Who is your dad?

The familiar sequence that had become so accustomed proceeded steadily.

The knights approached, holding Valeria, pricking her fingertip with a needle to draw a bit of blood, soothing the crying child afterward. Having all experienced this process at Urentum, they skipped unnecessary steps and moved swiftly.

However, there was one thing different from when the paternity test was first conducted.


“Oh my, goodness, our little lady.”

“Oh my word, who could have said our little lady was like that?”

“Our Valeria, there she goes. Oh my, she’s beautiful. Hush now, hush. It’s okay.”

“I’m here. Little lady, hush now, stop crying, hush.”

Apart from Kendrick, who was scrambling behind cluelessly handling the baby, the four of them were all frantically trying to comfort the child.

There were many people here who would look after Valeria, aside from me. As Valeria’s painful cry erupted, eight hands swiftly reached out to comfort the child.

It was chaotic, with everyone except Kendrick attempting to soothe the baby who was unfamiliar with handling infants.

Valeria, after looking at each face reaching out a hand to her, squirmed to go to Hannah, whom she recognized.

Even Leev, who had been cooing over Valeria’s adorable worried face, pouted and extended her lips in discontent as Valeria passed her by to go into Hannah’s arms. But soon, she resolved that she would become Valeria’s trusted confidante.

It seemed the Duke had little to do… It was a strange sight to see everyone riled up over caring for each other’s children.

“We need a drop of His Grace’s blood as well.”

Karl obediently extended his arm. A tall knight named Clovis swiftly extracted a few drops of blood from Karl and dropped them into a vial containing Valeria’s blood.

The blood of the two individuals was now mixed in the vial, and the results would be revealed within minutes.

I already knew the outcome, so this was more of a formal event for Karl to be officially recognized as Valeria’s father.

As everyone anxiously awaited the results, Mueller calmly approached and placed Lady Margaret’s wristwatch on the table next to the vial.

Tick, tock. Everyone, except me, focused intently on the vial. The loud chatter in the room disappeared, and the ticking of the clock grew louder. Tick, tock.

“The color of the potion…”

The potion mixed with the blood of the two individuals instantly turned a bright red, like fresh blood flowing from a wound.

Tick-tock, the hour hand continued to move briskly. The once entirely crimson liquid in the vial formed a whirlpool-like pattern with a white stripe. What is that, someone’s muffled exclamation briefly appeared and disappeared, and tick-tock, the hour hand moved again.

“It has changed!”

A simultaneous gasp escaped from the mouths of the people. Gasps filled with someone’s astonishment, and cries filled with someone’s ecstasy mingled together.

“A new color.”

The silence broke. People now began to buzz with excitement. Cecelia clasped his hands to his mouth, while Mrs. Margaret pulled a handkerchief from her bosom and pretended to wipe her eyes.

Kendrick placed his hand over his heart, his face filled with unending joy, and Leev jumped up and down in her seat.

“It has become transparent…!”

Karl Rudolf Johann Albrecht. It was the moment when the unmarried son of the noble Albrecht family, a paragon of upright living respected by all, was about to marry.


The curiosity was resolved on the way back. Though expressed simply as “resolved,” it actually revealed a tremendous secret.

The unmarried son of the noble Albrecht family, a paragon of upright living respected by all, turned out to be a father…

If even a hint of this story were to leak to the third-rate newspapers, it would make for prime gossip material, ripe for tearing apart.

Clovis recalled my past words. He jokingly teased, suggesting, “Are you the child’s father, the marquis’s dad?” He couldn’t be certain if Karl was indeed the father of the child born to the Marquis.

Was this a dream or a vision? In the face of an unbelievable truth, Clovis found himself uneasily watching Karl’s every move.

Having uncovered the curiosity, Clovis followed Karl out of the marquis’s residence and onto the carriage, ready to depart.

Although the servants at the marquis’s estate didn’t speak openly, their gazes towards Karl seemed to glow with joy, as if a ray of light had found its way to him.

