrs. Pulcheria, signaled Leev to step aside, and Leev, holding Valerie, tried to go back the way we came. But Mrs. Pulcheria called out to stop them.

Remembering Mrs. Pulcheria’s reputation for placing great importance on basic manners and laws, Leev, fearing her wrath, tightly closed and then opened her eyes.

“Yes, ma’am…”

“What is the child’s name?”


“You mentioned Valerie earlier. Is the child’s name Valerie?”

“Yes. That’s correct, ma’am.”

Thinking that Leev would be scolded without a chance to speak, Mrs. Pulcheria called Leev to clarify Valerie’s name.

“If it’s alright, may I take a closer look at the child?”

This time, she sought permission from Valerie’s mother, Celeste. I readily nodded.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Leev approached with Valerie in her arms. Valerie, who usually shows displeasure or squirms when seeing strangers, surprisingly did not show any signs of discomfort today. Thinking it fortunate, I watched as Leev and Valerie slowly approached.

“Come here…”

Mrs. Pulcheria couldn’t take her eyes off Valerie. The sight of the child getting closer and even reaching out with both hands was truly unexpected.

When the Empress Dowager requests to hold a child, how could one refuse? Leev cautiously handed Valerie to Mrs. Pulcheria.

In the moment when Valerie thought she would burst into tears the moment she fell from Leev’s arms, unexpectedly, she quietly leaned on Mrs. Pulcheria.

“Oh, my goodness…”

Mrs. Pulcheria’s voice trembled slightly at the end. Did she hear wrong? This woman with a dagger-like countenance, trembling in her voice.

“If this child… then…”

Mrs. Pulcheria paused her words and took a deep breath. As she inhaled and exhaled, her shoulders rose significantly. She seemed like a person overwhelmed by emotion, unsure of what to do.

It seemed ridiculous to me. Why would someone who came to debate on an unfavorable topic be moved by the child, I wondered.

“So, we…”

No. What I had thought of as a possibility turned into reality. Mrs. Pulcheria’s voice was trembling noticeably, enough for anyone to hear. She was now so moved she couldn’t continue speaking. I don’t know what kind of emotion caused this.

“Our… Johann, the child.”

Who is Johann again? I quietly remembered that Karl’s full name was Karl Rudolf Johann Albrecht and in the novel, a select few people who were very close to Karl used the name Johann with affection.

“Oh, my goodness. My God.”

Was she pleased? It was difficult to follow Mrs. Pulcheria’s emotional fluctuations. I simply hoped to say something to comfort her.


“Ah, b-bu, fu, fufufu.”

It was a rhythmically fitting whimper as if responding to a call.


“Phew, phewphoo.”

Valerie curiously accepted the grandmother who looked at herself with excitement, laughing. While nestled in Pulcheria’s arms, she moved her small hands, lightly tapping her cheeks, and even pulling at the lace decorations of her dress.

“Say something, please.”

Mrs. Pulcheria, who had been calling Valerie’s name a couple of times, bit her lip. At first glance, it seemed as if she was smiling. It was as if she was trying to hold back tears.

It took quite some time to realize that it was indeed an act of holding back tears.

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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