Who is your dad?

As most noble families did, the Tooper family also followed the tradition of inheritance through the eldest son. Unable to inherit titles, the second and third sons of noble families usually married women from well-off households to live comfortable lives, or joined military schools to earn military positions and uphold the honor of nobility. However, the sons of the Tooper family could not pursue these paths.

The second son, resentful of the imperial inheritance system where the eldest son took everything, left home openly displaying his disdain. The third son, frail and unable to join the military, faced his own challenges.

That third son happens to be Laila’s father. After his elder brother inherited the title, all that remained for him was a mansion in the western region. Selling the mansion would somewhat resolve his financial issues, but the more pressing concern was his underlying illness.

Would marrying a noblewoman have improved his situation? However, no noble family was willing to marry their daughter to a weak man without a title.

In the end, he fell in love and married a nurse who occasionally visited the mansion to care for him. The fruit of that love was Laila.

With a weak father and a commoner mother, Laila seemed unlikely to have the strength to compete with the daughters of noble families like the Tecla Viscountess.

Though lacking material wealth, a charming woman often becomes an easy target for wealthier and more envious women. And that seemed to be the case now.

Unable to retort, Tecla, their faces flushed, finally noticed the ten noblewomen glaring at her and fidgeted as if contemplating what to say.

“Jealousy, you say? Viscountess, your choice of words is odd.”

“If not jealousy, then what? Is this not picking on people and causing trouble?”

“Are you picking a fight? Are you trying to attach such vulgar and uncultured emotions to me, who serves the royal family? Isn’t it necessary to dress appropriately when working in the presence of noble adults? That’s all I was trying to teach.”

“So, Tecla, on what grounds are you giving this lesson?”

I asked out of genuine curiosity. Even if Laila broke the etiquette, why does Tecla assume the right to scold her?

“Do you know that my aunt is the commander of the royal army, Primo’s Tecla?”

Who is Tecla? Hannah quickly whispered. She’s the commander of the royal army. Just below the general, like a number two. But among the many commanders beneath the three generals, she’s not someone with much authority or power.

“My aunt manages the royal knights and upholds discipline. Our family has long been entrusted with teaching etiquette to those who work at the palace. So, I believe I can offer some advice to Miss Tooper.”

What does that have to do with anything? It seemed like she was just finding any excuse to bother the pretty girl she didn’t like.

“Since it has been brought up, I must confess I misspoke.”

What? Tecla suddenly admitted her mistake. She’s not usually the type to admit fault and apologize so readily. Watching Tecla bow and offer her apology with a swaying fan made me suspicious.

“Could a viscount be the one to criticize and teach someone’s manners? I’ve asked an unreasonable request of someone who is not qualified for it.”

“What do you mean?”

“By asking a woman who bore a child out of wedlock about palace etiquette, I meant to say that I was foolish.”

Ah, it seemed like Tecla had changed her target from Laila to me. She seemed to be starting a full-on argument, trying to pick a fight. I chuckled. That damn taunting about unmarried mothers.

“You really speak without thinking, Lady Tecla.”

You’ve picked the wrong person. Celeste may have a difficult personality, but when it comes to having a bad temperament, I might just be second to none.

“It seems like you can’t stand seeing a woman who appears more beautiful than you, isn’t it, Lady Tecla?”

“W-what are you talking about?”

“It’s just that you’re struggling to find fault with something… It’s really unsightly to watch.”

She gets so angry with just a simple poke. If she can’t handle it well, why did she start an argument in the first place?

“Why would I be jealous of a tainted woman who bore a child out of wedlock, with no knowledge of who the father is?”

“Did you just call her tainted?”

“Look at this. She really knows how to make people angry. Wasn’t Tecla originally always sticking close to Celeste like a little tail, following her around without any purpose? I couldn’t understand why she was revealing her true colors and getting so worked up like her life depended on it.

“Your Grace!”

At that moment, a noble lady who had been watching the rare fight between Viscount Louisette and Viscountess Tecla let out a startled cry.

Your Grace? I turned my head in the direction of her gaze and saw a tall man appearing around the corner of the hallway.

It was Karl. I was quite taken aback to unexpectedly come across someone unexpected in this place. I thought he had left a while ago, so what was he doing here?

Indeed, the protagonist is the protagonist. The male protagonist who appears splendidly to save the female protagonist in distress at just the right moment. The timing was truly incredible.

“Your Grace, it is an honor to meet you.”

Tecla quickly covered her dress with her hand and curtsied to Karl. Following her lead, all the ladies also curtsied to Karl. I found myself nodding as well.

“At a time like this, in a place like this, so many of you are gathered here.”

Thinking he would just give a light greeting and move on, Karl approached closer and stopped. Unfortunately, he chose to stand right next to me, which made me uncomfortable.

“Your Grace, please accept my condolences for your great sorrow, and I offer words of comfort.”

“But why are all of you gathered here?”

“Oh, it seems Lady Pulcheria was greatly distressed, so I inquired about her well-being to Lady Tooper here.”

Look at that. She’s lying without even bothering to hide it. Is the first virtue a villain should possess adaptability and lying? These types of people have excellent wit and can come up with lies to cover each moment.

“I inquired about your well-being, Your Grace.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“But it seems that was not the case.”

“W-What do you mean?”

“You insulted my child and my fiancée, it’s unbearable.”

“…I’m sorry?”

Silence fell. Everyone seemed to be trying to understand the meaning behind Karl’s words, myself included.

What is this about? My child and my fiancée? Could he be referring to Laila as the fiancée, then who is the child? My mind was in confusion.

“What… What do you mean, Your Highness?”

“You have been disrespecting my fiancée, I cannot overlook it.”

“If you’re talking about the fiancée…”

“It’s a warning not to speak ill of Viscount Louisette.”

The Grand Duke, known for his noble character even towards inferiors, coldly issued a stern warning. The unfamiliar tone of the Grand Duke caused not only me but also all the noble ladies to pale in shock.

And immediately, sitting next to Karl, my face paled. Even without looking, I could tell. My face must be as pale as paper right now.

What is this man thinking? In my confusion, unable to say anything, Karl leaned in close to me.

“We were originally planning to hold the wedding sooner.”

Someone let out a gasp. They had caught on to the bombshell being dropped by the Grand Duke, who had suddenly appeared.

“We cannot hold any ceremonies during the mourning period, so we are waiting.”

“Y-Your, Your, Your Highness. Are you saying you are marrying Viscount Louisette…?”

Tecla’s voice shook as much as her hands. And my body, too, began to tremble. How did this situation turn out like this?

“This should have been said on an official podium, but I was afraid that, like you, people with noble status would start spouting all kinds of words.”

“Good heavens.”

“Once the mourning period is over, the wedding between Viscount Louisette and me will take place. The consequences of your actions today will be addressed later, so do not make reckless remarks and keep quiet.”

“Yes, yes! Your Highness!”

“I apologize, Your Highness. Please forgive me.”

Tecla fell to the ground as if collapsing. Just a moment ago, she had insulted the Grand Duke’s child, portraying the child as illegitimate.

Disparaging the royal bloodline was a grave crime equivalent to treason. Tecla, realizing that, trembled all over as if seized by a trembling aspen.

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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