Returning home as the newly single mother and faced with the frustration of not being able to find her lost companion due to amnesia, everything seemed resolved and they appeared relieved.

Their demeanor was a stark contrast from the astonishment and confusion engulfing the imperial investigators.

Clovis’s mind was tangled. He was not only the commander of the knights guarding Duke Albrecht, but also a close friend. He had worked harder than anyone to solidify his reputation and social standing, even rivaling siblings.

Given the sudden death of the Emperor, leaving the throne vacant, Clovis was particularly careful to prevent any unfavorable rumors from spreading.

Yes, the throne was vacant. Maximilian, Karl’s young cousin, now the late emperor, had met an inexplicable death. This meant a new emperor needed to emerge swiftly.

At only 14 years of age, it seems unlikely that Maximilian has descendants. The current archdukes are natural contenders for the next Emperor. Among them, the most likely candidate was, of course, their relative, Archduke Albrecht. While considering the lineage of past emperors, Duke Toskur could also be a potential candidate, but in terms of personal character and capabilities, he was no match for Karl.

Without any personal accomplishments to speak of besides inheriting the emperor’s bloodline, how could he even think of challenging our lord with no merit of his own? In terms of family lineage alone, Archduke Albrecht was the rightful heir to the imperial throne. Franz was a child of the government, never meant to be part of the royal family until the previous emperor graciously accepted him as a prince due to his mother’s status.

As a non-royal child of the empress, Franz could not inherit the surname of the Albrecht dynasty. Despite receiving the title of archduke upon reaching adulthood, he still had to inherit a different surname, hence why he was known as Toskur, not Albrecht.

Moreover, considering how tumultuous his private life was, it was evident that if such a person were to ascend the throne, it would only result in confusion, with unknown infants claiming to be the offspring of the emperor appearing from all corners of the empire.

If everything proceeded smoothly, the throne would naturally belong to Karl. At least Clovis and his supporters thought so. Those nobles who could not align themselves with Karl, as well as those with vested interests in the industries inherited by Duke Toskur from the previous emperor, were the only ones hoping for Franz’s coronation.

Yet, in such unstable times, suddenly becoming a father was unexpected, especially when the mother is the Countess Louisette.

The fact that she was involved with Count Louisette, the wealthiest and quite influential family in the empire, wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Yet, the problem lay in the Count’s unfortunate entanglement with Franz and the past rumors that surrounded him.

If this truth were to be published in the newspaper and made known to the public, it was difficult to predict the aftermath that would follow.

“Your Highness.”

Is she thinking similarly? Karl directed his gaze out the window as they headed toward the ducal estate.

“What do you plan to do?”

It was a truly cautious question. He knew she was no shrinking violet when it came to her lineage, but considering the circumstances…

“What do you mean by that?”

“Are you referring to the current cases you are handling, seeking my opinion on the vacant throne, or asking about how to resolve this unmarried situation?”

“Of course, I…”

Isn’t this the end, Your Highness! Clovis’ expression suddenly became resolute.

“It’s not like you to ask questions that already have answers, Clovis.”

“If it’s a question with an already determined answer?”

His expression seemed to question why she would even ask such a thing. Looking incredulous, his forehead creased, and the corners of his eyebrows dipped. Clovis let out a sigh.

“At this critical juncture when discussing the next throne, it’s hard to fathom how devastating such a scandal could be. It’s indeed a cause for concern.”

“I’ve heard that saying.”

“What saying… what do you mean?”

“In crisis lies opportunity.”

“In crisis lies opportunity.” Though a simple phrase, within it Clovis could discern a glimpse of Karl’s thoughts.

To turn a potentially fatal scandal into favorable public opinion only requires a shift in perspective among those viewing the same issue. If one cannot undo what has already transpired, then the key lies in how well it is packaged and presented.

From a seemingly irresponsible man who impregnated before marriage, to a prince with a cool exterior but a passionate, fiery heart. A man who confidently takes responsibility for his choices. The child not a product of a moment’s impulse, but a result of intense love.

It was a moment that called for a convincing packaging.

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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